Seduce Me 2: The Demon War

Seduce Me 2: The Demon War

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Seduce Me 2: The Demon War | Achievement Guide
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Sam's Story (Green)
✦ Click on the green orb.

K's Here To Help!
Meet K, your guide!

✧ No!

New To The Fight
Experience The Story For the First Time

✧ Yup! I know!
✧ Nah, I'm good.

A Husband's Faith
Begin Sam's Story

✦ Pick any name or just hit enter.
✧ Small wedding.
✧ Y-Yeah, we've had sex, so what?!
✧ Avoid it.
✧ Yes.
✧ Don't.
✧ Stay still.
✧ What about Diana?
✧ Are you okay?
✧ Stay in the room.
✧ Just eat it.
✧ Stop Sam.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ I say the trap.

Better Than The Tyrant
Trap the Demon Lord Without Bloodshed

✧ That's not fair, Diana!
✧ Yes.
✧ Help me stay awake.
✧ Kiss him again.
✧ Tell them.
✧ What would the others teach me?
✧ I choose Rabbit.
✧ A rabbit.

Lose your Trainer

✧ Wait and watch.
✧ Wait patiently.
✧ Struggle!
✧ Tell Sam the truth.
✧ It's okay, Sam.
✧ Yes.
✧ Stop him.
✧ Take the initiative.
✧ Thanks, Sam.
✧ A demon marriage ritual?
✧ Just go and find him.
✦ Save 1
✧ Just nod.
✧ Let him do it.

You Are Not Worthy
Fail The Dragon's Test

✦ Load Save 1
✧ Boy, you are going to let me kiss you.
✧ Stop Sam.
✧ Struggle to step in.
✧ Sleep.
✦ Save 2
✧ Help him!

Hand of the Devil
A Gift From Hell

✦ Load Save 2
✧ Stay back!

The Monster is Dead
Perish Centimeters From Your Love

✦ Load Save 1
✧ Boy, you are going to let me kiss you.
✧ Let him do it.
✧ Struggle to step in.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Stay back!
✦ Save 3
✧ To return to the human world.

A Peaceful Council
The Four Rebel Leaders Work Together
Just You And Me
Return Home with Sam

✦ Load Save 3
✧ To stay in the demon world.

This World Is Ours
Become Queen of the Demon World
A New Life
Rule The Demon World with Aomaris
Matthew's Story (Blue)
✦ Click on the blue orb.
✧ Yes!

Returning For More
Experience More of This Story

✧ Yup! I know!
✧ Nah, I'm good.

A Lover's Trust
Begin Matthew's Story

✦ Pick any name or just hit enter.
✧ Shake it off.
✧ Tease him.
✧ Bathroom.
✧ Close your eyes.
✧ Stay still.
✧ What about Diana?
✧ Are you okay?
✧ Stay in the room.
✧ Just eat it.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ I say the curse.

An Eye for An Eye
Use Blood Magic against the Demon Lord

✧ That's not fair, Diana!
✧ Tell him.
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ Please.
✧ Don't ask about it.
✧ What would the others teach me?
✧ I choose Saero.
✧ I already know Taekwondo.
✧ Surprise me.

✧ You seem to really care for Diana.
✧ It's alright.
✧ Let him stare for a little longer.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ Insist.
✧ Stay out of it.
✦ Save 4
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ Let them finish.
✧ That's her loss.

✧ Try!
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ Take his hand.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ Say nothing.
✦ Save 5
✧ Apologize to Diana.

Never Trust a Monster
Put Trust in a Killer

✦ Load Save 5
✧ Don't apologize.
✧ Sleep.

The Last One Standing
Witness The Last One Standing

✦ Load Save 4
✧ Comfort him.
✧ Let them finish.
✧ There has to be a way.
✧ Try!
✧ Are you okay?
✧ Is there any way to prove your love for her?
✧ Hug him.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ Say nothing.
✧ Peer in.
✧ Enter the room.
✧ You should go.

The Golden Rose
Let Saero Search for the Rose

✧ You got this.
✧ Don't apologize.
✧ Keep watching.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Listen to Diana.
✧ Give her your hand.
✧ Rescue Matthew!
✦ Save 6
✧ Stay put.

True Love Prevails
Help True Love Prevail for Saero and Ezaeur
Long Live The Queen
Diana Rules the Demon World
My Love For You Is Endless
Welcome New Joy with Matthew

✦ Load Save 6

A Royal Cremation
Mourn The Death of the Rebel Queen
Damien's Story (Black)
✦ Click on the black orb.
✧ Yes!
✧ Yup! I know!
✧ Nah, I'm good.

A Soulmate's Sacrifice
Begin Damien's Story

✦ Pick any name or just hit enter.
✧ It's alright.
✧ Listen to your mind.
✧ Stay still.
✧ What about Diana?
✧ Are you okay?
✧ Stay in the room.
✧ Just eat it.
✧ Give him a squeeze.
✧ I say the curse.
✧ That's not fair, Diana!

✧ What do you think about this whole thing?
✧ Lie in his arms.
✧ What about you?
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ What would the others teach me?
✧ I choose Sergeant.
✧ Remain silent.
✧ Cool!
✧ Yes.
✧ Think of the human world.
✧ Are you alright?

✧ Stop doing anything.
✧ Don't question it.
✧ He wants to be a human.
✧ You're just so handsome.
✧ Attack!!
✧ I aimed for his chest.
✧ Tell me!!
✧ A kiss, then.
✦ Save 7
✧ Shake him.
✧ Interject.
✧ Don't reply.
✧ Do it.

Mens Itinere
Go Through the Brute's Test

✧ If it makes you happy, then do it.
✧ Think of Damien.
✦ Save 8
✧ Fight this!!

Up in Flames
Watch Your Love Burn

✦ Load Save 8
✧ Take me instead!!

My Life For Yours
Give Your Life For Damien's

✦ Load Save 7
✧ Kiss his cheek again.
✧ Interject.
✧ Don't reply.
✧ Do it.
✦ Save 9
✧ If it makes you happy, then do it.
✧ Think of Damien.
✧ Take me instead!!
✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Calm Damien down.
✧ Follow her.
✧ I still don't want to be here.
✧ Yes.

Betray the Rebel Queen
Sergeant's Defiance
Sergeant Refuses to Rule
You Are My Dearest Dream
Live a Human Life with Damien

✦ Load Save 9
✧ Please don't. It's too risky.
✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Calm Damien down.

A Demon 'Til The Day You Die
Have him a Demon Forever
Diana's Story (Purple)
✦ Click on the purple orb.
✧ Yes!
✧ Yup! I know!
✧ Nah, I'm good.

A Queen's Understanding
Begin Diana's Story

✦ Pick any name or just hit enter.
✧ Stop her.
✧ Let him continue.
✧ Tell her.
✧ Kiss her.
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ Really? Why?
✦ Save 10
✧ What I say doesn't matter.
✧ I love you.
✧ Let's rest.
✦ Save 11
✧ And I know you love her, too.

I Am Thankful For You and You
Share Diana's Love with Saero

✦ Load Save 11
✧ I want to be the one to make her happy.

The Right Choice
Keep Ezaeur Forever

✦ Load Save 10
✧ She loves me.
✧ I love you.
✧ Let's rest.
✧ Remain in the war room.
✧ Stay put.

Repent For Your Sins
Become Baptized by Saero
Erik's Story (Red)
✦ Click on the red orb.
✧ Yes!
✧ Yup! I know!
✧ Nah, I'm good.

A Man's Devotion
Begin Erik's Story

✦ Pick any name or just hit enter.
✧ Leave it alone.
✧ Tell Him.
✧ Go for it.
✧ Stay still.
✧ What about Diana?
✧ Are you okay?
✧ Stay in the room.
✧ Just eat it.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ I say the curse.
✧ That's not fair, Diana!

✧ Hug Erik's arm tightly.
✧ I was never disgusted by you.
✧ He's the main I love!
✧ Yes, I am.
✧ Explain everything.
✧ Stop it.
✧ Don't listen
✧ Kiss his cheek.
✧ What would the others teach me?
✧ I choose Shadow.

✧ Stand up.
✧ Seriously?!
✧ Yes.
✧ Mess with her shadow.
✧ Cuddle with him.
✧ I'm sorry.
✧ No, I won't!
✧ Nothing.
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ Let her take it.
✧ Yes, sir.
✧ Ask.

Controlling Fear
Learn Shadow's Secret

✧ Give Erik your energy somehow.
✧ Kiss me.
✦ Save 12
✧ Don't take any chances!
✧ Teach me something else.
✧ Yes.
✧ But you'll get hurt.
✧ Defend Erik.
✧ Comfort him.
✧ But I've hurt you too.
✦ Save 13
✧ Let Erik keep going.

If I Can't Live, You Can't Either
Die At The Hands of the Spirit

✦ Load Save 13
✧ Attack the spirit.
✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Call out again!

You Hurt Me, Now I'll Hurt You
Become Victim of Revenge

✦ Load Save 12
✧ Calm down.
✧ Leave.
✧ But you'll get hurt.
✧ Defend Erik.
✧ Comfort him.
✧ But I've hurt you too.
✧ Attack the spirit.
✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Grab Diana!
✧ Follow her.
✧ I still don't want to be here.
✧ Yes.

Shadow's Dictatorship
Shadow Rules the Demon World
Hopelessly Devoted To You
Experience Erik's Eternal Devotion
Jame's Story (Yellow)
✦ Click on the yellow orb.
✧ Yes!
✧ Yup! I know!
✧ Nah, I'm good.

A Prince's Perseverance
Begin James's Story

✦ Pick any name or just hit enter.
✧ Kiss him passionately.
✧ I had a nightmare last night...
✧ Was holding me in a jail cell.
✧ No.
✧ Stay still.
✧ What about Diana?
✧ Are you okay?
✧ Stay in the room.
✧ Just eat it.

✧ Tighten the hug.
✧ I say the curse.
✧ That's not fair, Diana!
✧ No.
✧ Kiss him.
✧ Don't say anything.
✧ Truly?
✧ What would the other teach me?
✦ Save 14
✧ I choose Fae.
✧ Stay and try.

✧ Pretty cool!
✧ Stay quiet.
✧ Kiss him before sleeping.
✧ Bust in!
✦ Save 15
✧ I slept well.
✧ Question it.
✧ Wait patiently.
✧ Try and sprout wings.
✧ Shake off your thoughts.
✧ Yes.
✧ Sure.

A Moment's Peace
Get Away from the War with Fae

✧ Question it.
✧ Accept it.
✧ Leave the room.
✧ No.
✧ Stay silent.
✦ Save 16

An Angel's Forgiveness
Obtain an Angel's Forgiveness

✦ Load Save 16

Divine Punishment
Be Sentenced by an Angel

✦ Load Save 15
✧ I had a nightmare again.
✧ Question it.
✧ Wait patiently.
✧ Try and sprout wings.
✧ Get up and kiss him.
✦ Save 17
✧ Pull away and snap out of it.
✧ Yes.
✧ Sure.
✧ Leave it alone.

✧ Accept it.
✧ Leave the room.
✧ No.
✧ Stay silent.
✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Love is stronger than you think!
✧ Don't.

Accepting Destiny
Become Lost in Destiny

✦ Load Save 17
✧ Kiss him again.
✧ Go all the way.
✧ Yes.
✧ Sure.
✧ Question it.
✧ Accept it.
✧ Leave the room.
✧ No.
✧ Stay silent.

✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Love is stronger than you think!
✧ Stop him!
✧ Follow her.
✧ I still don't want to be here.
✧ Yes.

Fae's Abandonment
Fae Rules the Demon World
My Destiny Is With You
Defy Destiny with James
Achievement Cleanup
✦ Load Save 14
✧ I choose Rabbit.
✧ A lion.
✧ Don't ask.
✧ Stay quiet.
✧ Kiss him before sleeping.
✧ Bust in!
✧ I had a nightmare again.
✧ Leave her alone.
✧ Watch.
✧ Discussing what?
✧ Get up and kiss him.
✧ Kiss him again.
✧ Go all the way.
✧ Yes.
✧ It's alright.

Witness Inequality

✧ Leave the room.
✧ No.
✧ Stay silent.
✧ Something about it being for the better.
✧ I believe in you all.
✧ Sleep.
✧ Love is stronger than you think!
✧ Stop him!
✧ Follow her.
✧ I still don't want to be here.
✧ Yes.

Rabbit's Extremism
Rabbit Rules the Demon World

✦ Click on "bonus" at the bottom left corner of main menu.
✦ Type THEYRESTINPEACE (all in caps) and hit enter.

Learn of Saero and Ezaeur's Fate
2 comentários
DeathHero® 12 jul. 2023 às 6:36 
THX :cupup:
SAS 2 jul. 2022 às 10:40 
THX! :ss13ok: