Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

94 vurderinger
Tips and tricks for both beginner and advanced
Av JolyJew СлаваУкраине
Here's a vast collection of useful tips and some tricks to help you escape the sad endless cycle of: "WTF HOW DID I DIE???? i didn't see anyone, it came from nowhere, OMG I DIED AGAIN"

i have about 500 hours of game experience, so hopefully you will learn something here, especially if you are a new player. although veterans will also learn some neat things here
Fjern som favoritt
[/previewicon] Welcome to the the Vietnam war, you capitalist pig/filthy communist. it is a hard time for everybody when death hides in every conceivable corner. You will die over and over and over again, from enemies you can't see, from artillery, from traps, and from your own teammates. But you can break out of this death-simulator cycle, and after 500 hours of game time, i have enough experience to share with the rest of you fine folk. this Guide is a collection of all the useful information, tips and tricks that will help you survive and make you a better soldier. these tips good for both newcomers and long-time veterans who might have forgot, and didn't notice some of the hidden mechanics in this game. And most importantly i hope you will enjoy my guide.
Welcome to the the Vietnam war, you capitalist pig/filthy communist. it is a hard time for everybody when death hides in every conceivable corner.
You will die over and over and over again, from enemies you can't see, from artillery, from traps, and from your own teammates.

But you can break out of this death-simulator cycle, and after 500 hours of game time, i have enough experience to share with the rest of you fine folk.
this Guide is a collection of all the useful information, tips and tricks that will help you survive and make you a better soldier.
these tips good for both newcomers and long-time veterans who might have forgot, and didn't notice some of the hidden mechanics in this game.

And most importantly i hope you will enjoy my guide.
Before we actually start playing, we need to go over the game settings, and change them to allow for the best possible gameplay experience
The default settings in the game are not the most ideal for the best play. You experience will already
improve just by changing these:

1) Set manual bolting ON. This will make operating the bolt FASTER than having it set to automatic bolting/pumping, this also include the pump-action for shotguns
While these weapons are not as common like in RS1, they are still prevelant and you still need to make sure you are using them in their best way.

2)Set prone button to CTRL. Being able to drop down on the ground ASAP is invaluable, and when you have your pinky finger always ready on the CTRL button, this can be acheived, reaching for your ALT key while you are under fire takes longer, even if its just 0.1 second longer, it can mean the difference between living, or staring at the respawn screen for 20 seconds.

3)Set your melee button to a key close to you WASD, like (V) for example. the middle mouse button is NOT a good button for melee because
A - You can accidentally click the fire button instead, that can easily cost you your life, in close quarters combat every split second counts. especially considering that you mostly engage in melee when your mag is empty. so that accidental left click will just be a literal click.
B - The melee button is also the button that cooks grenades, or tosses then underhanded (underhand grenade tossing will be explained in a later section) so its much easier to click on an alphabetical key while you are holding the left mouse button when you removed the grenade's pin.

4) Set the fire-mode selection button to (X) you will need to switch between firing modes pretty often in the game. as situations constantly shift, and new encounters arise. so making sure that you can instinctively reach it when necessary is paramount.

5) set the foliage quality in the graphics settings to medium-low. This will remove many visual obstacles that make the enemy so difficult to see.
“but that’s cheating you jew!” i can hear you type. And you are probably right, except for one little fact – EVERYONE DOES IT. So there is no escape, if you don’t lower your foilage quality like the rest, you will be in constant disadvantage.
If you can’t beat them – join ‘em
oopsie looks like this yank didn't react fast enough because his melee button was MMB!

Now that all the settings are in place, lets cover actual gameplay!
Movement and survival
Proper movement is not only the most basic feature in this game (or any game for that matter)
but moving the right way can, and WILL save your life.

Everyone said it, hell, I said it in every guide, and i will say it again. NEVER be exposed in the open for more than a few seconds. ALWAYS BEHIND COVER.
"but Jew, what if there is no cover?" you might ask, to which i reply LIAR! there's always cover! there is always some kind of rock, tree, or earth bump to hide behind
hell, there is always grass you can just lie down, and hide in, its not perfect but it will still increase your chances to survive
but what if there is literally no cover at all? then make your own cover by throwing smoke grenade!

.jpg][look at this massive smoke cloud, no one will be able to shoot you through it unless they are incredibly lucky

almost as important as rule (1). smoke grenades are invaluable. if you are playing a class that has access to them (pointman/scout, Radio man, and commander) then make sure to throw them every life you have.
it conceals your team, it confuses the enemy, and allows you to get close to the enemy so you can fight on better terms. smoke in the right place stops an MG from mowing down masses of friends, and can help you set up a good firing position.
in short: if you want to win - USE SMOKES

3)NEVER RUN IN A STRAIGHT LINE unless you need to cover a short distance .
Running in a straight makes you almost as easy to kill as if you were just standing still. when your movement is predictable, the enemy can easily lead their shot its even easier for them if you run in front of them.
They will also be able to tell where you're heading and react accordingly with explosives or preemptive fire.
To avoid getting shot while on the the move A.constantly change direction and do zig-zags. B. constantly change stances from standing to crouching, and sometimes going prone. to confuse the enemy and throw off their aim. C. sometimes run backwards or to the sides so they won't know where you are going.

Not only this will preseve your life, but after you will see bullets fly past you, you will be able to precious information about where the enemy is, and plan your next move approriatly.

4) ONLY SPRINT WHEN YOU MUST - don't sprint when you don't have to. it will lead you to a quick death. walking slow and steady in contested territory will save your life. caution is the name of the game.
sprinting too often results in: A. not having your weapon ready if you find an enemy. B. your character will be out of breath because of running, making your weapon heavily sway. C. it takes longer to align the sites. so make sure you never sprint unless you really have to -like running for cover or bayonet charging.

5) DROP ON THE GROUND WHEN YOU GET SHOT AT - If you are not in cover, and its relatively far, it is a far better option than to run, completely exposing yourself to the enemy. it turns you into a small target, and the smaller you are, the harder it will be for the enemy to hit you. plus you will have an accuracy post from being prone.
another benefit is that at long range, when the enemy see you drop on the ground they will think you died. giving you precious free moments to either take aim to return fire, or quickly run away for cover

this is the final rule for survival, and it's equally as important as the first. don't be a hero, dont try to fire back or run closer to the enemy when you are under suppression.
Suppression means that your poor soldier is scared of his wits and he is horribly afraid to die, and he really wants his mommy right now. it happens when
A. if too many bullets fly past near you (the bigger the bullets the stronger the suppression)
B. too many comrades die around you
C. something exploded near you, especially when its artillery.

.jpg][this is how being suppressed looks like, your character is terrified beyond his wits]

While being suppressed your screen will become blurry, your field of vision will narrow, your weapon sway will be far more severe and on top of all that, while under the suppression effect you flinch when additional bullets fly past you, completely throwing off your aim.
needless to say that makes suppression an extremely crippling effect which ensures you do NOT want to engage enemies.
furthermore - if you are suppressed it means the enemy generally knows where you are and are waiting to shoot you the moment you peak out of cover. so by all means STAY IN COVER WHEN SUPPRESSED. the only exception to this rule is when you want to run back to a better piece of cover
Alright, now that were are done with movement, we finally move to cool gun tricks, right?
If you don't know where the enemy is, and aware of their actions, you will never be able to shoot them! in this game, it's See or Be Seen - learn how to see the enemy, and your hand will always come on top
so here are tips for Awareness

1) CHECK THE MINI-MAP OFTEN. you should also bind it to a key you can quickly press, because you will always be needing it. the map gives crucial information for your success. here is what it will grant:
A. see the locations of all your teammates, sticking to your buddies is crucial for survival. wherever there are teammates - its usually safer.
B. see the locations of all recent deaths (skull mark) of teammates, when you know see lots of deaths marked on the map, you know that area is dangerous and you should avoid it
C. see the location friendly artillery. - just because its friendly doesn't mean its safe, don't get team-killed by your team commander, you can succefully avoid this by paying attention and avoiding the area marked with a red mushroom cloud on the map.
D. Spot your enemies! when your commander calls a recon plane/scout report you can see ALL enemies on the map (except for Vietnamese that go prone for 5+ seconds) this is invaluable information that can help you avoid death, and in return, deal lots of pain to the enemy.
you can also see enemies when a teammate spots an enemy and reports him to the team by pressing the "enemy spotted button" (default Z)
.jpg][look at all the valuble information your map is giving, where are your allies, where you should go, and where you shouldn't. use it often]

2) STICK TO YOUR TEAM! yes, its a no-brainer, yes it should be obvious, but considering the amount of rambo wannabes that think they can go "lone wolf" to get 'le epic mlg montages' is too damn high. so i must repeat this again - STICK TO YOUR TEAMMATES
you know how do find them - use the map, you are just an average Joe, that can easily be killed if is without any backup. it is very important, to stick to your team,
a proper unified team cannot be beaten. because
A. you protect each other
B. you avenge each other
С. you support each other

sticking around your teammates greatly increases your chances of survival, not only does it give the enemy more targets to shoot at besides yourself, but it also means the enemy exposes themselves with their gunfire, allowing you to effectivly put them down.

while theoretically it is possible to sneak behind enemy lines to cause chaos, it is very rare to be successful by doing so without any help., and should only be attempted when you have great map knowledge and skill in the game.

3) STAY AWAY FROM DEAD TEAMMATES. when you a teammate get killed, do NOT go the path he went, because you will get shot by the same person who just murdered your buddy.
i know it can be very tempting to avenge your dear comrade, and you probably think you won't be as stupid as him and be able to kill that enemy. but DON'T
as already said - you are not a hero, you are an average Joe, and you are not better than anyone else. so whoever killed your teammate will definitely kill you too, because they most likely are in a better position, and have their sights already aimed in that general direction.

.jpg][strength in numbers boys, you survive by covering each other's flanks while advancing.

the RIGHT thing to do when you see a teammate die:
A. stay away from their body.
B. find a different path to your objective
C. approach the alleged enemy position from another angle/flank.
D. alternatively, if you know the enemy is aggressive (usually when they are on the attacking team) try and wait for him to show up so you could quickly surprise him yourself

on top of that, depending on how close the gunfire was, throw a grenade and shoot suppressing fire into the locations it came came from, even if it won't kill him, it will disrupt him enough for you and your friends to surprise him from the flanks

I know its obvious, but i must stress this out. map knowledge is a key to victory. knowing all the good paths and tunnels to flank the enemy and get good vantage points is crucial. expect to die often until you will know about all the good places in the map.
Iron rule - suppress the enemy.
The most important rule of all gunplay elements in this game.


this is the second most important thing to know about when firing your weapon. suppressing the enemy is invaluable, for you and your team, and you should already know of its devastating effects given that you read the previous guide section.
so how do you suppress? easy. shoot a lot of bullets in the enemy's general direction. even if you don't know where they are, even if you are not sure whether there are enemies where you're shooting. no, don't conserve bullets. it doesn't matter, you do it.

Back in the days of Rising Storm1 and Heroes of Stalingrad, suppression could only be done by the Machine-gunner class. but now that almost everyone has some kind of assault rifle, everyone need to put an effeort to supress the enemy. a team that fails to do so, will surely lose.

that's why you are given 5 magazines when playing a simple grunt, and that's the whole reason why MG's exist in the first place. i cannot overstate enough how bloody important suppressing the enemy is. the whole teamwork dynamic of this game, as well as real life combat scenarios works on this function.

If you are playing the machine-gunner class, it is your SOLEMN DUTY to suppress the enemy.
this is why they have massive 50-100 round magazines. here is a reason why you carry so much ammo around and are the only class in the game that can receive ammo donations from other players, because you need to waste all these bullets on SUPPRESSING THE ENEMY.
When you are not playing machine-gunner, dont forget to give them extra ammo, by pressing the USE key (E by defualt). every single soldier is issued with a spare magazine that they can give to the MG'er so you don't lose anything when you give them ammo all you get is free points.

[you think this poor guy is in any condition to return fire? this is what you achieve when you suppress the enemy]

Suppressing the enemy has a plethora of valuable benefits:
1]Covers your teammates and protects them - there is a reason why its called COVERING FIRE, by firing loads of rounds at the enemy and suppressing them, it dramatically weakens their long-range capabilities, they will piss their pants and keep their heads down, making them less likely to fire and more likely to miss. they certainly won't be calming watching over the area searching for stuff to kill, as they will be much busier trying not to die.
giving your men ample opportunity to advance forward to a better position or assault the objective.

this also works to great effect even when you know you won't be able to score any hit, because an enemy seeing bullets constantly fly by them will still make them scared and weak.

2]Slows attackers down - a squad of attackers will have to stop and fall to cover when they become suppressed, making their advance much slower, giving you more time time to win and set up defenses.

3]Expose the enemy
you take a peek out your cover, and all you see are a bunch trees and grass, how do you know if these trees speak vietnamese or not? SHOOT AT THEM.
then wait a second or two - and you will start seeing muzzle flashes and bullets coming out.
now you know where the enemy is, so you can plan your apporach accorndingly, know where to fire accuratly, and spot enemies for your comrades.

4] winning 1v1 firefights
when engaging the enemy, don't be afraid to waste your magazine by shooting around your target, the more fire you put into the enemy position the more you throw away their aim and weaken their retaliation
even if you know the enemy is hiding behind cover, shooting at said cover or right past it will make them fearful and weak, allowng you to quickly advance on their position and either quickly move into their cover and shoot em up, or advance on a better position that gives you an advantage. or hell, just run up to the bastard and stab him with your bayonet.

5] Prevent incoming fire from predictable locations
its pretty common to encounter an enemy position you can't reliably fight against - trenches, windows, bunker peepholes and more. trying to have a normal shootout with these foritified positions will usually end bad for you because they have the high ground and cover advantage.
the obvious way to deal with the problem - suppress them - shoot into those holes as you move in, shoot lots and lots of bullets
even if you miss all these shots, the enemy won't be able to use that firing position as long as it comes under fire, even if someone is brave enough to still peer through that peep hole, the suppression effect will their fire extremely inaccurate.
so remember that even if you don't kill anyone, firing into their postions can help you reach your goal faster and fight the enemy on your own terms.


- explosives suppress the enemy as well and are highly effective at it. if the grenade you threw didn't kill the enemy or flushed him out, rest assure that they are suppressed from the explosion, allowing you to quickly run up to them and secure the kill, provided, of course, that they didn't run away.
the bigger the explosive, the bigger andl louder the boom, which makes people more scared. which makes artillery a great tool for suppression, if used correctly by the commander.

-remember to move from place to place when doing suppressive fire. firing too many rounds in one place exposes yourself to the enemy and marks you for death, after firing a substantial amount of shots, make sure to change positions unless you want your head blown off from 3 different angles

one more thing: the suppression effect is stronger the larger round you fire. this means that weapons that use small rounds like SMG's and Carbines have distinctly weak suppression effects and as such, are not recommended to be used for suppressing the enemy, albeit its still possible if you absolutely need it

Gunplay tips
Finally the good stuff!

firearms in this game have loads of intricate mechanics. knowing about them and how to properly use them on the battlefield will give you a distinct edge over your enemies. and will enhance your game overall. they are what separate clueless newbies from seasoned veterans.

when you aim down your sights, make sure that the gun rests on something, most commonly a piece of cover, such as a fence, a rock or a low wall. you know it's done right when you see a small white icon depicting a gun resting on a rock
like this: .jpg].jpg]if a wall/obstacle are too short to lean your gun, become crouched and you will be able to rest it.
if you don't have solid or tall enough cover, know that if you are prone, your gun is always resting,

An important thing to note is that you can rest your weapon not only on small obstacles in that are lower than you, but you can also rest them on when leaning from the sides, you don't need to lean with the Q and E keys in order to achieve this, bit it's highly recommended.

Preforming this actions is absolutely critical to win firefights, resting your weapon removes your gun's idle sway and significantly reduces recoil. this will not only make you more accurate in general, but will also allow you do group your bullets much tighter when quickly firing many rounds,

the difference between firing a gun when its rested or not is almost astronomical. and it will be a dominant factor in firefights, an enemy in the open has a very low chance to kill an enemy that is resting his weapon.
this further emphasizes on how important cover is for this game and you should never be outside of it.

Another major factor that affects your ability to aim. after sprinting too much (about 30 seconds of none-stop running) your character will will start huffing and puffing, and will generally be out of breath.
this is not something you want. because when you are out of breath, idle sway is dramatically increased, making it very difficult to shoot anything that is not directly in front of your face.
so you must make that you character give breath properly before engaging the enemy.

simply stopping to sprint is not enough, if you walk, you regain your breath very slowly, standing still is also slow. crouching or proning however, makes you regain your breath fast, going prone is so fast all you need is just 3 seconds to completely regain your breath.
so make sure you have a habit to stop for some time when you reach enemy territory. it should be an automatic process - 1. finish sprinting 2.crouch/rpone behind cover, 3.wait a few seconds to regain your breath.
when doing this often, your chances of surviving and killing the enemy are greatly increased.

3) for long range shooting - HOLD YOUR BREATH WHEN AIMING.
when aiming down your sights or scope, you can press the SHIFT key, to make your character hold their breath. this action dramatically removes the idle sway of your gun, allowing you to shoot much more accurately.
if you hold your breath and and rest your weapon on an object at the same time, the idle sway will be completely removed - something that can't happen in any other way besides mounting a bipod.
be wary however, that you can't hold your breath for too long, after about 30 seconds of holding your breath, your character won't be able to hold it anymore and will lose focus for a few seconds.
if you are watching over long distances searching for targets, the best way to maintain maximum efficiency, hold your breath at 10 seconds intervals. so that when you will zero that enemy down as fast as possible.
One more thing: it takes 1-2 whole second for the breath holding to take full effect, so you can't hold your breath for a single instance and then take a shot, like you might be used to do in CoD or BF

sometimes people tend to forget that most walls are made of simple wood and not impenetrable titanium. which means they can easily be penatrated by assault rifles and above. if you know there in an enemy in a wooden hut, don't think twince to empty your magazine into the whole length of that house's walls, it just takes 1-2 bullets to kill them.
and as always, even if you didn't kill them, you certainly managed to suppress them.
even better, if you know there is an enemy in a floor above you, shooting at the ceiling can easily kill them by surprise, don't underestimate the power of bullet penatration.
and remember, the larger your gun's caliber is, the more surfaces it can penatrate.
the 50 cal. rounds the stationary DShK fires can penatrate even concrete walls.

after traveling a certain distance, bullets start losing momentum and altitude. it is important to remember when shooting enemies 100-200 meters away.
the drop in these distances may be very slight, but its enough to make you miss if you don't compencate. so make sure you aim above the enemy's head every-so-slightly sould you engage them in very long ranges. this is mostly relevant for snipers

6) for close range - MIND YOUR WEAPON LENGTH
the actual physical length of your gun can affect your performance in close encounters, because if your weapon is too long, it won't be able to fire when you stand close to walls and obstacles.
so the longer the weapon, the farther you need to stand from the wall in order to be able to fire it. it is important to know this, because being unable to fire when suddenly entering a close quarters encounter will cost you your life.
so remeber, the longer the gun, the further you need to stand from the wall to effectivly shoot. naturally this makes SMG's the best candiates for close range fighting and room-clearing.
do bare in mind, that fixing a bayonet on your rifle, will make the gun longer as well.
Gun Interactions
Now that we have covered all the basics how to maintain maximum accuracy with your guns. now it's time to move to all the cool different ways you can interact with your weapons which give you all kinds of useful boosts and advantages besides accuracy.
typically all gun interactions have a defined universal key, which i recommend to switch to B. also there is a universal button for switching firing modes which i recommend switching to the X key, to make it easily accessible but not too close to your other keys.
take care of your gun, and it will take care of you.

1)Reloading and checking ammo-
The most basic function every single gun has. it's very straight forward - gun runs out of ammo, you replace the magazine. easy. preformed with (R)
Don't reload after every firefight, this is not call of duty, reloads are very slow, and your ammo is measured in magazine count, not a bullet pool. so when you reload, you put your old magazine back, and use it again after you reloaded all other magazines.
This can result in you having 4 different magazines each with different amounts of bullets, which will be hard to keep track of, and you will eventually get killed reloading your gun mid-firefight because you inserted a magazine with just 1 bullet in it.
keep track of your ammo by pressing the R key for a whole second, and you will be informed how empty the current magazine is.
if its not half-empty, don't reload unless you know you are in a desprate situtation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you can get an extra bullet in your magazine if you reload the gun when it still has a bullet in it's chamber, one bullet is not that impressive, but it can definetly be a life saver for pistols. only works for guns with box magazines.

2) Switch firing modes - also a very basic function that most automatic weapons have. switch between full-automatic to semi-automatic firing modes, prefomed with (X)
it is very important to use this feature when engaging in medium-long firing ranges, and despite initial thoughts and smug beliefs that you don't need it, it makes a bif difference and you do, in fact, NEED IT.
Automatic fire is very inaccurate in long ranges, even when your weapon is rested and you're holding your breath you can easily shoot more bullets than you one with a single click, and the recoil is impossible to control for more than 2-3 rounds. the only excpetion to this rule are bipod-mounted light machine guns.
and so the best way to deal with this problem is SWITHING FIRING MODE TO SEMI-AUTOMATIC.
in fact, it is the more useful firing mode, that you should get used to having on, almost all the time.
in semi-automatic mode, assualt rifles become much more controllable, have less recoil and ideal for long range combat.
and on the other hand, semi-automatic fire, is weak in close range, can barely suppress the enemy, and makes your trigger finger hurt.
so its important to know when its the right time to switch back to fully automatic when the time is right. learn to switch firing modes and you will be a force to be reckoned with.

3) Folding the stock - can only be used with weapons that have folding stocks. that includes most SMG's and the Type56 assault rifle. feature is activated with the gun interaction button (B)
it is a very useful feature for the right situation, and its benefits should not be ignored:
A. aiming down sights is much faster
B. you walk much less slower while aiming
C. recovery from sprinting is faster as well.

The major downside:
from this is that without the stock, your sight picture becomes much less clear, more cluttred, and obsturcted by by the sight's ring. making it largely ineffective in medium to long range.

But for close range, folding the stock can give you a major advatage over your enemy, having faster movement, faster aiming and less penalizing sprint. you can almost run around like rambo.
Furthermore, when aiming down sights with a folded stock, the sights are much less obstructive allowing you to see more clearly.
so if you are using an smg, and planning to strom into an enemy room, folding your stock prior is very recommended.
4) Attach bayonet - can be used on all rifles that do not have a foldable stock, as well as the austrialian SMG's. feature is activated with the gun interaction button (B)
it's pretty straight forward - you attack a knife to your gun barrel, allowing you a longer reach for your melee attack, faster melee, more damage, plus, its satisfying as hell to stab someone.
considering the fact everyone either have a an automatic or semi-automatic weapons, the bayonet's usefull is reletivly scarce. but it is still the only viable way for proper melee combat. using melee without it, is very weak.
It can still save your life if you suddenly encounter an enemy in clsoe range. or if you're out of ammo. melee can also be good to surprise enemies around corners or when you want to be stealthy
remember that the bayonet extends your gun's length, which makes it bad to pick around corners and CQC.
if you plan to fight the enemy over long distances, maje sure your gun does not have a bayonet attached.
5) Fold the bipod - can only be used with LMG's. activated with the gun interaction button (B)
sometimes using the bipod can be clunky and very limiting on moblity.
folding the bipod removes this problem, by making it impossible to "get stuck" onto cover when you aim with your LMG' or use ackward angles. it's quite useful when you like running aroung with LMG's. because you still greatly benefit from resting the gun, just not as much if the gun was mounted on a bipod it's also great when you want to use the LMG to peak around corners.

6) Dialing the sights - can be used for all long-range weapons. (mouse wheel scroll)
since there is bullet drop in this game, it is possible to dial the sights to fit the current firing range you want. generally its not a very useful feature because its increadbily rare for a fire fight to be more than 150 meters.
however, this feature also changes your sight picture, and sometimes it can, make your sights better, depending on your taste. so try playing with the sights dial for every gun to see what suits you the best.
my personal recomendation is to dial the sights of the Thompson and the MAT-49, as they become much more open and user-friendly. as well as the Grenade launcher, because of th huge dropoff of the shell.

7) DROP YOUR GUN! - activate with (backspace)
yes, that's right, you can toss your gun away if you so desire. but its much more useful than you think. - faster to drop your gunand instantly switch to your secondary. than just switching regularly, because of the long weapon holstering animation first.
so if you're out of ammo, and need to reach for your secondary ASAP. quickly drop your weapon. if you survive you can always pick it back up.

8) Set barrels to fire both at the same time - used only for the double barreled shotgun, preformed with the fire-mode button (X)
that's right, if you want to completely delete your enemy from the plane of existance, you can set your super-shotgun to fire both barrels at once.
it is highly iladvisable since a single shot is usually enough to kill someone, and reloading is painfully slow.
but the ability is still there if you want to pretend the americans/aussies are demons

9)♥♥♥♥ revolver. - used only for the M1917 revolver. preformed wit the fire-mode button (X)
the american revolver is the worst weapon in the game because there is a half-second delay between pressing the trigger and th gun actually firing.
This however can be negated for the first shot by cocking the revolver before firing. allowing you to fire the instant you pressed the fire button.
Now that feature is not enough to make the M1917 revolver good, but it makes it usable enough if you want to have fun, or have a backup weapon that can fire at long ranges, to compensate a flamethrower or shotgun.

Exolosive tricks
Explosives, primarily granades, are an important tool in your arsenal. but the big booms they make won't matter much if you don't know how to use them to their full effect.
so lets observe the tips to make your enemies explode as horribly as possible:

1) Aim grenades with your fingers - your character's hand that appears when you arm a grenade - use it to aim your grenade where you need it. it will go roughly to where your middle finger is. this will ensure you won't blow yourself up when you try to throw it into a small window or hole.

2) Cook your grenade sometimes the 5 seconds it takes for a grenade to explode after being thrown is too much. cooking the grenade in your hand is very handy for throwing around corners and into trenches, to make sure the enemy won't have enough time to escape
After removing the grenade's pin with the fire button, don't release it. you can press the melee button (MMB by default) to cook your grenade. after hearing a distinct click, you will have 5 seconds to throw it release (fire button) before it explodes in your hand.
it's very handy to throw in around corners and into trenches, to make sure the enemy won't have enough time to escape
Important note: the communists' stick grenade begins to cook automatically after you pulled the pin

3) Underhand throw - if you want to throw your grende for a short distance - but stil be able to throw it over a wall, trench or window, undertand throw is your best bet.
when equipping your grenade, simply press the melee button (MMb by default) instead of the fire button. and your character will throw the grenade underhanded.
this is the pefect solution when the enemy is hiding behind a wall you're close to and don't want to throw the grenade too far.

4) Use grenades to distract the enemy - Even if you know your grenade kill or even reach your target, throwing the grenade in their general direction will still distract them and can allow you to quickly get a shot at them.
grenades create a puff of dust when exploding, its thick enough to obsturct the enemy's view for a few seconds which you can exploit to your advantage.
and if it explodes close enough, it can also supress the enemy.
all this gives your precious extra seconds to pop out of cover and take aim at the enemy to quickly kill them.

5) Claymores are NOT traps. - unlike what CoD had you belive, Claymores do not explode by themselves when an enemy comes near them.
they are in fact - REMOTE DETONATED. a remote-bomb that you can only place at your feet may not sound like much. untill you factor that the claymores have a deadly 50 meter explosive range. because in actuality, it launches big metal balls forward upon detonation.
anything that's anywhere in front of the mine, will be oblitirated.
use Claymores to cover your escape routes or as defensive tools to protect your squad leader.

6) Traps are NOT triggered by proximity. -
the a player must physically step on a Vietnamese trap in order to trigger it. so it no matter how close you are standing next to it, if you didn't step on it, it won't kill you.
this is equally important to know for both the Vietnamese trap planter, so that he will make sure to plant them in places he knows enemies will directly step on.
and for the Americans who can stand very close to the trap in order to disarm it.

7) ANYONE can disarm traps. you dont need to be a pointman to disarm traps. even though you have a much better ability to see them, anyone can just walk up to it, press the use key (E by default) and after a short animation of poking the contraption with a knife its gets desttoyed.

8) LOOK BEHIND YOU WHEN FIRING THE RPG. this is a realistic game kiddos, backblast can kill. and you will easily murder your teammates if you don't pay attention to who's behind you. all it takes is a single glace backwards, don't be a team killer.
similar advice goes to the RPG'ers teammates, you see someone aiming with russian can launcher? DONT STAND BEHIND THEM.
miscellaneous tips
Final tips and tricks that don't really go in any of the other categories, but worth mentioning:

DShK - the communist 50cal. heavy machine-gun . is made mainly to destroy enemy aircraft. not just helicopters, but recone plane and AC-47(spooky) as well. (its possible to shoot down the Phantoms that drop napalm, but they fly so fast its never going to happen)
Don't use it as an anti-infantry weapon as it will get you killed very fast considering how exposed you are when using the thing.
Due to the fact that its massive bullets can penetrate even concrete walls, it sometimes can be used to devastate enemies hiding behind cover. it's especially useful when its available for the NLF/PAVN when they are on the offensive. stealthily set it a DShK viewing houses in enemy territory, and start shooting up the walls. you will get a surprsing amount of kills.

You can crouch while you bipod is mounted - Just press the couch button (C) when your bipod is mounted on a piece of cover, it's a neat little trick to take cover, but not detaching your bipod. exelent for burst fire for suppression, and then making a quick break to make sure the enemy won't be ablet to zero you down.
if the bipod is mounted on a long surface like a wall, you can crouch and move to the sides while your bipod still remains mounted.

PICK UP ENEMY WEAPONS each weapon makes a distinct firing sound, and after playing the game enough, people will automatically know which weapons belong to which faction.
so when you pick up your enemy's weapon, it can really mess up with their team.
if you are on the commmunist side, you expect that the sound of an AK47 or RPD are friendly. so when you won't be alerted until it will be too late.
so when you are deep in enemy lines, try to always grab the enemy's weapon i will allow you to wreck havoc on the enemy team before detection.

Hipfire It's usually regarded as uselsess as it sprays bullets all over the place, but it indeed has its uses. know when its the best time to apply it.
A. you walk considerably when firing from the hip, so you can use it to quickly surprise enemies waiting around a corner. or to supress the enemy while also moving for cover
B. it's also useful for spraying in very short ranges, when accuracy becomes more of a detriment because you want as many bullets flying around as possible
C. panic fire - if you were surprised by the enemy you are much better off quickly starting to spray from the hip than to waste a precious second to aim down te sights. Dont forget that there is still a way to aim when firing from the hip, it's slightly aligned with the position of the gun barrel.

Extended magazines have downsides not only do they shrink your overall ammo capacity, but it also make you aim down the sights slower. these are important downsides to consider when decided to get extended mag.

For commanders
STAY ON THE FRONT LINE. Radio-man class exists for a reason! They are here to make sure the commander can still call for support while he can personally see the enemy.
it's extremely useful because you can mark arillery by yourself instead of relying on the lousy squad leaders. and you get give orders more effeciently. and in the end, sitting in the back of the map waiting for commander abilities to refresh is always boring.

Faction tips for commanders:
Americans/Australians - Don't be too predictable. when the enemy sees a recon plane, they know some kind of fire support will come down, giving them time to take cover, or prepare AA defenses.
instead, wait about a minute after the recon plane finished it's sweep, and only then call for air support. otherwise you will lose your precious Phantom jets to enemy AA rockets.
the more time goes between calling the recon plane, and calling air support, the higher chances the enemy will be cought off-guard.

Vietnamese - USE AMBUSH! its one of the most powerful abilities in the game. you can potentially spawn 10 teammates into an enemy position. wrecking their absolute ♥♥♥♥ from within. so make sure you are always on the front line to make sure you can use Ambush when it's ready.
This makes radio-men exceptionalyl useful for the Vietnamese, because calling for scout recon and Ho Chi Minh trail before the ambush can double its effectiveness.
Thank you for reading my guide, i hope you learned something new today, and that it will improve your game experience of RS2
please rate and comment, i will appreciate any criticism.

we'll meet on the battlefield, soldier!

14 kommentarer
Demo 2. juni 2020 kl. 16.57 
Great guide for any new player. Though i don't think vets will learn anything here. Thanks for posting.
JolyJew СлаваУкраине  [skaper] 21. mai 2020 kl. 12.32 
thanks a lot, highly appriciated
Eross McCloud 21. mai 2020 kl. 12.25 
Already knew all of it besides a few little trickslike shooting down the phantom but fun read anyways! THumbs up
-=[ϟ]Shadow=- 14. mai 2020 kl. 14.56 
Fonzy 27. apr. 2020 kl. 11.45 
it is Spooky AC-47.
JolyJew СлаваУкраине  [skaper] 1. jan. 2020 kl. 10.44 
oh right thanks for notifying, ill correct the mistake right away
Killroy 1. jan. 2020 kl. 10.40 
Just a small note - it's not called AC-130 but Spooky C-47.
Jingle Jangle Jimbo 26. des. 2019 kl. 11.04 
Thank you. I'll teach myself to remove it and put it back on. (Though it is vietnam and I have had to get into a bayonet fight within the rice fields)
JolyJew СлаваУкраине  [skaper] 26. des. 2019 kl. 0.06 
The protruding bayonet can give away your otherwise concealed position
and a longer gun means it morw cumbersome to peek and lean out of cover.

so I suggest removing when you know there there wont be a close encounter with the enemy wny time soon

thanks for the comments
Jingle Jangle Jimbo 25. des. 2019 kl. 20.50 
Why should I remove the bayonet when firing ling range? What bad effects does it have?