

Nedostatek hodnocení
Size 10 Dual-bore Cannon
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Type of Build: Turret
Velikost souboru
49.518 KB
16. dub. 2019 v 20.36
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit

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Size 10 Dual-bore Cannon

Built to fit the top and bottom "towers" of the Vespree. Not exactly what i had in mind, but I can't seem to find a picture of the Flair cannons that go there. As such, I'll likely be building a few more "versions" here or there until i either sit down and draw one i like or get lucky and make one in the game that looks good enough. For now however, this will do.

Also will likely stick to building turrets at maximum scale (10) as it's easier to downsize the things rather than to upsize them.