Joe Danger
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26 giu 2013, ore 22:59
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Joe Danger - User Level
Vehicle: Bike
Environment: Lab

My first level! :D
4 commenti
Engage with Zorp!!!  [autore] 4 lug 2013, ore 15:13 
I dunno what that means :(
76561198092486921 3 lug 2013, ore 1:40 
sha niao dongxi
Engage with Zorp!!!  [autore] 27 giu 2013, ore 11:10 
That's awesome!! :D Thanks guys!
Hello Games 27 giu 2013, ore 3:16 
Hello Prison Mike! We've made your first level a Dev pick!

This is a lovely level, the way that you have clearly defined the objective of each section is marvelous, it's a joy to play, easy to read and the pacing is great! We especially enjoyed the target that's behind you and the tricky timing of the coindash. Awesome stuff!