Far Cry New Dawn

Far Cry New Dawn

81 ratings
How to turn off enemy loudspeaker music
Instructions on how to turn off the annoying and repetitive music blasting from loudspeakers and radios in the game.
This guide is mainly for those who find the Rap music blared by the Highwaymen in the game annoying or excruciating, especially after playing the game for a long time. This guide will also help those who find the classic rock and golden oldies played by allied forces annoying to turn that music off as well.
  1. Go to the option menu
  2. Go to the Audio submenu
  3. Go to the option "Streamer Mode"
  4. Switch "Streamer Mode" from "Off" to "On", this will disable any music in the game that was not specifically made for the game, which includes all the Rap/Hip-Hop music that the enemy radio and loudspeakers play as well as the rock & golden oldies that Survivor radio plays. Having "Streamer Mode" enabled will make the game much more tranquil for those who find the looping radio music annoying.
  5. To re-enable the music at any time go back to the audio options and switch "Streamer Mode" to Off. It is the author's recommendation to switch Streamer Mode off while doing Story & Side missions as these sometimes have well paired to the action musical choices and having Streamer Mode On may prevent the intended music from playing.
Shane Lizard 3 Mar @ 7:19pm 
Hit me with the ching ching.

It never gets old.
Arid Drifter 6 Dec, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
ummm, you can turn off music in game as well by breaking their crap and then when they start crawling around trying to turn their music back on you can take them out...
FissionChips 15 May, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
"Survivor Radio" already doesn't play any music at all, if their bland whatever that is is all there is after turning on streamer mode I don't want it. And Highwaymen radio would be fine if I could delete the few really grating songs - but actually what I'd like to do is replace the music. Delete the rap, expand the Die Antwoord, throw in some Rammstein or whatever.. that's gotta be better than {{{We JuSt TuRnEd A gAnG iNtO a CoLoNy}}} on repeat ad nauseam.
Joe... 20 Feb, 2022 @ 1:57pm 
i just wish they had more music tbh
MarkGuro 7 Feb, 2022 @ 7:52pm 
Yes, the music sucks!!!
♂tHEg0ATIE♂ 25 Aug, 2021 @ 1:42am 
The music sucks ass. Ty m8
Billy Yank 11 Aug, 2021 @ 6:23pm 
WTF? The blasting RTJ is one of the best aspects of the game. Next you'll be turning off dragons in Skyrim.
VirtualAlias 26 May, 2021 @ 9:16pm 
When I'm on the mic it's like MURDA MURDA MURDA keel keel keel
Razin 2 Nov, 2020 @ 6:57pm 
Thank you so much. I like the music, but after long enough it's very grating.
FerdTheTerd:) 22 Jul, 2020 @ 6:56am 
The "Fatty boom boom" song is Fatty Boom Boom by Die Antwoord, a south african band. Farcry 3 also had their music played on the loudspeakers.