Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

532 ratings
Spilled Beans
By Fames
Info dump of things I've found out about in the past.
Name's Fames. I've been using SFM since April 2015.

I've worked on a "major" few things in the past, including Leak!, which won the Best Extended category in 2018.

A lot of people have been asking me to spill my beans of knowledge.

I expect you to have basic knowledge of how to use/navigate SFM, including the Element Viewer.
0.1 Radius Lights
A lot of people already know about this, but it's still not enough.

So what is radius?

Have you ever noticed how shadows get fuzzier if they get casted by a big light source?
SFMs lights are so called "point-lights", meaning that they are an infinitely small point casting light in 1 direction. This causes shadows to be sharp. Now you might say "But Fames, can't you just turn up shadowFilterSize?", which I reply to with "Absolutely the ♥♥♥♥ not."

So what does radius do, and where do you even find it?

Select the light in the Animation Set Editor and increase the radius slider.
0 radius, 0.005 shadowFilterSize
0.25 radius, 0.005 shadowFilterSize
As you can see, the shadows get softer eventhough I didn't increase the shadowFilterSize at all.
Radius gives lights a radius (duh). Have you ever noticed how small LEDs cast sharp shadows but light reflected from a wall casts very soft shadows? Radius basically turns your light into that wall.
Not a single light in the real world is a single point, so just give every light in your scene some radius. It doesn't have to be much.

I personally tend to give my fill lights a huge radius (100+, usually around 250 depending on the distance).
Just play around with it and see what it does, you're better of learning things if you actually use them.

Note: Radius only becomes visible if you render an image or let it preview in the Clip Editor!

0.2 Uberlight
(No, this is not used for an ubercharge)

Have you ever wondered what these sliders do?
An Uberlight lets you figure these things out!

But how do you enable it?
Simple as that. You can also just use my script for this.

Now I'm gonna be honest with you, you're probably only going to use width and height so let me show you those 2.
I remapped the sliders to make it easier to demonstrate.
Again, just play around with it.
0.3 Glowing Eyes
Now that you know about uberlights, I can tell you about glowing eyes.

In a few of my recent posters I had glowing eyes.

I didn't use any fancy materials or multiple lights for this.
For some reason source only lights up the eyes if you set the roundness of an uberlight to -1.
0.4 Negative shadowDepthBias
It's a gimmick, honestly.
I've started using it recently and it's a quick and relatively easy way to get some rim lines going.

0.5 Negative Intensity
Simple as that.
This does work with volumetrics, too.
0.6 Ambient Occlusion Lights
I don't use AO anymore, but some people still do.
You can change the intensity of AO with a light.

I recommend using my script for this, but you can also just change it in the Element Viewer.
0.7 Gobo Textures
Lights in SFM are just a projected texture, so why not change it up a little?

This texture can be any texture you want. Useful for things like projectors.

SFM likes to crash a lot when changing a light's texture, so be careful
1.1 Ambient Occlusion Tint
As you all know, AO's normal color is black. I hate it.
But did you know that you can color it?

I used my script[] in this example, but you can use the Element Viewer for it.
1.2 Bloom Width
Most people don't use SFMs bloom, but this exists nonetheless.

Again, I used my script for this, but the same can be achieved in the Element Viewer.
2.1 Emissiveblend
In my recent posters I used a material effect called $emissiveblend.
If you're familiar with $selfillum, this one should be pretty easy to understand.

"$emissiveBlendEnabled" "1" "$emissiveBlendTexture" "dev/null" "$emissiveBlendBaseTexture" "TEXTURE" "$emissiveBlendFlowTexture" "dev/null" "$emissiveBlendTint" "[1 1 1]" "$emissiveBlendStrength" "1" "$emissiveBlendScrollVector" "[0.0]"
Adding those lines to a VMT will make the material glow. "$emissiveBlendBaseTexture" defines the texture used for the glow effect. Depending on your style, this can either be a black/white texture or a colored one. Similar to lights, it can be tinted with "$emissiveBlendTint". I recommend using a material override for the tint and using a color operator.

The hands, the heart and the ears used a emissiveblend setup.
End (for now)
This is all I have to share for now.
I will probably update this in the future.

Thanks for reading, I hope this helped some people.
Sanches 15 Jun, 2024 @ 6:28am 
Regarding using uberlamps to light up the eyes. Is it possible to have them light up iris only?
Popsie 20 Dec, 2023 @ 7:09pm 
okay thought this was gonna be a meme i'ma save this for later since it's actually helpful
SnowDrift 13 Aug, 2022 @ 4:05am 
The glowing eyes looks amazing, but doing that simple 2 step didnt work for me. Any help pls?
unblueable 18 Jul, 2022 @ 8:07am 
Bitch Bread 17 Jul, 2022 @ 9:16am 
2.1 is pretty unclear! Could someone please link some help?
JacopoFreddy 13 Mar, 2022 @ 1:32pm 
Legoguy9875 7 Nov, 2021 @ 2:04pm 
I've probably learned more about lights in this one guide than I have over the 10,000 hours I've spent using SFM. Parts 3 and 4 will be especially helpful for me, thank you for making this
NorthPolar 6 Sep, 2021 @ 12:47am 
(EDIT: When searching for a gobo texture through the popup window, SFM loads every vtf file for the user to preview, like a model)
NorthPolar 6 Sep, 2021 @ 12:46am 
Regarding 0.7, the reason SFM likes to crash so much is because it is loading EVERY vtf file you have loaded onto SFM. This can result in a crash, stating "Out of key string space". Basically, its running out of memory to load all of the vtf files. There IS a way to avoid crashing, however

If you were to put the location of the gobo texture in something like a text file for late reference, you can open up the light in the element viewer and swap the default (effects\gobo_radial.vtf) for whatever you'd like! The obvious downside is the loss of a preview window, but Id prefer that to SFM inevitably crashing.

hope this helps ._.
sergeant balls 10 Jun, 2021 @ 7:11am 
Thank youuu! :medicon: