DCS World Steam Edition

DCS World Steam Edition

301 ratings
Fly and Destroy in minutes - Su-25T QuickStart Guide
By Gamer 2023
easy beginners guide!
This game doesn't need to be complicated, this is a 'lite' guide that will get in the air with your weapons ready in 5-10 minutes :)

Download the mission from here:

Save the mission file anywhere you like - just remember where so when you launch the game you can open the file easily ;)

Your mission is to fly south and engage the enemy radars bases - with some long range missiles and EXTREME PREJUDICE!
Rearm and Refuel
  • Unpause the mission if required: PAUSE key (next to Scroll lock / PrtScn)

  • Start Electric Systems : Right Shift + L
  • Contact Ground Crew to equip correct missiles: Backslash, F8, F1
  • On pylon 6 you want to right-click and equip the Fantasmagoria Pod

  • Right click on pylons 7 and 5 - select the missiles: KH-58U
  • On pylons 9,8,4 and 3 equip the missles: KH-25MPU
  • On pylon 11 and 1 equip the Pods MPS-410
  • Leave pylons 10 and 2 empty for this mission.
  • Then click OK and the invisible ground crew pixies will perform their magic.
  • press F12 to exit the radio menu
  • Press F2 to watch from the external view as your aircraft becomes weighed down while your new missiles appear on your aircraft.
  • F1 will get you back into the cockpit where you can look around with the mouse or NUMpad arrows. Mousewheel will zoom in/out. as will / and * on the NUMpad.
  • They will say "Rearming Complete" after about 20 seconds.
Start 'er Up
  • Contact the Air control tower and ask for permission to start up: Backslash, F5, F1, F3
  • (the tower should confirm your request, if not, do it anyway)
  • (make sure your throttle is all the way off, if you are using a keyboard it is already off by default)
  • Start Both Engines: Right Shift + Home
  • While you wait for your engines to fire up:
  • Start Cockpit Lighting : L
  • Start Navigation Lights: Right Control + L
  • Start Taxi/Landing Lights: Right Alt + L
  • Close your cockpit : Left Control + C
  • When your engines are idling at 35% RPM you can go!
Taxi to runway
  • Contact the ATC and ask for permission to taxi to the runway: Backslash, F5, F1, F1

  • Now lets roll over to the start of the runway (take the little road left)
  • Take it very slowly we are heavy! and things will respond slowly too, so accelerate gradually. With all of the weight it takes a long time to slow down - so brake early.
  • Don't turn sharply unless you are driving less than 30km. In fact try to keep it under 50 at all times.

  • (speed is displayed on the TOP LEFT corner of the HUD)

  • brake: W
  • steer: Z (left) X (right)
  • accelerate : NUMpad plus
  • decelerate : NUMpad minus

  • Now drive all the way to the runway, but do not enter the runway yet.
  • Also make sure you are on the long runway not the short one (there are two at this airport)
Take off
  • Contact the ATC and ask for permission to take off
  • Line your self up on the runway nicely in the middle.
  • Press F to lower your take off Flaps.

  • Things will happen every quickly as you start to take off!

  • Hold W to keep yourself still while your engines spool up.
  • While holding the W - press down on NUMpad plus to increase your engine thrust to maximum - you'll hear them roar.
  • Once it feels like the plane wants to move, let go of the W key to release the wheel brake
  • Try to keep the plane centered down the runway with Z and X

  • When your plane reaches 300km speed you switch over to the keyboard arrow keys (or joystick) and press the down arrow until your plane starts lifting off - not too much though, start at a shallow angle.

  • Press G to disengage landing gear
  • Press F to return flaps back to normal
Ermagerd I'm flying
  • Use the arrow keys Left and Right to roll, Up and Down arrow keys point your nose up and down.
  • I'm assuming here you understand the basics of flight - if not then in simple terms you turn by rolling the plane left or right and gently pull back on the stick (Down Arrow Key).
  • In this plane try to keep the speed between 400-600km's. It will stall if you go too slow and get very shaky if you go too fast. So manage the throttle while you fly.
  • Going down makes you fly faster, so ease off the throttle with NUMpad minus, and as you go up give it maximum throttle with NUMpad plus.
  • You can press B to enable/disable airbrake to slow you down - you will see your wing tips expand/contract.

  • Again, you are super heavy, do everything slowly in controlled movements - like you would if you were driving a bus or a truck in rainy weather.

  • After you have taken off, turn left and fly more or less parallel to the coast.
  • Eventually you will hear beeping sound similar to a busy dial tone on a telephone.
  • If you look down towards your warning radar (under the big TV thing on the right side of your cockpit) you will notice an orange set of lights.
  • Steer your plane left or right until the two front most lights are lit up. (this means you are flying straight towards a radar)
Attacking - the moment you have been waiting for....
  • Once you are heading towards the enemy radar, you'll want to blow it up right?
  • Press 7 to engage air to ground mode
  • Press i to enable radar detection mode
  • You should be able to see a whole bunch of diamonds on your HUD. (assuming you are flying toward the radars as outlined in previous step)

  • Move your square cursor on top of one of these diamonds
  • Default slew controls are
  • , left
  • / Right
  • ; Up
  • . Down
  • Press ENTER to lock onto it - and the diamond will have turned into a circle to let you know it is locked up.

  • Once you are in range, you will see the LA (launch authorized message)

  • Hold spacebar for a couple of seconds and you will see your missile fly off - because the missiles are heavy your plane will dip to one side, so for now lets fire another missile to balance out the plane.

  • Even out the plane and press F6 to watch the your missile fly! F1 to go back to cockpit view.
  • Press Enter again to unlock the radar - and repeat this process for the next radar station.
Landing - Really basic version
  • View the map and find a runway close to you: F10
  • Contact ATC and request a landing: Backslash, F5, F1, F1
  • Press 1 to go into Navigation mode(keep pressing to cycle between route, return and landing modes)

  • When you are coming in for a landing try to be about 1000 meters high

  • Line up the runway from about 10 times the length of the runway away from it.

  • Lower the throttle and apply airbrake so that you are flying at around 300km fast

  • Press Left Shift+F to lower flaps to landing stage.
  • Press G for landing gear.
  • When you touch down hold W for wheel brake
  • Press P to deploy your landing chute.

  • steer with Z and X
  • W for Wheel Brake
  • Shutdown the engines with Right Shift + End
  • From here you can rearm and go again or exit and restart the mission.
Try Trimming
I didn't really want to bog down the guide with something like trimming, but if your having trouble comfortably keeping the plane level then trimming is something you should look into.

Since the new and more realistic flight model has been released, the aircraft now requires trimming fairly regularly as you change your speed. The more speed you have, the more lift is generated by the wings, so unless you want to hold your joystick forwards for long periods of time to keep the plane level, you will want to add some downwards trim, allowing you to recenter your stick and give your hand a rest. (also allows you to press things on the keyboard without the plane going out of control when letting go of the stick).

The default controls are:
. + Right Ctrl - Trim Up
; + Right Ctrl - Trim Down
, + Right Ctrl - Trim Left
/ + Right Ctrl - Trim Right

But these aren't very reachable while you fly, so at the very least, have your Trim Up and Trim Down buttons set up on your joystick or somewhere very convenient.[/b]

Trim Left and Right will be quite handy too, as once a missile is released from one wing, the opposite wing begins to dip. It is a good idea to trim your aircraft back to level flight after you have finished any maneuver, or weight has changed. It seems tedious at first, but it will become second nature after a few hours, and you won't even know you are doing it.

If the controls start to feel strange, e.g. the autopilot has done its own trimming, or you have also trimmed and not too sure whats going on, press Right Control + ENTER to bring up a display that shows you where the in-game controls are, and you can compare this to where your real life joystick is angled.

If that doesn't help, you can always reset the trim back to normal with Left Control + T. But beware resenting trim can cause your plane to suddenly and wildly turn or pitch, as it is the equivalent of suddenly pushing your stick back to center position.

Try to remember this for when you finally get into the air and have reached cruising speed and altitude :)

yAvRUm 8 Aug, 2021 @ 3:32am 
Ayy mate, thanks for the guide. In game tutorials feels very complicated and shitty designed but I can managed to fly and get some shots at my second taking off try, thanks to you.
Gamer 2023  [author] 22 Apr, 2021 @ 4:32pm 
Glad you find them helpful :-)
mikewazowski 22 Apr, 2021 @ 3:53pm 
Alright, thanks :)

Your Guides are awesome
Gamer 2023  [author] 22 Apr, 2021 @ 3:32pm 
That's a good idea, I will make a video, but it will be in 6+ months time or so
mikewazowski 20 Apr, 2021 @ 3:22pm 
Could you make a video playing the mission?
Juniorslothsix 26 Jan, 2018 @ 7:01am 
Can wait to try this in VR!!!
djpoizon 11 Jan, 2015 @ 7:11pm 
yeah, DCS recognized my kboard as foreign lol, changing the menu key worked, Thanks. Also had my first semi-successful landing, meaning... I didn't blow up.. XD touched down at around 280, bounced, then touched down a bit heavy, breaking the landing gear completely, but I slid to a halt in the grass and didnt break anything other than the gear.. still had missiles on the wings XD
Porucznik Kloss 11 Jan, 2015 @ 5:47pm 
I had the same problem, DCS recognizes my keyboard as manufactured in Japan and interprets my -, ' , ] , [ ,\ , ~ keys as different ones. So I just changed my communication menu to RCTRL+\ .
Gamer 2023  [author] 11 Jan, 2015 @ 5:34pm 
try rebinding to another key:)
djpoizon 11 Jan, 2015 @ 4:54pm 
Welp, for some reason, backslash won't open the communication menu (even though it is definitely mapped in controls) ho hum, i guess i'll just go fly around and try not to kill myself while landing XD