Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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아이템 (49)
[T] Map Plug-in
제작자 Talent.M
QQ 群:231241088(已满) QQ 群:790445377 You may still need another MOD:Fast Work ...
제작자 RICK
Usage: c_save() to save. You need to return to the game and wait for 1 second. c_reset() to rollback. c_god() to enable godmode, but there is no disable command :( c_godmode() to enable/disable invincibility. ctrl+L to open/close log. Esc to open menu. Yes...
Better Craft Visibility
제작자 Leonidas IV ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤMakes the crafting bar more visible! Uses the Cunning Fox's HUD library. ㅤㅤ CHANGE NOTES
Super Box&Pack
제작자 清晨草露
chests and icebox are upgraded to 5x5, or 4x4; Pigskin bag upgrade 2x7 grid; krampussack has a refrigerator function; icebox for permanent preservation; 999 stacking limit; The above functions are enabled by default and can be disabled...
Better Bundle
제작자 Goku
Better Bundle Fix the BUNDLE for my dear KLEI. You can use bundle on the boat now. You can unwrap bundle on the boat too. You can unwarp the bundle on the ground by right click just like DST version. Add the unwrap anim. ...
[DS]Nautical HUD
Nautical HUD "喂!大海在等着你!" 月亮码头海盗出品 为整个HUD重新换上了航海HUD主题的皮肤! 兼容的mod: 组合状态 物品皮肤 制作人员: 艺术:Nicky、tianyuhu1 艺术总监:reD 程序:Kyno、Pessimista、RICK、tianyuhu1 特别感谢:AllFunNGamez 第三方库: Cunning Fox的皮肤库
Streeet Lamp
제작자 清晨草露
1.4 version update: 1. Increase the brightness customization function, from the preset 60% to 95% every 5% 2. Increase the lighting radius customization function, starting from the preset 5, every 2.5 stops to 15 3. Delete a lot of redundant code, pure...
Reaper(can use as tools and more others features)
제작자 L_Finger
============================================================================== Ver2.3 UpdateDetails Reload OnBoatSpeedBuff Rules Extend Configuration Options ============================================================================== Ver2.2 UpdateDetail...
제작자 Mr.Qi
제작자 Kuuga
绝 世 神 剑
제작자 Mr.Qi
b站链接 1.无尽锋芒( 这是一把无限开锋的剑 通过击杀各种生物可以获得一定的剑之悟性 (计算方式 击杀掉生物 每100的血量可以获得1点的悟性,达到一定的悟性会升级剑的锋利度)) <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" ...
Wormhole Marks Fix+
제작자 卓越与滇
原版MOD: 原版开启兼容哈姆雷特会失效 此版本为修复版,兼容全DLC的虫洞标记修复版...
제작자 Globalastick
3.0 update brings new scythe - Hi-Tech Scythe. The main feature of Hi-Tech Scythe is ability to mow down several closely located objects at the same time. Also has cool shadows like dst ancient cane skin. THE SCYTHE CAN MOW DOWN Speed of harvesting increas...
Izayoi Sakuya
제작자 uZhen
Izayoi Sakuya 【character attribute】 Life 75 / hunger 150 / spirit 200; In the face of monsters, don't lower the spirit, fast collection and production; From day to night, the ability gradually increased (moving speed and attack increased), and the starvati...
Himeragi Yukina
姬柊雪菜(Himeragi Yukina ) Chinese only, English is still in production! health:200 sanity:300 hunger:200 ability ·······Divine Spirit Possession, lower health, higher damage, faster running。 default damage mult is 0.7(lower than Wendy), the damage mult increa...
和之前的 《赫默的奇妙冒险》 是同属天坑框架的mod 这个mod修改自天地大佬的人物mod天坑系列- 盖伦 因为向联机版阿米娅mod的作者要了授权所以没有前置mod可以直接使用 【声明】本mod一些素材来自网络,如有侵犯请通知我,我会立刻将该mod下架删除 创意工坊mod封面来自网络,画师:QuAn_ ,UID:6657532 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 介绍 这个mod修改了阿米娅的三维算法,并加入了升级,加点,主动技能的系统 同时该mod也添加了怪物强化...
Someone is willing to translate the English version, and an English explanation will be added in the near future Miss Buling seems to be in encounter disaster Must be compatible with Hamlet! Must be compatible with Hamlet! Must be compatible with Hamlet! T...
Syelza (风幻龙)
제작자 HeiAZBZ
DST版风幻龙地址 更新: 1.7.0 基于dst 1.7.0版 已与dst版基本无异。 晚上 饥饿大于1/3才会发光 !,发光范围有所减小。背包护甲值用尽消失时里面的物品掉落。 按键:T:查看等级信息 R:查看加天赋点方向 上下左右:使用天赋点 武器不可修复,也不打算做,可以在mod选项中选择高使用次数或选择无限 有苹果箱消失的情况可以用 c_returnlickingbone() 找回 或 重新给你个苹果箱 1.击杀怪物掉落符文结晶(10%的掉落率)http://images.akamai.steamu...
제작자 iceamei冰糖
Now this mod has been adapted to ALL DLCs, and it is no longer necessary to be compatible with Hamlet. Original author: 柴柴Chai-Chai; Remake: iceamei冰糖 This mod did not obtain the original author "柴柴Chai-Chai " consent, all started from personal hobby and t...
제작자 Doro0419
必须兼容 哈姆雷特 原版 — — — — — —修改项目 — — — — — ·快速升级 ·杀死3~5生物就可以升级啦 ·Miho再也不会跟丢 ·miho离你太远时会瞬移(海难边缘&各种传送) ·使用切斯特代码,穿越DLC会丢失 ·铃铛代码:c_give("mihobell") · 专属物品修改·扇子和面具的耐久增加 ·“烟火盛宴”(100级解锁)消耗SA...
Tiny Fridge
제작자 Goku
Tiny Fridge Tiny fridge can cool down the warm stone, so you can pass the summer/volcano season with it. It costs gear, so you better turn it off when you are home. It has 4 slots. ...
Auto Stack and Pick Up
This mod gives you MANY settings for automatically stacking or picking up newly spawned and manually dropped stackable items. By 'automatically stacking' I mean that if an item is spawned (e.g., loot from monsters or workables, like trees) or it is manuall...
精灵公主Musha You can select the language in the mod configuration. compatible:RoG、SW、HAM By 青青草原扛把子 bilibili:青青草原扛把子Q The following is from Baidu translation 【Preface】 I'm just a rookie who can't code. Please don't expect too much from me. I may give up at an...
제작자 深海水母灯
介绍: 单机和联机是不一样的,虽然现在是一样的,但以后更新会大有不同 巨人,海难/船难都能玩 ,要是有bug,请及时告诉我,我这里是一个小组,会去测试,修改。 愿你们玩的开心。 道具: 伞 能打怪,会回一点精神,夏天还能降点温,,,,,,, 120秒隔热 50%防御 200耐久 伤害是(20-30) 翅膀 能保暖还能加速! 天钿 因为来到这个世界的时候变成了智障分不清那个是天依,天依便做了个冒牌的自己给天钿,好让天钿乖乖的看家。 功能:有九个格子,可以放食物,相当于冰箱。 (类似于切斯特) P:换装 没什么...
ActionQueue Reborn
제작자 myxal
ActionQueue Reborn for Don't Starve This is a Don't Starve (Alone) port of eXiGe's ActionQueue Reborn. The additions made by eXiGe were too good to pass up in singleplayer, and DST ports of Shipwrecked and Hamlet content just don't cut it for me. So I deci...
New HD Textures(新版高清贴图)
제작자 xiaoqiang
优化单机制作栏中几乎所有的糊掉的贴图。 比如: Optimize almost all of the pasted textures in the stand-alone production bar. such as:
[DS]Aerial view
제작자 ????
It's very useful for screenshot. Enhance your view.Hide or Show HUD by pressing hotkey....
Simple Health Bar
제작자 DYC
Click for DST Version Not compatible with 宝石萝莉—翼语 and other mods related to it and the author of it. If this mod crashed, unsubscribe all the mods related to YIYU and delete the folder of this mod (workshop-1608490902). Verify integrity of the game files. ...
Legendary Gifts for Valentine's Day--The first part
제작자 Karas
------------------------------------------------------------@Klei-JoeW---------------------------------------------------- Dear JoeW,This is the true, I uploaded DON'T STARVE mod in Workshop, "Legendary Gifts for Valentine's Day" was banned by Steam.In fac...
Legendary Gifts for Valentine's Day--The Second part
제작자 Karas
Copyright @ 2019 STEAM karas. All rights reserved This mod needs to subscribe and open the first part!!!!! This mod needs to subscribe and open the first part!!!!! This mod needs to subscribe and open the first part!!!!! Jump link: https://steamcommunity.c...
Exquisite Item Indicator(without any out of memory)
제작자 Karas
Exquisite Item Indicators (No Memory Overflow) Match the items on your mouse with those in your box. If they are the same, they will be indicated. Note: There was a similar mod before, I very like it, but it would cause memory overflow,so I made it myself,...
[DS]Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.0.8 Update Now it can draw all the mods items! Added an API for other modder. If you want to make smartminisign for your own chester. Please write like this in your chester: if TUNING.SMART_SIGN_DRA...
Omni Info Panel
제작자 DYC
An omnipotent information panel that shows all the details you need for any object in the game! Compatible with the base game and All DLCs! Compatible with controller! This mod is a part of my Legendary Weapon Mod. People tell me the panel is quite useful,...
[DST->DS]Too Many Items
제작자 linjinzhen
You can report the crash here. This MOD is modified by the DST version of Too Many Items (author: Skull) and is open source following the original MOD using the GPL3 protocol. That is, you can modify and redistribute the mod without my consent, but the GPL...
Map reveal radius
제작자 krylincy
Change the map reveal radius. Smallest circle is 50%, then the 'dottet' one is the default game setting 100%, 600% and 800%. In the picture is seems to be only a very small change, but in game it is realy noticable! I feel best with 400% - very helpfull in...
Armoured cargo ship
제작자 Karas
Copyright @ 2019 STEAM karas. All rights reserved Reuploaded version,many people want me to upload Sorry for occupying public resources. Armoured ship with carrying.
[2.0]Ice Fling Range Check
제작자 龍淵LoongY 检查灭火器2.0版本 -修改原mod使之兼容所有DLC。 -添加了一个虚拟灭火器,可以在前期建基地的时候有更好的计划。 -添加了不熄灭篝火的选项(默认开启) 如果原作者不同意上传,我会删除此mod --------------------------------------------------- -I make i...
Xiao Kong
제작자 龍淵LoongY Code:龍淵LoongY Art Designer: @魔法少女唐间竹子(人物,装备) @VoodooLiang(石磨,食物) 剩余部分,本人瞎姬霸P的 还有感谢 @DSMODMAKE三年一班 @饥荒制作mod学习 群的小伙伴们 哇哈哈,小空其实年前就完成了的,并且原本打算是年前发布的,但是某些原因 (我懒~我懒~我懒~,重要的事情说三遍) (#^.^#)现在被美工吐槽难产,所以就把最后的文本写好发布啦,至于有...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, HAM, DST]
제작자 IvanX
Adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Your crock pot is not smart enough? No worries, this mod will turn it into clever craft pot, making cooking as and intuitive as crafting! The mode DOES NOT change any of the game mechanics, It just give...
Geometric Placement
제작자 rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Don't Starve Together workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and disp...
Combined Status
제작자 rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). Also available on the Klei Forums. This mod enhances the HUD to better show the player's stats and various information about the world, such as te...