Interstellar Marines

Interstellar Marines

129 ratings
[OUTDATED] Guide for Interstellar Marines
By Honzas4400 and 1 collaborators
In this tutorial I want to help new players to understand this game but also help to others. Description of every weapon, map, tips and tricks, everything in this guide! //Yet to be upgraded//
Creators' note (READ PLEASE)
Do you want help us? Contact Honzas4400 or

Manual yet to be extended, upgraded, changed, fixed, deleted, marinezed, eated, blown-up' and used for sexual content. Rate and comment to keep us working!

- Read FAQ for fast answers
- Let the guide load all images. There's lot of them and many of them are in HD quality :)

REMEMBER! Even simple THUMB UP helps us alot! Please rate, comment and share!
Introduction to Interstellar Marines

Originally posted by Kim:
Interstellar Marines is an ambitious indie game that mixes meaningful cooperative tactical role-playing with relentless next generation first person simulation experienced inside a believable science fiction narrative about mankind’s first contact with another sentient species.

Interstellar Marines developers says:
We're a small team pouring our blood, sweat and tears into delivering an FPS that merges the best from tactical shooters with believable science fiction and role-playing-- think Half-Life meets System Shock, giving birth to Rainbow Six in space!

By purchasing Early Access to Interstellar Marines, you’re actively supporting the development of the game, and as we release frequent updates we invite you to give your feedback and suggestions to help us create the best game possible.

Our mantra has always been "For the Love of the Game" - NOT the money. The sooner you buy, the lower the price, and once you purchase Interstellar Marines, you are ALL IN for upcoming features and updates

Read about history of Zero Points Software and Interstellar Marines HERE!
Singleplayer - Backstory
It's the dawn of the 22nd century. A time of great hopes and expectations. The discovery of new kind of inexhaustible world power, known as "Zero Point Energy", has revolutionized space travel. Man escaped the confines of mother Earth and gone on to colonize the solar system.

Zero Point Energy (ZPS)
The discovery of this virtually unlimited ressource was the beginning of a new era, and the union of human kind. Learn more about the first experiments that formed the foundation for interstellar travel.

Few believed that the exponential technological evolution of the 20th century would ever be paralleled. The 21st century not only paralleled it – it went beyond it. The single-most important reason for this was the discovery of Zero Point Energy.

Originally proposed by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern the concept of Zero Point Energy started as a purely theoretical quirk to explain a residual term needed to solve the equations of quantum mechanics. One April morning in 2100 aboard the International Space Station, a team of top scientists from all around the world managed to produce a quantum of energy from the vacuum of space surrounding them. Showing the possibility to generate pure energy exploiting the fabric of space-time itself, the experiment showed promise to solve the depletion of Earth’s energy sources. It was the end of a dark age of apocalyptic prophecies, and the beginning of a brighter and better future.

Learn more about Interstellar Marines story HERE
Originally posted by ZPS:
In Interstellar Marines you will have the option of teaming up with up to three of your friends and play through the game in co-operative mode (co-op). From the very beginning of designing this game, we knew we wanted co-op to be a core element and because of that we have shaped all of the other features to enhance the co-operative game play.

The skill system will give players a vast number of options for all kinds of team play and all of the levels of IM has been designed with the clear focus of supporting cooperation gameplay. Even the story line is written with multiple protagonists in focus so that all players in a group will have their unique place and doing in the upcoming epic saga.

Of course there is always the option of playing on your own, but should you choose to invite some friends to a game (or find some new ones on-line) a whole new challenge awaits you and your band of elite soldiers.


Game Modes
-Deathmatch - Classic free-for-all gamemode, where each player must earn as much points by killing other players.
-Team Deathmatch - Upgraded version of deathmatch with two teams.
-Team Domination - //INFO YET TO BE ADDED//
-Deadlock - Each team has to dominate certain points on map in order to win.

There are two teams - Gamma and Delta.
You can distinguish both teams by a little blue triangle indicating your teammates, along with a visible name.

More info on maps can be find under "MAPS" tab.
Enemies and Allies
As every other game, even Interstellar Marines has it's own enemies and it's own allies. There is not much known about this. Known allies, so far, are the Interstellar marines and robots and known enemies are Shark creatures, other Interstellar Marines in multiplayer and eventually training robots.

  • Multiplayer Interstellar Marines
  • Interstellar Robots (Titan Walker) **
    ** = Not implemented yet

  • Multiplayer Interstellar Marines
  • Shark Creatures**
  • Combat Training Robots*
    ** = Not implemented yet
    * = Prototype games only (now)
Maps (Multiplayer)
Rupture - Large canyon rift with bridges connecting 2 opposing compounds on each side. Environment stages:
  • Day
  • Overcast and foggy (raining)
  • Dawn
  • Night
  • Pitch black (thunder)
  • Warzone

Arch - Wide U-shaped pit surrounded by large array of platforms and building. Evironment stages:
  • Day
  • Overcast and foggy
  • Dawn
  • Pitch black (thunder)
    -Rain online in all modes.

Mainline - A few two-story building and a garage interconnects to creat suburban combat range. Environment stages:
  • Day
  • dawn
  • Night
  • Warzone
  • Overcast and foggy (raining).

Mainline Winter - Mainline reconstructed inside a low temperature combat rangle to simulate winter. Environment stages:
  • Day
  • Dawn
  • Bright overcast
  • Night.
    -Snow and fog is online in all modes.

Megalodon - Walk around Megalodon class dropsip (OPD-3A from Stacrown Aerospace) inside maintenance hangar A. Environment stages:
  • Power online
  • Fire alarm
  • Shut down

Operations - Large interior close quarter combat range connected via tunnels and hallways.
Environment stages:
  • Power online
  • Emergency power
  • Fire alarm
  • Power offline
  • Shut down

Dynacore - Three part interchanging Astrodome combat arena surrounded by a hars snow blizzad with subzero tempartures.
Environment stages:
  • Stormy days
  • Windy nights

Stronghold - A lush forest enguffs the Stronghold training environment designed to practice advanced offensive and defensive tactics with low ground infiltrators and high ground perimeter defenses.
Environment stages:
  • Rainy night
  • Windy night
  • Fire alarm
  • Silent night

Colony - Confirned multi-purpose training arena designed to simulate different combat environments and hostile wather conditions.
Environment stages:
  • Offline
  • Raining
  • High winds

Elevation - This is the first iteration of Martin Jonsson's winner entry in the community map making contest.
Environment stages:
  • Power online
  • Emergency power
  • Fire alarm
  • Power offline
  • Shut down

Evacuation - Full size combat range with a staged crash site evacuation zone in the heart of a wet and moist swamp..
Environment stages:
  • Raining, overcast and foggy
  • Pitch black with thunder
  • Warzone

There are also 4 special "maps".

Sandbox - Go behind the scenes and have fun with features such as ragdoll, interactive lit particles and destructible lights. (The section will be extended as we add more and more features).

Co-op poster - Presentation of an Interstellar Marines fire team frozen in time allowing a spinning cam to reveal a few prototypes from one of ITO's other Interstellar Warfare Programs.

Get Killed by Bots - Test you skill againts the deadly AI of the Combat Training Robots in the custom built map to push the CTR and players to their limit. How long can you survive?

Intro Cinematic - Watch the Interstellar Marines start game intro cinematic.

In multiplayer there's periodic change of environment stages. In singleplayer, you can change then (by default) by N.

**Screenshots have been removed due to internet-heavy loading.**
Maps (Solo/co-op)
Welcome to Project IM - Welcome to the Interstellar Warfare Initiative. Your country has sent you here to try out for the Interstellar Marines Program. You're a top tier Special Forces soldier and have just woken up inside The Vault. Located 2 klick below the salty soil of Groom Lake, Nevada, the Vault is ITO's most top-secret special projects facility in the world. Time to begin your training.

Assault on Starcrown Aerospace - Starcrown Aerospace is ITO's largest supplier of space avionics and research. Starcrown is currently collaborating heavily with ITO Strategic Command to develop The Altair Project. Your mission is to infiltrate Starcrown's primary research and development facility, and test te facilities security againts unauthorized entry.

The Neurogen Incident - An emergency situation at a pharmaceutical research and development space station requires the assistance of ITO. Most of te crew as evacuated, and there is no communication with woever's left. Faced with an unknown crisis, Interstellar Marines are sent in with a primary objective of retrieving all research data.

[ELIMINATION] Stronghold - Eliminate all Sentry Comat Training Robots scattered around the Stronghold compound.

[ELIMINATION] Mainline - Eliminate all Sentry Comat Training Robots scattered around the streets and building in Mainline.

[SURVIVAL] Operations - Infiltrate Operation and activate all power nodes while survivng a horde of Defective Combat Training Robots.

[SURVIVAL] Colony - Infiltrate Colony and activate all power nodes while survivng againts both Sentry and Defective Combat Training Robots.

[ESCAPE] Nucleus - Escape the Nucleus compound while being seriously outnumbered by Defective Combat Training Robots.
Pre-Alpha Early Access (0.5.1) version of the game has only one weapon with no customization available.


CE6 - Full-Auto submachine used by standard Interstellar Marines in action with Red-Dot Sight, laser, flashlight and suppressor attachments by default. Magazine for 30 bullets.

??? - Full-Auto submachine used by standard Interstellar Marines in action with holographic 4× sight, laser, flashlight and suppressor attachments by default. Magazine for 20 bullets.

Tazer - Single-fire submachine used by standard Interstellar Marines in action with iron sight, laser, flashlight and suppressor attachments by default. Magazine for 15 bullets.

  • Red-Dot Sight
  • Laser
  • Flashlight
  • Suppressor
  • Grenade Launcher*
  • Range Scope (ER-Scope)*
  • Buttstocks*
  • Medium-Range Scope*
  • Long Scope (Sniper scope)*
  • Grip*
    * = concept art; not in game yet

Unused weapons, concept arts and models
Near final concept iteration of the Meikyu 2.1 "Rhino" Tactical Shotgun, shown here with Effective Range Scope and without buttstock. "I like to keep this handy... for close encounters!"

Near final concept of one of Assault Rifles. Shown here with extensions; Light, G-Launcher, ER-Scope.

In-game pistol from Interstellar Marines first versions with red-dot sight.

Combat knife model with 232 polygons used for melee combat by Interstellar Marines.

Example of striker shotgun with big magazine

Other weapons examples (Shotguns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers)
TIP: Text that looks like THIS[http//test] is clickable URL!

Do you have suggestion what authors should add into game? Post your ideas HERE!
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
// Text that looks like THIS[http//111] is clickable //

What is Interstellar Marines?
Interstellar Marines is an AAA, FPS, Sci-fi, action and adventure game with an original and unpredictable storyline featuring single and cooperative gameplay, with heavy focus on realism.

You can find out more about Interstellar Marines game here[].

Who is developing Interstellar Marines?
Zero Point Software[] is developing Interstellar Marines and is located in Copenhagen, Denmark.

We are currently eight fulltime developers and will all be present in our forum and on our community site, writing articles, forum posts and being in dialogue with you the gamer on creating the most immersive FPS ever!

Who is publishing Interstellar Marines?
Zero Point Software is the publisher itself and utilizes a unique new strategy which we have named AAA INDIE[].

What is AAA INDIE?
AAA is a branch term that states high budget, high quality. INDIE is short for independent. So basically we are trying to develop high quality games independently from game publishing companies funded by- or partly with the gaming community.

Read more about how you can support us[].

Why should I support this new strategy?
Help us to:
  • Develop, market, and distribute games independently from game publishing companies
  • Contribute to the liberalisation of pricing and distribution of games
  • Develop games with open doors
  • Let gamers voice their opinion and make their influence count (through our forum[])
  • Deliver great games that, in any respects, can compete with what publishers put in the market
  • Merge the technological innovation and scope of AAA productions with the creative freedom and the rooting in the community of indie productions
You will get:
  • Playable chapters[] throughout the entire development process. It could be a shooting simulator, a multiplayer level or maybe an early prototype of a new weapon
  • The opportunity to provide feedback very early through our forum and we will listen
  • An invite to join us behind the scenes[] and follow us as we develop the game with articles[] and videos[] describing how we make the game
  • Let gamers voice their opinion and make their influence count
  • Deliver great games that, in any respects, can compete with what publishers put in the market

Where is all the game footage?
The past three years Zero Point Software has been developing Interstellar Marines on a well proving (but expensive) 3'rd party engine. Regretfully, we can not publicly show our material due to a strict license agreement.

What game engine is Interstellar Marines currently using?
We are testing the potentials of a new and less expensive game engine (the Unity Engine[]). You can see our first effort here[].

How do I buy and support?
First of all we need you register. If you like what you see please consider of upgrading[] to a Spearhead or Frontline unit. Spearhead will net you all three (3!) copies in the trilogy, while Frontline will buy you the first only.

I have upgraded to Spearhead, and I would like to donate more money
As requested by our community we have introduced "Support Medals[]" which apart from supporting this great strategy and game upgrades your public profile badge on the website.

Can i support this in any other way than upgrading or donating?
There are loads of ways of how you can help us. You can spread the word using eq. Facebook[], Twitter, Youtube, or blog, write or talk of IM and AAA INDIE as allot of our community members are allready doing. Kickstart yourself here[].

How do I become a Beta Tester?
All beta material will be available for both Spearheads[], Frontliners and registered users throughout the development of Interstellar Marines.

Does Interstellar Marines have any social groups I can join, besides the official forum?
Sure does! As far as official channels go, you can be fan of IM on Facebook[], follow us on Twitter and even contribute on the Interstellar Marines' own forum[].

Unofficially, a Steam Group and a Gamespot Union[] exist.

Can I show your material on my website?
Yes, although you should not link directly to material in the Briefing Room[] as this is intended as a cool thing for our Spearhead and Frontliners only. You can read more about the advantages of being a premium member here[].

Got more questions?
Please post questions/subjects we need to address in our Unofficial FAQ[] on our forum[]
(A thumbs up to Tacticalspoon[] for helping us kickstart this FAQ)
Changelog (Game)
LQ 2 Apr, 2023 @ 9:26am 
this is exactly what i was talking about. needed more then just rifles and robots.
ParaFox404 23 Sep, 2021 @ 1:12am 
Leon Stormbringer 2 Oct, 2020 @ 8:20am 
Where is my game
=^.^= Pumpshotgun Kitty Overbeck 17 Feb, 2018 @ 7:30pm 
Amen Wanderman! I got so bored of this so fast....
recurve 11 Mar, 2017 @ 3:12pm 
somebody show me the ropes, i'm a newby......
Code Of Honor 17 Oct, 2016 @ 4:57am 
Hit G only if you wish to suicide
Cee 25 Oct, 2015 @ 9:18am 
Soviet, hit the G key
[S]SovietSean 25 Oct, 2015 @ 5:48am 
How to enable the tazer, I see it on my hud above your mode of fire
Sophomaniac 23 Oct, 2015 @ 1:25pm 
Hey, does anyone know how to access a map overlay in this game?
stonewall64 8 Jul, 2015 @ 6:23pm 
Will you be adding save spots for the single player modes?