Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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The Imperial Court Societies
Etiquetas: Empires, Society, HIP
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27 ABR 2019 a las 2:10 p. m.
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The Imperial Court Societies

This mod is a set of nearly identical societies aimed at making empires more flavorful and interesting. When established the society can only be seen and joined by members of that empire, but they impact the entire realm regardless of any vassal's membership.

The Societies:
There are a total of 8 different types, split into 4 generic courts, and 4 unique courts.
Unique courts are either available on game start (can be configured with separate game rules) or created via decision later, they are:
  • Imperial Court of the Byzantine Empire
  • Imperial Court of the Holy Roman Empire
  • Imperial Court of the Arabian Empire
  • Imperial Court of the Roman Empire

Generic courts work a bit differently, they have to be established via a decision by an empire that doesn't have an unique court attached. Each generic court type has 3 "slots", so in theory yet extremely unlikely case you could have 12 generic courts active at once. Generic courts are classified as the following:
  • Christian and Jewish Courts
  • Muslim and Zoroastrian Courts
  • Pagan Courts
  • Eastern Courts
A generic court's type cannot be changed unless it is completely dismantled then re-established by a character of a different religion.

Important note:
There are special decisions for forming certain empires if you are already an emperor and have a Imperial Court active. You MUST use these instead of the vanilla decisions, otherwise things will not behave correctly. The decisions will only appear if they are supposed to, so if nothing is there then you're fine.

General Info:
  1. Society Influence plays a very big role here. Alongside other effects, an Imperial Court with dangerously high influence may decide to replace the current emperor with one of their own.
  2. Monthly society currency gains are tied directly to the current Emperor and what he approves/disapproves of. It can also be increased by other relevant conditions, such as being purple born in the Byzantine Empire, or baptised for Christians.
  3. The Emperor starts as the leader of the society, with the complete power to approve of promotions to rank 3 and mission assignment. Assigning missions will cost society currency and since that is the limiting factor, the emperor can assign Imperial Offices to rank 3 members to spread the administrative load.
  4. Imperial Offices can be assigned by giving the appropriate honorary titles. There are a total of 5 offices, each in charge of a different part of missions. Office names vary with the society's type.
    • Imperial Regent: This is a very special office, the holder will lead the Imperial Court in place of the emperor. Granting him most of the society leader's powers. This can be used in order to join another society, or by AI emperors that decide to use it.
    • Imperial Seneschal: Assigns Stewardship related missions.
    • Imperial Marshal: Assigns Martial related missions and declares Imperial Conquests.
    • Imperial Lawkeeper: Assigns Diplomacy and Learning related missions.
    • Imperial Spymaster: Assigns Intrigue based missions.
  5. An Imperial Capital will be designated when the society is formed. This holding will be used in various events and has access to 6 unique buildings. The current emperor will always be able to usurp it from a vassal, and it can only moved by a player decision.

Imperial Courtier:
  • The lowest rank, holds very little power.
  • Power: Can donate money in exchange for society currency, the effect becomes weaker the higher your rank.
  • Power: Can visit the Imperial Capital which leads to various events and outcomes depending on the unique buildings in the capital.
  • Dynamic name based on society type.
  • Power: Can introduce their children to the Imperial Court, allowing them to join the society and bypass some requirements.
  • Power: If the society's influence is high enough(60+), can change a vice-royalty into a regular hereditary duchy.

High Official:
  • Dynamic name based on society type.
  • Cannot be assigned missions.
  • Power: Can force a lower ranking member to owe them a favor.
  • Power: Can choose one of three special lifestyle traits.
  • Ability: Able to hold Imperial Offices, granting a unique power depending on office and the ability to assign relevant missions.

  • Dynamic name based on society type.
  • Powers can only be used by the actual Emperor, a regent cannot use them.
  • Power: Can make a vassal relinquish all non-dejure titles, be it via vassals or personally held. The vassal cannot refuse if society influence is low. (tldr: fixes bordergore)
  • Ability: Assigns all Imperial Offices
  • Ability: Can initially assign all missions

Probably the thing I worked on the most. Missions aren't just generic "build this" or "pay this", they all have quite a few events attached to them and their results vary with the assigned character's abilities and choices. I have more planned, but those will be for future updates.
  1. Generic:
    • Undermine High Official: Given randomly by a rank 3 member targeting another rank 3 member they hate.
  2. Seneschal:
    • Improve Imperial Capital: The only way to build the special capital buildings.
    • Build Imperial Road: Builds an Imperial Road in a province increasing movement speed, supply, and trade.

  3. Marshal:
    • Imperial Conquest: Declares an Imperial Conquest on a foreign duchy, assigning a member to lead an army provided by the Imperial Court(alongside the member's own army) to conquer the duchy.
    • Organize Military Drill: Improves all attending characters' abilities.
    • Distribute Levy Recompense: Lowers the raised levy opinion penalty for the emperor's vassals.
  4. Lawkeeper:
    • Convert to Emperor's Culture: Pretty self explanatory.
    • Organize Festival: Reduces revolt risk in the festival's location and surrounding provinces.
  5. Spymaster:
    • Investigate Secret Religions: Reveals characters' secret religions and devil worshippers.
    • Infiltrate Court: Spawns a courtier in a foreign realm that is highly loyal to the Imperial Court.

Compatibility and DLC:
  • Conclave is required. This is the only DLC you absolutely need, everything else just adds extras.
  • You would need the relevant DLC to play as different religions.
  • Legacy of Rome is needed for the Roman Court.
  • Charlemagne is needed for Vice-Royalty power.
  • Monks and Mystics is needed for Devil Worshippers to appear for a mission.
  • Holy Fury unlocks some duel events.
  • Vanilla Version: V3.1
  • NOT savegame compatible
  • NOT achievement compatible
  • CK2+: Once it is out of Beta and provides a changelog
  • HIP: HIP Release - Hotfix - 2019-04-23 (Furry6)
  • NOT compatible with any other major overhaul or total conversion
  • Any mod that adds custom sounds will conflict with this mod. Depending on how the mods load, either society music will be disabled or the conflicting mod's sounds will be disabled. (Music mods are unaffected)

Hart: Society artwork and sound editing for new society music.
Additional music credits can be found in the mod files.
Special thanks to Farabi for all his help with fixing and improving the localisation files.

Please report any bugs in the bug reports discussion tab and mention if you are running Vanilla or HIP.
Suggestions are always welcome.

Forum link[]
Discusiones populares Ver todo (4)
25 FEB 2022 a las 9:44 p. m.
FIJO: Bug Reports
21 MAY 2020 a las 1:04 p. m.
FIJO: Balance and Suggestions
26 ENE 2019 a las 3:38 a. m.
Mod Interaction
276 comentarios
LezardGraphique 5 DIC 2024 a las 3:39 a. m. 
Can we ask or force emperor or leader of society to assigned us as offcier or regent of the court as a vassal ?

When you get fired and emperor die soon after, does it change the chance to get assigned by the new emperor leader ? Or is it only diplomacy and stuff that appears in score window ?
LezardGraphique 4 DIC 2024 a las 1:25 a. m. 
Good mod that add challenge with big empires but can we know all the possible results mission ?
And is there a way to add some alert so we can know when mission succeed or fail ( and why it failed ) ? I never know if the mission is still ongoing and assigned character need more time or if it already failed and i need to assign new guy to do it
chiken 6 AGO 2023 a las 11:11 a. m. 
Hi, I have a question for anyone who knows. Can I use this for the AtE mod? Just for the generic empire stuff.
martinyangilc 21 OCT 2022 a las 5:22 p. m. 
Hi, I have a question. In Constantinople, I want to build an imperial road, I right-clicked on the icon of the county, and the option to build an imperial road appeared. Then the question arises, I don't get any options when choosing who will build the road, what are the conditions of this person who is given the task of building?
OSST 27 SEP 2022 a las 5:27 p. m. 
anyone want to can uodate tthis mod hip and ck2 will not get more updates so it would just need one more update forever
burgerguys 8 JUL 2022 a las 7:30 a. m. 
Hello, I hail from the discord server of a post apocalyptic mod called New Era Old World, we have had a couple requests wondering if the devs would be able to integrate the functionality of your mod or something similar to it into Neow as the mod has many massive formable empires and thus introducing features of this mod would be greatly useful for players doing vassal management. Ultimately we are wondering if we can use your mod and integrate the functionality of The Imperial Court Societies with Neow.
JimmyG1970 6 JUL 2022 a las 7:32 p. m. 
Please make compatible with AGOT
iwandre2001 5 JUL 2022 a las 2:38 p. m. 
how stable is for multiplayer?
CommunistPigeon 30 MAY 2022 a las 12:36 a. m. 
For whatever reason this mod is no longer showing up in the mod section of the ck2 launcher
Sakuro 18 MAY 2022 a las 7:30 a. m. 
Think I ran into a conflict between this and The Gods 2.5 mod. When you click the decision to create the Imperial Court society your council laws get adjusted but no society is created, and no extra titles are added.

Just a warning slash potential heads up. This is still one of my favorite mods.