Age of Magic CCG

Age of Magic CCG

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Age Of Magic Chinese Resurrection
De către Nijco
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Welcome to Age of Magic Chinese World
Hi all,

You will find here a short presentation of the chinese version. I'm playing on the chinese server since around a year . If like me you're still a big fan, i invite you to join us. We miss you.

First just connect to

You can log using a Facebook or a Google account

Actually we play on server 9 and if you want to join, just ask to Diehards guild

It would be a very big work to describe all the chinese version in this guide, so i decided to show you the new things without necessarily going into details. I you decide to join us, of course we will help you to understand the new things.

So now let me show you some screenshots from this version
Home Page

The Castle

There are 2 new buildings as you can see. They are dedicated to the runes. One of them allows to gain some runes with a campaign system and the other is used to upgrade those runes. i will explain in an other part how to use those runes

The barracks system is a bit different. You have 3 possibilities to gain dust, silver, gold or a card. The nature of the winnings is random. The more stars there are, the more gains are important. The largest gains need more time.

There's a new dungeon reachable from level 45

The campaign is similar but now you can progress to 15-10 Elite
Shop and Hot Events

You can buy new shards in this shop and also runes

The big novelty is there. Now, once a day you can get a special pack called Master Pack III. Two ways to get this pack, either by buying 10 standard pack or by buying 5 gold pack. You will find in this pack the new cards
Runes Campaign

Here one of the way to get runes. There are 3 level of dificulty and for each one 50 stages. Every 5 stages you gain a rune. You can also complete your daily campaign devotion here by completing 6 stages.
Alchemist / Runes

Now in the Alchemist you can get some runes by using your spells with no star. It costs silver to convert the spells into runes
Upgrade Runes

You can upgrade the runes by using 3 to get 1 upgraded rune. As you can see there a 3 sorts of runes, blue, yellow and green.
Runes and Hero

As you can see the runes are used with your hero. You can add til 13 runes when you reach the necessary level. Somes runes are specific to a race, some are specific to a card and some are global. The runes give additionnal abilities.
New Cards
Here is an overview of some new cards. Enjoy it =)

1 comentarii
Galeik 1 oct. 2020 la 13:10 
Hi nijco. Does it still working?