STAR WARS™ Republic Commando

STAR WARS™ Republic Commando

497 ratings
Cheats & Console Commands
By Sachin Shekhar
Press the tilde (~) key while playing the game to bring up the console which is a very powerful tool shipped with Star Wars Republic Commando game. This guide presents list of commands the console accepts. Many of these commands are cheats.
Powerful Cheats for Offense & Defense
TheMatulaakLives - Turn God mode ON (God mode is automatically turned OFF when Level ends or you exit the mission; You need to activate it again after cutscenes or in new session)

Fierfek - Get full ammo
AllWeapons - Get all weapons
Loaded - Get full ammo and all weapons
Invisible [1/0] - Toggle Invisible mode.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
Fly - Fly mode
Ghost - Ghost mode
Walk - Switch off Fly/Ghost mode
SmiteEvil - Kill every enemy on sight
KillPawns - Kill every entity on sight (including squad bots)
KillAll [class] - Kill every unit of a specified class
HOG - 1000000 Damage points inflicted on the targeted object
BlindAI [1/0] - Toggle AI blindness.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
DeafAI [1/0] - Toggle AI deafness.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
BlindEnemies [1/0] - Toggle enemies blindness.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
DeafEnemies [1/0] - Toggle enemies deafness.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
Commands to alter behavior of game
Darman - Skip current level
Lamasu - Unlock all levels

BehindView [1/0] - Toggle 3rd person view.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
FreeCamera [1/0] - Toggle 3rd person view.. 1 means ON, 0 means OFF
LockCamera - Lock camera to the current location
ViewSelf - Reset camera view to the player
PlayersOnly - Toggle FrozenTime mode
SloMo # - Set timescale to # for SlowMotion
SetJumpZ # - Set jump height to #
SetGravity # - Set gravity to #
SetSpeed # - Set motion speed to #
FreezeFrame # - Freeze the game after # seconds delay
ChangeSize # - Change the player's size
ViewPlayer (Name) - Change the camera view to indicated player
ViewBot - Cycle camera view through the bots
Teleport - Teleport to crosshair location
Stat FPS - Toggle frame rate display
Stat Net - Toggle network display (for Multiplayer game)
Stat Mem - Toggle memory display
Stat Game - Toggle game statistics display
ToggleFullScreen - Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
Suicide - Commit suicide
Exit or Quit - Exit the game
Nuclearfish 14 Feb @ 6:02pm 
lmao dude doesnt even include the set resolution command. what a joke
THE PEAK 25 Jan @ 10:53am 
I can't seem to open the command console even if I tap on that button...:jawafrown:
stupid chicken 11 Nov, 2023 @ 11:54pm 
Daitoshen 6 Apr, 2023 @ 2:35pm 
@accel67 you wont be able to progress unfortunately either die or restart the level. Only after you pick up the sniper rifle/grenade launcher can you then input the give all weapons code
accel67 5 Mar, 2023 @ 4:35pm 
Hi guys. Good morning. A little problem here. When I use the code and get all weapons, I could not afterwards proceed past the point where I would normally have to get a weapon that the code had given me much sooner. For example, the point where I have to pick up the sniper rifle. I cant pick it up because I already have it; and I cant go through the nearby door until I pick up the sniper rifle. Any ideas on how to fix this situation ? Thanks.
RedSpectre 11 Jun, 2022 @ 5:11pm 
Used "LockCamera". It's a very weird experience, since your player model is a low poly plain commando that's hard to maneuver since it seems his anims barely match where you're facing
Persona idiot 31 Jul, 2021 @ 11:35am 
I went to this guide because sv_cheats 1 as not working
KKiONI 2 Jul, 2021 @ 9:10pm 
Fun fact: setting the player speed to a large negative number turns the game into Sonic The Hedgehog
wolfinston85 5 Apr, 2021 @ 7:04pm 
For god mode just input "TheMatulaakLives" without the quotes
Gamerhell 24 Jan, 2021 @ 5:19pm 
their is one but I dont know it and its not on here maybe just look it up for this one