Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

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How To Install The DLC's STAT!!!
By Count Jackula
This is a very brief explanation on how to get the DLC downloads to trigger immediately...
Shiver Me Timbers Ye Scully...
Ok, so you want the DLC installed NOW ASAP? I think I can help.

DLC content downloads are triggered in numerous ways on Steam, with this way being the strangest I have encountered. When I bought the 3rd and final DLC, it would not download. I opened the game, tried clicking the button in the lower left, and nothing would work. I just wanted to play the darn game, but it seems it was over before it started.

So this is exactly what I did to get it to download: First, make sure auto-updates are enabled on the game. I had all of the previous DLC bought and installed except for the latest, "The Forgotten Sanctum." All of this DLC (minus the most recent one) said "installed.". SO I unchecked the install boxes on all of the DLC for PoE2, then immediately re-checked them, making sure to also re-check the new DLC. This forced an auto-update via Steam ("Update Queued...etc etc") in which Steam decided that indeed I did own the latest DLC and that indeed, they would go ahead and install it for me.

So that worked for me. Know though that if you do not do this, then it is likely Steam will notice the DLC within 24 hours and update. This may depend on your settings. You may want to check them. The settings, that is.