Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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27.2.2019 klo 12.51
22.8.2020 klo 11.28
5 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )
1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Aiglefins
Rainbow Research And Construction (Generation 1)
34 luomusta
The "Éole" is a polar sailboat. It has a range of 270km to allow journey back and forth between the two main areas of the game.
It's designed to support a crew of 3, with 3 beds, 3 chairs, 3 winter coat, as well as a heaters for extreme cold.
To resist the far north, this small ship was built with a double hull to limit all waterways and decrease risks of sinking. An automatic pump empty the ship in case of water entering the life zones. It has a top speed of 20 knots and an autopilot.
Position and distress lights indicate the ship situation at nights.
The ship can be steered from the outside or the inside depending of the weather.
It's small size and retractable mast allow it to sail through narrow pass and under bridge without any problem.

Update (22/08/20)
New Wedge, Engine have been rework and slope remplaced.

it is also equipped with a flexible and pleasant autopilot produced by: Stevob21 ( )

It use a map who can detect buoys, produced by Belantro available here ( )

And you will find in this collection the buoys detectable by the Eole :
13 kommenttia
Aiglefins  [tekijä] 22.8.2020 klo 11.31 
Updating the ship I replaced the old ropes with new ones. Reworked the engine and replaced the old slopes with the new ones.
Dr. Dre's Doctor 16.4.2020 klo 8.47 
none of the winches connect on two work
BettySpaghetti 13.7.2019 klo 14.43 
It floods and capsizes from the stairs upon spawning. There is no leak but rather it seems to have an infinite water source in that spot. Is there a way so solve this?
patrichatric 9.7.2019 klo 20.18 
The boat looks really good but it capsizes when spawned.
Myrphac 2.6.2019 klo 7.24 
Never felt so bad using a clutch
Maybe I should have read before flooring it
Aiglefins  [tekijä] 28.5.2019 klo 3.44 
The boat has been updated! a new autopilot, and the detection of Buoy!
Aiglefins  [tekijä] 5.3.2019 klo 10.08 
Toaster Tricks 5.3.2019 klo 9.52 
This looks super cool, thanks for sharing!
jostvanwair 4.3.2019 klo 17.14 
Lovely! Now all we need is a fast, small yacht! XDDDDD
The C𝔬w God 27.2.2019 klo 20.19 
finaly, a beautiful solo sloop