Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

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Spiral Gene: Guide
By indigofenix
A guide for my latest and greatest scenario, Power of the Spiral. I strongly suggest NOT reading this unless you are stuck, as Spiral Gene has a lot of surprises and here be major spoilers.
The Power of the Spiral is an extensive scenario that is intended to be played multiple times, with each playthrough being crazier than the last, expanding the story and introducing new mechanics that must all be mastered to reach the true ending. Saying it has multiple endings doesn't quite encompass the concept, rather it is a single story involving things like time travel and parallel universes to tie together each possible victory.

It's also heavily reference overdosed. Especially the anime references and tropes. But it's also its own story, so if you're not familiar with that kind of stuff don't concern yourself.

While it is my intention that winning is not too hard (except on Brutal) it is possible that players might get stuck. Shame on me for putting the best part at the end.
Unique Mechanics and Abilities
Slow Growth:

The Spiral Gene's infectivity and lethality rise rather slowly by default. You'll have to keep this in mind for many of the paths to victory - infecting the world and then building lethal symptoms won't work here. In this sense, it's not that different from a regular Prion, but without severity-lowering traits to help you stay under the radar you're going to need to learn how to plan ahead - if you want to destroy the world, you need to evolve lethal traits early. Beating the Spiral Master's Challenge requires an understanding of this mechanic.

Combat System:

This scenario uses a rather elaborate combat system that incorporates both offensive and defensive abilities. There are four symptoms that unlock combat behaviors. Impulsiveness and Aggression will cause the infected to mainly attack each other and is a good way of killing off the infected quickly, while Hematophagy and Predator will cause the infected to mainly attack uninfected humans and is good if you want to spread the infection fast.

However, no matter which traits you evolve, combat will be adjusted according to how many people the infected can easily reach. In countries that are mostly uninfected, the infected will usually attack the uninfected even if only Impulsiveness or Aggression are evolved, and in mostly-infected countries infected will usually attack other infected. As the population of a country dies off, infected will have a harder time finding each other, and the fights that occur will decrease in number, though evolving Mind Sensing, Telepathy, and Levitation will help with this.

Some traits will increase Attack and Defense. Attack traits will produce more deaths, while Defense will decrease the chance of infected to die in combat.

Infection from combat occurs based on the physical deformities the infected fighter has - basically, Infectivity traits from the Symptoms screen. Infectivity from the Transmissions page will not impact this. So if you want to infect people through combat, make sure to evolve a lot of symptoms! Also, keep in mind that only survivors of attacks can be infected, so make sure attack power isn't too high if you want to keep infecting people.

Attack will also be used to destroy aliens, and Defense will help reduce deaths from bombardment and alien attacks. Evolving combat-related behaviors will not increase combat with aliens.

Generic Unusual Traits:

Labyrinth: Once countries have a high enough damage from the Spiral, it cuts off all their contact with the outside world, reducing all their cure research to zero. This makes the game really easy so using it locks you into the basic ending.

Typhoon: Randomly hits moist, warm areas, killing people and infecting a few more. Good for hitting most islands.

Aurora: Randomly infects cold regions. Because screw Greenland.

Conspiracy: Slows down infection rate in the starting country. Injections, which comes after, will slowly restore 30 DNA points. There are a few uses for this - you can use it to keep the infection under wraps while you evolve it or wait for its infectivity and lethality to increase, or just get 15 extra DNA points later in the game. It also unlocks some extra text.

Dissolution: Found after evolving Telekinesis and Reality Warping. Lethality goes way up. If combined with Fusion, though, it causes infectivity and lethality levels to rise much faster than usual, which will quickly spread across the world, then kill everyone soon after. Handy for the Humanity Unification ending, but may have other, less obvious uses...

Titanic Growth: The easiest way to gain high combat strength. Unfortunately it's in the direction opposite the traits you need for Fusion. Could be handy for fighting aliens on the ground though.
Symptom Combos
Whirlwind Riders: Evolve Impulsive and Twister. Lots of bonuses, handy for killing the world faster.

Twisted Together: Evolve Spiral Construction and Twisted Limbs. Kills quickly in severely-infected areas.

Avatars of the Spiral: Evolve Hallucinations and Soul Gems. Massive cross-country spreading and a decent infectivity boost, in addition to unlocking some events.

Spiral Fruits: Evolve Twisted Vegetation and Unique Powers. Boosts air and sea transmission until the world becomes concerned about the plague.

Spiral Clothing: Evolve Prion Refinement and Clothing Manifestation. Boosts air and sea transmission until the world becomes concerned about the plague.

Spiral Spores: Evolve Soul Gems and Spiral Medusa. Releases parasite spores periodically.

Medusoid Evolution: Evolve Spiral Medusa, Aura and Spiral Strike. Reduces lethality from Spiral Medusa and increases attack and defense.

Regemeration: Evolve Soul Gems and Astral Projection. Greatly increases defense.

It All Returns to Nothing: Evolve Fusion and Dissolution. Causes transmission and lethality to increase much faster than normal.

Chaos Mutation: Evolve Titanic Growth and Reality Warper. Greatly increases lethality. Does not trigger if Witch's Labyrinth has already been triggered.

Witch's Labyrinth: Evolve Reality Warper and Vortex Collapse. Cancels all lethality from both Reality Warper and Vortex Collapse, and massively increases attack and defense instead. If Chaos Mutation was already triggered, this combo is called "Singularity" and cancels the lethality from Chaos Mutation as well.

Soul Drill: Evolve Energy Drills and Soul Gems. Increases attack power.
The "Endings"
There are a handful of endings in Spiral Gene. Here I'll mention them, and the conditions you'll need to reach them:

  • City of Spirals - Using Labyrinth and destroying the world automatically nets you this ending. This is pretty easy, since Labyrinth basically stops all work on the cure once you've reached a particular point of severity. Enjoy killing everyone with spirals.
  • Spiral Master's Challenge - To get this ending, you must win while only evolving LIGHT RED traits. (Black traits that turn dark red cannot be used). Without Histrionic to slow down the cure, Labyrinth to stop it, Aggression or Predator to make everyone kill each other, or psychic powers to boost the effectiveness of Impulsiveness or Hematophagy, this basically restricts you to using slow, deliberate methods of raising lethality. This is not really much different than playing Prion aggressively.
    Because of the slow accumulation of lethality, you'll have to start raising lethality early to destroy civilization before the cure is created. I advise going straight for Spiral Curse as soon as possible. Aurora is still a legal move.
  • Human Unification Project - Just build up psychic abilities until you reach the center of the Abilities page, then kill everyone. You'll need both Telepathy and Astral Projection, which unlocks Fusion. Activating Dissolution and Fusion together will give you the "It All Returns To Nothing" combo, which causes infectivity and lethality to rise faster, making this a lot easier. You can also evolve Conspiracy to give you a bit of extra plot here, but it's not really necessary.
  • The Twisted vs The Spiral Soldiers - The Spiral Soldiers will form if you evolve at least one "attack the uninfected" trait (Hematophagy or Predatory) and at least one "attack other infected" trait (Impulsiveness or Aggression) early in the game. Avatars of the Spiral will show up if you evolve Soul Gems and Hallucinations. Do both of these relatively early and then raise psychic powers until civilization crumbles to get this ending. It's a bit tricky but it'll answer a few questions.
  • The Anti-Spiral War - This is the path to the true ending and is an entirely new game style in itself. You'll need to start with Spiral Research and build up to defeat the alien invaders.
How to win the Anti-Spiral War
The final arc begins when you start evolving yellow traits - my advice is to evolve Histrionic and Spiral Research. The final battle begins when you have evolved both Matrioshka Effect and Fusion. To win the final battle, you will need to keep as many humans alive as possible. You'll need a lot of DNA to pull this off, and once you start closing in on this route, aliens will start attacking.

The aliens will begin their attack under the following circumstances: After you have mined the moon for a while, after you evolve mecha through either Projection Effect or Synchronization Effect, or after you have launched ships with Ascension. Once the war begins, moon mining operations will be unable to start, so I'd advise going for Moon Mining first.

The aliens will send waves of attacks at a rate loosely corresponding to the number of people you have infected. It will be important later to have as many living humans as possible, so you don't want to infect too fast. On the other hand, destroying alien mecha will net you 5 DNA per kill (given over tiime), so you'll want some attacks showing up.

Once you have mecha of your own, they will automatically attack alien invaders. This will be useful at first but as more aliens show up you won't have enough mecha to keep track of them all, so you'll need to evolve psychic abilities. You'll want to evolve Assimilation Effect as soon as possible - this will cause mecha to grow more powerful with each enemy destroyed.

Evolve psychic abilities to reduce the damage the aliens do and also strike back against them. Titans are a huge help, as is the Witch's Labyrinth combo, but these are not in the direction of Fusion.

When you're ready to begin the counterattack, go to the Transmissions page and evolve Ascension. You will be able to either Attack (drains DNA to kill enemies in orbit) or Defend (prevents enemy attacks from reaching Earth, but drains DNA each time an attack is blocked). Defend isn't all that useful unless your psychics are underpowered and you need to prevent losses.

While in orbit, keep a close eye on your Cure bar, as it will tend to go up rapidly as Earth's population sustains damage.

Evolve Matrioshka effect and defeat enough enemies to max out your mecha's power level, and once you are in space (provided you evolved Moon Mining earlier) you will gain a flagship that can destroy enemy flagships. Each flagship destroyed will net you 20 DNA at once, so this is highly recommended.

The final battle will instantly set the Cure bar to 50. When it reaches 0 you win, when it reaches 100 you lose. Your DNA will rapidly rise, and the more infected people there are on Earth the faster it will go up, so max out your infectivity as soon as you can but be careful to avoid killing your population! To increase your attack power and make the Cure bar decrease, you'll have to build up your Spiral power. Each new Spiral Power increase will boost your power level and DNA consumption by a power of 10, but be careful not to go too high - if you run out of DNA points, your attack will stop and the enemy will quickly gain the upper hand. Devolve Spiral Power traits if you have to.

Near the end, the enemy will start to attack Earth's population. You can evolve Defend to prevent this at a cost to your DNA, or take a chance and force your way through. If too many people die you won't be able to sustain the attack, so keep the Earth alive and good luck!

If you unlocked the flagship along the way AND reach Spiral Power 1,000,000, but don't have quite enough power to sustain it, there is a special extra event that will let you snatch a last-second victory from the jaws of defeat. Just keep your Spiral Drive from jamming, don't give up, and you will see what happens.

There's an alternate ending you can reach by fulfilling a certain condition right near the end. I won't say what it is, it should be obvious enough if you've made it that far.
Beating the Anti-Spiral War on Brutal a thing that can be done. Good luck :)
Credits and Inspiration
This scenario was inspired mainly by Junji Ito's Uzumaki (the source of most of the horror elements) and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (most of the endgame). The finale is based mainly on Gurren Lagann Parallel Works 8 and 15 and most of the images come from there.

I changed a few things to make the story and gameplay work better. It's an alternate universe.

This scenario also takes elements and images from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Fooly Cooly, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Attack on Titan, AKIRA, Steven Universe (that's totally an anime, right?) and probably some other things that I forgot to mention. I really loaded up the references here, so if you think it's a reference to something it probably is.

No ninjas were harmed during the making of this scenario.
SaltyStoryteller 25 Nov, 2020 @ 3:19pm 
Ahh, thanks for the explanation. Neat! So that puts the Spiral Soldiers as the earliest point in the timeline then, given Gene's presence in the Anti-Spiral War and his mention in at least one of the other routes as a genetic scientist... Ironic that the spiral seems more like it's a loop, at times.

That means I've just got the Spiral Master's Challenge and Anti-Spiral War left to do! Thanks man :) This honestly rocks out loud. You're a freakin' wizard with how much you've done to the game
indigofenix  [author] 25 Nov, 2020 @ 12:39pm 
@LoZ_Collector That's what's supposed to happen. The idea is that (young) Gene uses the Spiral Entity to jump to another universe right before everyone in the world dies, and becomes (adult) Gene in that universe. Probably wasn't clear enough, sorry.
SaltyStoryteller 17 Nov, 2020 @ 7:30pm 
I'm having a bit of trouble with the Twisted vs. Spiral Soldiers ending. I can just about get my happy little butt to the Spiral Entity before the last person dies and it seems to be left on a cliffhanger. Is that the end of the path, or am I missing something? I can't ever seem to keep the death rate low enough to finish the route - you have to evolve all the psychic powers before the end, right?
archaeopteryx108 9 Nov, 2020 @ 8:02pm 
Running Rat 13 Sep, 2020 @ 3:12am 
There’s another ending that isn’t mentioned in this guide for some reason. Get fusion (in the middle of abilities,) wait for the giant of light event, and then get labyrinth (in the bottom right of transmissions.) A black hole shows up, everyone dies, and you instantly win. You don’t even need to infect everyone.
indigofenix  [author] 13 Sep, 2019 @ 4:38am 
Really? Sounds like a bug in Plague Inc. Which events?
Shuyajin 12 Sep, 2019 @ 11:37pm 
Special events break when saving and reloadng game.
indigofenix  [author] 14 Jul, 2019 @ 11:39pm 
It's the Golden Ratio.
EthanCharim 14 Jul, 2019 @ 4:27pm 
Even the headline with something about a geyser interval increasing by like- 1.608 or something?
indigofenix  [author] 23 Jun, 2019 @ 5:59am 
All the news headlines are custom.