Metro 2033
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Metro 2033 Moral Points Guide
Fritz Derochebrune tarafından
A guide on how to earn moral points to get the 'good' ending.
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Being a fan of the Moral tasks guide made for Metro Last Light by Crossbone, Stone and Kennyist, I was looking for a similar guide for Metro 2033. I was surprised to find there was no such thing, so I decided to make one myself.

This guide contains spoilers.

Moral points are earned by discovering places, talking to people and doing certain actions. If Artyom earns enough of these moral points during the game, the player will get the 'good ending'. There is no exact number on how many moral points that are needed. Be careful though, as some actions earn negative moral points!

When earning a positive moral point, the screen will become a bit lighter for a second, and you'll hear some whispering. When earning a negative moral point, the screen will become greyish for a second.

This guide is not a complete work. Although I try hard to ensure the guide is as complete as possible, there will be moral points and negative moral points that I have missed. Feel free to add a comment if you've found a point that is not described in this guide. I'll check it out and add it.

One last thing: English is not my native tongue, so please forgive any grammatical errors (except of course, if you're a citizen of the Reich!).

20th March 2021 update: Thank you for your continued support of this guide. I hope it has helped many of you get the 'good ending'. It has been quite some years since I made this guide and eversince my life has ♥♥♥♥♥♥ quite a lot busier. Unfortunately, this means I am unable to read/reply to your comments. If you have a question, you can send me a friend request and message me.

Early October 2013 updates: Thanks to several people who left comments, the guide now holds more than enough moral points to ensure you’ll get the ‘good’ ending. Over 50 moral points, positive and negative, have been catalogued so far. In addition, I’ve checked the spelling and corrected some errors.

In order to make navigating through the guide easier, I’ve checked all level names so they match their names in the game. All level numbers have been removed, instead, I’ve added the Chapters. This way it’s much easier to find the level you’re playing in the guide.

What lies ahead for this guide? I want to ask all readers to continue placing comments about moral points that aren’t in it yet, as you’ve been a great help in completing the guide. It is possible that I’ll add screenshots in a future version, but I haven’t decided on that yet.
Prologue (level)
No known moral points.
- When following your stepfather, a soldier will greet you. He will tell you about recent attacks on patrols. After he says people want to leave Exhibition Station, you'll get a moral point.

- Going only a small bit further, you'll see a large group of people. One of them is talking about his brother who is in the hospital. Listen to him, he'll say that the Doctor didn't say anything about his brother's condition. You'll get a moral point after he says this.

- When entering the hospital, the guy who opens the door will stay in the small room. He will sit down and say people just want to see their loved ones. This earns a moral point. (This point was previously described as 'enter the hospital', thanks go out to Japple for helping in clearing this matter up.)

- Go to your right, to the patient that is not behind a curtain. Going closer to him earns a point.

- When you get the postcard from hunter, you'll also receive a point.
Chapter 1: Let the journey begin
- Play the guitar in Artyom's room.

- Play the balalaika next to the boy who is drawing and his father.

- Give some ammo to the man at the market, who needs medicine for his son.

- Enter the office of Artyom's stepfather

- Listen to all the speeches made by Artyom's stepfather. After the speech warning him not to try to be a hero, you'll get a moral point.

Possible Negative moral points:

- When in the market section, you'll see a table with two men talking about merchandise, one of them has a beard, the other (the merchant) some glasses. If you stand next to the table, the merchant will tell you to walk away, which earns you a negative moral point. (Submitted by RageMachine71)

- Steal the ammo that lies in the cap of the guitar player.
No known moral points.
Chapter 2: Bourbon
- Give one of the beggars near the cafe some ammo. Doing this earns you a moral point. It only works once though.

- Give the boy who offers to take you to Bourbon some ammo. This will not only let him guide you the way, but also gives you a moral point.

Possible negative moral point:

- Find Bourbon without the help of the kid.

Hint: do not give any ammo to Nikki.
Lost Tunnel
After Bourbon talks about the strange noises heard in the metro (singing pipes), listen to the pipe right in the tunnel by crouching next to it. After a few seconds, you’ll hear a child laughing which will earn you a moral point. (Submitted by Amcsa.)

You can get a second moral point by listening to the pipes as well. Although you’ll be able to get it by moving to another part of the pipe and waiting, it’s recommended to go to the room to your left, where the body with the Tihar lies, as waiting next to the pipes can take some time. Return to the tunnel and listen to the pipe again. Although the sound may vary between laughing, screaming or no sound at all, you’ll get a moral point. (Submitted by Amcsa.)
The Bridge
- The first railcar you'll encounter on the bridge, can be entered from its left side. There are 3 crates in this car, the first on the left being an ammo cache. At the back of the car, there are two boxes, in one you'll find two shotguns, in the other three dolls. Activate one of these dolls to get a moral point.

- After hiding for the Hanza anti-bandit scoutcar, you'll earn a moral point.

Possible negative moral point:

- Get spotted by the Hanza anti-bandit scoutcar. (Submitted by Enclave Officer.)
Lost Catacombs
No known moral points.
- Give the beggar in the market section some ammo.

- Use the Hookah you find at the bar. (Submitted by Howlett)
Dead City
- At the start of the level, go left and go up the stairs. Watch out for the trap. At the top of the stairs, you'll find the Stalker's cache. Walk towards the window and look through it. You'll earn a moral point.

- After being separated with Bourbon, go to the highest floor you can reach of the building you have to travers. You'll find an open elevator door, with the opportunity to jump through it. Lookout for the white arrows on the wall. You'll find a munitions cache, walking towards it will earn you a moral point.

- Do not move during the Playground Vision. You can look around though. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)

- Take off your gas mask during the vision. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)

- After traversing the playground, enter the building and walk into the big room on the other side of the building. Go right and enter the smaller room at the end. There is another ammocache, you'll get a moral point when reaching it.

- When exiting this building, look for a ramp to go down towards the toxic water. You'll see a body with some ammo, picking up the ammo will gain you the point. (Submitted by CJ.)

- Listen to the audio message you'll find in the ranger outpost at the end of the level. It's a message from Hunter, and you'll get a moral point for doing so.

Possible Negative Moral Points:

- Run through or shoot during the playground vision. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)

- Shoot the Dark One sitting on the shed after the vision. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)
Dead City 2
Possible Negative Moral Points:

Shoot the Dark one looking at the dead Stalker. This is near the gate where you'll meet Bourbon. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)
Chapter 3: Khan
- Finish the level without killing anyone. (Submitted by Superkumi.)

- Smoke (use) the hookah near the area with the maze of crates. (Submitted by Superkumi.)

Possible negative moral point:

- Shoot Bourbon's body after he is killed.
- When Khan tells you to, walk near the pipes and listen. You'll hear laughter, followed by a scream that will hurt Artyom. Khan will tell Artyom what has happened, then you'll earn the moral point.

- Listen to Khan's story about how he was the only survivor of the defending party.

- After leaving the tunnels, you'll see a trace of blood in one of the rooms. Follow it to a corps.

Possible Negative Moral Point:

- Shoot the ghosts in this level. (Submitted by Enclave Officer.)
- Survive your first encounter with an anomaly and listen to Khan talking about it.

- Shortly after that, an anomaly appears on the other track, attacking a mutant. Listen how Khan describes anomalies as something that is not evil, and you'll earn a point.

- When reaching the railcar, Khan will go to the other track. After jumping onto that track, do not follow him to the left, but go to the right, to the barricade. There is a body lying there with some ammo and a pistol. Reaching it earns you the point. (Submitted by Ragemachine71.)

- After defending your position against the mutant attack, go through the train and walk up to the area with the stalagmites. You'll see a skeleton, which earns you a point.
- Listen to Khan talking about the plan to blow up the tunnel. When he is done speaking, you'll earn a point. (Submitted by CJ.)

Possible Negative Moral Points:

- Run away before Khan finishes talking. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)

- Perform a hostile action while in the Shrine of Hope, like slashing or shooting. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)

No known moral points.
Chapter 4: War
- Next to the train car full of soldiers at the start, head down the stairs and listen to the two soldiers talking by the fire. (Submitted by Enclave Officer.)

- Listening to the Commisar talking to the troops in the train and waiting until they head down the staircase will grand you a morale point. (Submitted by CJ and Hell Diguner.)

- After you are bounced out of the cart at the start of the level, go back up the tunnel, away from the commisar and the recruits. There will be two guards and a little campfire. Next to the campfire is an orange box on the wall containing Military Grade ammo and nightvision goggles. Picking up the ammo gives you a point. (Submitted by Enclave Officer and hoimingmissile.)

- When you are coming up the stairs to the Red's power generator you will overhear a conversation between the soldiers about the Nazi's using suicide bombers. At the end you will get a point. (Submitted by hoimingmissile.)

- After reaching the power generator, you'll be able to walk into the tunnel past the wounded soldiers. To your right, there is a staircase. If you go down, you'll have to put on your gasmask. You'll find a corpse with a shotgun, finding it will earn a point. (Submitted by hoimingmissile.)

- After heading down the stairs and moving towards the second rail, you’ll hear a conversation between an officer and two soldiers. One soldier is branded a traitor, though he claims to have found a secret passage past the battle lines. After the conversation is over, and the soldier is executed, you’ll earn a point. (Submitted by Clumsy Pootis.)

- When you follow the prisoners advice and drop down below the bridge (where you have to use a gasmask) theres a big pile of rubble in the middle with some skeletons around it, if you climb into the middle of it, theres a hand sticking out of the ground holding some military rounds, taking it also awards points. (Submitted by Clumsy Pootis, Hyker HU and Hell Diguner.)

- After passing the Reich’s main defensive line, you’ll end up in a room where you’ll find the Red Line prisoners. Look on the right hand wall after climing the ladder for an orange box. Inside are MRG rounds, picking them up gains moral points. Be warned, the box squeeks when you open in, alerting the Nazi's to your presence (Submitted by Ragemachine71 and Hell DIguner.)

- Complete the level without killing anyone. (Submitted by Japple.)

- Save the Communist soldiers from the Nazis.

Possible Negative Moral Point:

- Kill (one of) the Communist prisoner(s). (Submitted by Enclave Officer.)

- Kill (one of) the wounded Red Line Soldiers laying in the tunnel near the Red's main defensive position.
Trolley Combat
No known moral points.
No known moral points.
- After defending, take the recorded message of the captain.

- When entering the station, you'll see a train converted to sleeping places. Walk through the train to earn a moral point.

- At the first section of the station hall, walk up the stairs on your left. continue walking towards the second medpack you see, close to the barricaded passage.

- At the second section of the station hall (where you need to put on your gasmask) take the stairs to your left. Go left again towards a dead mutant and a dead soldier. Entering the place where the bodies lie, earns you a point.

- At the last part of the station, instead of following the tracks right, go left. Go past the train towards the playing radio. Reaching the dead soldier earns you a point.
- Refuse the reward the mother gives you for bringing back her child.
- Play the recorded message you've received from the captain in 'defence'. To do this you have to:

1) When in the main hall of the fascist outpost (with the stairs), go up the slope to your left.
2) Go towards the last chamber right, beware of the traps!
3) Go up the slope, onto the roof and watch out for demons.
4) Use the radio underneath the satellite disc. This will also earn you the achievement DJ Artyom.

You can also take an other way: (Submitted by Crasher563)

1) When aproaching the outpost, there are some bushes on the left, walk towards them.
2) There is a crane behind them, walk up the ladder.
3) From on top of the ladder, you'll be able to get onto the roof
Black Station
- Listen to the conversation between the first two guards. They'll talk about their family and escaping to Hanza.

- Take the right tunnel a bit further. There are two guards discussing whether the Reich is good or evil. Listen to their conversation.

- If you take the left path you'll find a commander who commands a sergeant to assign two soldiers to guard the generator. After the sergeant threatens the two if he finds them playing cards you get a moral point. (Submitted by Hoimingmissile.)

- Shutting down this generator will earn you a moral point. (Submitted by Aldarion)

After shutting down the generator, walk towards the tunnel with the train in it. (This train holds a shooting range for a Helsing, you’ll find one in it.) At the end of the tunnel, go left, down the wooden stairs. Instead of going right, go left, jump on the boxes and you’ll end up in a small room. Entering this room will earn you a point. (Submitted by Japple.)

- If you've gone to the right passageway, you'll pass through the sewer. After this, you'll see a guard sitting on the ground. Listen to his short monologue.

- In the room after this guard, a group of guards is telling tales by a fire. Listen to the story about "Metro II". It's quite long, but a nice story, and you'll get a moral point at the end.

- Reaching the railcar without killing anyone earns you a point.

- After stepping into the railcar, you’ll get a vision about the Dark Ones. You’re in a tunnel with a wooden blockade on one side, darkness on the other. At one point in the vision, the blockade is destroyed by a Dark One. You hear Hunter’s voice telling you to run. If go towards the Dark One, the vision will change and you’ll hear Khan talking about not judging things you don’t understand. Just before the level ends, you’ll get the point. (Submitted by Japple.)

Possible Negative Moral Point:

- Fire a weapon while Uhlman is talking at the beginning of the level. (Submitted by Monkey_Mojo)
Chapter 5: Hope
No know moral points.
No known moral points.
No known moral points.
No known moral points.
No known moral points.
Driving to Sparta
- Listen to Khan talking about how War breeds War.
Chapter 6: D6
Dark Star
At the beginning of the level, when on the train, you’ll have a vision. The first part of the vision will show a soldier standing next to a tree, telling Artyom to walk towards him. After walking towards the silhouette it becomes a Dark One. At this point you are given a choice: to follow the Dark One into the orange glow or turn around and walk back towards Miller in the blue glow. Following the Dark One gives you a moral point. If you do nothing in the first stage of the vision, or walk towards Miller, you will not get a moral point. (Submitted by hoimingmissile.)

As far as I'm aware, this is the last moral point in the game.
Dungeon, Cave, D6, Biomass and Separation
No known moral points.
Chapter 7: Tower
Tower and Top of the Tower
No known moral points.
Unlike Metro Last Light, even if Artyom gets enough moral points, you still can get the ranger ending (bad ending). The enlightened ending still has to be earned. Once you've shot the Dark One in your vision and Artyom has enough moral points, you'll wake up back on the tower with 20 seconds on the timer. The Dark One asks to destroy the beacon, and the voice of Khan can be heard (speech like in Sparta). You can then choose to do nothing, and get the Ranger Ending (which is also the Lore Ending) or shoot the beacon and get the Enlightened Ending.

Both endings get you an achievement.
122 Yorum
Sos un crack
PapeMaster 2 Nis @ 0:40 
I think I got every single point in this guide and got the achivement... At the end realized that in my 1st blind run I could had of gotten this achivement but I didn't know I had to shoot the machine XD
Scitronaut 14 Ağu 2023 @ 2:01 
In Ghost, shooting or knife the dead child's skull in the train give a negative moral point
The Infamous Cloaker 12 Eki 2022 @ 0:18 
Supposedly there is actually a Morality point in the "Caves" level if you don't pick up the ammo or gun from Boris after he dies.
[BRE]Baudry/Gman 19 Kas 2021 @ 10:34 
Personally, the ranger ending is the good ending too me.
Orquito 4 Tem 2021 @ 10:11 
In Dry, I can't use the bonk because I need to kill the man that are sleeping around them, so its only one moral point that u can do I think, beacuse only in Redux u can knockout

Roman15.05.1984 9 May 2021 @ 14:42 
у меня хорошо работает игра только не работает подсказка и бивать на жом титры
Cos 30 Mar 2021 @ 19:01 
I'm glad I saw the enlightened ending... If only that was the true one. Thanks for the help.
Royale 15 Mar 2021 @ 11:38 
Since this version of Metro is free now I needed it again lol. Hasn't changed that much in comparison to Redux. I also used it to get the Explorer achievement which I got in Caves when you drop down the sewer after being separated. thanks :)
$L!CK_J.Mi$t@ 27 Ara 2020 @ 6:33 
thanks for the 'heads up'.i'll be sure to refer to it when i replay it again in the future.