TREKORION: Tr Miranda class Light Cruiser
Type of Build: Ship
Source: Movie, TV-Show
Military: Cruiser
Material: Iron, Trinium
Game Stage: Mid Game
545.830 KB
2019年2月13日 18時51分
2019年2月20日 9時40分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

TREKORION: Tr Miranda class Light Cruiser

duty 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Star Trek TOS (high-poly ships)
51 アイテム
7 slot mid to late game cruiser. $2m, 184k trinium, and 33k iron to construct. Obviously inspired by the Miranda class starship from the Wrath of Kahn, but with TOS styling.

If you've been flying smaller, Titanium+Naonite ships, this is a significant upgrade. Trinium is the BEST material by weight in the galaxy.

The Miranda is over 7m cubic meters in volume, but has superior maneuverability compared to Titanium+Naonite vessels half its size. The ship also operates a respectable cargo capacity, plenty of crew quarters, hangar space for a dozen or so fighters, 4 torpedo tubes and the torpedo storage for a full reload of each launcher.

She's got outstanding power output, capable of equipping 7 exotic modules, recharging the hyperspace core, and boosting for a solid 8 seconds before dipping into the batteries.

The difficulty increase from Naonite sectors to Trinium is not as steep as the transition from Titanium to Naonite, but it's large enough to discourage maining a Titanium+Naonite cruiser through hidden mass sectors. The enemies are faster, are more frequently equipped with cannons and rail guns, and start to spawn with "shield breaker" configurations meant to break your shields.

The solution is to build bigger starships with 100k or more hull and shields. That means you'll need a LOT of Trinium.

If you're having difficulty locating "safe" asteroid fields with rich Trinium asteroids, it may be time to start buying from friendly resource stations. Most resource stations in Trinium space will sell you 20k-30k materials.
2 件のコメント
icewinddrake 2019年3月29日 19時30分 
Love all your ST designs keep up the amazing builds
Ertil 2019年2月17日 10時51分 
this is my Favorit Star Trek ship EVER !!!
and i love your style of ships <3