Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

Borderlands - Brick Sax Solo
"The best thing to be added to Borderlands since the guns - Brick Sax Solo"
Fifth_Quarter  [author] 4 Oct, 2020 @ 10:29am 
Valve, PSN, Xbox ~30%, But this is not the place to discuss this, its a bit of 'Artwork'.
Try EGS's Discussion pages...
[OTG]Ocarwyn 4 Oct, 2020 @ 9:02am 
Valve wants 30% of profits at launch? Epic wants 12%? Isn't this a math problem?
MeatballStorm 27 Sep, 2020 @ 9:11pm 
Listening to GRIZ when i saw this, made it 1000% better
SeriousSam1212 5 Apr, 2019 @ 7:01am 
Should have been a "saad tromboooone" for Epic exclusive.
Ryumeyer 3 Apr, 2019 @ 9:58am 
2Ks response was its made into an epic exclusive in order to 'expand' Borderlands 3 audience:headcrab:
QueenAsh 3 Apr, 2019 @ 8:38am 
It's a damn shame, all of it. I mean, at the very least, we'll be getting it on Steam when the game is more polished and refined after the initial launch, and maybe something will force 2k to reconsider, who knows, but personally I'm staying optimistic.
Fifth_Quarter  [author] 3 Apr, 2019 @ 8:35am 
It’s a shame, but inevitable considering Epic owns Unreal Engine.
What’s worse is ignorant ‘fans’ are going to blame Gearbox when it’s 2K/Take Two who have the publishing rights.
Even more embarrassing is these same !@#$’s will review bomb previous Borderlands games [as if it will make a difference] hurting the franchise they ‘care’ so much for.
Vorguz 3 Apr, 2019 @ 8:17am 
Btw nice capture. :)
Vorguz 3 Apr, 2019 @ 8:17am 
Too late. They announced today it will be a timed epic games exclusive. New Release Date for me is April 2020.
QueenAsh 2 Apr, 2019 @ 4:39am 
Hopefully it's all just Randy pullin our collective chains, they DO realize that moving it onto the epic games platform would be a stupid idea, right? Short term gains sure, but nothing in the long term, it'd be like Metro Exodus, with twenty times the fandom uproar.