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How to not suck - A New Player Guide (For raider and Antagonist)
By Valiant
Hello, I am a Veteran Gamer and i will show you people who suck how to still suck but suck less.
Raiders and stuff
First, Your a raider when you begin, The Less-Fun-But-Still-Progresses-You-Faster-Meta kind of Raider. Here are some tips.

DO NOT LEAVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME! - Seriously, If you do this often you have successfully found out how to annoy the living s* out of everyone. Sure, They have bots, But the bots are less reliable than throwing air at a boss. If it was a mistake then just rejoin when you enter the game again.

Take cover often. This is especially against an Antagonist (Unless your a local which makes air cover or something.) Now, You got a stress meter, You got that maxed 24/7, You got the survive timer on 24/7. Also if you want to, Ya know, Not die then DO IT! JUST DO IT!

Exception are Elite Units which straight up suicide charge you if you get downed. You see them then, he, R u n .

Enemy Types Elite Units are the bad boys who get more excited than a corner worker on a saturday night when you go down, They rush you at full speed most of the time when you get down.
Snipers/Marksmen: Primarily One-Hit-Downs when you got shot. So if you in the open, Wait until you feel they are going to fire, And spam for holy glory Press shift to dodge their attack.

Antagonists Your a new player, This is your #1 enemy, And oh boy the Harec Antagonists. If you feel like you are being stalked then look in all directions while taking cover before resuming your mission/raid/whatever.

Bosses Your Hit-And-Do-1-Damage tactics not going to work with these boys, You gotta do your hit-And-Do-2-Damage tactics. Also i warn you NEVER CHARGE A BOSS!

Survive So, You run out of Lives, What you do is continue fighting until there is like 2 people left, If it hits 2 people then hide, This is important against Antagonists, Who win if they kill your whole team when in the Survival State.
The Holy Arts Of Antagonist.
So you get bored of being dunked on by Elite Units, You think "Man i wish i was on their team." Then ohoho boy do we got a treat for you.

Resurrection So, Because you sold your soul to a demon or whatever, You got unlimited lives. At the price of an annoying 11 second cooldown. No need to manage your lives unless its survival mode at last 11 seconds for the Raiders.

Attacking Tactics Only attack aggresively if you are using Short-Range weapons (Shotguns and Grenade Launchers and all that)

Harec Tactics: Stalk until you press E and get a Satisfying Melee Kill ohhh yeees...
Or just use your ability to annoy the Raiders. If they in a huge croud of your Allies (Next content) Then just down them and let ya boi Basic-Unit deal with the rest.

Allies So to compensate for the lack of team members, Only you, You fight for the Enemies. (Because the generals of that faction also sold their soul for some reason) Use them to your advantage, Divide the Raiders up, And spam E on them when you get close.

Boss Battles Some Boss Battles are straight godly to a new player to you, Until you realize you get Dr.Kruzmann and he legit sucks as antagonist but godly as raider, But other than that hope your fighting on an even level, Because oh lord above level 10 people become gods at the game or something.

(Harec Tactics was indeed not mean't to be in bold text)