Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game

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Guide To The Old "Worst" Jason: Part 7 Jason! - Rebooted Guide!
By Sprayable Spaghetti™ Skeleton
Hello one and all, I'm back to give you a 2.0 version of the first guide I made, Part 7 Jason (also because I want to do something while I figure out what Jason I should do next, and how to do it). Since the last time I made a guide, this Jason got sick being the "weakest" and "worst" Jason, so he got better. A LOT better. Now, lets go do some dirty work.
Here we go!

Part 1: Get Gud

Like many Jason's, it takes time and practice to get good at them, and Part 7 is no exception. Since the buff, Part 7 has become a easier Jason compared to what he once was. I'd say a newer play could pick him up and do well, but I wouldn't say he is as easy as Part 3 and Part 5, since they are very easy to pick up and use.
Part 2: Basics

To start, lets get the basics down

Part 7's Positives Are:
Sense lets you see where the counselor is, and if they are in a building. Since this is positive, Part 7's sense is longer than usual.
+Water Speed
All that time under Camp ̶B̶l̶o̶o̶d̶ Crystal Lake helped you learn how to swim better. You are the fastest Jason in the water.
+Weapon Strength
Due to this Jason being sick and tired of being called weak, he decided to bulk up those arms a little, and now he can swing that weapon to do more damage. He did lose that grip strength due to an injury during the training, breaking some of his hand bones, but he'll be fine.

Part 7's Negatives Are:
-Can't Run
Like most zombies and Jason's, He can't run.
I would say 'Traps are gay" but these are different traps. This is the main downside many people see with this Jason, but it's manageable.
-Stun Resistance
Because of that intense workout for his arms, he forgot to do the rest of his body, making it easier and longer to stun him. Plus side to this? He got a normal shift.

Part 7's Starting Weapon: The Machete
A very iconic weapon of Jason’s, and one of his deadliest. Even though it has medium range and normal damage it seems to have a secret stat, it’s really fast when swinging. I believe it’s one of, if not the fastest Jason weapon.

Part 7: Achievements:
Let's Split Up: Perform the machete dismemberment kill.
The achievement is a reference to the horror cliche of how horror movie characters always split up when there's a killer on the loose. It is also a very common phrase in the Scooby Doo Shows and Movies.

Do what you normally do, grab the knives and head straight to the phone box (or if you want, place a trap in front of your shack then go to the phone box). Feel free to kill or scare any counselors in the nearby area. Place a trap at the phone and break the door completely. I know in my last guide I said to leave one hit till it's broken, but this one second of not needing to break the door could mean the cops get called, or they don't. You can still break the windows while you're waiting for you morph if need be. Next, A car. If there is one car, head there and place a trap at the battery and driver door of the car (or if you used a trap at the shack, just place it at the battery). I know most people place the trap at the gas tank, but the chance of someone already fueling up the car while you're at the phone is high. If there are 2 cars, head to one, place the trap at the battery, then do the same at the other car. If the battery is already in place, place the trap at the driver door and the gas tank, or just the driver door. Don't worry about trapping the boat, it won't do you any good, now that the boat got it's startup noise back (although I don't remember it having one in the first place) you have nothing to worry about. Now let the hunting begin.
Part 3: Map Control

This may surprise you, but Part 7 has really good at map control. I know he may be a walking Jason, but with the combination of regular shift, regular morph, and +water speed, this makes it so he can get to one end of the map to another pretty easily. Part 7 is one of the few Jason's that have no downsides to their abilities, the only other one being Part 9. Feel free to use your abilities freely, without worrying too much about the recharge.
Part 4: Watch From A Distance

With your ability to have pretty good map control, you have the chance to be a slow as you like. One thing I do is watch counselors from a distance if they haven't seen me. Due to +sense, your ability to take in your surroundings, which lets you see where counselors are, and what they are doing. If I see a counselor outside trying to get from one house to another, I'll usually shift over and try to shift-grab them. If that fails, the chase begins, and I play the match as I usually do. Stalk can really help with this.
Part 5: Static Spam

Although I prefer to take it slow, that doesn't mean you need to do the same. If you feel like going in, machete's blazing, go right ahead, you do you. One thing I suggest if you're going to do that, especially later game, is doing what I call "Static Spam". Static Spam is to be used in fighting groups. Static spam involves burning all of your abilities, to confuse and break up groups. This is how you do it. Morph someone near the area, once you do that instantly start shifting, when you get near them, turn stalk on and let it burn, then try to shift grab someone, and see if you can kill them. Static Spamming makes it harder to see and hear what is going on, and if the counselors break off due to you shifting, it should be easy to kill someone.
Part 6: Water Ways

In case you don't like using your abilities all willy-nilly, but still want some map control, the +water speed will really help you. Some of the big maps have some sort of waterway that can be used to move around the map, the exceptions to this are Packanack, Crystal Lake, and all of the small maps (To be fair if you're gonna play a small map, you should play as Part 4, which I will shamelessly plug my Part 4 guide here: Higgins Haven and Pinehurst have waterways that go through the middle of the map and splits into the edges of the map, and Jarvis Residence has a waterway the circles around the majority of the map. Pinehurst is your best bet to be able to use the waterways to the best you can.
Part 7 (Hey I'm Re-Using This Title Because I'm Not Creative): If The Are Out For Blood, Show Them Why You Are The New Blood!

This whole part is gonna be the same with the OG guide, so don't be surprised if you get hit with some deja vu.

If they talk about it pre-game and your Jason: be even more aggressive than usual and collect and keep as many knives as possible, you will see why later.

If one of the females get the sweater, and Tommy hasn't been called and your mask isn't off: target them with everything.

If counselors are trying to take your mask off and are surrounding you: start blocking and slashing, teleport and shift away.
1. If they do knock your mask off, and they haven't got Tommy or the sweater: play as usual

If Tommy is called: Play as usual but try to make Tommy waste the shotgun.

If all 3 steps are ready, and they are out for your blood, stay at a distance, but don't be a coward, Mommy didn't raise a coward. With the knives, you should have collected, target the sweater girl with the knives and kill her with the knives. Don't risk going in slashing and dying. If the sweater person uses a spray, wait for the animation to end unless you are sure 1 more knife will be the final blow.

The Static Spam trick I talked about earlier can help if all the steps are done, as it may confuse them, so if all else fails, go in hard, and kill them all (or die trying).
Part 8: Random Tips/Community Tips

Now, this is where you come in! Help your fellow slasher and give some tips for Part 7 Jason, and if They're good, I'll put them in with your name here too!
Part 9: My Opinion On Part 7

I love playing as Part 7, he's still one of my favorite Jason's to play as, even once the challenge of him is gone. I think he's one the Jasons you can truly act like Jason from the movies. He's also one of the most terrifying Jason look wise.
Part 10: Congrats!

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of this guide, now there’s nothing left to do besides load into Friday the 13th, load into a lobby, change your god awful Jason to Part 7, wait till you get Jason, and kill them all. Go out there and make Kane Hodder proud!
Here are some videos of me (A Part 7 Main) playing as Part 7 Jason:

I hope this guide helped in some way, shape or form, because I've been wanting to make this, and other guides for some time, but I decided to take a break from the game. Good luck to you beautiful bastards, and get to playing Part 7!


Coughinblood 10 Feb, 2019 @ 3:27pm 
Zombie boy getting love again. But we need to show orge man (roy) some lovin now.