Quake Live
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How to Auto-Walk in any match
Autorzy: Xeres i 1 innych współtwórców
Wanna auto walk?

Well its still better than standing still when you are AFK.

So lets begin!
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Steps Involved
Make sure that you have your steam overlay enabled in game.

1. Launch Quake Live™
2. Open any server.

If you are the only one in the server & too bored to wait...you can use it to trick incoming players while you are afk.

3. Now while moving forward (with W/arrow key up), open the Steam overlay by pressing shift+tab
4. Press Esc

&.... you are done!

You can now walk without touching the keyboard!

You can change directions only with your mouse like a joystick.

Enjoy Auto-Walking :)
Komentarzy: 1
Stephen 11 sierpnia 2019 o 10:06 
or you can just bring down the console by pressing tilde key - type +forward, press enter and then boom done. to stop just repeat above but do -forward instead