Dota 2
Gaiters of the Shadowcat
즐겨찾기 해제
Heroes: Drow Ranger
Slots: Legs
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
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2013년 7월 25일 오전 4시 03분
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Airborn_Studios님의 1 모음집
Gifts of the Shadowcat
아이템 8개
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Hindlegs and paws, fur and claws, crafted into gaiters.

When traveling by moonlight through the Nightsilver Woods, Traxex became aware of a creature tracking her movements. Like a shadow made flesh, the big cat moved from tree to tree with terrifying grace, and the ranger knew then that only one of them would live to see the next day. The drow loosed her arrow as the beast pounced from above, and the shaft took it through the heart. As the creature tumbled to earth, Traxex thought she heard a sorrowful whisper pass through the trees--or perhaps it was only the wind. Bearing the beast’s lifeless body, the ranger passed out of the Nightsilver Woods before the sunrise, and in the first light of dawn she could see warriors of the Dark Moon watching silently from the shadows of the forest.

As is the drow tradition, Traxex crafted a quiver, clothing and armor from the night-cat’s remains, and fashioned a longbow from the creature’s bone and gut. The drow ranger brings these into battle today, deadly and graceful as the beast from which they were taken.