Sundered: Eldritch Edition

Sundered: Eldritch Edition

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AFK Farming easy 500k Achievement.
Da Blitzter
This guide aims to provide players an idea of how to farm thousands of shards even if you are away from your computer.
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In order to do this, there are 3 requirements needed:
1.) You must corrupt your shield ability:

2.) And then you need 2 perks:
"Shield Overdrive" - which will make shield regeneration much much faster
"Shield Converter" - which drops your health to 1 but will convert some of the rest into the shield

3.) The 3rd and the most important one is ARMOR. The more armor you have, the more your shield can last. The rule here is that the Damage Taken is less than the Shield Regeneration.
How to do it:
This is my first guide, please go easy on me, now for the main topic. You only need to go to the second Region and go to the bottom right corner of the map, somewhere in that location, you will encounter an endless horde section.
There are 3 ways to get into this location, the first one requires you to have the Dash ability. You can get this on the 2nd region while just passing through the shrines. The second way is to Corrupt the Double Jump ability which then adds a feature which will let you fly for a few seconds. And the last needs the Double Jump ability, but in order to get to the 2nd region you need to have this ability, so basically this is not really a requirement since you already have this by the time you get to this location. All you have to do is to damage a little hp to jump over the spikes and then keep hopping on the wall until you get to the top.
Then just keep on moving until you get to the rightmost part of that place, once you get into the corner, just stand in there and let it happen.

So what is happening here, basically the horde will swarm you from one direction, and the exploding shield will trigger, those minions will die one by one, but since it is an endless horde, they will just continue coming in, therefore unlimited profit.
How efficient is this?
Okay for starters, that is the only endless horde in the whole game (unless I forgot something) that is composed of melee creatures that would swarm you. Of course, there will be other hordes that would provide you higher chances of shards especially in the 3rd Region, but most of the hordes there were known to use ranged attacks, therefore you can't kill them unless you go in front of them and hit them, then that wouldn't be AFK farming. With this location, these melee creatures will swarm you, and the exploding shield will trigger. Another thing, this location provides a corner, therefore, swarms will come in one direction, and you won't get pushed and pulled into danger while you're in AFK. That corner is also special since there is an upward slope right in front of you and is also curved. As you can see in the picture:
Therefore, that will basically be your catch basin for shards.

Take note that I did this just after I finished the first boss. While playing, I realized that I need to study for my engineering exam and due to the rush, I just managed to alt tab while working on my PC and after some time, I went back only to see that I already died but gained 50K. Then I used up all my shards to go back again. The first one lasted for around 10 minutes, with 50K shards. Then my second run lasted around 30 mins before I died with 100K+ shards. After those 2 runs, when I tried the 3rd run, I observed that the shield regeneration now surpasses the damaged dealt by the creatures, therefore the shield would last forever. After that, I continued studying for around 2 hours only to get back that I managed to unlock the 500K achievement. Also, by doing that, I managed to unlock all the skill tree and the game became easy until the final boss.

I tried playing where you destroy the shards, and while not being AFK, this area is still good for farming shards on when you are still a low level character.
10 commenti
bernd 22 giu 2022, ore 1:36 
edit: jsut tried it, same thing with window mode.
as soon as the game window isnt active and focused anymore, game stops and only resumes when window focus is gained again :-/
bernd 22 giu 2022, ore 1:35 
hey, anyone good with windows 10?

I game wise have all the stuff prepared, my girl placed in a good spot where shield regen is slightly faster than damage taken.

but thing is:
I have the game window active.
I press alt+tab.
now I am back at desktop or other stuff.
however, probably cause he game window isnt active, it aint actually doing anything either.
so the game aint really continue to play in the background but actually jsut stops until I get focus back to the game.

so the game simply doesnt run in the background, as a non active, non focused thing.

also I am playing full screen mode, maybe window mode, if existent might change something
cyanners 4 feb 2020, ore 14:30 
does not work on hardest difficulty
JHarlequin 23 gen 2020, ore 12:17 
Or when you do "find all perks" use the eradicator perk for a short while. The more difficult enemies flood shards at you and you will clear 500k easily in a short time. Don't waste time afk farming for something that is easy to do while playing.
cryptyyy 8 ago 2019, ore 6:54 
How much armor does one need for this? I currently have 27 (yes I know - not much) and I am barely able to farm ca. 1000 shards before I die. Am I doing something completely wrong or did the devs counter this farming tactic?
💖 Officer Hotpants 💖 9 lug 2019, ore 20:55 
Random drop. Never mind.
💖 Officer Hotpants 💖 4 lug 2019, ore 18:08 
Where do you pick up the shield overdrive perk? I have shield converter already.
DrGrant 16 apr 2019, ore 1:24 
Ok, I've run some tests to optimize the output and the best perks combination I've found so far is "10% of shield regeneration with every kill" "magnet" and monsters release 40% more shards"
The only one needed to keep the shield up is the regeneration with every kill, but it's probably more a mid/late game combination.
Hope this helps, and thanks again
DrGrant 15 apr 2019, ore 11:23 
Very useful guide, thanks!
The only thing is that I couldn't get to wrok without the perk that convert avery kill in 10% of the shield. Without it the shield got drained too fast, it may depend on the fact that I'm playing at difficult.
Glitch 30 mar 2019, ore 8:08 
I came across this a while ago too. I now see that there's a guide made about it (this one) but it got uploaded after I found out. However, for the visitors and viewers, I can totally agree to the creater Evie, this is a damn good way to get a lot of shards! And it doesn't even take a lot of time too! This Endless Hordes section only spawns a large amount of Crawlers and with the right perks and upgrades you can easily get shards quickly and AFK. Great help for the people who didn't know yet ^^ :EshePleased: :EsheShocked: