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!!!!DistrictDiversity - Deposit Fix
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1.507 KB
7 apr 2019, ore 11:32
7 apr 2019, ore 12:03
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!!!!DistrictDiversity - Deposit Fix

5 commenti
RevansSchatten  [autore] 7 apr 2019, ore 22:12 
This mod "uses" the same event, but you no longer have to execute it. Whenever you colonize a planet the deposits are being generated.
The problem isn't with the mod itself. When you use it without other mods than in the collection for instance it works fine (except the starting planet). In the full version, which is coming soon, the home planet isn't a problem anymore, but there are still problems generating deposits on other planets. I haven't yet figured out which mod is responsible (as this error never occurred for me).
Railgunner2160 7 apr 2019, ore 16:20 
You sure it's not just a bug in District Diversity itself?? I had problems and the author of DD pointed out a command to use to fix it. IIRC it was a problem with the deposits on Planetary Diversity and the script not firing for homeworlds and sometimes other planets.
RevansSchatten  [autore] 7 apr 2019, ore 13:01 
There seams to be a mod out there, that breaks DistrictDiversity, this mod is a temporary fix for that problem.
ChrissTheBurnedOne 7 apr 2019, ore 12:27 
Fixes special districts having no slots available
Railgunner2160 7 apr 2019, ore 12:19 
What Does this do?