Primal Carnage: Extinction

Primal Carnage: Extinction

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Dimus explained.
By Aggro Stego.
the guide is to explain the Dimus.

and nothing too do with Primal Carnage and Primal Carnage Extinction

The Dimus.

a Bloodline born from the demonic God and Goddess of Beasts and Monsters. Typhon and Echidna.

born in the underworld realm of hell known as Nigeros. the Dimus where monsters of certain emotions and actions. Each resembles a large ghostly soul. with colours of which emotion or actions it resembles in its eyes.

while monsters at that. The Dimus where the beasts of combat. conquering sectors and areas from the Universe sized landscape of hell. Kingdoms fall. Vales doomed to destruction.

with berserker strength. and never ending suffering they inflict on their enemy. some more powerful then others.
fro m strength speed and endurance, and the stamina it gains. the Dimus where the most feared in hell .

having the abilitie too possess certain individuals. if it was their hosts or not. too fight for them or commit suicide.

Dimus Host if mixed with Ramarak could shape shift into giant nigh indestructible monsters. This power on the othe rhand, cna be supressed into their hosts, AKA Primal Being.

other then that. they do not have anymore powers or abilities ..

If the Dimus has a host. alongside transformation. they can create clones for them to team up and fight their foes.
Old First.
Young Last.
Weakest First.
Strongest Last.


Give eternal pain and suffering too its victims. Torturing and butchering its victims with gory intent.
Only too eat her victims alive in the hallows of death. awaiting them.

Eye Colour:Brown.


Illusions and hallucinations confuse the eye of its victims. making them see the horrors that one or others wish never to see. playing mind games and stealing souls. Laying traps everywhere he goes.
Eye Colour:White.


Greed and desire he uses. if not granted too him. Punishment too its victims. through endless mind shaking pain. too get what he wants. Most of them too pleasure his life and too consume anything in sight.

Eye Colour:Yellow.


scaring its victims to eternal fear. rushing their anxiety through their body. She makes her victims see the world different. a scary and unsafe place. Filling its victims with their worse fears too real life agony along with hallucinations.

Eye Colour:Black.


shaming his victims for the sins they commit. He guilt his victims for all bad things they have done. To the ones they love and hate. The pain hurts. Hurting them to suicide. and mental suffering.

Eye Colour:Green.


Sadness and annoyance fills her victims to isolation. forbidding her victims to cooperate with others. to expose sadness in her victims. And block out happy emotions.

Eye Colour:Blue.


spreading his carnage of evil to his victims. Making them do sadistic and sick things to loved and hated ones. Suicide,Rape,Murder and Torture. Taking the joy of all sinful and Evil ways.

Eye Colour:Orange.
"Aku no"


Rage and fury spreading too his victims alongside his corruption. ever growing strength building by anger. destruction for everywhere he goes. His victims feel the hate,rage,anger. His destruction is relentless.

Eye Colour:Red

Aggro Stego.  [author] 15 Apr, 2019 @ 12:52pm 
??:Legend has it. 3 hosts where chosen for the 3 Dimus that got out. casting a curse on 3 humans of their native Universe.
Blossom:"so Corey and Julie where chosen?. but who's the third?.
??:"i believe you already met him.
beneaththebrine 15 Apr, 2019 @ 4:53am 
Nice storytelling! This would make a really good book or comic!