Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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NPC Weapon Upgrades
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Script, NPC, Other
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2 Nov 2018 @ 6:09pm
18 Apr 2020 @ 6:39am
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NPC Weapon Upgrades

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Meridius_IX / Lucas
Modular Encounters Collection
Item 20
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here[] for more details.


The aim of this mod is to increase the challenge in your PvE worlds by turning your advantages against you. This mod will randomize the weapon loadout of NPC grids, and can even use modded weapons!

How it Works

The mod watches for new NPC grid spawns and then scans their weapons. It will then choose a replacement weapon from a list of weapons that are the same size. If you have any weapon mods installed, it can use them as well - assuming they are the same size as the weapon being replaced.

Instead of requiring exact sizes for weapons, the mod can now grab the mount point of where the weapon originally sat and calculate the local space to allow for different sized weapons to be used. This broadly expands the possible weapon combinations you can encounter!

Once a weapon is replaced, it's ammo is also replenished so it is able to fire properly.

How to Use

Simply load this mod, along with your preferred PvE and Weapons mods.

This mod alone does not add any new weapons, so it's up to you to choose what weapon mods are loaded in your world.

Weapons using the WeaponCore framework are also compatible with this system as well!

Known Issues

11/19/2018 - Turrets may not appear in multiplayer if they were replaced while the grid was within sync distance. I am working on methods to correct this. Hoping to have a fix in place in the next week or two. This issue should now be fixed. The mod has pretty much been rewritten and installed in the Modular Encounters Spawner, so it no longer needs to do the weapon swap post-spawn. I've tested on my DS and have not encountered the issue!

11/30/2018 - I've done the best I can to ensure the GSF lasers mod plays nicely with this (built a reference chart of most weapons and their max power draw at default settings). You should no longer see massive turrets requiring power in the GW scale installing to NPCs anymore. However... There seem to be some bugs with some of the GSF turrets, even the smaller ones. I had a couple instances of turrets appearing that would max out power on the grid, and the effect would persist even after removing the weapon. Restarting the world fixed the grid.

TL;DR - I've fixed most the issues with the GSF weapons and this mod, but there are some edge cases I have no control over without having to blacklist the entire mod. If you plan to use the 2 mods together, do so at your own risk.


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Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (7)
12 Nov 2018 @ 6:07pm
CTD Generating lunar/space cargoship
10 Des 2018 @ 9:33am
What about adding the "DefenseShield" Mod to the roster?
5 Mar 2022 @ 3:47am
Suggestion: Whitelist depending on grid size
416 Komentar
Abisius 8 Mei @ 12:39pm 
@Come and See
or just do what is generally recommended and dont mix nonwc stuff with wc stuff
Come and See 8 Mei @ 12:04pm 
This script itself doesn't actually do anything. It just enables the WeaponRandomization that's built into ModularEncounterSystems.

The issue I have with this script is that if you're running weaponcore and have non-weaponcore turrets installed it'll spawn the non-weaponcore turrets. If weaponcore is enabled it should check if the turret is weaponcore compatible.
Abisius 25 Feb @ 9:32pm 
there was a bug that poppep up with an update to wc which cause the game to ctd upon the destruction of blocks by weaponsfire, as far as my informations go that should now be fixed
diJikosanto 25 Feb @ 7:04pm 
WeaponCore - 2.4
NorthWind Weapons
this mod

causes a crash at some point as npc fight each other. not sure what weapon does it tho.

Thread: 1 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CoreSystems.Support.Ai.AcquireProjectile(Weapon w, UInt64 id)
at CoreSystems.Support.Ai.AcquireTarget(Weapon w, Boolean forceFocus, MyEntity targetEntity)
at CoreSystems.Session.CheckAcquire()
at CoreSystems.Session.Simulate()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Run>b__0()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop()
McCloud Jr 6 Feb @ 5:46pm 
Due to WeaponCore being transferred to Ash Like Snow and the old WeaponCore now labeled as WeaponCore- Retired.

Will this cause issues? I know the Shield Mod needs to be updated due to this very reason
kinngrimm 21 Jan @ 9:11pm 
is there an MES mod that also installs other modded blocks not just weapons, but say thrusters, reactors, repair systems....
Astro-Creeper 10 Okt 2023 @ 11:07am 
Thanks Abisius, I see now that I can set MES to randomize weapon spawn. I'll head over there and unsubscribe from this.
Abisius 10 Okt 2023 @ 10:53am 
didnt hat probs so far with the wc mods that i use besides the ai not beeing able to fire fixed weapons that require a lockon to be able to get fired.
as for the weapon id´s i woudl say that is best asked on either the modpage of the mod in question or the wc discord.
and a list of wc based mods to start with is o nthe wc github page.
Dalten 17 Sep 2023 @ 11:34am 
I'm concerned that this mod might need a quick fix to make sure ammo spawns consistently in randomized gun containers. that is not currently the case. I would also like to request that searchlights be removed from the randomization list, because those are making NPCS weaker.

Is there any chance this old but venerable extension could get a look-see please, to make sure it's up to date with current vanilla weapon needs? thanks.
Abisius 25 Agu 2023 @ 9:23am 
if i remember it correctly than there is a blacklist somewhere.
you would find appropriate informations about that inside the wiki of the inside the moddescription linked github