The Crew
Feels of 6 Drift Specs
由 Cute-Bot 制作
I would like to say that for drift, i have acquired six cars and I can be able to comprehensively describe how they feel compared to one another. I used the Golden Hills Track to refresh myself on more accurate feels. The cars are: 1. 1969 Dodge Charger; 2. 2012 Dodge Challenger; 3. Ford GT 2005; 4. Ford Mustang GT 2011; 5. Keonigsegg Agera R; 6. 1967 Shelby GT 500.

1. This car is a decent competitive beginner, but can feel rather slow in the corners. This is the car my friend held onto when I taught him how to drift. It has a smug medium aura with it as it can happily lug along corners even though the revs don't seem that high. While it can handle tight corners, it doesn't have the highest "flickabilty". It settles on getting the job done. Even if it feels like it's resisting, it secretly wants you to get that slide started.

2. (This car is at lvl 1436, but has been consistent with the feel) Now if you want to talk some easy drifting, this car can get up and go. It has the power to easily go through those small corners back and forth with ease! Although the other starter drift car feels rather similar, this one stands out by being capable of performing turns in a lower gear than normal. This means quicker start-offs, quicker acceleration, and most likely less shifting. Unfortunately, it is unable to work with long strung out corners. It makes up for this by maintaining an easy flickabilty, to keep the drift multiplier going! A powerhouse that rides like butter.

3. This is a rather weird one. It doesn't initially feel like a drift spec at all. Unlike the other drift cars (minus one or two), this did not feel stubborn when starting out. Hell, if I had to compare how it LOOKS, I'd say it looks like an arcade game where steering hard automatically makes your car drift, regardless of what speed. It's like you have a drifting animation over a circuit/perf car and the slowing down is just you simply following a race line braking at the intervals. This is an amazing car that I feel I haven't tapped it's full potential as of yet, due to how natural it feels.

4. This was my first drift car. I remember when I first tried it out, it was kinda lackluster. It isn't that bad, in fact, It is a great teacher. It is perhaps the most middle-ground car I have. It can flick decently, it can hold small corners decently, it can hold long corners decently, and it can hold the gears rather well. I will say that it has a more "weighty" feel to it, which corresponds with how it can hold longer corners. The long stretches will require boost if your balls-y enough to try them.

5. Now, if there was a car that I would say is rather difficult, it would be this one. It is a rather devious and manipulative bastard. It can be misleading if you don't pay attention. Unlike other drift cars, this one requires you to pay attention to the gears, speed, and revs a LOT closer. You can't just SLAM it and gauge your corners based on which gear; if you shift too high, it will rev out like it's in the right gear, but will lose power and speed. And the amount of times you will be shifting back and forth between gears is rather annoying compared to the more tame vehicles. The benefits this car brings is that it has high flickability alongside great power for long corners. It is able to hold bends like a thing that holds things. THIS is an upgrade for those that want more but want to work for it

6. And finally, my personal favorite. This is a car that is stubborn, powerful, and needs a knowing touch for it to submit. You want those long corners? it will OWN it! you want those small corners? You need to pull those reigns hard and grit your teeth. It will be a learning curve with this one, but it will prepare you to learn the hard and the easy ones like the '69 charger.

Now, one more thing: A lot of these cars will fight you in the beginning. You have to go through what I call "Taming" . You need to level them up in order to get their respect, so they will cooperate. Off the top of my head, the most gentle one is the GT 2005