Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

143 个评价
ADVANCED UBOAT TYPE IX U-162 (Diesel/Electric)
5.229 MB
2018 年 12 月 14 日 上午 10:26
2018 年 12 月 16 日 上午 9:56
5 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

ADVANCED UBOAT TYPE IX U-162 (Diesel/Electric)

German submarine U-162 was a Type IX Diesel/Electric U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during WW II.

She was ordered on 25 September 1939 and was laid down on 19 April 1940 at Deutsche Schiff- und Maschinenbau AG, at Seebeck Yard in Bremerhaven, Germany, as yard number 701. She was launched on 1 March 1941 and commissioned under the command of Korvettenkapitän Jürgen Wattenberg on 9 September of that year.

Fully submersible and stable
One person alone can barely operate it, I'd recommend at least two.


"I just hit a reef, im in the ocean floor. My starboard electronics had failed. Luckily, im in the control room, atleast for a while. Starboard side is totally flooded. Gonna say it, this is right now makes me uneasy." - ✪ snowmobiili_xd

"Great Uboat! Loading the torps and firing them was very rewarding!" - Pg109


BOW, HULL, SADDLES and STERN ballast tanks.
Maintenance Hatches
Anchor (on a 100m chain)
Flood Alarm
Emergency Water Pumps
Two (2x) functional Diesel engines
One Electric Engine
Refuel hose behind the conning tower
Two functional torpedos and tubes
Fully functional snorkel


W = Pitch Nose Down
S = Pitch Nose UP
A = Rudder Left
D = Rudder Right

Left arrow = Roll Port
Right arrow = Roll Starboard



1) Get in the ship and go down to the control room.
2) Head to the electric room on the aft section of the hull
3) Turn all the breakers on in this order: PORT BATTERY, STARBOARD BATTERY, MAIN BREAKER, ENGINES then the rest of them.
3) Head to the transmission room (last room) and make sure everything is disengaged.
3.a) Make sure the "Diesel Engage" and "Propellers Engage" are set to ZERO on the panel
4) Head to the diesel room.
6) Sit on the chair facing the portside panel
6) Turn on the Intake Valve, Fuel Valve and Fuel Pump
6.a) Turn both engines Main Sys and Main Engine breakers
7) Seth both ENG1 and ENG2 throttles to 80%
8) Hold START ENG1 or START ENG2 until you hear it cranking alive
9) Check for RPM (normal stable around 900 RPM) (as in v0.4.21)
10) Check for both Engine's temperatures (normal around 50-100ºC)


1) Head for the Electric Room
2) Check battery levels at the dials
3) Check battery load at the digital dials
3.a) Each battery stack is handled individually
3.b) This means you can opt using only port or starboard battery as you wish
4.c) You can check each battery stack's current CHARGE and LOAD at its respective dials
4.d) Positive numbers on the LOAD dial indicate your battery charge is being drained, be wary)
4.e) Negative numbers on the LOAD dial indicate your battery is being charged by the alternator)


1) Assume the helm and make sure there is no curret trim
2) Head to the Transmission Room (aft section)
2) On the panel:
2.a) set ENGAGE DIESEL to 0%
2.b) set Engage Alternator to 100%
3) Head to Diesel Room
3.a) Set Both engine's throttle to 0.27
4) Head to Electric Motor Room
4.a) Turn Electric Engine Breaker ON
4.b) Set Electric Motor throttle to 0.28
5) Head to the Transmission Room
5.a) Set Engage Electric to 100%
6) On the same panel, set ENGAGE PROPELLERS as desired until you done maneuvering out of the pier
4) For ship controls, check above
6) Press the CRUISE button on the right side of the panel
7) Slowly increase ENGAGE PROPELLERS (Check the dial for the ship current speed)
8) On the Diesel Control Panel, reduce throttle to around 25-30% for optimal fuel efficiency cruise


1) Check you "Depth & Ground Dist." gauge on the left side of the main panel
1.a) White tape is your depth from 0 to 80 and the Red Tape is the ground distance from surface from 0 to 80)
1.b) If the White tape touches the Red tape, it means your are touching the ground
2) Make sure you have enough room for a dive.


1) Head to the Diesel Room
2) On the right side of the chair set max position for INTAKE and EXHAUST Snorkels
2.a) Press "Alternate Snorkel Valves"
3) Head back to the Control Room
3.a) Make sure both conning tower's (and torpedo room's) hatches are closed shut;
4) Flood Both Saddles Tanks and Hull Ballast
5)Assume the HELM
6) Set pitch to 35% NOSE DOWN (Alt+W for nose down, Alt+S for nose UP)
7) Engage Dive Stabilizer
8) Pay close attention to your Artifical Horizon and Depth indicators
9) Safe/Stable depth for snorkeling is between 10 - 11 meters
10) Stabilize the depth using trim


1) Head back for the DIESEL ROOM
2) On the panel, turn both Engines's breakers OFF
3) Close both engines's throttles
4) Turn of the fuel pump
5) Close both intake and fuel valves


1) Apply 1/2 Throttle
2) Drain Bow Ballast and Saddle Tanks
3) Slightly Trim Nose up
4) Watch and observe your Artificial Horizon and Depth indicators
5) Climb until your depth indicator reachs "0".
6) Drain ALL ballast tanks.
7) Toggle "Dive Estabilizator" OFF


* NOTE * Loading the Torpedos is hard as ****, as it should, I loaded them myself tens of times, so don't come back crying just because you couldn't. It's supposed to be hard. If you want it easy, there're plenty of arcade submarines around workshop, this boat was designed with and for suffering

1) Open TUBE1 or TUBE2
2) Load the desired torpedo in the desired tube
3) Open Outter Shell
4) Turn the Key on the back side of the torpedo, close to the propeller
5) Quickly close the selected TUBE
6) Open the Torpedos Launch Door


1) Close Torpedo's Launch door
2) Close outter shell
3) Drain tubes


Being torpedoed is not something you'll have to worry about for now, but accidents happens and it wouldn't be the first time this sub got some water in the wrong side of it. Here's what to do in case you see yourself in a grim situation.

As soon as the bright orange lights starts blinking and the mildly annoying alarm starts to sound, make fast work of closing those ALL HATCHES.

There's a BLUE panel on the port side of your control room. On this panel you have control of ALL the hatches and emergency pumps of your U-BOAT. But before you start reading gauges looking where you messed up, CLOSE ALL THE HATCHES IMEDIATELY by using to button on the lower row of the panel.

Now, you are sealed inside of this old metal tube going straight to the bottom of the ocean in a alarmingly fast speed, but don't worry, isn't like you are going to cross your crush depth, I built this beauty like a marvel.

Now, there are a number of emergency pumps in each individual room up, so drag your clumsy inept sailor's bottom to panel and start pumping, but be advised, this is a small pump, it doesn't have enough PSI to pump the water outside, so it'll pump the water into your hull ballast tank. Make sure the Hull ballast is empty or it just wont do any good.

Now, you probably started to notice the alarm is getting fader and fader by the time and the lights are starting to blink and dimmer out as a small annoying light indicator started to blink by the left side of the BATTERY CHARGE dial by the helm... Well, if you didn't drain all your damn batteries out just yet, I have good news for you, there's a yellow breaker by that same light. It will connect some emergency batteries I put in there for you, but don't turn it just yet, make sure you disengage one of the battery stacks before turning it on, otherwise it'll just split its charge and you'll end up feeling awfully dumb as your pumps still don't have enough juice to pump your ballasts empty... But don't be sad, in time, all of your batteries will die and your hatches wont be enough to stop that crushing, cold black water to rush in and kill you in a violent silent death...
热门讨论 查看全部(2)
2021 年 9 月 16 日 下午 1:19
置顶: BUGS / Problems / Features
2020 年 8 月 16 日 上午 2:54
置顶: Enlist the Kriegsmarine
210 条留言
Robbie 2021 年 7 月 19 日 上午 10:50 
After reading the comments, i aint here to argue, but just do say ''Thankks'' Back when i first downloaded this creation i had massive joy, i had fun, and even had some choatic times, the reason why im saying thanks is i have been working on my own UBOAT for a few months now and i hope to release it soon, this has given me all the insipiration and will power i needed, thanks my freind.
Lucchesi  [作者] 2021 年 6 月 25 日 上午 11:22 
If the devs decide to get their priorities right and bring the game back to a stable and constant functional state, I'll gladly come back and update her with all the components I've been working throughout the years... Periscopes, better torpedos, compressed air ballast tanks, auto regulating fuel tanks which balance the weight with sea water as she burns fuel... I really had the highest expectations for her, but as it is right now, this project is dead...

I hope you guys manage to still use her, at least partially. It has been a great source of joy for me to witness how many people were interested and had a great time aboard her. Once again, I'm sorry for whatever shortcomings you might have encountered while sailing her. I hope to get back working on her some day. Take care.
Lucchesi  [作者] 2021 年 6 月 25 日 上午 11:22 
Well, the devs keep breaking the game more and more with each update. They keep adding new broken features while ignoring old ones. To be honest, I'm tired of having to deal with their bs while getting muted on discord for voicing concerns about the current state of the game. I'm truly and deeply sorry if that affects you and/or any other of my uboat's users but I also have a real life with real problems and keeping up with this routine of finding new ways to keep things working beneath the bugs is not a high priority in my life right now. I did spend weeks and countless hours working on it becaused I loved it, it is a very complex vehicles with a lot of thought put into it, but right now this game has become a big source of frustration and disappointment for me and as it is, I no longer have any motivation to keep it working.
Repco 2021 年 6 月 25 日 上午 3:36 
I think i just dont have enough engine pwoer but i cant improve that for some reason
Repco 2021 年 6 月 25 日 上午 3:33 
I am following your diving procedures but the sub wont go under 1.5m, what am i doing wrong
NTSFMagellan 2020 年 10 月 26 日 上午 9:37 
Hevder, you Can just use the Sonar Guided torpedoes. They use an overhead rail and electrical connector system, both for loading, and smooth guidance out the torpedo tube.
Inverspe 2020 年 10 月 8 日 下午 11:31 
btw the torpdeos wont work?
Inverspe 2020 年 10 月 8 日 下午 11:29 
In my opinion loading the torpedos isn't hard at all if u use the winch right
Hevder 2020 年 9 月 26 日 上午 1:23 
Hey, actually I should've asked earlier but I didn't think you were still replying to comments. Is it okay if I partly copied your torpedo design for my uboat, I suck ass with micro controllers so yeahh, I meantioned it in the description tho
hihohi 2020 年 9 月 24 日 上午 12:29 
@Lucchesi the way i did it was just gut just about everything leaving the hull. It took like a month of on off work before it was operational again but after the gut it has a 13min dive time(with implemented systems running, they take alot of power), 7min recharge time and a 160km diesel range. Its defiantly more crammed inside with systems and mechanical aspects taking up space but the shell is perfect for eveything i wanted to do.
I will keep an eye out for the updated version if you release it though. Good luck!!