

82 ratings
Little things about Loadout
By Wilcol
This guide isn't meant to be a comprehensive gameplay guide, but more of a list of bits of the lore and gameplay features which may not be completely obvious at first. Feel free to comment if I missed anything.
Technical Problems
This guide will NOT help you if you have technical problems. Please don't complain about them here. Instead, go to the forums on the Loadout website, the Steam forums, or Reddit. Or just google it.
Loadout's Backstory
As of yet, Loadout doesn't have that much of an offical backstory. However, after looking around a bit and speaking to some of the EOR crew in-game, this much can be said.

Set in the future, somewhere in space, there is a precious mineral known as 'Blutonium'. Highly volatile and radioactive, this resource is also extremely valuable. As such, mining companies set out to harvest it from asteroids.

They failed. Things were messed up and pretty much everyone died.

After this, however, Axl,T-Bone and Helga, the three characters, hear about the treasures that await. They are basically treasure hunters joining in a gold rush, or Blutonium rush. All the shanty towns and pieces of mining equipment are new to them, but they quickly fight other treasure hunters over the various drills and crushers in order to gather Blutonium.

So there you have it. Blutonium is the focus of the game, and you're fighting to gather it. Pretty much all of the credit for this knowledge goes to Gump, an EOR employee. Cheers, Gump.
Stuff you might not know
Anyway, after that little bit of backstory, here we are at the main list of the guide: Things you might not have known. I'm not really going to order this in. Some of the things are gameplay related, others aren't.

Jumping immediately after doing a roll will result in a higher than normal jump. Combine this with rocket boots to reach high locations.

Jumping at the top of a ramp will allow you to jump higher than normal.

The Blutonium that is gathered in the Extraction gamemode can be shot. After a brief delay, it will explode, damaging anyone nearby. This can be used tactically.

Carrying Blutonium as the Gatherer will increase your movement speed. If you are fleeing from the other team, holding a piece can help you get away.

When holding Blutonium, you may hear a ticking noise. This is likely a geiger counter, meaning that Blutonium is radioactive.

Blutonium can be thrown, and will create a devestating explosion upon impact, killing anyone who is directly hit. This can be used to kill enemies, although it can also result in a suicide if you're not careful.

When using the Turret Buddy equipment, it will use the weapon you are currently holding when you deploy it. This means that you may want to consider what to hold at the time of deployment. Different weapons have different ranges. It also works with Health and The Juice weapons, allowing you to buff your teammates in another way.

The Turret also takes about half a second to 'wake up', and can be instantly destroyed with a melee attacking.

While Tesla may at first seem inferior to Slug due to the lesser damage, remember that it does not just arc between enemies. It arcs from its point of impact to nearby enemies. This means that Tesla weapons can be nearly impossible to dodge. It also means that you can hit enemies behind cover.

Tesla weapons do extra damage to shields, while Pyro weapons can't set shielded enemies alight.

While it is to be expected that Pyro weapons do their damage over time, someone who is on fire will take extra damage. As such, a good way to use Pyro weapons is to ignite an enemy and then swap to another weapon.

If you happen to be on fire, rolling will decrease your burn time, potentially saving your life.

The duration of Pyro effects is based on how much damage is done. A powerful Pyro rocket or being hit a lot of times from a fast firing Gattling Pyro rifle will result in the burn time being much longer (Credit goes to Pink Daddy Sasquatch for reminding me).

Fire can be spread by coming into contact with another person, allowing you to kill someone with their own fire (Credit goes to mcfelix3 for reminding me).

Being buffed by The Juice will increase your damage, reload speed and move speed, as well as your jump height (credit goes to Rahonejm for reminding me about the jump height).

Health weapons can be used to overheal your teammates, much like the Medic in Team Fortress 2.

Healing yourself with your own Health weapon, such as a Health Launcher, won't heal you as much as a teammate would be healed. You can also not be overhealed by your own weapons. You can, however, be Juiced.

Healing teammates will also heal you, meaning that if you need to be healed, heal your teammates. This will also overheal you.

Taunting while capturing the point in Blitz will result in an increased capture rate, a 10% increase in speed. (Thanks to Austinania for reminding me about this.)

Killing an enemy with the Hammer in the Jackhammer mode will result in increased points when you capture the Hammer. As such, it may be worth killing enemies rather than ignoring them.

The Hammer is an instant kill to anyone it hits, but it only has five swings. Make sure to use them wisely.

The Hammer itself appears to be used to power mining equipment. In the Fissure map, when captured, the mining machine that the Hammer is housed in will start up.

Rockets can be destroyed either by shooting them, hitting them with other rockets, or even meleeing them.

The Shield equipment appears to be generated from a small futuristic looking watch device worn on the wrist.

EOR Employee Gump has his own unique pants.

The gun shop in the training area has a hitmarker when shot at (credit goes to The King Lictor for pointing this out).

The gun shop will also change music when shot (credit goes to Buppo for teaching me about this).
Additional notes
Thanks for reading the guide. Please feel free to point out if I missed anything.

If you want to know more, feel free to visit either the forums:


Or the Loadout Wiki:


Also, the Reddit, as suggested by ScorchedPotato

Knife Kirby 23 Jul, 2017 @ 9:41am 
SHIFT to hold your breath, Found it in Controls. Must be for stablility or something...
Knife Kirby 22 Jul, 2017 @ 1:55pm 
Also worth noting is a basic rule, while albeit simple some people need reminders: Your HP is always 100. Keep it in mind!
Gangrene 19 Feb, 2015 @ 3:47pm 
it is also worth mentioning that pyro and slug grenades have the power to insta-kill, or at least one-hit
TyC2010 24 Dec, 2014 @ 2:41am 
@szoldzsi the deevelopers thought of *everything*
Rise 22 Dec, 2014 @ 1:11pm 
Oh and using naked outfits (allways censored) The characters sometimes have boners.
._. well then.
Rise 22 Dec, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
-Players on fire take a bit more damage then not burning ones.
-The Juice boosts your damage dealth by 20%.
-Colourblind mode changes team colours to Blue And Yellow.
-Bots have a special power that prevents them from falling down pits, may even resulting in getting stuck under bridges or the map itself
-The slug rocket actually damages twice. First 11% of the original then additional 10% if enough close to enemy... i think.
-Turret buddies Heal you no longer (?) if you are at 100% health.
You don't need to thank me.
Wilcol  [author] 31 Jul, 2014 @ 8:00am 
@Austinania Yeah, I knew it was around 10%, but I forgot to point that out. Cheers.
Austin 31 Jul, 2014 @ 5:23am 
Also, good guide going here, gave me a slightly different view of Loadout.
Austin 31 Jul, 2014 @ 5:22am 
Eh, just for the statistical addition, the Taunt on a point boosted capture rate for yourself by 10% while taunting. If you feel like adding in the numbers or not, cool either way.
Wilcol  [author] 16 Mar, 2014 @ 10:09pm 
@Crazyman6600 That's just taunting over a dead body