Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

151 ratings
Dead by Daylight - The Plague Guide (Ver. 5.0.0)
By GhostieSpectie
My name is Ghostrick Specter and I have been a Plague main since she came out. My friends that know me ask for tips on how to play this amazing killer, so I made this guide for them, but with a bit of peer pressure I decided to release this guide to the public. Enjoy.
Hello, if you've clicked on this guide then you want to learn how to play The Plague. I personally main The Plague, she is my favorite killer as of right now and I can compete in the higher ranks as her. I hope you find this guide to be informative and helpful.

Disclaimer: I'm not the best Plague player and I don't know everything about her. I'm sure there's someone out there who knows more than I do and is a better player than I am. If you know something I don't, please post it in the comments below.
The Plague's Strengths and Weaknesses
The Plague's power, Vile Purge, is one of the best power in the game. It allows The Plague to infect Survivors so when they run or interact with items, they increase the severity of their infection until they enter the broken state. It is worth noting however that The Plague can instantly put Survivors into the broken state if she aims her ability, allowing her to end the chase very quickly.

The Plague can also interact objects around the map, such as pallets and generators, infecting them for a limited time period. While the objects remain infected, the Survivors who interacted with them will become infected.

The only way Survivors can heal themselves is to interact with Pools of Devotion. Once they cleansed themselves with Pools of Devotion, the Pools of Devotion become corrupted and The Plague will be notified of where the Survivors are with sound and the visual clue at the Pools of Devotion which the Survivors interacted with. Once The Plague uses the Corrupt Pools of Devotion, she will turn into a makeshift Huntress which can inflict a ranged attack that damages multiple Survivors.

The Plague is vulnerable to certain pallet loops and heavily disadvantaged in some maps with a large number of pallets or higher obstacles if she doesn't have Corrupt Purge. The Plague strongly relies on Survivors' decisions, making her power extremely inconsistent. Like every other Killer, The Plague also struggles against gen rush.
The Plague's Power "Vile Purge"
Hold down the Power Button to charge Vile Purge. Releasing the button unleashes a stream of infectious bile.

A Survivor hit by the stream becomes infected. A Survivor accumulates an amount of infection by being hit by the stream, running, or performing interactions. Environmental objects also become infected for a short duration when hit by the stream.

If the Survivor's infection indicator is completely filled, they are forced to vomit, and continue to do so at random intervals; they become injured, if they are not already, and gain the Broken Status Effect; and they pass on their infection to other Survivors, as well as environmental objects that they interact with.

Infected Survivors can remove all infection by interacting with a Pool of Devotion. This blocks it from further use by other Survivors. If the Survivor is injured, they become healthy. If all Pools of Devotion are corrupted at the same time, all Pools of Devotion revert to their clean state and The Plague automatically gains Corrupt Purge.

The Plague may consume the corruption at a Pool of Devotion that has previously been used by a Survivor. This removes the corruption from the Pool and transforms Vile Purge into Corrupt Purge. Corrupt Purge instantly damages any Survivors hit by the stream but does not apply infection. This effect only lasts for a short duration.

The Plague's Power is just like a stacking debuff that makes Survivors sick. When they become fully sick they are broken, which means they basically have No Mither until they cleansed themselves with Pool of Devotion located randomly on the map. If the Survivor cleansed and healed themselves with Pool of Devotion, the Pool of Devotion becomes corrupted. Once The Plague used the Corrupt Pool of Devotion, she'll obtain Corrupt Purge, which damages multiple Survivors. Although the Corrupt Purge is very powerful, it has a limited duration and does not infect Survivors and objects like Vile Purge does, so it's important to know when you should use the Corrupt Pools of Devotion. When aiming your Purge, remember to lead the target as the stream itself doesn't actually travel very fast.
The Plague's Teachable Perks

Each perk is listed with its ability and my personal view on it written below the perk.

Corrupt Intervention
Your prayers invoke a dark power that meddles with the Survivors' chances of survival.

3 Generators located farthest from you are blocked by The Entity for 80/100/120 seconds at the start of the Trial.

Survivors cannot repair the Generators for the duration Corrupt Intervention is active.

Unique to The Plague until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

My opinions: Corrupt Intervention is probably the best teachable perk The Plague has! Not only it allows you to find a Survivor without losing a lot of gens, but it also slows the game down as the Survivors have to look for another gens or wait until Corrupt Intervention ends.

Infectious Fright
The cries of the unfaithful make your heart leap.

Any Survivors that are within the Killer's Terror Radius while another Survivor is put into the Dying State will yell and reveal their current location to the Killer for 4/5/6 seconds.

Unique to The Plague until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

My opinions: Also known as "Sheet Your Pants" by devs and one of the best slugging perk in the game. It shows you the location of other nearby Survivors when you down someone with your basic attack, which gives you the ability to put tons of pressure onto Survivors by letting someone bleed on the floor and go for another Survivor.

Dark Devotion
The display of your Powers creates a whirlwind of panic that spreads throughout the land.

You become obsessed with one Survivor. Hitting the Obsession with your basic attack causes the Obsession to emit a Terror Radius of 32 metres for 20 seconds. During that time, your Terror Radius is reduced to 0 metres.

This effect can only be triggered once every 60/45/30 seconds. The Obsession hears the Terror Radius they emit for the duration.

Unique to The Plague until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Killers.

My opinions: This is an interesting Perk! It transfers your Terror Radius onto the Obsession when you hit them with your basic attack for a short duration, which allows you to catch other Survivors off-guard quite a few times. The Terror Radius carried by the obsession will also bring with the effects such as Unnerving Presence, Coulrophobia, etc.
The Plague's add-ons
The add-on is listed with its effect and I give my opinion on it below the description.

Common Add-ons
Prayer Tablet Fragment
  • Increases Object Infection duration by +40 seconds.
  • Increases Infection gained from infected Objects by +100 %.
  • Grants 100 % Bonus Bloodpoints in the Deviousness Category.

My opinion: This add-on expands the infection time on objects, especially gens. This will effectively slow the game down as it discourage any Survivors getting back to the gens you infected! However, this add-on becomes less useful if Survivors decided to do the gens while being fully sicked.

Olibanium Incense

The Auras of Survivors cleansing at Pools of Devotion are revealed for 4 seconds.

My opinions: A discount Barbecue & Chili, but only when Survivors decided to cleanse! This add-on becomes less useful if Survivors decided to stay fully sicked.

Limestone Seal

Increases Object Infection duration by +20 seconds.

My opinions: Like Prayer Tablet Fragment, it expands the infection time on objects.

Healing Salve

Reduces Cool-down time of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by -0.25 seconds.

My opinions: It reduces the penalty duration after you used your power, sweet!

Uncommon Add-ons
Prophylactic Amulet

Decreases available Pools of Devotion by -2.

My opinions: It reduces the number of Pool of Devotion for Survivors to cleanse themselves, not a bad add-on!

Potent Tincture

Reduces Cool-down time of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by -0.4 seconds.

My opinions: It's Healing Salve but a lot better, so it's definitely worth to run!

Haematite Seal

Increases Object Infection duration by +30 seconds.

My opinions: Like Prayer Tablet Fragment and Limestone Seal, it expands the infection time on objects.

Emetic Potion

Increases effectiveness of Vile Purge by +30 %.

My opinions: It makes the stream even less to hit the Survivor in order to make them broken, so definitely worth having.

Blessed Apple

Start the Trial with 2 Pools of Devotion already corrupted.

My opinions: One of the best Plague's add-on! It reduces the number of Pool of Devotion for Survivors to cleanse themselves, and grants you two free Corrupt Purge at the early game!

Rare Add-ons
Rubbing Oil

Increases Charge rate of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by +50 %.

My opinions: Having a decrease in charging speed feels nice. This add-on is extremely good and I definitely recommend grabbing it if it shows up in your bloodweb.

Infected Emetic

Increases effectiveness of Vile Purge by +40 %.

My opinions: Like Emetic Potion, add-ons that make the stream a lot faster to put someone into the broken state is always the best for The Plague!

Incensed Ointment

Ingesting Corruption causes all Survivors within The Plague's Terror Radius to scream and reveal their locations.

My opinions: A discount Infectious Fright, but only if you consume a corrupted Pool of Devotion! Not a bad add-on, but extremely rng dependant.

Exorcism Amulet

Increases duration of Corrupt Purge by +10 seconds.

My opinions: This add-on expands your chance to snowball with Corrupt Purge, nice!

Ashen Apple

  • Start the Trial with 2 Pools of Devotion corrupted.
  • Increases available Pools of Devotion by +1.

My opinions: Like Blessed Apple, it gives you two free Corrupt Purge, so definitely worth to run it.

Very Rare Add-ons
Worship Tablet

  • Increases Ingestion speed by +100 %.
  • Increases Movement speed while holding Corrupt Purge by +4.4 %.

My opinions: This add-on makes you moves a bit faster while holding Corrupt Purge. Not a bad add-on, but there are better add-on choices.

Vile Emetic

Increases Projectile speed of Vile Purge and Corrupt Purge by +10 %.

My opinions: This makes The Plague's power travels a lot faster, pretty good!

Servered Toe

Increases Infection gained from interacting with Objects by +50 %.

My opinions: A very nice add-on, anything that makes Survivors' infection faster is worth it.

Devotee's Amulet

Increases duration of Corrupt Purge by +20 seconds.

My opinions: Like Exorcism Amulet, it expands the duration of Corrupt Purge which extends your chance to snowball.

Ultra Rare Add-ons
Iridescent Seal

  • Each time a Generator is completed, The Plague is automatically granted Corrupt Purge.
  • Reduces duration of Corrupt Purge by -20 seconds.

My opinions: Instantly gets a Corrupt Purge each time a gen is popped seems great. However, this add-on tones down the duration of Corrupt Purge, so it is recommended to combine add-ons like Exorcism Amulet and Devotee's Amulet to expands the duration of Corrupt Purge.

Black Incense

The Auras of infected Survivors are revealed to you for 3 seconds when they vomit.

My opinions: This add-on is amazing! It's basically an All-Seeing add-on for The Plague. I definitely recommend grabbing it if it shows up in your bloodweb.
How to play The Plague?

At the start of the trial, figure out the general placement of the gens, study out your defense plan and decide which nearby gens to defend. Abandon the gens that were difficult for you to defend.

After the strategy is finalized, quickly start patrolling the map. While patrolling, keep an eye on your surroundings and listen carefully to the sound of the gens.

Remember to use your Vile Purge on gens and any nearby objects while patrolling. This discourages the Survivors from wanting to repair gens, but also lets you know a gen you've infected has been touched. You can also use your Vile Purge on the Hex Totems periodically so you can get a warning if a Survivor tries cleansing them.

During the chase, try to get yourself on the back of the Survivors then charge a full use of your Vile Purge. If you hit the entire stream, the Survivors will instantly go into the broken state, which means they can be one-shot. Once you get them into the broken state, take them down with your basic attack.

When you take down the Infected Survivor, check your surroundings. If you find someone, quickly start another chase! Because other Survivors can also be infected if they pick up the downed Survivor, whose fully infected, which applies tons of pressure on them! Otherwise, pick up the downed Survivor and put them on the hook.

After you hooked a Survivor, check your surroundings to make sure no one is here, then start patrolling nearby gens to find your next target, and don't forget to use Vile Purge on gens and other objects at the same time.

At certain loops, if the Survivor attempts to drop the pallet, or perform a vaulting action, you can quickly use your Vile Purge on them at that moment. If the Survivor tries to loop you at larger areas or areas with higher obstacles, it is necessary to stop using your Vile Purge and use your basic attack instead.

If you take down a Survivor who is not infected, use your Vile Purge while they're on the floor, or use it under their feet while they're on the hook. Keep in mind it does not put them into the broken state for doing so.

If you can't catch the Survivor in time, infect them with your Vile Purge and abandon the chase, then look for your next target! Because when a Survivor is infected, they will doing nothing except looking for Pool of Devotion most of the time. That means that's one less Survivor doing gens. Fewer Survivors on gens means more time for you to down and hook Survivors.

Even if they're not trying to cleanse themselves, they will still end up getting themselves into broken state! Survivors and any objects contacted with them will also be infected, which interferes other Survivors! If a survivor is infected, you can find them easily, as you can slightly hear their coughing and vomiting sound. Survivors whose fully infected will also emit disease clouds that make them easier to see.

If the Survivor does cleanse themselves, the Pool of Devotion becomes corrupted, this prevents other Survivors from using it. When you hear an ocean sound effect, be on to look out for the white aura to appear, which was the Pool of Devotion the Survivor just finished cleansing, so you can use the aura of Pool of Devotion to track down Survivors.

Once you used the Pool of Devotion, find Survivors and down them with your Corrupt Purge as soon as possible. While aiming the Corrupt Purge, spray your stream instead of focusing your fire, so try to wiggle the stream slightly while releasing it. This will not only make the Survivors unable to predict your attack direction but also expand the hitbox of the stream!

Same as Vile Purge, you can quickly use your Corrupt Purge at the moment when the Survivors attempt to drop the pallet or perform a vaulting action, which is basically a free hit.

However, avoid focus too much on Corrupt Purge, as the Corrupt Purge occasionally your great bonuses, not your main power! Otherwise, you might end up becoming a Huntress that doesn't have to aim very much.

Leave Corrupt Pools of Devotion that are out of the way alone. This forces other Survivors to cleanse themselves closer to where you're patrolling, and doing so you have a much shorter run to a Corrupt Pools of Devotion.

Using Corrupt Pools of Devotion is only worth if you do not have to travel far to actually get there because of the duration, the lack of mobility, and the audible warning the Survivors actually get when you used it. So try to ignore Corrupt Pools of Devotion that are far away from Survivors and objectives.
Perks for The Plague (S Tier)
Keep in mind that my playstyle might be different than yours, so certain perks will be more/less useful to you than others.

S Tier
Necessary perks for The Plague. These perks are a MUST in any serious build for her.

Corrupt Intervention

The best teachable perk The Plague has! It allows The Plague to find a Survivor at the start of the match without losing a lot of gens. It also slows the game down as the Survivors have to travel the whole map to find another gen or wait until the Corrupt Intervention ends!

Infectious Fright

As I mentioned in The Plague's Teachable Perks, this perk gives The Plague the ability to put tons of pressure onto Survivors by slugging someone and go for another Survivor.


This perk will slow down Survivors' progress if they insist upon staying fully infected and rushing gens. It forces them to use Pools of Devotion in order to get rid of it!

Monitor & Abuse

This perk gives The Plague a 24 metres Terror Radius, making her a lot easier to catch Survivors off-guard. It also covers your presence which is a crucial early game. When in the chase, it gives you a 40 metres Terror Radius, which sometimes makes people panicked when they just unhooked thinking you're coming back and completely negates stealth.

Lethal Pursuer

Reveals the aura of all Survivors at the start of the trial for a short duration. Yup, that's all it has. Simple, but incredibly strong. It allows you to start a chase immediately without wasting a lot of time to find your target.
Perks for The Plague (A Tier)
A Tier
These perks work well on The Plague and compliment her in a useful and helpful way. Grab these if you can.

Barbecue & Chili

This perk is very strong to run on almost all Killers. It's tracking ability and point generation is insane. If you're a player who can end chases quickly and get people on hooks, this is the perk for you.

Thrilling Tremors

It blocks all of the gens that were not being repaired if you pick up a Survivor, but it also gives you the information Survivors doing gens or not! Not bad!

Blood Echo

This perk is great, as most of the experienced Survivors will never cleansed the whole game! This perk punishes them by applying Exhaustion status effect for 45 seconds after you hooked someone.


This perk gives you information on where multiple Survivors are and what they are doing! I do not hesitate to recommend picking it up.


This perk allows you to track survivors around you, check areas of the map to know if someone is there. A very strong Perk!


Like Discordance, this perk gives you information on where Survivors are and what they are doing! A pretty decent perk!

Hex: Ruin

This perk automatically regressing gen progression considerably once the Survivors let go of the generator while active, which means you must be active in pushing Survivors off generators to get value from it. But again, it's a Hex perk, so it wouldn't survive until the late game unless it spawned in a decent spot.

Pop Goes The Weasel

This perk helps stall the game, it damages gens more after you hooked a Survivor. A highly recommended Perk!


Highlights all the generators you kicked. When you down a Survivor, all highlighted generators are regressed by 6%; and if a Survivor is repairing a highlighted generator, they will scream and suffers from the Incapacitated status effect for a short duration. Really good perk for stalling the game, the only downside is it requires setup.


Like with Pop Goes The Weasel, this perk helps stall the game, and it also lets you know when a survivor is working on a generator.

Brutal Strength

One of The Plague's weaknesses is pallets, she eats pallets almost as much as many Killer does while she doesn't have Corrupt Purge. The additional benefit of kicking gens faster gives it a slight edge over Enduring IMO, a great perk overall.

Spirit Fury

This is an amazing perk to run with Brutal Strength and/or Enduring. It instantly deletes pallets if you get stunned.


Like Brutal Strength, this perk deals with pallets, which is one of The Plague's weaknesses. In the end, it's up to your personal preference whether you choose Enduring over Brutal Strength.


This perk can stop window loops effectively, you can force a Survivor away from that location. Not a bad perk!


This is a very fun Perk to play. When a gen pops you'll see all survivors' locations, this is worth enough but you also have the ability to one shot and execute the obsession if they manage to repair all gens. Even if you don't, this perk will make the obsession leave the match as soon as possible, so one less survivor for late-game saves.

Bitter Murmur

This perk allows you to predict Survivors better with the short duration wall-hack, preparing for your next chases. You usually do not need this perk, but it may help you to understand better Survivor's behavior and pathing, which is part of the learning curve of The Plague.

Knock Out

This perk has several uses. It can be used to stall with a slug strategy, covers your location when you down someone (very important!), makes you unpredictable (if someone is already hooked, survivors won't know if you're carrying someone else and they are free to run or if you're coming back), it also forces survivors to move on the map to find a slug. It gets somewhat countered by SWF since they can tell each other where they are but it still delays the saves.

Hex: Undying

Yes! Finally, a perk that protects Hex: Ruin! Yipee~

Trail of Torment

Becomes Undetectable after you kicked a generator until the gen stopped regressing or you hurt someone! It's a really decent perk as it makes The Plague a lot easier to get close to Survivors in order to use her power. Although Survivors will still be alerted as it highlights the gen you kicked!
Perks for The Plague (B Tier)
B Tier
These perks are good overall, but they are a bit situational and don't especially shine on The Plague.

Dying Light

Gain a Token each time you hooked a non-Obsession and applies action speed penalty for each Token you have, while the Obsession is still alive. If you're a player who can end chases quickly and get people on hooks, you can easily get a massive amount of Tokens, combine this with Thanatophobia will turn the game into a crawl.

Hex: No One Escapes Death

This isn't a bad perk, but it teaches bad habits, and Corrupt Purge doesn't affect by it!


Good perk for a slug build with The Plague, but you can track people on the floor if they're fully sick, or using Whispers and Barbecue & Chili.

Blood Warden

This perk blocks the Exit Gate after you hooked a Survivor for a short duration. But it is far too situational for me to say that's it's good on The Plague. It isn't bad, it's just not good either.


It gives you information on where Survivors are if the gen is almost done, and allows you to catch them off-guard. However, The Plague lacks mobility so you may not actually make your way to stop that gen to pop.


This is one of those perks that work well on any killer. You don't necessarily need to run it, but it is helpful.

Iron Grasp

If you don't have Agitation than you could run this instead. It isn't a bad perk to include in a loadout.

Hex: Huntress' Lullaby

Disabling the Survivor's ability to hear a skill check warning sound before a skill check seems nice. But it doesn't deserve to be a hex totem, given it can be countered by just paying attention to the screen. Completely outclassed by Hex: Ruin.

Hex: The Third Seal

This perk is terrifying in a slug build, completely hides The Plague's location and so on. However, it gets somewhat countered by SWF since they can tell each other where they are.

Save The Best For Last

The reduced attack cooldown feels great, especially at larger pallet loops or areas with higher obstacles.

Hangman's Trick

It turns all the hooks into a Vision Ward while carrying a Survivor, not bad!

Spies From The Shadows

A nice tracking perk, but the cooldown on it is a little bit harsh.


The expanded FOV is really nice on The Plague. It helps to see through corn easier and helps in finding Survivors.

I'm All Ears

Like Spice From The Shadow, it's a nice tracking perk, but the cool-down hurt it a lot.


A downgraded Discordance! Not bad but Discordance and Surveillance do better.


A great perk for chasing and finding infected, injured and healthy Survivors. Gets slightly countered by Iron Will but few Survivors use it.


This perk helps slow down generator progress just by playing the game, and doesn't require you to waste time to damage the generator. The amount of regression is only 8% however, and only affects generators within 32 metres, this perk will probably only damage one or two generators per down. It also wouldn't activate at all if you down someone with Corrupt Purge.


This perk prevents Survivors from using Exhaustion Perks for a short time on a generator with less than 50% progression. However, once they leave the generator OR it's after 50%, it takes 3 seconds to wind their Exhaustion Timer back down. Not a bad perk, but extremely situational.


This perk turns any Survivors who stuns or blinds you into your Obsession and applies Oblivious status effect to them for a short time! Not really amazing, but can make interesting combos with other Obsession perks.

Dragon's Grip

Applies Exposed status effect on the first Survivor who touches the gen you kicked and reveals their location for a short duration. Not a bad perk, but Plague can already do that by making them fully sicked.


Kicking a generators will also regresses 3 other generators. This perk saves your time to regress the other gens that is not being touched, but the cool-down is very long.


A perk that gives you information of survivors who is touching the chests. Not a bad perk, but situational.

Hex: Crowd Control

Another perk that can stop window loops effectively, but sadly it's a Hex perk...

No Way Out

An end-game perk that blocks Exit Gates for 8 seconds for each tokens you have, and tokens are pretty easy to obtain. You can combine this with Remember Me.
Perks for The Plague (C Tier)
C Tier
This perk offers a benefit but is too "niche" for me to recommend.

Dark Devotion

This perk transfers your Terror Radius on the Obsession, allowing The Plague catches the Survivors off-guard while Dark Devotion is active. However, it's duration is too short and kinda useless while you have Corrupt Purge as it only procs when you're using the basic attack on the Obsession.


Applies Exposed status effect for a short duration when carrying a Survivor. This perk scares the Flashlight Saviors or those who's bold enough to do gens within your Terror Radius away. However, Infectious Fright still does a better job than this perk.


Inflicts Oblivious status effect to all injured Survivors after injuring a Healthy Survivor. This perk is way too situational because experienced Survivors will often choose to stay fully infected, which renders this perk only works at the early game but useless in the late game.

Furtive Chase

Each time you hook the Obsession, you gain a Token, which reduces your Terror Radius for each of it while in a chase. It can also turn the rescuer into an Obsession if they rescued the Obsession! This perk honestly could be a lot better if it not only reduce the Terror Radius during a chase.

Cruel Limits

This is a luck-based perk that I despise. While blocking the windows and vault locations is powerful, the majority of this perk is activated, You may not near the completed generator. Additionaly, some maps had few or no windows near its generators, making this perk completely useless. However, if it did work, it helps you to end chases quickly. Completely outclassed by Bamboozle.

Dead Man's Switch

Extremely difficult to apply it's effect unless combine it with Nemesis, and only works once if the Survivors let go of a gen, which they mostly wouldn't do unless you're approach to them!

Beast of Prey

A "Bloodlust gamer" perk, avoid it, it's not really a useful perk.


It's a good perk for beginners who miss their attacks a lot, but as you get better at the game you'll need this perk less and less.

Zanshin Tactics

A killer version of "Windows of Opportunity", if you get better at the game, you don't need this.

Hex: Devour Hope

Not a great perk on The Plague, as she can already one-shot Survivors with Vile Purge + basic attack right before you get 3 tokens. But if you can get 5 tokens, then it's great.

Make Your Choice

This perk punishes Survivors for unhooking a teammate. But The Plague can already do that by herself with Vile Purge + basic attack, and Corrupt Purge is not affected by this perk.

Hex: Haunted Ground

This perk is used to protect your other Hex totems. As soon as survivors clean one of the totems, you'll have one shot for a short duration. However, The Plague can already one-shot Survivors with her Vile Purge+basic attack, and it may get wasted if a Survivor loops you for too long, and Corrupt Purge does not affect by it.

Hex: Thrill of the Hunt

This perk gives you a warning if a Survivor tries cleansing your Hex Totems. But The Plague can already do that by herself as she can use Vile Purge on the Hex Totems. The only redeeming factor this perk has is the fact that it grants extra bloodpoints and slows down the speed for Survivors to cleanse your totem.

Hex: Retribution

Reveals the auras of all Survivors once a Hex is cleansed. This perk is bad, as you have to run more Hex Perks in order to make it useful!

Hex: Blood Favour

Blocks all nearby pallets after you hit someone with a basic attack, sounds decent's a hex! And it's a hex with freaking cooldown!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Not to mention Corrupt Purge does not trigger this perk. Definitely not worth to run this perk.

Iron Maiden

Survivors don't use lockers against The Plague unless they're using Head On or trying to dodge your Corrupt Purge with it, and if they ever do, you only have a couple of seconds to reach them with your lack of mobility, which makes this perk really hard to use.

Territorial Imperative

It could help you punish greedy Survivors, but otherwise, this perk is too situational for me to recommend for The Plague.

Fire Up

It rewards for gens being done, which is what you don't want. Completely outclassed by Brutal Strength and Bamboozle.

Remember Me

It doesn't play along with The Plague at all, as she lacks mobility makes the outcome of this perk not as good as it could be, unfortunately, since she can't patrol between doors.


Having a smaller trail of scratch marks if helpful if you have trouble following them, but as you get better at the game you'll need this perk less and less.


Same with Predator, if you get better at the game, you don't really need this.

Franklin's Demise

This perk is honestly a waste of perk slot and more a meme perk than anything. It's far too situational and simply staring at a wall counters flashlights. And Corrupt Purge does not affect by this perk.
Perks for The Plague (D Tier)
D Tier
These perks either are utterly bad or hurt The Plague more than anything. Don't waste your bloodpoints on these unless you have too.


This perk is outclassed by Franklin's Demise, and even if you don't have Franklin's, you could always look at a wall while picking a Survivor up. But, even if you can't face a wall, you can still chase away the Flashlight Savior and come back to pick them up.


This perk hurts The Plague a lot, as it increases your Terror Radius and thus your chances to be spotted early.

Unnerving Presence

This perk hurts The Plague even more since it warns Survivors of her presence way before they actually hear her Terror Radius over the sound of gens.

Overwhelming Presence

For the same reasons as Distressing and Unnerving Presence: Do not use this perk on The Plague. It has a small use to soft-counter flashlights, but it's completely outclassed by Franklin's Demise.

Play With Your Food

Extremely difficult (and long) to get stacks, and Corrupt Purge will consume your stacks, completely pointless perk to run on The Plague.


You're a Plague, not Leatherface, don't even try...

Sloppy Butcher

On other killers, yeah it's a good perk! But on The Plague, it's useless... as Survivors can't heal themselves while they're broken, and they can simply just use Pools of Devotion to heal anyway.


Like Unnerving Presence and Overwhelming Presence, this perk is a complete joke on The Plague. And Survivors will just simply heal themselves with Pools of Devotion.

A Nurse's Calling

Running this perk on other Killers is pretty good, but it's pointless to run it on The Plague, as Survivors can't heal themselves while broken, and you can't see their aura while they're using Pools of Devotion.

Mad Grit

This perk is awful...Not only is it situational, it's effect doesn't do much. It's useful against body blockers but other than that, it's a trash perk!

Forced Penace

You already have the ability that can put someone into the Broken State, so nope... It's better to ignore this perk!

Coup de Grâce

Why would you want survivors complete a gen just to increase your lunge range, while you have Corrupt Purge?! If you run this perk on Plague, then you got some serious issue...


Survivors couldn't heal themselves while they're fully sicked. On the other killers, yeah it might work! On The Plague? Nah...

Monstrous Shrine

If this perk affects all of the hooks, it could be a great perk, but it isn't...
Builds for The Plague
These are all builds that I have made, the perks used will be listed along with a small description of how I play with these builds.

NOTE: All the perks listed below are taken into account at tier 3.

My Personal Build

My personal build. Lethal Pursuer and Corrupt Intervention allows me to find a Survivor at the start of the match without losing a lot of gens, Infectious Fright shows me the location of nearby Survivors when I down someone, and Pop Goes The Weasel slows down the game.

My Personal Build 2

My secondary build. Lethal Pursuer and Corrupt Intervention allows me to find a Survivor at the start of the match without losing a lot of gens; Eruption and Pop Goes The Weasel slow down the game and gives me information on where Survivors are and what they are doing.

Sneaky Plague

This build revolves around ambushing Survivors with Trail of Torment. Monitor & Abuse allows me to catch Survivors off-guard, Corrupt Intervention prevents early gen rushes, Trail of Torment hides my presence and allows me to ambush Survivors a lot easier, and Pop Goes The Weasel tones down the progression of the gen once I hooked a Survivor.

Anti-Loop Plague

This build focuses on nullifying pallets and windows. Corrupt Intervention prevents gen rush for a short time, Bamboozle cancels window loops effectively, and the combination of Enduring and Spirit Fury to help deal with pallets and grant me a free hit.

Dying Light Plague

This build focuses on stacking Tokens on Dying Light to slow the game down. Thanatophobia punishes Survivors for being fully sicked, combining with Dying Light will slow the game down once I got enough Tokens, Corrupt Intervention prevents early game gen rush, and Pop Goes The Weasel tones down the progression of the gen once I hooked a Survivor.

Gen Protector Plague

This build consists of Perks to use in order to make sure the gens get done as slow as possible. Surveillance gives me information on where Survivors are and what they are doing, Thrilling Tremors for gen blocking and information gathering, Ruin regresses the gen progress even more while active, and Hex: Undying protects Ruin from being cleansed early.

Slug Plague

This build revolves around slugging and snowballing. Infectious Fright shows me the location of nearby Survivors when I down someone, Monitor & Abuse allows me to catch Survivors off-guard and also increases Infectious Fright's range while chasing someone, Knock Out covers my location when I down someone and makes me unpredictable, and Corrupt Intervention prevents gen rush while active.
Fun Facts & Trivia

  • The Plague is the sixth female Killer. Unlike most other female Killers, she has a normal movement speed.

  • The Plague is the oldest Killer in Dead by Daylight, coming from Babylonia (1895-539 BC), a state-based in central-southern Mesopotamia, an ancient Kingdom in the region of present-day Iraq.

  • She took on the role of High Priestess after the other Priests succumbed to the plague in order to support her city.

  • In The Entity's Realm, she shares her home turf with The Huntress in the Red Forest.

  • The Incense Burner was jokingly referred to as "The Onion" by the Developers, due to remarks made by the Community on its shape in the First Teaser.

  • The Plague is the second Killer with just a first name.

  • The Plague is the only Killer to speak an actual (albeit dead) language. A gold Tablet inside the Temple is inscribed with Sumerian cuneiform.
    The inscription consists of five repeating glyphs. These glyphs represent: God, sprinkle/strew, monstrosity, tears/defeat, leave/go and read as "Dingir su ni i ma".

  • The Plague is the second Killer to break Pallets and damage Generators with her Weapon. The first one is The Spirit.
    The Nurse and The Hag perform those actions with their hands. The Hag's hand is also her Weapon, she technically falls into both Categories but is usually accounted for as using her hand.
Thank you so much for reading my guide on The Plague! If you have any questions, feel free to comment below! I'm more than happy to help with anything you are confused about.

If this guide helped you make sure to comment, rate, and favorite! It would mean so much to me.

I will be actively updating this guide.

If you feel like I have missed something in this guide please let me know! I'm a human, I forget things.

Thanks to everyone who pushed me to make a Plague guide, and I hope all of you who read this guide improve and realize how strong The Plague really is.

If you want to watch me play Killer, I upload my killer gameplays sometimes over at

All the best,

Ghostrick Specter
Strider 21 Jun, 2021 @ 6:52am 
Fantastic guide and I appreciate that you've taken the effort to keep this up to date with each release!
proplayer de habbo hotel 28 Feb, 2021 @ 5:08am 
oh god, this wiki is soo good, i wana test this builds tomorrow
GhostieSpectie  [author] 22 Nov, 2020 @ 4:25am 
@MercilessEviction Ah, that's the latency issue. :steamsad:
MercilessEviction 22 Nov, 2020 @ 3:46am 
Did you also have had a weird bug where you infect survivor with your ability, then you can hear them screaming, like they have been infected, but HUD doesn't show that survivor have been infected?
GhostieSpectie  [author] 21 Aug, 2020 @ 2:44pm 
It's a decent build but not the best for The Plague @Yuri Tarded
LostSoulNaM 21 Aug, 2020 @ 8:53am 
is nemessis + PWYF combo good running on plague?
GhostieSpectie  [author] 26 Jul, 2020 @ 2:51am 
Updated guide with Pyramid Head's perks
GhostieSpectie  [author] 27 Jun, 2020 @ 4:04am 
@Nyx You can try Distressing for getting more deviousness points, although I do not recommend running it on Plague since she needs to get close to survivors in order to use Vile Purge effectively. Try to keep using your Vile Purge on gens, pallets, windows, and even lockers in order to get more points. Since farming is one of her downsides and the Emblem system is really tricky on her.
Nyx. 26 Jun, 2020 @ 7:09pm 
Are there any builds you can run if you only put points into the Plague herself?
Amethyst Rose 15 Jun, 2020 @ 7:52am 
@Fierce1 I recently got the achievement a few months ago after her update. basically i would say bring a green apple ad on for one extra pool and slightly longer infection time, and then the last add on is kinda debatable either an enemetic(hopefully purple), black insense, or from what i hear the severed toe is actually pretty good from another guy. what i did was i went to the gens that aren't blocked and vomited on them instantly to keep them off while looking for survivors, and if someone pops up as sick you have an idea on where they are, and if not your waisting their time by making them stay in one spot waiting for the vomit to end or make them find another gen, which has a good chance of also being infected. try and send yourself to a small map to get use out of your infectious fright like the game. be careful though of indoor maps because of how hard it can be to land vomit in them.