Space Engineers

Space Engineers

211 Bewertungen
More NPC Encounters - Hard Ai
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Planet, NPC
Tags: NoScripts
55.508 MB
31. Dez. 2018 um 20:14
1. März 2021 um 7:02
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More NPC Encounters - Hard Ai

In 1 Kollektion von superhappyalien
Cargo Ships and Encounters NPC PVE based mod's
29 Inhalte
This is a new Version More encounter 3.0 but with NPCs trying to kill each other as well as trying to hunt you down as well.

If you Want No Ai And Fighter Drones unsub from this mod and resub to this
More NPC Encounters - Basic

If you Want Ai And Fighter Drones unsub from this mod and resub to this
More NPC Encounters - Basic Ai

If you Want Faction War Ai And Fighter Drones unsub from this mod and resub to this
More NPC Encounters - Faction Wars

Addon's -

StarGate Encounters

It recemmended that you allow more then two Cargoships to spawn on planets at a time.

this can be done with the spawner mod setting that are in your Roaming Space Engineers world save folder for the world you using this mod on.

you can also speed up spawn rates to help this mod come alive as it need more then one ship spawned at a time to work.

Files can be found here C:\Users\"yourusername"\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\Storage etc.

it also could take up to 20-30 mins to kick in having NPC fight each other.

Also make sure that scripts and Drones are on in world options
87 Kommentare
Drackus343 2. Juli um 17:30 
broke yesterday, "Critical error" on startup
XanderS 9. Mai 2023 um 0:54 
I've just started playing this mod, it is awesome. Now I have had to restart (twice), but it feels like it is possible (for a solo playthrough). That is to say it doesn't feel impossible, I am not the best player by a long shot and I think I can do it. This is my first workshop scenario, but I'm definitely recommend this for anyone who wants a challenge that isn't impossible.
Without giving anything away, there were definitely a few surprises. Thumbs up to the author, nice job and to anyone thinking of playing this, don't read the spoilers. I didn't and it added to the challenge.
condottiere 25. März 2022 um 14:05 
@Mr.-RexeX- That is a basic effect of the Modular Encounters System framework, not this mod. MES replaces those vanilla functions with its own.
solyleroux72 18. März 2022 um 15:52 
I literally have only 1/2 ships spawning every 30 minutes, Did I missed something ?
Mr.-RexeX- 14. März 2022 um 9:17 
Attention, this MOD disables the "Cargo Ships" & "Random Encounters" hooks in the Advanced World Settings. :steamsad:

Noticed on 03/10/2022
мастурбек 20. Nov. 2021 um 9:05 
how this mod works, I have already used it many times in my saves, but I don’t understand how it works, the bots do not spill like in the description of the mod. maximum 1-2 ships every 30 minutes
P.S google translate
Fenris 20. Mai 2021 um 19:15 
@Kaito Nope. I just installed this one and the other factions definitely try to destroy each other. Took about 30 minutes before I started noticing them fighting, but there have bees some decent sized shoot outs so far.

I think with "faction wars" everything is pretty much the same, but factions with -1500 or so rep will actually build bases near you and hunt you. If I read it right that is.
Kaito 11. Mai 2021 um 16:35 
Just to be clear, the difference between this and the "faction wars" version, is that the NPCs in the latter fight each other as well as the players, and this version only fights the players?
Onikage-056, God of Animatronics 26. Apr. 2021 um 10:00 
Could always play Dwarf and dig about... 600 meters down, then build your base. Might be tricky powering it unless you've been stockpiling ice or burrowing under ice lakes.
patrikcath 28. Feb. 2021 um 11:14 
Is there a version of the mod that has NPCs fight each other but doesn't increase spawn rate? I'm spending more time cleaning up the dozens of NPC ships and repairing the base and building it