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Eastshade's Locations and Points of Interest
Por Altbert
This guide provides a map of Eastshade with all regions, locations and other points of interest with descriptions per region.
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After using fly mode in the game’s console, I found that the ingame map doesn’t represent the island(s) of Eastshade as it is seen in the game, and decided to completely redo this guide.

The map may not be as accurate as possible. Roads and paths have been removed from the map, as well as points of interest. Every possible location is marked on the map:

Red capitals – regions
Boxed numbers – locations
Brown lines (straight & dotted) – zip trolleys and balloon ride
Green lines – caves
Green fish – fishing spot
Light blue – waterways
Blue - hotsprings

Explore every possible area of Eastshade and step away from roads and paths. To be most succeful in gathering herbs, sticks, roots, mushrooms, etc., do your exploring by night, as then the items will be easier to detect. But, be sure to buy a coat at the market in Nava before starting to explore by night.

For additional information see the following guides:

Eastshade's Regions
  • A – Port of Lyndow
  • B – The Great Shade
  • C – Seltspring Coast
  • D – Nava
  • E – Quickhoof Coast
  • F – Blushwood Forest
  • G – Sinkwood Lake
  • H – Sinkwood Falls
  • I – Westerey Woodlands
  • J – Tiffmoor Bluffs
  • K – Westspring Bluff
  • L – Restless Reach
  • M – Ocean’s Last Breath
Port of Lyndow
  • 1. Lyndow
  • 2. Old Lyndow
  • 3. Abandoned Tower
  • 4. Ingov’s Cave
  • 5. Yunus, the featherman
  • 6. Najm, the fisherman
  • 7. Toll bridge

Locations not marked:
  • a small camp across the river from Annika’s house
  • the beach across the river from Old Lyndow with other remains of the village (can only be reached by reed boat)
  • Lyndow’s carriage driver, just outside the village
  • shipwreck of the Annabelle
  • the Feather Hunter's Hut (Old Lyndow)

  • a painting of the Abandoned Tower (or West Tower or Middle Tower, but not the East Tower) – 15 gs

Other paintings:
  • a painting of the eclipse for Nika – 20 gs
  • a painting of the inn, the gazebo and the townhall for Azad, the architect – 40 gs
  • a painting for Emerik in the inn – 25 gs
  • a painting of a beach for Najm, the fisherman – 25 gs

  • Feather Hunter's Hut, Old Lyndow - 2
  • Lyndow Inn - 3
  • Abandoned Tower - 1
The Great Shade
  • 8. Bojan (on his raft)
  • 9. Onur’s house
  • 10. Viktar, the park ranger
  • 11. Waterfox Den
  • 12. Efe, guard at the bridge to Nava
  • 13. Carriage driver
  • 14. Viktar’s house
  • 15. Kestrel’s Aerie
  • 16. Anika’s House
  • 17. The Big Tree with Roshanara’s house
  • 42. Middle Tower

Locations not marked:
  • a fishing woman near the Middle Tower
  • various NPCs south of the Big Tree
  • young waterfoxes south of the Big Tree (after the Waterfox has been cured)
  • Anika’s owl north of the Big Tree

  • a painting of a cobhouse in the country (Anika's or Onur's house) – 15 gs
  • a painting of a small stone bridge – 15 gs
  • a painting of the Middle Tower (or Abandoned Tower or West Tower) – 15 gs

Other paintings:
  • a painting of an owl for Anika – 30 gs
  • a painting of a beach for Onur

Mother's last wishes:
  • a painting of the big tree

  • Onur's House - 1
  • Kestrel's Aerie - 2
  • Viktar's House - 1
  • Roshanara's House - 1
Seltspring Coast
  • 18. Helem, the Roots leader
  • 19. Southlands hotspring
  • 20. The camping musician
  • 21. Shipwreck
  • 22. East Tower
  • 23. Greywing Cove

Locations not marked:
  • NPCs on a ledge south of Kestrel’s Aerie
  • NPCs on a platform between Kestrel’s Aerie and the East Tower
  • 24. West market (Evelina and Tam)
  • 25. North market (Tailor, Blacksmith and Fish Seller)
  • 26. Market Hall (Art Dealer, Book Seller, Leilani and Melek)
  • 27. East market (Shadian Post, Tea Seller and Woodworker)
  • 28. Common Tower (Lady Samira, Librarian, Yevheniye and Zahra)
  • 29. Osha, the One Glowstone Guy
  • 30. The Inn & The Tarnished Teapot (upstairs)
  • 31. Roots Club
  • 32. Pea farmer

Locations not marked:
  • Horf, sitting at the west side of the Market Hall
  • Jarrik, near the entrance to the pea field and the watermill
  • Pipa, at the south side of the Common Tower
  • the Sherrif, at the east side of the Common Tower

  • a painting of a chicken – 15 gs
  • a painting of the watermill – 20 gs
  • a painting of Horf – 15 gs

Mother's last wishes:
  • a painting of the view from the top of the Common Tower

  • Nava Library - 2
  • Common Tower 3rd floor, Emerik's Room - 4
  • Common Tower 3rd floor, Samira's Room - 1
  • Common Tower 3rd floor, Zahra's Room - 2
  • Inn & The Tarnished Teapot - 3
Blushwood Forest
  • 36. Ranya’s House
  • 37. Tubular Bells (Clara's Song)
  • 38. Aysun
  • 39. "The Eye"
  • 40. Mudwillow’s Mirror
  • 41. K&K’s Apothecary

Locations not marked:
  • entrance to Mudwillow’s cave (trapdoor near the mirror and door near the shore of the lake)
  • Alejo’s home (unknown)

Other paintings:
  • a painting of the eclipse seen through "The Eye" for Mudwillow
  • a painting of the Nava skyline for Alejo – 70 gs

  • Ranya's House - 2
  • K&K Apothecary - 1
Sinkwood Lake
  • 43. Sinkwood Inn
  • 44. Old Pops
  • 45. Wooden walkway

  • Sinkwood Inn - 4
Westerey Woodlands
  • 46. Toma’s Farm
  • 47. Sandysnout Beach
  • 48. West Tower
  • 49. Kid’s shelter
  • 50. Gazebo hotspring

  • Toma's Farm - 1
Tiffmoor Bluffs
  • 51. Tiffmoor Ruins
  • 52. Hidden Cove
  • 53. Tiem’s Obelisk
  • 54. Vilmar’s Arch
  • 55. Tiffmoor Gorge
  • 56. Blackpaw Beach
  • 57. Howling Cavern
  • 58. Cave hotspring
  • 59. Westspring Cliffs

  • a painting of the Tiffmoor Ruins – 35 gs
  • a painting of a windmill – 25 gs
  • a painting of Vilmar's Arch (or the arch between Nessa's Balloon and Quickhoof Coast – 20 gs
  • a painting of a starry cavern (Howling Caverns) – 30 gs

Mother's last wishes:
  • a painting anywhere in the Tiffmoor Bluffs
Westspring Bluff
  • 66. Tiffmoor hotspring
Restless Reach
  • 60. Mountain hotspring
  • 61. Mountain view
  • 62. Balloon landing spot

  • a painting of snowy mountains – 35 gs

Mother's last wishes:
  • a painting of the highest peak
Quickhoof Coast
  • 33. Nessa's Balloon
  • 34. natural arch
  • 35. Quickhoof Coast

  • a painting of a natural arch (or Vilmar's Arch) – 20 gs

Other paintings:
  • a painting of Nessa and her balloon when not airborn
  • a painting of Nessa in her balloon when airborn
Ocean's Last Breath
  • 63. Shipwreck
  • 64. Excavation campsite
  • 65. Ice cave

  • a painting of the cave of ice (after completing Dorment in the Ice) – 50 gs
15 comentário(s)
CuQuoise 26/out./2020 às 20:57 
Thank you!!!
Altbert  [autor(a)] 26/out./2020 às 5:11 
As I was already working on a new map and new textual content for the guide, I will be updating it in a few days. At least I still had a copy of the old map.
Altbert  [autor(a)] 26/out./2020 às 4:33 
No trouble! I am glad you pointed me to this, but I have no clue of what may have happened. I will upload a new map asap.
CuQuoise 25/out./2020 às 19:00 
where is the map? is there a link? I can't believe I'm totally missing it like this . Sorry for the trouble
Altbert  [autor(a)] 13/jul./2020 às 4:57 

As PeskyTheTroll already wrote, you should post your question on the Discussion forum, so more people will be able to read your question and respond to it.

In the meantime another of my quides may be of some help:
Pesky 13/jul./2020 às 2:34 
Steph092490 Please post general questions about the game to the 'Discussions' forum. Your post here would make two good question and one helpful piece of information, and I'm sure other people would want to read them and the responses to them.
steph092490 12/jul./2020 às 16:30 
So, I have a few problems. One, I can't seem to locate the amulet on Seltspring coast.
Second, I gathered the bloomsacks twice, and now they won't respawn, no matter how many times I sleep. and I just bought the sealant.
Also, the portrait of despair. I painted the captain and it excepted it, so there's two subjects for that specific painting.
UZI Bitch! 27/mai./2020 às 19:35 
Hello, same as flumph I suggest to correct the location of the Greywing Cove.
Altbert  [autor(a)] 25/ago./2019 às 16:20 
@flumph: I will look into this and if I'm wrong I will (try to) change the map. Thanks.
flumph 25/ago./2019 às 14:29 
Thanks so much for this guide! I do want to point out that Greywing Cove (#4) is marked at the wrong place. It's actually on the southern coast, east of Old Lyndow and west of the Seltspring Coast.