

274 ratings
Steam Summer Getaway Trading Cards
By Jimo
I will give you information about how to obtain and craft the 2013 Steam Summer Getaway trading cards.

This guide has been archived and no further major edits will be made.
This guide will give you information about how to obtain and craft the 2013 Steam Summer Getaway trading cards.

If you're unfamiliar with Steam Trading Cards you can get an introduction to them by reading the official Steam documentation or by viewing my Understand Steam Trading Cards guide below.
Obtaining Summer Getaway Cards
Steam Summer Getaway trading cards can be obtained several ways. If you have crafted a game badge recently, you may have received a Mysterious Trading Card instead of a coupon. That trading card will now be a random card from the Steam Summer Getaway deck.

Additional Summer Getaway cards can be obtained the following ways:

  • Purchasing Games and Apps
    For every $10 USD you spend on the Steam Summer Sale you'll also receive a Steam Summer Getaway trading card. Daily deals for the Steam Summer Sale can be found on the front page of the Steam Store website. Please note this excludes pre-purchases and in-game purchases

  • Community Choice Vote (Requires Steam Level 5)
    Every eight hours a brand new community choice vote will appear on the front page of the Steam Store website. This allows community members to vote on the game they would like to see go on sale next. For every three votes you make in the community choice vote you'll receive a Steam Summer Getaway trading card.

    You're also able to participate in the community choice vote from your mobile device's web browser or by using the Steam Mobile app.

  • Crafting Other Badges
    Steam has a number games that have trading card decks associated with them. During the Steam Summer Sale crafting any badge for any game will give you a Steam Summer Getaway trading card as well as an emoticon and a background.

    For information on the drop system and how to craft badges from regular Steam Trading Cards read the official FAQ or view my guide.

  • Trading
    If you're missing cards from your deck you can trade for them through Steam. Any items you receive from crafting a deck is also tradeable. If you're unfamiliar with how to trade on Steam you can read my Beginner's Guide to Trading or you can visit the Official Steam Trading FAQ.

  • Steam Community Market
    Cards and rewards, with the exception of coupons, can also be sold and purchased on the Steam Community Market. If you're unfamiliar with how to use the Steam Community Market you can read my guide or you can visit the Official Steam Market FAQ.
Crafting the Badge
Once you've collected every card in the Steam Summer Getaway deck, you can then craft them into a badge to display on your Steam Profile. Crafting the Steam Summer Getaway badge will also earn you exclusive emoticons and backgrounds only available from the Summer Sale cards. It will also earn you additional experience towards your Steam Level.

To access the Steam Summer Getaway badge page, click here.

This page will display your progress towards the badge. The cards which are darkened are ones you have yet to obtain, and the ones which are lit up are ones you currently posses.

If you've been making purchases during the Summer Sale you can view your status towards your next card by clicking on the How Do I Earn More Card Drops? link at the top right of the page. Clicking this will bring up a progress bar letting you know how much more you need to spend on the Steam Store before you'll receive another Steam Summer Getaway trading card.

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you'll be able to see which of your friends have completed the deck and who on your friends list currently owns each card. You'll be able to send your friends a message straight from this page if they have a card you need in case they want to trade.

Once you've collected every card in the deck the Craft Badge button will light up. Crafting the badge will consume the cards you collected.

You'll then get a popup window which will show all of the cards swirling around, In the center you'll see some text which says 'Crafting.'

Once the crafting is complete it will display the results of your craft. The items you've earned will be placed into your Steam Community Inventory.

You're able to craft the Summer Getaway badge five times. Each level will give your badge a different look and you'll receive additional rewards and experience each time you craft it.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Foil Badge
Everytime you recieve a Summer Getaway trading card you have a chance of recieving a rare foil card instead. By collecting all ten foil cards you're able to craft the special foil badge. There is only one level to the foil badge and it has a unique look to it. The foil badge is completely separate from the standard variant.

If you're in possesion of a foil card the deck will appear on your badge progress page.

Crafting the foil badge doesn't grant you any special rewards besides the badge itsself, it's purely for bragging rights.
List of Rewards
Below you'll find a list of rewards you can receive whenever you craft a Summer Getaway badge. You'll receive one random limited edition background and emoticon for every level of the badge you achieve.

Steam Profile Backgrounds

Steam Chat Emoticons

Every reward can be purchased or sold on the Steam Community Market.
Using Your Rewards
To use your profile background visit your Steam Profile and click on the Edit Profile button at the top.

If you scroll down on this page you'll see a section which says Profile Background. Click on the Select Background button to make your selection.

When you're done choosing your background click on the Save Changes button located at the bottom of the page. When it's done saving your new background will be displayed on your Steam Profile.

When you craft the Summer Getaway deck you'll also get a Steam Chat Emoticon. These are small, themed images which can be inserted in Steam chat, discussions and more. You don't have to do anything to equip emoticons, they will instantly be added to the emoticon list on your Steam Chat window. Click on the smiley face icon to the left of the Send button.

Closing Notes
мuzαᴎ 20 Sep, 2024 @ 11:01pm 
this is a piece of steam history
DeGreZet 9 Apr, 2024 @ 6:10pm 
the era is ending
SgtFopper™ 14 Jan, 2017 @ 1:41am 
You have forgotten to enhance your guide with the nice info that you can craft on the badge(s) after all again and unlimited until all cards are gone. ;-)
Le Maquisard 18 Jan, 2014 @ 9:42am 
There is a recurring problem for around 3 days.
Badges "summer getaway" are no longer accessible.
When you want to see the progress of his badges, this message appears: "Invalid Game"
Is steam can remedy this problem, answer, or at least communicate to reassure hundreds of users with relevant cards.

in advance, thank you.
Dippingsauce 16 Jan, 2014 @ 3:31pm 
Me neither just got my last foil card today ... I hope this is some kind of error...
NiksBrotha 15 Jan, 2014 @ 11:06pm 
yeah I can't craft them either..
Menrix 15 Jan, 2014 @ 1:34pm 
same here, cannot craft it anymore.
G_Zimmer 15 Jan, 2014 @ 11:32am 
I am having the same problem as GenPattonBR. and When I click the "view badge progress" button in my inventory it says "invalid game". Is this a bug or is the badge discontinued like the winter sale?
GenPattonBR 15 Jan, 2014 @ 7:36am 
The deck and the badges are not visible anymore from my badges page. Also, I cannot craft the badge.
Mr.Mishima 20 Dec, 2013 @ 11:52am 
I got 2day 300xp Steam Summer Getaway Badge and spending 0$ Like A boss :B1: :postcardb: :D: