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Server Gözükmeme Sorunu
Por ❄ frost ❄
Oyuna Girdiğiniz Halde Hiç Bir Server Gözükmüyorsa Bu Rehber Sorununuzu Çözmek İçin En İyi Yol!
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Server Gözükmeme Sorunu Çözümü

Oyuna Girdiğiniz Halde Hiç Bir Server Gözükmüyorsa server.cfg Dosyasını Aşağıdaki Şekilde Değiştirin :

// insurgency beta 2 server config version 1.1 * windows!

////////////// *server stuff* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

hostname "-|t.o.b|- | !ns & cake:fight beta 2.e #1 europe" //hostname for server.

sv_lan "0" // server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class c addresses
sv_region "3" // the region of the world to report this server in.
sv_alltalk "0" // if 0, players from team one cannot talk to players in team two over voice
sv_password "" // server password for entry into multiplayer games

////////////// *rcon stuff* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

rcon_password "b00n fake pw :)" // remote console password.

sv_rcon_banpenalty "30" // number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log "1" // enable/disable rcon logging.
sv_rcon_maxfailures "5" // max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailures "5" // number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime "30" // number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications

//////////// *logging* \\\\\\\\\\\\

log "off" // creates a logfile (enable= on disable= off)
sv_logbans "1" // log server bans in the server logs (enable=1 disable= 0)
sv_logecho "1" // log echo information in the console (enable= 1 disbale= 0)
sv_logfile "1" // log server information in the logfile (enable= 1 disable= 0)
sv_log_onefile "0" // log server information to only one file (enable=1 disable= 0)

////////////// *connection options* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

sv_unlag "1" // enables player lag compensation
sv_maxrate "25000" // max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minrate "7500" // min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxunlag "1" // maximum lag compensation in seconds
sv_pausable "0" // is the server pausable.
sv_cheats "0" // allow cheats on server
sv_voiceenable "1" // enables ingame voices
sv_contact "qnet #the-oldboys" // contact email for server sysop
sv_unlag_fixstuck "1" // disallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck
net_maxfilesize "32" // maximum allowed file size for uploading in mb
net_queued_packet_thread "0" // use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame.
fps_max "555" // frame rate limiter

//////////// *fastdownload* \\\\\\\\\\\\

sv_downloadurl "http://www.yourwebspace.tld/…stdownloads/insurgency" // location from which clients can download missing files
sv_allowdownload "1" // allow clients to download files (enable= 1 disable= 0)
sv_allowupload "1" // allow clients to upload files like spraylogo's (enable= 1 disable= 0)

//////////////// *game settings* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

sv_timeout "30" // after this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
sv_gravity "800" // world gravity settings (default= 800)
sv_maxvelocity "3500" // maximum velocity an object can have ingame (default= 3500)
sv_maxspeed "350" // maximum speed a player can move (default= 350) ///////////////manual!

//////////// *insurgency settings* \\\\\\\\\\\\

ins_cachesabotage 1 // when enabled, allows a team to sabotage their own caches
ins_deadcam_modes 0 // restricts spectator modes
ins_deadcam_targets 1 // restricts spectator targets
ins_deadchat 0 // determines whether dead players can chat to alive players
ins_deadinfofull 1 // determines whether or not to use full death information
ins_dmgfactor 1 // factor reduction of damage in ff
ins_endgametime 4 // change how long the winning players get to wander around
ins_firetype 0 // defines if you can fire either always, never or during warmup
ins_forceautoassign 1 // forces a player to auto-assign when joining
ins_forcesquadopen 0 // forces all squads to be open
ins_locksquads 0 // lock squads during a running game
ins_maskotherteam 0 // when enabled the other teams score will not be updated until the end of the round
ins_objdisable 0 // ignore objective states
ins_randomlayout 1 // determines wether or not to use random layouts
ins_roundtimer 900 // length of time (in seconds) of each round
ins_scorefrozen 0 // determines whether or not the score is frozen
ins_strictnaming 1 // when enabled, the player can only change his name once per round
ins_suppresskillhint 0 // supress the kill hint from being sent
ins_teamsize 0 // maximum team size
ins_teamswap 0 // when restarting and enabled, teams will swap
ins_timertype 1 // defines which timer to use
ins_tkdetect 0 // auto kick tks
ins_tkremove 0 // how many tks before kicking
ins_warmuptime 12 // warm-up time before a game (in seconds)
ins_warmuptype 0 // defines warm-up type
ins_gamecount 3 // game notifications (min 0, max 30)
ins_clanleaderpass 0 // defines the password for clan leaders
ins_clanmode 0 // defines whether clan mode is active
ins_decalfrequency 8 // decalfrequency
ins_globalstats 0 // not implemented atm
ins_stats_password 0 // not implemented atm
ins_stats_username 0 // not implemented atm

mp_chattime 8 // length of time (in seconds) for players to commune when the game is over (min. 2.000000 max. 10.000000)
mp_friendlyfire 1 // defines friendly-fire status (min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000)
mp_timelimit 30 // time on one map
mp_limitteams 2 // maximum difference between team sizes
mp_winlimit 10 // defines how many rounds played by one team before map rotates

//////////// *misc settings* \\\\\\\\\\\\

// execute ban file
exec banned_user.cfg

// force mapcycle file
mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"

// enable bots on this server.
bot_enabled 1

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2 comentários
SSgt. Givi 24 fev. 2019 às 11:50 
Nexi 22 fev. 2019 às 15:34 
amk malını siklemiyolar haha neyse yarramı ye