37 ratings
Explanation Final Fantasy x
By LittleNyu
A explanation (From my few) for the Final Fantasy x game. The story is a bit complicated, so I made this to help you understand.
The game doesn't explain everything, there is more to the eye.
Warning! Spoilers!
This is a explanation for the Final Fantasy x game. If you haven’t played it yet, then this is a warning. This also explains the short “Eternal calm” clip. THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Tidus and his past

At the beginning we see 17 year old Tidus (the playable character) on his way, to play blitzball at the Memorial tournament. This tournament has been organized, to honor Jecht (the father of Tidus).
Jecht is known, to be the best blitzball player of all time and has gone missing 10 years ago (I go later back on that). Tidus (7 years old back then) hates his father, for leaving his mother (and him, but he doesn’t admit that) and for always being so negative to him (Calling him crybaby and say he won’t be as good as him). His mother never gave up on waiting for Jecht, what made Tidus hate his father more. He tells his mother he hates him, that she response with “you need to tell him that”.
Tidus mother died a year after Jecht is missing by a sickness, leaving him an orphan.
Auron, a good friend of Jecht, becomes Tidus caretaker. In order to proof he is better than his father, Tidus becomes a prof blitzballplayer.
Starting the game

Tidus became a rising star in Blitzball and is the leader of the Zanarkand abes.
If you pay good attention, then you see that the logo of the club is on his pants, necklace and earing.
At the tournament, the city gets destroyed by Sin (Machina war). Auron takes Tidus to Sin (Tidus father), so that Sin can take Tidus (and Auron) with him a 1000 years into in the future? Later back on that. Tidus wakes up at Baaj temple (This is an important location, so I go later back on it).
He learns from Rikku about Spira, Yevon, Al’bed, Sin and Zanarkand.
Tidus doesn’t want to believe her and keeps having the hope, that the Zanarkand he knows still exists. As soon as he hears all this, Sin again takes him to a different place (Besaid island).
Tidus hears there the same story as Rikku told (from Wakka), still hardheaded Tidus doesn’t want to believe it.
What happened in those 1000 years.

Allow me to explain, what happened in those 1000 years.
After Sin’s attack on Zanarkand, the city got destroyed. After that time, Sin stayed on the world and destroyed other cities. Like in our world (earth), a 1000 years changed a lot.
Some land has been taken by the sea and some new lands came. The flora and fauna developed/evolved. New human like species came (Ronzo, Guado, Hypello, enz.)
Right after the attack on Zanarkand (known as the Machina war), people started to believe in Yevon and the Fayth thanks to Yunalesca (I go later back to her). Yevon is a religion, that thinks that Sin became as a sin for people using machina (Dead wrong, I go in the end back on it).
Machina stands for powerful machines (mostly war) and is forbidden by Yevon.
The Fayth are people, who gave their spirit to Yevon (the people who are trapped in the wall on the way to Zanarkand. In the temples are the ones to summon a Aeon). They did this, in order for the summoners to use magic and summon Aeons (they gave their life freely). A Aeon is a beast, that is made from a dream/hope of a Fayth (someone who gave his/her life to Yevon). The hymn of the fayth is a prayer, to honor the Fayth.
People who strongly believe in the Fayth (hours/days of praying), are able to obtain a Aeon and become a summoner. People who strongly believe in Yevon, but are unable to summon a Aeon are able to use magic (like Lulu). The Al’bed are humans, that are against Yevon and use magina.
They have their own language and are hated by Yevon.
Yuna, Braska, Auron and the Farplane
Tidus goes to the temple of Besaid and meets the 17 year old Yuna. Yuna is the daughter of high summoner Braska. A High summoner is someone who defeated Sin, by summoning the final Aeon, that they get in Zanarkand (later back to that). When a summoner defeats Sin, he/she brings the calm. The calm, is a time withought Sin. The calm is not time specific! Some last 400 years, others 100 and Braska’s took 10 years. If you payed good attention you notice, that The calm every time become shorter and shorter (you read this in my other guide).
Braska died 10 years ago, by summoning the final Aeon (later back on that).
By honoring her father, Yuna decided to become a summoner. In order to obtain the final Aeon Yuna needs to go pray at different temples, to get the other Aeons and to end in Zanarkand (Pilgrimage). Tidus decides to be her guardian (bodyguard), because they go to Zanarkand.

On the boat to Kilika Tidus hears from Yuna, that Jecht was Braska’s guardian.
This gives Tidus more hope, that Zanarkand isn’t a ruin like everyone says.
Kilika is destroyed by Sin and for the people that died, Yuna performs a sending.
A sending is a dance performed by a summoner, to send their spirit to the Farplane, If they don’t perform a sending, then their spirit (pyreflies) becomes a fiend (monster) or a unsent.
A unsent is a still living spirit (ghost), who has a strong will to stay in this world (like a unfinished task). Spirits who gets send or fiends who get defeated, get send to the Farplane.
The Farplane is a door to the underworld (to the dead). Spirits aren’t able to exit the Farplane, but the living are able to go in and out. If a Living being enters the Farplane and thinks about someone who passed away. The person they think of then shows before them (only a memory, not the exual spirit itself), but the spirit (memory of that persons appearence) can’t touch or speak.

When the party is in Luca, they find Auron again. Auron joins as a guardian, beceause Yuna has very high respect for him. Auron wanted to become a guardian, beceause he promissed Braska to protect her. When Auron was 25 years old, he was a warrior monk in Bevelle.
He was good friends with Kinoc (a Maester of Yevon) and had a high chance, to become a Maester himself. In Bevelle Auron met Braska who asked, if Auron wants to be his guardian. Auron accepts this and helped Braska bring The calm.

In Luca Yuna also meets Seymour. Seymour is a summoner, who is half human (moms side) and half Guado (fathers side). He is the leader of the Guado and 1 of the Maesters.
It is forbidden to the Guado to blend species (Guado can only be with Guado).
Because of this, Seymour (8 years old) and his mother needed to flee. The have fled to Baaj for 2 years. His mother then decided, to become a Fayth and they go to Zanarkand.
She succeeds to become a Aeon (anima) and Seymour becomes a summoner, who is able to use her. Seymour stays at Baaj, untill he is 18, then he goes to Guadosalam to become a priest.
1 year later he becomes a Maester thanks to Maester Mika, to support hybrids (mixed species).
7 years after being a Maester he transport his mother to Baaj temple.
2 weeks before Tidus arrived in Spira, Seymour becomes leader of the Guado by his father’s dead.
The journey and other stuff

When the party is about to leave Luca Tidus made a very important promise to Yuna.
Whenever Yuna needs him, al she needed to do is whistle. Yuna reveals a secret to Tidus.
She has learned herself to smile, even in sad times. Yuna has always been sad to lost her father, but because people were happy, she learnt herself to be happy too.
Tidus understands her, because his father is also famous. Lots of fights and walking later, they get to Rin’s travel agency. Yuna records there her final thank you to everyone, where Yuna slowly realize she likes Tidus. Almost at the end on Mt. Gagazet you see this sphere (recording).

Almost at Djose temple they meet Kinoc and follow him to a military base.
The military are planning to use magina (what is against Yevon) to defeat Sin.
This whole operation is called “Operation Mi'ihen”. As you know this goes terrible wrong, with many people dieing. When they get to the Moonflow, they go on a shoopuf (an elephant like creature) across the lake. Halfway on the lake they get attacked by the Al’bed, who try to kidnap Yuna.
They find later the attacking Al’bed in the water on shore. The Al’bed is Rikku and Yuna desides to make her a guardian (after a private talk). Yuna decides to keep Rikku being a Al’bed, a secret for Wakka (Who is a strong Yevon believer).

They all arrive in Guadosalam and Seymour invite Yuna at his place.
He shows a sphere of Yunalesca (who lived a 1000 years ago) and Zanarkand from that time (the Zanarkand Tidus knows). Yunalesca is known to be the first summoner and bringer of the first Calm. She lived a 1000 ears ago in Zanarkand and escaped Sin (Machina war).
She brought after this the Fayth, Yevon and Aeons into the Spira. Seymour asks Yuna to marry him. Yuna doesn’t know, what to do and decides to ask her parents for help in the Farplane .
When Yuna is about to leave the Farplane a spirit (Seymour’s father) try to follow her.
She sends him back to the Farplane, and the spirit drops a sphere (A item he held right before his dead and was important to him). Yuna tries to talk to Seymour, but Seymour already left Guadosalam.

Rikku gets scared by the thunder at the Thunderplains and they decide to rest at a travel agency. Tidus there sees the sphere, that was dropped in the Farplane. The sphere was about, Seymour killing his father. Tidus confronts Yuna about this and even though Yuna knows, she decides to marry him (under the condition, that she continues her pilgrimage). Tidus decides not to go further about it, even though he is starting to like Yuna. Arrive at an ice lake (Lake Macalania), where they again get attacked by Al’bed. Rikku tries to talk to the Al’bed (revealing to Wakka that she is a Al’bed) to stop kidnapping Yuna. Yuna runs towards the temple, while her guardians fight the Al’bed. When everyone is inside the temple, Yuna tells them she has obtained the Aeon.
The group gets to hear about the murder sphere and decides to confront Seymour, before Yuna is planning to marry him. Seymour arrives at the temple and they confront him with the sphere. Seymour admits everything and they start fighting. Seymour dies, but his spirit stays alive (he becomes a unsent). Yuna tries to send him, but gets chased away by the Guado army.
The party ends up falling down the ice.

Not much time later they get caught by Sin and wake up at Bikanel island. Bikanel island is where the Al’bed live. Rikku knew that Yuna was caught by the Al’bed, because the island is only populated by the Al’bed. They go to the city and find it under attack by the Guado.
They go inside the city and find the missing summoners except Yuna.
Tidus hears then about the final summoning and why the Al’bed kidnaps summoners.
The summoner dies when they summon the final Aeon, the Aeon takes their life in order to beat Sin. The Al’bed don’t want anybody to die, because Sin comes back later (they see their deaths as for nothing). Tidus gets angry, that nobody told him this and feels guilty against Yuna.
He makes a promise, that they will beat Sin with Yuna staying alive.
Beceause the whole city is about to explode, they go into a airship and escape.
The captain of the airship is Rikku’s father (Yuna’s uncle from her mother’s side) and the pilot is Rikku’s brother, Brother (that is really his name).

While in the airship they hear about the wedding ceremony of Yuna and Seymour in Bevelle (the main capital of Spira). They all decide to crash the party and save Yuna, sadly they get overpowered and Yuna ends up marring/kissing Seymour (otherwise the others would die).
Now that Yuna is Seymours wife, Seymour decides to kill her guardians.
Yuna falls of the roof in order to let them escape. They all meet up at the temple of Bevelle, where Yuna obtains her next Aeon. When they try to get out of the temple, they get arrested and put to trail. They are found guilty of treason and are branded traitors (for killing Seymour and being with a Al’bed) of Yevon. Yuna explains to the high maester Mika that Seymour is a unsent (ghost), but finds out that the high maester himself is a unsent. They are all put in the dungeon, but later escape and run away to Macalania woods.

In Macalania Yuna lost her faith/trust in Yevon (Maester’s being unsent and Seymour killing his father, while everyone is fine with that) and doesn’t know what to do anymore.
She decides she wants to go alone and goes to the lake/spring.
Tidus search for her and try to comfort her. He tells her, that he knows about the final summon and apologize for not knowing, that she would die at the end of the pilgrimage.
He tries to get her to quit her pilgrimage and tells her, that she can do what she wants to.
Yuna is happy to hear that he cares about her, but she still wants to continue her pilgrimage.
Loss of words and trying to comfort her he kisses her.
Tidus knows he can’t talk her out of the pilgrimage, so he promised her he will always stay by her side (Very very very important). They both go back to the party, where Auron later takes Tidus alone back to the lake. He tells Tidus, that Jecht is Sin. Tidus decides to keep this a secret, because he doesn’t believe it and doesn’t want to hurt Yuna.

The story about Jecht:
10 Years ago Jecht was off to a training. Sin caught hem and just like Tidus, Jecht was send 1000 years into the future. He was washed ashore in Bevelle and didn’t know where he was and what happened. Everyone sees Jecht as a drunk/crazy and dangerous person, so they looked Jecht up in a cell. Braska visits his cell to ask him about Zanarkand and offers him to join his pilgrimage.
A short time they stay in Bevelle and Yuna meets Jecht, before the 3 (Braska, Auron and Jecht) take off to go on the pilgimage. The equal route they have gone, I don’t know (couldn’t find either).
Jecht recorded their journey to show them later to his wife and Tidus. At some point on their journey, Jecht wounds a Shoopuf (he thought it was a fiend). After that Jecht promised to only drink Shoopufmilk as a apology towards the animal. At the end of the journey in Zanarkand, Jecht gives his live away and becomes Sin (later I go back on that).
Calm lands
They journey much further and end up in the Calm lands. Everytime a summoner fights Sin they fight on the Calm lands. On the east side of the Calm lands, there is the Remiem Temple.
The temple is guarded by the unsent summoner Belgemine. Belgemine is a summoner, that died a long time ago during her pilgrimage. On the north side of the Calm lands there is the The Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. It is a big maze made to prevent summoners, to obtain the Aeon (most powerful in the game). Behind the Calm lands there is Mt. Gagazet, where Kimahri comes from.
On the mountain Yuna discoves that Jecht is Sin.

The story about Kimahri:
10 years ago Kimahri got in a fight with Biran. In this fight Kimahri lost his horn, which will never grow back. Decreased about losing his horn, Kimahri goes towards Bevelle.
On his way he finds a wounded Auron, who is on his way back to Bevelle.
Auron asks Kimahri, to take care of Yuna and take her to Besaid. Kimahri fulfil his dying wish (he died after meeting Kimahri) and stays by Yuna’s side.
Final Aeon
After Mt. Gagazet ,they get to the wall of the Fayth (the people trapped in the wall) with the dream of the fayth (the big bubble). Tidus passes out and the Fayth tells him he is a dream (I go back later on that) and that when Sin dies, he disappears.

They see the ruined Zanarkand and Tidus finally accepts, that the Zanarkand he knew is gone.
Inside Zanarkand they meet Yunalesca (who should be over 1000 years old now).
They all understand, that Yunalesca is a unsent. Yunalesca tell them, about the final Aeon.
The final Aeon is a human that is sacrificed by the summoner (the human becomes the Aeon).
The human needs to be in a close relationship with the summoner (like a friend/lover/familie).
The stronger the bond, the stronger the Aeon. Yunalesca sacrificed her husband in order to bring the first calm. After she summoned the Final Aeon she died, but she stayed in the world to pass on the information to summon the Final Aeon. She also tells the group, that the final Aeon becomes the next Sin. Braska used Jecht as his final Aeon, that is how he became Sin.
Yuna says Yevon is false and that the sacrifice is a cycle of death (Sin every time gets reborn and in order to kill it, you need to become it). Yuna says she won’t do the final summon and give people false hope on no Sin. She sends Yunalesca to the Farplane.

Story of Yunalesca:
Yunalesca lived in Zanarkand 1000 years ago with her husband and father named Yu Yevon.
Her father was leader of Zanarkand and a very powerful summoner (the official first summoner).
He learned Yunalesca all he knows and trusted her with a very important task (later back on this after explaining Sin/Yu Yevon).
Sin and Yu Yevon

The story about Sin/Yu Yevon:
Zanarkand was in a war with Bevelle 1000 years ago. Bevelle at that time had a lot of magina and was about to win the war. To prevent Zanarkand from being destroyed, Yu Yevon transformed himself as the heart/brains of Sin (the big bug like thing in Sin), that would always survive inside the next Sin. He made Sin from citizens spirits who believed he would save Zanarkand.
He gave Sin 1 objective “Destroy all magina and big cities”. Now comes the complicated part.
You see that Sin destroyed Zanarkand 1000 years ago right? Well… partly correct.

Yu Yevon made a copy of Zanarkand (a dream Zanarkand. The Zanarkand Tidus knows) inside Sin, before he destroyed the real Zanarkand. Confusing right, so let’s make it easier.
Yu Yevon wanted to save the people inside Zanarkand from being harmed.
By putting a spell over the city, he caught the spirits of the people and put them in a new Zanarkand (dream Zanarkand) that he made inside Sin. After that he destroyed the real Zanarkand and spread fear all over Spira. The people (dreams) inside only know the new Zanarkand (no Spira only their city), that is surrounded by ocean. Sin itself is as big shield/protector protecting dream Zanarkand from the real word (spira). The dreams (people) live a normal life in piece (born, live and die). Ones in a few years Sin/Yu Yevon observe the dream Zanarkand inside the ocean.
Jecht (who is also a dream) has seen Sin do this and Sin banished him to the real world (Spira).
A bit more clear huh. Let’s go further. Tidus has been born in the dream Zanarkand (which makes him a dream too) and lives further withought knowing his father is the new Sin (Shield of dream Zanarkand). Because Auron is a unsent, Auron is able to travel though Sin (thanks to Jecht) to dream Zanarkand. He helped raising Tidus, until Jecht thinks it’s time for him, to leave the dream Zanarkand (that Jecht right away destroys out of anger, that everything is a lie) and go into Spira. So Tidus en Auron didn't timedive, just dive into the real world from a dream one.
Jecht wanted Tidus to be the one freeing him from being Sin, because he loves his son and wants him to know the truth. He didn’t want to leave Tidus and wanted to see him and apologize.

Now back to Yunalesca. Yu Yevon informed his daughter about him creating/becoming Sin, his plans and asked her to go to Bevelle. While Yunalesca is in Bevelle, her father destroyed Zanarkand and made the dream Zanarkand. Bevelle was in shock, that a big beast destroyed Zanarkand and started fearing Sin. Yunalesca told Bevelle, she knows how to control Sin.
They introduced the believe Yevon. She made everyone believe, that Sin appeared out of nowhere because of magina. Fearing for Sin they did what Yunalesca said and started making Yevon temples, made the Fayth of the hymm and made the sign of victory (Always used in Zanarkand) into the sign of believe/greeting. As planned, Yunalesca destroyes Sin with the final Aeon to bring the first Calm. This made people believe in Yevon more and made Sin a circle of order/destruction. Sin and the believe in Yevon is good and bad at the same time. Sin is made by good intentions, but Sin is very destructive. Yevon keeps order so that people don’t kill each other, but it is false (like Yuna said) because people don’t know the truth.
Defeating Sin (dreams and Aeons disappear)

After sending Yunalesca, they are picked up by Cid's airship and Yuna meets her uncle for the first time. They returns to Bevelle, where they tell the plan to defeat Sin forever.
Jecht always liked the Hymn of the Fayth. Tidus is sure, that his father would hear it and that he would gain a bit control. It works and they go inside Sin (remember Sin is only a armor).
Deep inside the core, they find Jecht. Tidus holds his promise that he made with his mother, by telling that he hates his father. Defeating Jecht in final Aeon form, made Yu Yevon come out.
In order for Yu Yevon’s final form to appear, Yuna had to make sure all Aeons were unable for Yu Yevon to take over (preventing them to become the next Sin). After no Aons were left Yu Yevon appeared and they defeated Sin forever (hahaha nope, I come back to that on another guide/explanation). Because Yu Yevon died, dream Zanarkand vanished. This means every dream (people like Tidus), Fayth and Aeon disappears to the Farplane.
Eternal Calm
The explanation of the ending scene:
2 years after defeating Sin, Yuna (now High summoner because she defeated Sin) stands on the dock of Luca. She whistles in the hope that Tidus comes (just as he promised to her).
After 2 years she still loves him deeply and miss him a lot (very important! I explain in next guide).
Lulu come get her to go to the stadium. Yuna there speaks to the people of Spira.
They need to stay strong, be in peace, and rebuild their home. She concludes that the people who died, as well as the dreams that have faded, should never be forgotten (VERY IMPORTANT IN NEXT GUIDE!!!).
The explanation of the Eternal calm:
Yuna is on Besaid and practice holding her breath underwater. This she does, so that she can play blitzball. She gets everytime visits from people all over Spira. Some want advice others have a request. Now that she is the only living high summoner, she is always busy. Rikku, says that Yuna needs to do what she wants and show her the sphere.This ancient sphere contains recording of someone, who looks like Tidus jailed in Bevelle. Yuna desides to join Rikku's sphere hunting group in order to search for him. And that is the beginning of Final fantasy x-2
Thank you
I know it’s a lot to read, but I couldn’t make it shorter (also sorry if my English isn’t great).
I want to let you know everything (that I know and think) about Final Fantasy X. I’m a big Final Fantasy fan and Final Fantasy X is one of their games, I like the most (I have played it 10 years ago and still love it). I’m planning to make a guide on ever Final Fantasy game, because the story (game) is so much more if you look more into it. Everyone sees and experience the game diffent, respect that. Thank you for reading <3

dedezin 12 Sep @ 6:00am 
Palouki LoOK 10 Jan, 2021 @ 7:11pm 
good job man!
MiniG 31 Dec, 2019 @ 3:18pm 
Thanks, this explanation made a lot of things more clear