Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

353 Bewertungen
Christian immersion mod
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1.599 MB
18. März 2019 um 11:46
23. Mai 2020 um 2:32
43 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Christian immersion mod

Do you ever feel murder is somehow worse than being lefthanded? Do you ever feel that the pope should have denied you that divorce? Do you like heresies? If all above is yes then this may be the mod for you!

The purpose of the mod is to increase immersion when playing as a christian or interacting with christians. I want the mod to be historically accurate and true to canon law.

Religious Rituals
- Observe Lent, go to confession and celebrate Easter
- Holy Unction
- Exorcisms
- First communion
- Confirmation
- Masses for the dead
- Childhood initiation and Khawendar feast for yarsans
- Pious cathars can divorce their spouse and become celibate
- Pious cathars can become perfecti and commit suicide by endura

New Heresies
- Judaizers (miaphysite): Judaizers are miaphysite christians observing many of the mosaic laws. They are based on the Ethiopian Tawhedo Church and are led by the Abuna. Unlike other heretics they can always join their monastic society.
- Mandeans (miaphysite): Mandeanism is a non-christian religion claiming to follow John the Baptist. Unlike christians they allow polygamy. If HF-dlc is active they can determine zodiac signs. A religious head can be founded by their priesthood if certain conditions are meet.
- Chaldeans (nestorian): Chaldeans are schismatic Nestorians, but influenced by catholicism. They are led by their patriarch.
- Apollinarians (nestorian): Apollinarians have very similar practices as the nestorians, but the christology is different. They are led by their catholicos.
- Adoptionists (catholic): The adoptionist religious practices are similar to standard Catholicism, but the Christology is different. Any independent king can form the adoptionist religious head, but it will disband if landless.
- Free Spirits (catholic): The free spirits was a low church denomination holding ideas involving panteism, antinomianism and quitism. It has no religious head.
- Barlaamites (orthodox): The Barlaamites are very similar to orthodox but influenced by scholasticism. If they control Constantinople they can take over the Ecumenical Patriarchate and hold synods to convert the orthodox.
- Yarsans (sunni): Yarsanism (Ahle-Haqq) is related to yazidism, and very different from standard islam. It has no religious head but their own religious caste.
- Secret societies have been added for all new religions.

Religious Heads and Inquisition
- Reworked religious head calculation regarding excommunication and when you demand stuff
- Pious religious heads are more objective, and less influenced by their personal opinions and whether they are vassals or not (unless a loyal servant)
- Bad religious heads no longer reward people for being evil but are much more influenced by their personal opinions and their liege than pious religious heads
- The Pope can demand that characters burn harmful books, but may also grant dispensations to keep them
- Waldensians and Jain cannot burn heretics during the hunt apostate events
- The Barlaamites and Adoptionists start without a religious head but can form one, but it may also be destroyed
- Unlanded ecclesiarchs can be appointed as religious heads (unless you have access to antipopes)

Marriage and Divorce
- Reworked divorce conditions for individual religions in accordance with canon law
- Divorces are harder for catholics and miaphysites, but easier for most other christians
- Cousin marriages are disabled for many christian religions
- Religious heads no longer cite “consanguinity” as the reason every time you get a divorce
- Catholics and miaphysites will no longer divorce their wives to join holy orders
- Messalians can take concubines and consorts
- Unreformed pagans cannot take consorts (go messalian or reformed)
- Tribal characters can only take concubines if allowed by their religion (nomads unchanged)
- Samaritans and Karaites can now have two wives
- Cathars can often go celibate by decision
- Messalians and mandeans can always renounce celibacy

Added/Changed Mechanics
- Religious branches for Lollards: Wycliffeites, Taborites and Utraquists
- Religious branches for Waldensians: Poor of Lyon and Poor of Lombardy
- Waldensians are now pacifist and cannot declare Holy wars
- Removed divine blood for messalians (but incest remains)
- Zunists can raid
- Paulicians can raid, but not join monasteries
- Nestorians far in the east can syncretize with eastern religions
- Jews and Samaritans are harder to convert
- Jews, secret jews and jewish sympathizers can now invite jews to settle in Jerusalem under special circumstances
- Only germannic pagans can appoint shieldmaidens
- AI women can be invited into warrior loges, but not join directly
- Changed several vanilla traits to match traditional christian, jewish and muslim opinions
- Free Spirits can become associates to beghards and beguines
- Christians and dharmans can abdicate to become monk/nun/ascetic under special conditions
- Changed religious clothes for bogomilists, paulicians, cathars, waldensians, zunists, samaritans and messalians
- "Crisis of Faith" game rule
- New events such as prophecies, bedtime stories, inspirational saints etc

Schism and Special Events
- If a diplomatic and learned catholic is emperor of Byzantium, Abyssinia or the Restored Roman Empire after 1059 the Council of Florence might happen. This may convert miaphysite and orthodox characters and counties. This is based the historical Council of Florence.
- A powerful Monothelite Emperor controlling Constantinople and Alexandria may Hold a Council converting many orthodox and miaphysites to Monothelitism. This is based on the attempts of Emperor Heraclius and his successors to reunite the copts with the Byzantine state Church.
- If the Barlaamites have a Patriach and controls Constantinople they may hold synods converting orthodox to Barlaamism. If the orthodox regain Constantiople they may hold counter-synods converting barlaamists to orthodox. This is based on the historical anti-palamist/anti-barlaamist synods in Constantinople during the 14th century.
- The Byzantine emperor may choose to massacre the latins in Constantinople under special circumstances. This is based on the massacre of the latins in 1182.
- Added events for the Great Schism, Triumph of Orthodoxy and the Great German Pilgrimage (the pilgrimage requires SoA-dlc)

Rewritten Vanilla Events
-Rewritten HF wars against bad popes to better represent the canonical issues at stake when a pope is removed due to violence and state influence
- Rewritten some canonization texts to better represent medieval legends
- Rewritten observatory events
- Rewritten a minor crusade event
- Replaced primae noctis event
- Rewritten hunt apostasy events to better represent canon law, with special focus on western Europe 1200-1452
- Rewritten missionary events to increase immersion (missionaries will be less hateful toward the people they are trying to save and will mention salvation, not just hell)
- Rewritten some excommunication events to better represent medieval practice
- The religious head will never force characters to become celibate as penance
- The religious head may force you on a pilgrimage as penance

- 70 historical artifacts, mostly Bibles
- Most books can be ordered, but some are unique

No DLC required, but I’d recommend using them.
Incompatible with most mods that change religions, such as HIP, CK+, Ancient Religions Reborn and Rise of Islam. If you want improved genetics, use this version:

Constructive criticism is welcome, especially if you find typographical errors.
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (3)
25. Mai 2020 um 9:18
ANGEHEFTET: Suggestions and bug report
28. Juni 2019 um 6:33
ANGEHEFTET: Some mods that I recommend to use
18. Juli 2019 um 9:56
ANGEHEFTET: Included books etc.
319 Kommentare
Patriotic Cow 5. Okt. um 23:03 
kaiserfranxx 1. Feb. um 2:24 
@Lucasia Thanks for the help! I was able to combine both mods by modifying the landed_titles file and adding religious holy_sites. I haven't fully tested it, but it seems that the combined mod works fine, with the MCN names appearing and the CIM features being available.
Lucasia  [Autor] 31. Jan. um 10:19 
@kaiserfranxx If i remember correctly (it was years since I edited the file) it only adds holy sites for the new religions (new titles are in a separate file). If you remove the file I think the new religions by default use their parent religions holy sites. It should however be easy to add the holy site lines from this mods files into another mods file. Example: holy_site = barlaamite under c_byzantion
kaiserfranxx 31. Jan. um 6:23 
@Lucasia how essential is the landed_titles file for features of the mod? I want to use another mod (More Cultural Names Mod) that relies on the landed_titles file for its features, but at the same time I don't want to remove the flavor and features added by CIM. Is it possible to know what parts of the landed_titles file were modified from vanilla and what were added for the mod features to work, since i'm thinking of combining both the mods and modifying the landed_titles to have the features of MCN and CIM.
georgiaboy4 4. Jan. um 11:42 
@Lucasia: Thank you!
Lucasia  [Autor] 4. Jan. um 11:21 
@georgiaboy4 It's not really compatible, although some people have played campaigs with both mods on (I have not tried it).
The most important thing to prevent conflicts is to deal with files that both this mod and HIP modify, the easiest way is probably to remove such files from this mod (but that will remove some features). A more complicated alternative is to combine the files.
Some parts of this mod should be highly compatible, like the bibles. But even there you probably would want to adapt them to the religions added (or changed) by HIP.
georgiaboy4 2. Jan. um 21:47 
@Lucasia: HIP compatible? Or, how to make this HIP (specifically EMF) compatible? Thanks!
Rick The Black 19. Sep. 2023 um 11:37 
@Ezra_Esdras I had the same problem, found out I had disabled steam cloud, when I enabled it, mods started to download again. But you have to do it as @Imperator of Rome described for the mod to download.
Ezra_Esdras 17. Sep. 2023 um 10:19 
I tried both solutions already lol, it seems im just out of luck until steam decides to stop downloading empty zip files
Lucasia  [Autor] 17. Sep. 2023 um 9:03 
@Ezra_Esdras, There is unfortunately no direct download. The issue may be what Imperator described. OR maybe you subscribed to too many mods. CK2 only seems to download a limited number of subscriptions, if you unsubscribe to a few then you may be able to download more - I had this very issue.