Far Cry 5
41 voti
The best hunting spot for Rare animals!
Da Nicpus
Heres the best area for Hare, Alpha Hare (Jackrabbit), Wolverine, Alpha Wolverine, Elk, Alpha Elk, Seagul, Grouse, Whitetail deer, Prob whitetail deer alpha, Black bear, Alpha Black Bear and Skunk. You will also find snakes. (Remmember to take Jess Black with you! She will be helpfull)
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Where is the area?
You can start at Fall's End or Dodd's Dump then walk to the Harris Residence. That is where the area is. There is also a lighter and a bunker. Around the house you can find the animals. Theres also a seller who always walks the path thats beside the house!
What can i find and where can i find it?
You can find: Grouse, Seagull, Wolverine, Alpha Wolverine, Skunk, alpha skunk, Elk, Alpha elk, Hare, Alpha hare (Jackrabbit) Whitetail deer, alpha deer, Black bear, Alpha black bear and snakes.

You can find the grouse in the backyard the area the bunker is. You can also find there seagulls, skunks, wolverines, hares and alpha hares. In the forest behind the house you can find Black bears, Whitetail deer, Hare, Alpha hare, Alpha wolverine, Elk and alpha elk. Further upp behind the house you will find a hill with an open field. There you can find allot of elk, alpha elk and sometimes wolverines. Alpha black bears are allot around the path and behind the house. Now the wolverines likes to kill the seller allot so thats a thing. As you see in the picture i got all thoose animals (Not the fish) in the area in about 10-15 min of hunting!
Cant seem to find anything?
The trick to the respawn of animals is to walk abit away from the house then go back. Then there will be more animals that have spawned. Keep doing that and you will get money quick! Also the hares usally get scared away from both bears and wolverines and you will have to take Jess Black with you! Unless you are a very silent hunter. Use bows to get more pelt! Now happy hunting and good luck!
11 commenti
sheepfromdowntheroad 10 lug 2023, ore 14:56 
Nicpus  [autore] 10 lug 2023, ore 12:50 
Ackchyually? :DSTskull:
sheepfromdowntheroad 10 lug 2023, ore 11:26 
its actually raptors peak thats the best spot
Pika_Factor 8 feb 2022, ore 8:49 
Nicpus  [autore] 14 apr 2021, ore 8:34 
Arigato ^^
MrKÄSEKRUSTE 14 apr 2021, ore 2:37 
Nicpus  [autore] 16 feb 2021, ore 13:16 
I almost spilled my tea from laughing.
Nicpus  [autore] 15 feb 2021, ore 13:56 
Np ^^
glock 15 feb 2021, ore 11:38 
Nicpus  [autore] 13 feb 2021, ore 21:46 
Yw ^^