

148 人が評価
Communication 101
作者: Cichy Mlecz
A simple guide which will increase your odds of survival in the fog

T-bag is a dance move which you can perform by pressing rapidly crouch button, it can mean a lot of things which i will cover later on.

Pointing can be perfomed by pressing 1, you can do it both when crouching and standing still.

"Follow me" gesture can be perfomed by pressing 2, you can do it both when crouching and standing still.

Nodding can be perfomed by moving your camera up and down repeatedly can be done while running, standing and crouching, but it's most effective while crouching.

Flashlight spam can be performed by pressing mouse2 repeatedly while holding a flashlight.
It is used to draw attention of killer on you.

360's it's a pretty tough but doable way to juke killer's attacks by spinning in cricles arround him. Here's a guide that will help you learn this technic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi-Wr4SKtDo

keep in mind that some of the actions contained in this guide are considered as toxic so use this knowledge with causion!
Communicating with survivors
While on foot:

Thank you - double T-bag, tremendously increases bond of friendship between both of you

Giving orders - use "follow me" than point at thing that you want them to do, then start nodding, slight increases chances of them doing something usefull

Mocking teammates - flashlight spam at them, or point repeatedly, moderatly increases chances of turning this co-op game into battle royal human traffic fest

While on your first hook:

Killer is away - do nothing

Killer is near me - spam m1 repeatdely
Taunting killer
Taunting actions while killer gets stun by pallet:
- 1 T-bag no effect

- 2 T-bags moderatly decreases killers ability to think logicly, slightly increases chances of being facecamped

- 3 T-bags tremendusly increases toxicity, moderatly increases chance of being facecamped

- 4 T-bags moderatly increases your chance of getting hurt, tremendously increases chance of being facecamped

- 5 or more T-bags cannot be performed without getting hurt or exausted

- Pointing at killer will have almost the same effect as t-bagging thrice

- flashlight spam will moderatly decrease killer's will to live

Optimal choice is to T-bag twice so you will keep killer's attention on you without being toxic

Performing 360's on killer (without getting hit!)

-360'ing once will make killer feel bad about himself, slightly increases chances that he will insult you/game in the end game chat also you recive a slightly higher chance of being facecamped and a slightly lower chance of being tunneled

-360'ing twice moderatly increases killer's heart rate, moderatly decreases killer's decison making skill also you recive a moderatly higher chance of being facecamped and a moderatly lower chance of being tunneled

!!WARNING!! If you have rank that is higher than 5, you should stop 360'ing at this point, performing this techincs on unexpirienced killers will cause: a 100% chance of being facecamped a 50% chance of killer DC'ing and a 20% of chance that killer will quit playing this game

-360'ing thrice killer may give up at point, but if not, slightly increases chance that killer will have a stroke, tremendously increases that the killer will write your nick down on his profile so he will remember when to use his precious ebony mori (at least 4 guys wrote my nick, dunno why they do this) and there is a tremendous chance of him having a noed (when you see that killer struggle too hard to catch survivors, you'd better cleans those totems)

- COMBO: three or more 360's and Decisve Strike, tremendously decreases killer's will to live, chance of DC'ing will reach almost 100% and there is a tremendously high chance that the killer will complain about that on r/deadbydaylight

that action is the most toxic thing that you can do, so if you wanna stay clean and let the killer enjoy the game too, i would highly recomend avoiding this

Other taunting actions

- spamming fast vaults not effective, slightly wasting your time

-picking perk Object of obssesion, slightly increases chances of being tunneled

-picking perk No mither, moderatly increases chances of being tunneled

-playing against Freddy Krueger, tremendously increases chances of being tunneled
Getting along with killer
Being nice to killer in order to survive

- Easiest way to make killer go easy on you is to bring a lot of items to the killer's shack and nod like a crazy, tremendously increases chance of making friends with killer

-wave at killer and drop your item near him , crouch and start nodding ,moderatly increases chances of making friends with killer

-when you and killer see eachother , crouch and start nodding , don't move even if he hits you , slightly increases chances of making friends with killer

Using human traffic in order to survive

- pointing at lockers (without your friend in it) ,moderatly increases chances of being facecamped , tremendously decreases of making friends with killer

- pointing at lockers (with your friend in it) ,tremendously decreases your chances to get out of hook,
moderatly increases chances of making friends with killer
The end

if you guys have any ideas how to correct/upgrde this guide post it in the comments
57 件のコメント
FaeMaiden 2019年3月3日 16時21分 
btw, when I play Killer and spam Ready/Unready, I'm trying to say 'I'm friendly'. :) if that helps
에그콘 2019年1月18日 9時35分 
Damn this was pretty good
John Marley 2019年1月17日 10時57分 
this suck, hey guys check my workshop items, this is cool, and nice!!!11111!1!!
2019年1月13日 18時22分 
not necessary, at times you get hooked, you see other player getting chased, no one comes regardlless if you wave your arms or not.
PureCanadianMaple 2019年1月13日 10時15分 
@SSS: To indicate "Come, the killer is away" it is one simple tap of M1 and not more. When you spam M1, that indicates that the killer is camping.
ioana 2019年1月13日 9時55分 
i read this whole thing
no 2019年1月12日 22時08分 
I'm pretty sure u spam m1 when the killer is away not the opposite, its like screaming COME COME HES AWAY!!
Cichy Mlecz  [作成者] 2019年1月11日 12時35分 
+Nelmie that's pretty good idea i will add it soon
Nelmie 2019年1月11日 12時27分 
add something about T-Bagging at exit gates
SurDno 2019年1月11日 6時42分 
On gamepedia in my language it's stated the other way around. :\