Tower Unite

Tower Unite

55 평점
Cry Of Fear | Sawrunner
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Player Models: Video Games
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4.365 MB
2019년 4월 16일 오전 10시 49분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)

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Cry Of Fear | Sawrunner

Sawrunner is a chainsaw wielding psychopath whose face is covered with three theater masks, disguising his real face. He is encountered many times in Cry of Fear, being the "most dangerous" enemy to face.

Credits: Team Psykskallar
댓글 3
Coda 2021년 8월 23일 오전 12시 30분 
i love cry of fear so much, everything is in tower unite, except for the taller, and the faster :(
love this model though
~LittleDeath~ 2019년 5월 7일 오후 12시 13분 
OMG love <3
VahidSlayerOfAll 2019년 4월 16일 오후 3시 20분 
would you like amm or FMMMMMMMMMMM