Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Freddy Krueger: How to diddle survivors
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In this guide, we explore how Freddy is the most underrated killer in Dead by Daylight and especially how to play him properly.
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Why Making This Guide
The purpose of this guide is to give much needed insight to what we feel is an extremely underrated killer: The Nightmare. Over the past year of his inception we have seen an increasing number of people just dismiss Freddy as the worst killer without ever really giving him the benefit of the doubt, which is a shame because to our surprise Freddy is probably one of the better killers in the roster...

And this is exactly what we shall discover together: how much can you do as The Nightmare in Dead by Daylight.

Why Playing Freddy
  • You hate gen rush
  • You hate immersed Claudettes of the fog
  • You like versatile killers
  • You like mindgames
  • You want to play something different

Freddy has a lot of layers attached to his kit which can let you explore many different playstyles that people either ignore or don't even consider when making a tier list or playing him. We will be going over everything we have learnt over the past 8 months playing an unhealthy amount of Freddy at any and every rank with a plethora of different builds, stating his strengths and weaknesses and what's most effective for Fedora Man based on how you play. Now that we've cleared up WHY this guide exists in the first place let's take a look at Freddy's power in-depth.
Dream Demon Breakdown
Let's tackle Freddy's power: Dream Demon. Many of you probably already know what it is all about. You hold the power button to put a survivor to sleep. It sounds really simple, yet, it has a lot more depth than it seems...

Let's start off our breakdown of Freddy's power with one of his better qualities, tracking, Freddy is probably one of if not the best tracking killer in the game because of his near-immunity to stealth which outclasses every other killer in the roster including The Doctor. Couple this with the fact that you have built in wall hacks and tracking will be the least of your concerns as The Nightmare because of these two factors alone.

Mindgame Potential
Believe or not, Freddy's one of the better M1 killers when it comes to ambushing and using mindgames. He is the shortest male killer in the game, covered with a thick fog, and is 115% movement speed, making mindgames a lot easier to pull off when playing as Freddy. While he may not have a LONGER lunge his hitbox is SLIGHTLY larger making it easier to reach over windows and pallets to diddle survivors, use this to your advantage when playing Freddy. There is a lot more to cover in the mindgame departement, which will be explored further down.

Freddy gets the most information about what survivors are doing and where they are doing it which is HUGE for reasons we'll discuss later in the guide. The way he gets this info? Wallhacks of course! Freddy's Aura Reading grants him so much information about the match that we're surprised so many people overlook it when discussing Freddy. With this info you can plan what you wanna do and how which may sound dumb for a game fast-paced like DbD, but that's once again ignoring one of Freddy's biggest strengths: his stall which we'll discuss in just a moment! Having all the knowledge in the world can really make decision making a lot easier when it comes to which survivor you should go after and if you should break the chase to apply pressure on other survivors (Keep in mind, you can see if a survivor is being woken up by another survivor so never feel afraid to ditch a chase and go sleep both of them!)

Lack of information from survivor's pov
One thing that's become apparent when playing against SWF specific is that they have trouble telling where Freddy is or what he's doing, you can't really see where he is from a distance since he's invisible + The Non-Directional Lullaby makes it harder to tell where he is. On top of that, most perks that allow you to see killers don't work on Freddy very well making it hard to tell where he is and where he's going even in SWF. (This also ties into why he's near unstealthable, his counter to perks that help survivors locate killers)

Not knowing where Freddy exactly is makes him a very scary killer to face in some situations. He can make the situation feel almost hopeless by simply having so much knowledge on you while you have absolutely no idea of where is he and what he is doing. This makes him that much more unpredictable when he's going to go after you.

Everything we listed above are strengths that come along with the Dream Demon however there is a main one we wanted to mention! Stall is probably the biggest one we haven't covered yet, we believe Freddy is best Early-Mid Game staller out of every killer beating out The Doctor and The Pig for a few reasons. The first being it's easily reapplied to survivors and hard to avoid, and while you could argue it's RNG based, at the end of the day it's still the better stall than The Doctor who can't apply it easily or quickly to a group of survivors and The Pig's stall is limited and much more RNG reliant than Freddy's making it better endgame stall as opposed to early-mid game. As for the argument of waking up with a skillcheck making it useless? They still lose progress on whatever they were doing and give away their position doing so making it easy to go reapply the dream state, so we find that point redundant because you're still accomplishing what you set out to do, slow survivors down.

Just because Freddy has a number of strengths doesn't mean he doesn't also have weaknesses with his power there are couple main ones we feel are very crippling to Freddy, especially late game. The first being so many meta perks just absolutely cuck your momentum, perks like Unbreakable, DS, Adrenaline, and BT are tough to deal with as any killer but as Freddy they hurt him even more than most.

Freddy is a very good slugger so Unbreakable can completely cuck your pressure because it also wakes the survivors up when using it.
DS isn't any worse on Freddy but it's still a problem for him and I figured might as well take a STAB at it
Adrenaline is his biggest counter completely just deleting any pressure you had on the game, waking up and healing all survivors is stupid.
BT is horrid for Freddy Endgame with hook-rushing especially

A second weakness is that the dream transition does not prevent survivors from making any progress during the infamous 7 seconds. This is not a problem every time, but it may allow survivors to finish a generator in your face more often than you would want.

And speaking of the dream transition...
Dream Transition
Infamous seven seconds
When you get into a discussion about Freddy, you will hear about this complain every single time. "But Freddy is just normal killer that needs to wait 7 seconds to hit a survivor" or is he?

Let's make a breakdown of what happens when a survivor enters the Dream Transition:

When a survivor is tagged by Dream Demon, their head falls on their shoulder and they keep hearing the Freddy lullaby for the entirety of the Dream Transition. During this time:

  • The survivor has no idea where exactly Freddy is other than a few glimpses of him depending on the timer (see below)
  • Have their vision blurred and their hearing covered by the lullaby
  • Has no idea when the transition is about to end (at least the first time they are put to sleep)
  • Freddy has no red stain during the Dream Transition

But here is the critical part:

How can you use this to your advantage?

During the Dream Transition, the survivor only sees Freddy at different set times:

0:00 seconds Invisible
0:33 seconds Visible
2:00 seconds Invisible
3:33 seconds Visible
5:00 seconds Invisible
6:40 seconds Visible
7:10 seconds Real

Knowing this, at 3:33 seconds, you can give false information to the survivor. Then at 5:00 seconds, you pull your mindgame. At 6:40 seconds, if the mindgame worked as intended, the survivor was directly running at you, noticing their mistake, they will try to go back, but it's already too late as they have only 0:70 seconds to react.

Now how exactly does that work? Whenever you want to chase the survivor you are putting to sleep, start counting in your head. It's crucial to know by heart when you are visible and when you are not (this is one of the reasons we don't like using block add-ons as it messes this whole transition). When you just counted 3 seconds and are about to count to 4, this is where you give them false information: move one way around the loop, showing to the survivor clearly where you are going.

When you are at 5 seconds, you need to be already on the move to go the opposite way as you are now invisible and the survivor doesn't know where you are going, using the last bit of information you gave to them, they will probably think you are going the same way as shown. At 6:40 seconds, they will realize their mistake, but it's already too late and you can prepare yourself to claim your hit when you finally reach 7:10 seconds. It's a free hit and this should not be underestimated especially since Freddy can be a "hit and run" killer, which basically means he can just let them go at this point, go sleep someone else and come back when they miss a skill check with self-care, sleep them again and claim a second hit.

Because Freddy is one of the least played killers in the game, a LOT of survivors will fall for this. Almost nobody knows about this trick, almost nobody knows the amount of potential in this killer, always thinking he is the absolute worst and to say we only scratched the surface of why this killer is a lot better than most people think.

All credit for this mindgame goes to Pyrus, go check him out:

It should also be mentionned that during the Dream Transition, you do not need to chase the survivor you just put to sleep as you may have better things to do and simply sleeping them is enough to waste a good chunk of their time. Keep your prioriies into what you should be doing and not what survivors think you are doing.

When you tag someone with sleepiness, they hear the lullaby loudly as if you were on their toes, because they only see glimpses of you during the Dream Transition, they do not know exactly if you are going after them or not. Most survivors will panic and may even waste a pallet in the process. It's crucial to use this to your advantage and also identify the survivors more likely to panic and the more cocky ones that you should teach a lesson through mindgames.

And if you like mindgames, we are just getting started...
How to use Dream Demon Tactically
Putting everyone to sleep
If there is one thing you need to remember from this guide it's to never stop sleeping people. You gain your pressure, stall and overall effectiveness by sleeping as many survivors at once as you can. A common misconception about Freddy is that he's good only to tunnel. You couldn't be more wrong than that because this is by far the worst way to play Freddy. From now on, if you see someone play Freddy on Youtube or Twitch and they put one person to sleep and just start chasing them until they get the down, shake your head in disapproval: they are doing it completely wrong.

Why is it wrong to tunnel as Freddy?
While Freddy does have great mindgame potential, this is far from making him an absolute beast at chase. This means you probably won't get downs very fast as him, at least in the early game, where Freddy is at his absolute weakest. The other three survivors will simply rush gens and get out and you will end up with either 0 or 1 kill. This is one of the reasons people underestimate Freddy: they only know how to play him this way. This is exactly how you do NOT want to play him!

You want at least two people to sleep at all times. A survivor asleep is a useless survivor: they need to wake up, which may take some time. If they are not injured, they will have two choices, both of which are highly beneficial:

  • Find someone awake. A good Freddy player will notice them in a crouched-like aura, meaning they are waking up. This gives you the information that someone else is there. You should go there asap and sleep both of the survivors.
  • Try to get a skill check on a generator. While it is RNG wether or not it will take long or not to wake up, it should be noted that they will regress the generator no matter what and also give you a notification to where they are so you can sleep them again.

Hit and Run
Yeah yeah, you can stall, but you can't stall forever, right? You will need to chase eventually!
Ah! We knew you were going to ask that! Time to introduce you to the Hit and Run tactic.

Basically, as Freddy, you have the power to extend tremendously the time you have to kill people. You use this at your advantage by making the map as unsafe as possible slowly but surely by breaking all the pallets, especially area by area. Pretend you are going after them so they drop the pallet, break it and go sleep someone else. Go after them, try to get a hit, break a pallet, let them run and go sleep the first guy that just woke up (and the other one that woke him up if that's the case). Go back to your injured survivor, if the ambush works, get the down, if not, make them drop another pallet. This strategy extends the game, breaks pallets and lets you learn how every survivor plays in your current game.

You can then use this knowledge to your advantage in your future chases as well as the fact there are less pallets on the map. Go for the hit if you can, leave them be, go back to them, you are going to make your survivors paranoid and you can notice this by watching their aura, running around doing nothing. Due to the thick mist of the Dream World, they won't know if you are going back to them, it makes them panic and it can actually be really scary!

Eventually, you'll get a down tho and then hooking them takes time and will wake them up, they can just do gens, you'll start over!
True, it may seem that way. But what if you didn't have to hook them right away? That's right, Freddy is one of the best sluggers in the entire game! Because he has built-in Deerstalker, Freddy will never lose his victims on the ground and they can't wake up without help (unless they have Unbreakable or No Mither, but the former is only once and the later is known from the start). This means, while you are leaving them on the ground, you can go sleep at least one more person and then go back to your slug to hook them. This achieves four purposes:

  • It causes confusion in the team as killers usually just hook every downed survivor they get right away and may cause survivors to leave gens to go help the slug.
  • It gives you more stall by sleeping more people.
  • The slug serves as a bait until you come back to them so you can maybe get another survivor to sleep. Even if they pick them up, you now have pretty much the entire team to sleep in exchange, which is definitely worth it. Don't worry about the down you got, you'll get them faster and faster as the map gets even more unsafe as the match goes on.
  • After you go back to hook your slug, you already know where some survivors are due to them being asleep, it helps you snowball and create a lot of pressure.

This is a very strong strategy and it should be used a lot, especially early game as you really need that pressure. We've talked a lot about early-game, mid-game, etc. now. It's time to go deeper into these terms.
Duration of the match
Early Game
When the match starts, Freddy is at his weakest state. At this point, he has no information, no pressure, nothing. This is the case with pretty much every killer, but in Freddy's case, this needs to be adressed by going ahead and sleep as many people as you can.

If there is one thing you know for a fact after reading everything so far is that we need to keep as many people asleep at once as we can. That said, learning where all survivors can spawn is very useful and will be used just like any other killer except The Hag which is a different case. You can use this to your advantage to find at least two survivors early on. Freddy can allow this luxuary as he has the best tracking in the game and is pretty much near impossible to hide from as he's invisible.

By using your power, you can watch the circle in the middle of your screen homing to something through walls. This is telling you there is a survivor right behind this wall. This can be very useful to search through area fast. The range is, however, limited without add-ons.

Also like previouvly mentionned you are not going to chase people early on, you want to waste their time and break as many pallets as possible. Once the map is unsafe enough and you feel confident in yourself, you will get your first down and the fun can begin...

Mid Game
The mid game is where Freddy shines the most. Contrary to common belief which says Freddy is at his best at the end game, which needs to be set-up. The mid game doesn't need such set-up, only to play properly. Once you got your first down, you're probably better off slugging them for a little bit so you can put one or two people to sleep. This will waste more of their time and might even bait someone else to come for the rescue, which is another sleep. Using the Transition Phase like explained before can give you free hits, which wastes even more of their time or at the very least break even more pallets. Once you are safe, hook the survivor and go after the people already asleep or, if you are using Barbecue and Chilli, go after someone awake to sleep them: your biggest threat are the survivors doing generators, target them first.

Learn to use the information to your advantage (see in the next section) to succeed. This part of the match is the longest and most fun one as this is where you gain all your power of stalling, pressuring, making survivors do everything but generators. Your priorities and strategies will build around what you're going to do in the mid game.

The game may end before the end game, but it's still an important part of the game, which should absolutely be covered.

End Game
At the end game, Freddy is both the weakest and the strongest killer in the game. How is this possible? Let us explain.

Freddy can create an end-game by sleeping every survivor so the gates take twice as long to open. This is especially powerful coupled with the classic perks such as Remember Me and NOED. Most people know about this because this is the most common Freddy playstyle. It basically makes it so the gates are near impossible to open because once every survivor is asleep and not injured, it's impossible to wake up.

While this is an effective playstyle, it needs a lot of set-up: stacks of Remember Me while pressuring the rest of the team, obsession dead and, if using NOED, having a totem still up (survivors tend to do all totems against Freddy, they expect NOED). Failing to do this will result into Freddy not being to stop the gates effectively, not being able to kill people effectively unless they are on their last hook since Freddy can't camp and survivors can just simply unhook in his face once the gates are open.

So what is the best way to go about with endgame Freddy? Remember Me is still essential if this is the kind of Freddy you want to play, but instead of NOED, Rancor would help you more here. Unlike NOED, Rancor cannot be cleansed, and Rancor also helps you with tracking during the game when each generator is completed. Furthermore, being able to mori the obsession on the spot can save you a lot of time in the off chance you haven't dealt with your obsession before the generators were completed. As such, the best we can suggest for this style of Freddy is to pair Remember Me with Rancor and max out your stacks, then let the endgame chaos commence. Another good perk to take is Blood Warden, though Remember Me synergizes with Freddy's power so well (with the reduced action speed whiie asleep).

As you can see, as Freddy, depending on your playstyle you either want to prepare for the end game or avoid the end game all together just like the other killers by using a different build and a different strategy. If the end game does happen, you want to sleep all survivors at once and depending or not if you were ready for it, the end game will either be a success or a complete failure. It's a matter of what you want to do about it.
Knowledge is Power
The Information
The information Freddy gets is one of the strongest aspects of his power along with the stall it inflicts. Dream Demon allows you to know what every asleep survivor is doing, where they are and gives you choices on what you should do about it. It is crucial you put as many people asleep at once as possible, but also keep track of their whereabouts. You need to know at all times what everyone is doing and figure out for what reason. This is the hardest part about playing as Freddy: your map awareness needs to be extremely active. Even during a chase, take a peak at what another survivor you slept is doing.

Why this is so important is that it will tell you many things about the survivors you are facing:

  • If you see them crouched, hands on their head, they are getting woken up by another survivor, which means there is someone else to sleep in that area and you should definitely go right there sleep the both of them.
  • If they tend to try to wake up on generators, you can abuse that survivor to stall more easily. Later in the match, when you sleep them again, it might be a better idea to leave them be and let them break the generators.
  • If a survivor is more cocky, it's even better: sleep them and let them doing absolutely nothing. They will try to get your attention, but won't actually wake up.

Moreover, you can even learn more about their playstyles:

  • Which ones are the gen jockeys
  • Which ones are the distractions
  • Which ones are more altruistic
  • Do they dive the hooks?
  • Do they sit on gens?
  • Which exhaustion perk(s) are they running?
  • Do they have self-care?
  • How do they react to your presence when you put them to sleep? Do they run away? Do they sit on a gen? Do they teabag you?

You can learn a lot about each player in your match very fast and effectively without much risk and abuse all of those things to your advantage in the long run.

Making the right play
Now that we have information, what are we going to do about it? Well first of all, you will know who are the gen jockeys, which should be your primary targets. The survivors doing the gens are the survivors that want to win and by far the most dangerous ones. You want them in the Dream World at all times. They are also probably weaker in chase, so you might be able to get them more easily with mindgames.

Does that mean ignore everyone else? Absolutely not! It's simply making them as your priority, other survivors can be put to sleep without any drawback so you want to do it. Also, noticing what the team tends to do against you is key to success. If a survivor knows a lot about mindgames, it's time to outsmart them. They think you will do the same mindgame and avoid it completely? Change tactic. Once they see you changed tactic suddenly go back to the previous mindgame and surprise them. This isn't exclusive to Freddy himself, but the luxuary he has on learning about his opponent makes it even more important as him.

One more thing, using your map awareness you can easily decide which target you want to focus, whether or not abandon a chase to sleep more people. Use the information on the survivors you have to find where the rest of the team is, but more importantly: what they are doing. Freddy has so much information he can make strategic plays no other killer could have made.
*All Freddy's add-ons stack
Reduce the Dream Transition time by X seconds
Let's start with a classic. The blocks are by far the most widely used add-ons when it comes to The Nightmare. If there is one thing you probably noticed is that we go against the majority when it comes to this killer. You guessed it: we do not think the blocks are Freddy's best add-ons. Does that mean they are bad? Absolutely not, they can help you get a free hit faster in most situations in order to apply more pressure. They are especially powerful when combined together. When you want to use Blocks, use two Blocks (or Red Paint Brush, see below).

Increase the power range
Here are our picks for best add-ons for Freddy: the drawings increase the range of your power and allow you to put people to sleep from very far away. These are absolutely amazing as they give you more map control and give even less information to the survivors as if you sleep them from very far away they won't even get to see where you are or even hear you coming as you snipe them on the generators. They will panic and waste even more time, thinking you might be using Pill Bottle. The power within these add-ons should never be underestimated.

Claws & Paint Thinner
Increase movement speed after putting a survivor to sleep
When Freddy puts a survivor to sleep, he suffers from a slowdown in movement speed. These will reduce said slowdown and may even make move faster than normal. You can zoom around the map using these, which is never a bad thing. It encourages you sniping survivors while in chase in order to put them to sleep and are good while learning how to play Freddy. We recommend their use, especially early on or if you are lacking in add-ons or don't know what to use. Not amazing, but they don't hurt.

Reduces skill check chances in the Dream World
Probably the second best set of add-ons. Reducing the skill check chances in the Dream World is very useful to increase your stall. Even if you get unlucky at times, there is no reason to underestimate the power they can give. As a side note, the green dress (Uncommon add-on) reduces the chances even more than the actual green add-on (called blue dress, confusing we know) at the cost of a 0.5 second increase in the dream transition which is absolutely worth it in our opinion.

Further reduces the action speed in the Dream World
Reducing the action speed in the Dream World is never a bad thing. It increases your stall, especially if survivors have a hard time getting out of the Dream World. Those are especially strong on a stall build.

Class Photo
Every survivors' aura is revealed to you when a survivor is in the Dream Transition
Meet what is, without a doubt, the best add-on for Freddy. We said range were amazing and we stand by that, but nothing even comes close to the power of Class Photo. It will increase the Dream Transition by 2 seconds, but this works in your advantage as you get more wallhack time. With this you can easily put to sleep every survivor and increase your stall potential tremendously. The information you have access to skyrockets and there is nowhere to hide anymore. Not only is it Freddy's strongest add-on, it is one of the strongest add-ons in the entire game.

Pill Bottle
You remain invisible during the Dream Transition
An interesting add-on that allows Freddy to jumpscare survivors. You can use this to make survivors think you are going after them. We consider this interesting to use (and also really fun), but it is less powerful than the range add-ons, which can also allow you to make survivors believe you are going after them.

Black Box
The Obsession starts in the Dream World
This is probably the weakest Freddy add-on in our opinion. Not saying it's bad, just a bit underwhelming as it's pretty much used to abuse the perks Remember Me and Dying Light most of the time.

Red Paint Brush
Reduces terror radius and Dream Transition at the cost of speed
While it sucks to lose a bit of movement speed, you are still faster than The Hag's movement speed, which means you are not completely screwed. And because Freddy is better at mindgames than most killers and at hit & run tactics, this is not the end of the world. The dream transition reduce time is nice, but what interests us is the terror radius reduce. Combined with Monitor&Abuse, you become about as stealthy as Tier 1 Michael Myers, which is incredible. It allows you to do some hit and run tactics and jumpscare survivors, which is pretty awesome. You can make some fun builds with this add-on.
Perk Versatility
Time to breakdown what are the best perks on Freddy. "To Be Avoided" is an anti-synergy category which has perks that hurt the killer more than it helps or have absolutely zero purpose even if they were any good.

Best Perks
Bad Perks
To Be Avoided
Perk Builds
Information Diddler
Created by Croquedead

No one hides from Freddy! This build has four tracking perks, all of which help you find people to sleep during the match. Early-game is heavily helped by Discordance, which gives you two or more easily slept survivors right away if they spawned together. It may also help identify the biggest threat and a reason to abandon chases to go sleep more people. After that, you can kick the gen to use Surveillance to know when someone goes back touching it so you can sleep them again. After hooking someone, make use of Barbecue and Chilli to find someone else to sleep and gain more pressure from that. Also helps identify the location of a survivor that has yet to sleep while the others run around like headless chickens. Finally, every time a gen gets done, you can make use of Rancor to try to stop more gens from popping under your nose. Other options with this build are Overcharge to combine with Surveillance and Pop Goes The Weasel to stop dangerous generators and abuse it with Surveillance, yet again.

Not So Smart Afterall
Created by Croquedead

This build is a pure mindgame. You have the usual Barbecue and Chilli for you typical tracker and farming, but the true heart of this build is Save The Best For Last. Bascally, when you are playing Freddy, everyone is going to think you have Remember Me, which is, of course, a Freddy perk that works very well on him for obvious reasons. This means your obsession will most likely try to avoid you so you don't hit them. You can thus gain stacks incredibly easily and because your tracking is so great, it has never been easier to find people that are not the obsession. When you have about 5 stacks, you are a huge threat as the pallets you have broken thus far on top of that fast swipe animation will make it extremely easy to down people very fast and you will get the results from breaking pallets very easily. While good for tracking, the main use of Rancor in this build is to mislead the survivors even more. They will think you have Remember Me, but if they ever manage to figure out you have Rancor, they will think it's that perk instead and they will never ever think you are running Save The Best For Last until they see the fast swipe animation, at which point it's too late. The last slot has Bamboozle to help counter annoying buildings, but if you don't like this perk, swap it for Enduring to get fast pallet drops without much risk.

Maximus's Personal Build
Created by Maximus

I used to use endgame builds a lot, but gens just go by too fast nowadays, so I play more to Freddy's slugging strength. I replace Infectious Fright with Barbecue and Chili if I have a Class Photo add-on, but Infectious Fright can help you find awake survivors very easily when you down someone (and said survivor is likely the only one who knows where the slug is thanks to Knock Out). Knock Out is a fantastic perk for sluggers, and it can help slow down the gen rush. Enduring is used to help deal with the litany of pallets on every map. And Save the Best for Last is added here because less cooldown on attacks gives you more time to go after other survivors.

Maximus's Endgame Build
Created by Maximus

Considering Freddy's two biggest weaknesses are chases and the endgame, having perks that can help you in these two areas could turn Freddy into a powerhouse. Barbecue and Chili is used here as an extra tracking perk that could help you find awake survivors without having to leave someone slugged forever, and Enduring is the chase help perk that you can use to deal with pallets. But the core part of this build is the Rancor and Remember Me combo. While Rancor gives you amazing tracking without the downside of revealing your aura (assuming the obsession is awake), it also gives you assurance that the obsession will not escape the trial alive. The key to this build is knowing when to slug and go for more Remember Me stacks (if you have multiple people asleep and the person you downed isn't the obsession, slug them) or when to hook the survivor for BBQ to help you find more people (which is when the only person asleep is the one you downed or if you just downed the obsession). Combine these perks with Class Photo and you shouldn't have any problems maxing out your Remember Me stacks before the endgame. Mori your obsession if he isn't dead already, then put everyone to sleep before they can open the gates. If you play this right, the survivors won't be able to escape the endgame nightmare this build causes.

Omega Skill Checks
Created by How's It Hanging?

Make no mistake, this is not a Doctor build! By combining Distressing and Unnerving Presence, you can make survivors get a lot of skill checks in your terror radius so they regress gens faster. Basically, with this build, you want to put people rapidetly to sleep to make them regress the gen over and over due to Hex:Huntress Lullaby, which adds an extra 6% to regression. You also have Overcharge as an extra bait that regresses the generator even more. This is a surprisingly effective stall build as even if the survivors wake up more easily, they do it by regressing the gens. Add the Cat Block add-on on top of it to give them even more skill checks to regress generators.

Gen Lockdown
Created by How's It Hanging?

This works mostly as a 3-gens strat build where you lockdown three generators and abuse those perks as well as the Jump Rope and the Swing chains to make their progress a complete nightmare. Surveillance to know when someone touched the gen after using Overcharge as a bait to wake up but regress the generator even more as well as the occasionnal Pop Goes The Weasel can make repairing a generator extremely difficult. On top of that, of course, we add Hex:Ruin to make it even more of a pain, but also to help the early game when the survivor do not necessarily focus the gens you want to protect.
Perk Builds (Part 2)
Speedster Diddler
Created by How's it Hanging?

Use this build with the Prototype Claws and the Paint Thinner to go super duper fast after sleeping a survivor, which can also be used in chase! This is more of a meme build than anything, but it can be pretty effective as you are using Save The Best For Last and Bamboozle to help you in chases. If you manage to gain enough stacks, Play With Your Food allows you to go extremely fast after putting someone to sleep which is hilarious to see. Lastly, we got Hex:NOED just for the extra speed, but it may also save the day just in the case. If you want to see maximum potential from the speed add-ons, use this build.

Sneaky Diddler
Created by How's It Hanging?

To use with Red Paint Brush. Combined with Monitor & Abuse you have almost no terror radius when people are asleep, which makes the hit and run tactic very powerful. You may move a bit slower, but fortunately Play With Your Food can help you counter that. The last two slots can be any good perk on Freddy. Our picks are Enduring to force pallet drops and Overcharge as a bait to break generators. Other perks that can work are Barbecue & Chilli and Rancor for tracking, Save The Best For Last for it's synergy with Play With Your Food and Knock Out for a slug nightmare.

Crawling for the Mighty Diddler
Created by Croquedead

This is a slug build and I recommend you are using it with a range add-on combined with an action slowdown add-on. Knock Out is a pretty obvious perk choice as this is a slug build. Hex:The Third Seal is strong combined with Knock Out and can lead into a slugging mess pretty fast if not cleansed. Coulrophobia seems like an odd choice, but it does affect people outside of the Dream World, which means they may get a hard time picking their friends up behind your back. Furthermore, combined with the Dream World slowdownand an action slowdown add-on, they will probably never have the time to heal their friends on the ground if they are asleep. Last slot goes to Spies From The Shadows in order to detect any survivor hiding nearby your slugs. It makes the overall saves pretty hard for the survivors.

Pressure Fredward
Created by Croquedead

This build can get dirty really fast. Because Hex:Haunted Ground and Hex:Devour Hope pair so well together and Freddy has the best tracking in the game, it makes those perks pretty powerful in the hands of our Diddler. As an extra pressure perk we have Make Your Choice which synergizes well with Freddy's tracking and the fact that he has no reason to camp. It also helps getting Devour Hope stacks faster. Discordance is here mainly for tracking and stopping the biggest threat on the map and also helps in the early game. If you do not like Discordance you may replace it with Barbecue and Chilli.
Thanks a lot for reading this Freddy Guide! We hope you found this useful to diddle survivors effectively as The Nightmare.

As already said, we believe Freddy to be extremely underrated by the community and we wanted to show him some love and also as a way to express ourselves to point out how following the same mainstream opinion without even trying to analyze it can lead to missing out on what can be a very fun character!
108 kommenttia
TK_the_Onion 27.9.2022 klo 10.09 
i always get notifications on this thread anytime someone comments on it, so I'm always reminded.
F :tsasweet: rest in peace lasagna larry
this game sucks 27.9.2022 klo 7.52 
coming back to pay respects
this game sucks 1.6.2022 klo 8.32 
rest in peace our beloved

you'll always be in our hearts, mister diddle man
TK_the_Onion 31.5.2022 klo 19.18 
oh gods that's right
sweet merciful buddhas, i got a comment notification for it and remembered old freddy existed
rest sweet prince :er_sad:

even if i hated your lasagna looking 7 second transitioning ass
Pr0p3r 31.5.2022 klo 16.31 
Coming back here to pay respects to a legend. Great guide for an underrated, misunderstood killer. Rest in Peace, Freddy.
TK_the_Onion 9.8.2020 klo 21.14 
funnily enough, people read over very important parts. That's how you form big brain arguments :stress:
this game sucks 9.8.2020 klo 15.55 
when he was fun
Hubert 9.8.2020 klo 15.46 
Dude, read the guide. It's an OLD Freddy guide. BEFORE the rework.
Remove skull merchant 9.8.2020 klo 14.46 
Do you really need a guide for Freddy other than when to use what M2 and his Teleport in conjunction with certain perks ?
Trygger 29.5.2019 klo 17.29 
A funny Obsession build I sort of made inspired by your Not So Smart After All build: One Punch Freddy. Monitor And Abuse (Could be other perks like discordance or BBQ as Rancor's tracking is kinda shit) Save The Best For Last, Play WIth Your Food (Could be changed out with another perk) and Rancor.

Hit everybody BUT the obsession, (Sleep and chase for a bit for PWYF stacks) then rancor him at the very end.