RIOT - Civil Unrest

RIOT - Civil Unrest

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Future At Stake Campaign
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As the years progress into the future, resources shortening and citizens impatience with the people in power thanks to political instability play a major part in causing the governments of the world to invest into major military projects to prepare for invasions and other military ventures to secure their future.

A major movement named the 'Global Unionists' is birthed though in light of these rising problems, crying out for a single government to rule the world, the nation being the very planet it's self. A world driven for peace and survival, rather than quick short term conquests meant to prolong the life of a nation by a set time

The Future At Stake Campaign takes the player through a set of missions that take place in the future, whether you take the role of the authority or the people, one thing is for certain. The world will never be the same. With each action comes questions, rage, and answers to previous questions.

Depending on how players do, missions will be made to correspond with the results with a big group of players of the already present missions. Will you assure a clean and peaceful conclusion, or come through with force, shaking the very political spectrum even more?
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Creato da Slend
As the years progress into the future, resources shortening and citizens impatience with the people in power thanks to political instability play a major part in causing the governments of the world to invest into major military projects to prepare for inv...