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Cuphead S-Rank Guide
Von Kenaga
In this guide I'm going to be showing you how to get S rank on every boss.

Another Guide To Help Choosing Weapons : Click
Another Guide To Help Parrying : Click
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First, you gotta play on Expert mode and you gotta finish the game on Regular mode to access Expert mode.
I'm going to tell this in three parts : The Easy Ones, The Hard Ones and The Very Hard Ones

Every boss requires different charms and weapons to defeat them easily. There was a glitch with Lobber and Roundabout weapons; if you press switch button quickly, you'll deal a very high damage with those weapons' damages to bosses. But they added a little cooldown on switching so you can't do that anymore. They patched it. So let's get started.

On airplane bosses, use Whetstone charm. Every time you use your bomb super art, spam axe (parry) on boss to deal more damage till your invincibility time gets over (it's like 3 seconds).
How To Get S-Rank
Things You Need To Do To Get S-Rank
  • Gamemode : Expert
  • Finish Time : 00:00 - 02:09
  • HP Bonus : 3/3
  • Parry : 3/3
  • Super Meter : 6/6
Easy Bosses
I don't mean they're easy but easier than others.

You can use every weapons and charms for these bosses.
You can use every weapons and charms for this boss.
Use Spread, Lobber and Smoke. Try to get 3 parries at first form. Peashooter is also great instead Lobber if you don't want to get close to boss.
Try to explode green little airplanes. You can use Whetstone charm to parry archer's stars or simply drop a bomb before he throws his arrow.
Use Spread, Roundabout and Smoke. Spread for his tiny friends.
Try to get your super art at the first form and use it. Use airplane bombs for second form.
Use Lobber and Smoke. Try not to shoot his fireballs.
Use Chaser, Lobber and Smoke. Parry as much as you can in her first 2 forms.
Use Spread, Roundabout and Smoke. If you didn't get enough parry at the first form, try to get it at the last form.
Hard Bosses
Yes, these are hard.

Use Roundabout, Lobber and Smoke. Lobber for pancake. Try to get parries at her first form because it would be hard to parry at the last form while trying to dodge.
Use Spread, Roundabout and Smoke. Use super art at the last form after those tennis ball throwers came and kill the one at the right or left. Boss will get damage and them will die.
Try to parry and use your super meters and super art as much as possible. Parry everything you see parryable.
Use Spread, Roundabout and Smoke. Get closer to boss and use Spread, when he squid attacks to you, use Roundabout.
Use your axe (Whetstone charm) for ball fishes. Try to shoot her head mostly on her second form. And also you must resist to her sweetness.
Use Roundabout, Chaser and Smoke. She's not that hard but parries are so difficult on this boss.
Use Roundabout, Chaser and +2 HP bonus charm. That's all, good luck.
Use Roundabout, Spread and Smoke. When he's dragon and for the imps which spit skull, use Roundabout. Spread for his other forms.
Very Hard Bosses
Well, these bosses are so cancer and King Dice made me almost break my table. Because their final forms are very hard and almost impossible to not get hit on them. I don't know, these are my opinions.

Use Whetstone charm. To use it, you gotta get close to boss' hitbox and parry to deal damage. Spam axe on his head and use airplane bombs first, then go to the bottom as much as fast and destroy there, and then destroy the middle while shooting the bombs coming from bottom. Then spam axe on his heart and use airplane bombs. When he throws his head, use super art before he goes to the left side. And shoot a little bit. Then good luck with dodging!
Use Invincible super art. Use Lobber and Roundabout. Use Auto Parry if you can't parry well. Use Smoke if you can parry very well. If you choosed Auto Parry, fight with 1, 3, 4 and 8. Best alignmet for me is 3, 4 and 8. If you choosed Smoke, every boss is great for you. When you're fighting with King Dice, use invincibility when he attacks and spam with Lobber and Roundabout as much as possible. Then, parry cards and when he stops keep spamming. And also hey, the timing. If you fought with 3 bosses, you need to knockout him in 00:00 - 04:00 or you can't get S rank. Every boss adds 1 minute. So parry the dice quickly, it also counts.
Good luck buddies! I hope this guide helps. These bosses are no longer hard for me because I get used to them.