Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Avenger Matilda Long Range Operations Vessel
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21 Thg01, 2019 @ 5:13am
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Avenger Matilda Long Range Operations Vessel

Mô tả
Avenger Matilda Class LROV

The Avenger Matilda Class LROV is the flagship of the avenger fleet, with a large landing pad, rhib cranes and firefighting cannons, ontop of a long range fuel tank, the Matilda serves as the backbone of Avenger operations.


Main Gun
The Matilda's main gun is a manned twin barrel water gun with adjustable nozzle for pin point or wide spread water jets. Try it, its fun.

Two Part Vessel
The Matilda comes with a mission to auto-assemble the ship in the creative island harbour (keep the harbour clear!!)

Redundant Assembly thrusters
There are some thrusters on the bow used to assemble the ship manually or move the bow if the stern is damaged, these thrusters are not for sea use and can be accessed from the engineer's station on the bridge

ACE systems
Manually turn on the Air, Coolant, Exhaust systems and the fuel flow systems from the engineer station on the bridge

Shell hull
With no real interior to the vessel its easy on FPS whilst remaining useful