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Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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Adds a window that allows to automatically set work priorities for a specified amount of pawns

How it works:
All pawns are sorted before assigning so that the highest skill gets the job first. Mod also takes into account if the job does not require any skills. In that case, pawn with least skilled jobs assigned gets dumb job first.

- Priorities. Allows specifying amounts of pawns to be assign specific jobs with specific priorities

- Exclude Colonists. Allows excluding certain pawns from being managed by the mod.

- Important Jobs. Makes some jobs be considered first regardless of requirements for skill. For example, if we have maximum 1 job with first priority per pawn and Doctor and Firefighting both set to 1, the Doctor work type will be assigned to the most skilled pawn. But if Firefighting is considered important, then all pawns will first get assigned Firefighting and Doctor work type may be assigned to an unskilled pawn. This may be helpful in certain scenarios such as when there aren't enough priority levels (like if you don't use Fluffy's WorkTab).

1. Compatible with Fluffy's Worktab
2. Mods that add job types are fine
3. It is safe to add/remove to/from existing saves

github: https://github.com/LokiVKlokeNaAndoke/RimWorld_Mod_AutoPriorities

Guide (by @Sasparillafizz):

Playing around with it, I think it works like this.

Each entry creates a rule for assigning jobs to people. Based on what you have set for the rule, the mod will try to fill the role as best it can from the people it can pick from.

The % bars are a % of how much of your people you want dedicated to the task. So if you set it to 100% Cleaning, EVERYONE is now going to be set to work on cleaning as a work task.

If you do 50%, half of your people will be checkboxed for cleaning, the other half wont.

The box on the left is the priority of that rule. 1 is highest priority and will supersede all other priorities, then once everything that's priority 1 is complete the colonist will start looking at priority 2 jobs, then priority 3 jobs, etc.

So how it works is like this.

Rule 1: 50% cleaning, priority 1.
Now no matter what is going on, at least 1/2 of my colonists will decide cleaning is highest priority and will drop everything to go clean up when there is dirt to clean. This might be useful since each colonist will do a little cleaning and then move on, rather than 1 dedicated colonist doing nothing but run around cleaning all day and night.

Rule 2: 50% planting Priority 1
Half my colonists will be set to planting, and have it as priority 1. This can be useful for say early spring when you need to get those crops in the ground ASAP, you want at any given time at least half your guys will work on that before doing anything else.

Rule 3: 25% mining, priority 2.
Now 1/4 of my colonists will work on mining. If they are ALREADY set to clean or plant, they will do that first due to that being a priority 1 task. If they are not then they will now focus on mining or split their attention between mining and any other priority 2 task they are assigned to.

You get the idea. Set the % bar to what % of the colony you want on the task, and then set the priority of the task (1-4), and it will sort out who is best for each job while fulfilling the quota of workers.
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214 comentarios
KuruCrew 23 AGO a las 22:55 
Is there a setting that allows pawns with passion to have high priority even if their skill level is low?
Yoann 31 JUL a las 22:20 
I see "Exclude Colonists", so I thought that pawns with free will could be exclude, and other pawns handled by this mod.
I search an alternative to Plug and Play Joiner who is not 1.5 (yet?).
gRaveyard 31 JUL a las 18:31 
I'd imagine not? The two mods' design philosophies seem to conflict. It'd probably lead to some very buggy colonist behavior, or *terrible* moods. XD
Yoann 31 JUL a las 2:51 
Compatible with Free Will ?
Tidurian 13 JUL a las 5:07 
@Kloke: nice! Thank you! works like a charm!
Kloke  [autor] 13 JUL a las 4:44 
@Tidurian Made max priority settable in the settings
Tidurian 16 JUN a las 4:01 
Is there a posibility to make it compatible with Priority Master? https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1994006442
allowing us to set numbers higher than 4? preferably using the setting in Priority master what the lowest priority is?
KryptekDesign 10 JUN a las 5:46 
@Arquen I'm pretty sure it's percentage of the Remainder.
rinfin 11 MAY a las 20:48 
Looks like it's not compatible with work tab, but there's no official work tab for 1.5 anyway.
oorin 3 MAY a las 22:34 
Is this not compatible with Work Tab? I dont see the window pop up anywhere :(