Minion Masters

Minion Masters

30 vurderinger
Av Ciunay+Dirty_Noob_TV
As veteran (Grand Master 1 in Early Access / Contender 1, since they added new ranks) i received several messages from players who asked for tips and tricks. I invented most of accurated covers, parry and kiting tricks that you see around nowadays, so i decided to write a short simple guide for new players.

There are many cards and even new added every month or so, that's why i can't explain the potential of every single card, but i'll give you some basic lesson. I know, you don't want to waste your time on reading long text, so let's go with the first thing:

A) When the match starts (if your hand is good), try to control bridges by spending less mana as possible, so by using low mana cost minions (e. g.: 1 mana Scrats or Puffs). If the card is not a single minion, and it's made by two or more minions, split them between two bridges. If the enemy will counter your low mana card, you will not be punished due to the low mana cost, as you will have enough mana to counter back.
I suggest to start with 1 mana card to control one bridge (or two bridges with Disruptor Puff, which they recently changed), because one bridge still means advantage; or you can start with 2 mana card if you can split to control both bridges.
In extreme cases (only if you can split it between two bridges), a 3 mana card (e. g. Plasma Marines) could be still effective.
For example, playing a 3 mana Curse Bearer on a single bridge is not safe when the match starts and you don't know the opponent's hand, but you can do it at your own risk.
However, in any case you don't know the opponent's hand, and if you know your enemy is good, in extremely balanced matches, 1 mana point can make the difference, so avoid to go first even if you have a good hand.
If you don't have a good hand, wait for 10 mana and place a minion close to your Master, so you will have enough time to regenerate mana and counter back when it reaches the bridge.
B) Don't sit at 10 mana. In some situations you could be forced to wait (look at point 3: COUNTERING), but still, try to not sit at 10 mana. In the above said cases you may:
B1) Release a minion close to your master, in order to have more time to support it, before it reaches the bridge.
B2) Release a minion on an empty lane, to avoid a fight on bridge.
B3) Use the lowest mana card, to preserve your max mana burst.

When it's convenient, try to not stay under pressure and fight on bridges, in order to hold the control of them. Remember: Exp means Perks and Mana Frenzy, and you want to have any possible advantage on your enemy, right?
Use flying minions against non-antiair minions, and antiair minions against flying units, but still, don't place squishy units in front of strong units without a cover (e.g.: don't use Xiao Long in front of a Colossus on the bridge without a cover. Place a tank (e.g. Divine Warrior, or Construct etc...) or another good counter to protect Xiao Long behind your tank.
Losing a minion for nothing is the worst thing. Trading a minion is sometime good or the only possible thing. Winning a fight is always the best thing. You'll learn what counters what.
When it's not convenient? If you don't have enough damage burst to kill a huge wave of enemies, they are going to smash your poor minion placed in front of them; at this point, may happen that you don't have enough mana to place more units on your side, and that huge enemy wave hurts you.
As i said, i can't explain the mechanics of every single card, but a common mistake is when new players feed Soul Stealers or Spiritmancers by fighting on bridges: this is another disadvantageous case where you should let them flow.

Where to counter enemies on my side? Your side is not so large but not all places are the same:
A) When an enemy minion cross a bridge, you may drop your minion just behind AND over it, to consequently see the collision between units, moving your enemy minion on the bridge. They'll keep fighting while you'll still control the bridge.
B) If you don't have a good counter to fight on bridges, place a unit in front of your masters, BUT NOT TOO CLOSE (if you don't want to see your minion and your masters damaged at the same time by area damage): your minion will fight in front of your masters who will help it: maximize your damage, optimize HP, minion's damage and masters' damage, making them fight together and by wasting less resources.
C) Some units are too squishy (e.g.: Xiao Long): it's better placing them on one of the corners, close to your masters, and only when the enemy minion (if it's not anti-air) is in range of your master, in order to avoid a fight between your minion and the enemy minion.

4) DEFENSE (Advanced).
A) KITING: You can kite every unit but we initially mentioned Colossus, so we'll talk about it. If you don't have something to counter it, calm down! Keep in mind it's very slow and can be easily kited. How?
When it's close to your masters (but not in melee range), unleash a Mana Puff behind it: TIMING AND POSITIONING are impotant, so, if you release your Puff at the right range, it will start moving (or "puffing") through the bridge and considering it's not very fast, Colossus will stick to it (your masters will be safe for now - example here: ). If you release the Puff to close to Colossus, it will get smashed, but don't worry, you wasted only 1 mana after all, and, in the meanwhile, your masters keep attacking Colossus (till it's still in masters' range), and you drawn.
B) Here is what i call "STUMBLE":
B1) Let's talk about Prowlers, or Cleavers: we all know they hurt, so, how to minimize their damage? Place a 1 Mana Puff (yes i love Puffs) or another low mana card in front of your masters and Prowler will not jump two times. You may do the same by placing a low mana card in front of your minions (e.g.: Prowler will not jump on your tank if you place a couple of Scrats in front of your tank).
B2) Another example of "STUMBLE" trick i use, is against Fire Imps: in your hand you don't have a flyng unit to counter it? You don't have a tank to oneshot it? We know its fire damage is very high, so, place a 1 mana Scrat and let it cast fire on Scrat; at this point you can quickly place something behind the Fire Imp, and kill it without taking any damage. You can do the same against a Colossus (watch point A), by placing a Puff or something similar in front of it, and a Curse Bearer behind it.
Sometimes drawing a good counter is vital: take a quick look on your quickbar, watch next cards, minimize your mana use, and spread units on same or different lanes by using the logic.
B3) I invented what i like to call "SIDE KITING":
Okay, let's imagine a situation where all your minions are pushing the bot bridge, while your top bridge is unprotected: a Prowler, a Cleaver or another aggressive minion is going to hurt you and you don't have enough mana, or a good card in your hand. What to do? When the enemy minion is on your side, pull it from the top empty lane to the bot lane by placing what you want (better if a low mana card), and it will be forced to fight all your minions on the bot lane ( ). Sure, it's possible they'll get killed, but in this case you still have earned time at least, and your masters will have avoided much damage.

Fjern som favoritt
A) Do i have to spam minions? Yes and no, it depends on circumstances.
Usually, as i said, you have to push moderately, by using less mana as possible, but there are different cases:
if you have a Healing Puff and you are close to death, you probably want to protect that precious Puff and make an awesome comeback!
If you have Mana Puff, you probably want to protect it, but again, remember what i said: don't run out of mana, and wait for your enemy minions, especially if you are controlling bridges. YOU ARE THE MASTER and you "TAUNT" them to choose the best counter. Don't let them countering you.
When you have to spam minions? Well, if you understand they are in TROUBLE, if you understand they BURNED (AND NOT CHARGING) their mana, if you understand they are "cooked", yes, you may spam units, but this is something that needs sensibility, and you learn it only with some experience.
Also, learn the cost of cards and try to count in your mind, how much mana is spending your enemy (yes, it's not something you may earn in a second).
B) How to use spells?
Usually the best way to use them, is to kill squishy units (or something like a Healing Shrine) behind tanks (e.g. Dagger's Fall), or large group of units, when you are controlling the arena and your enemy is in trouble. Some spell like Magma Storm is good as well to defend yourself from huge waves.
C) Spells are useful to kill large group of enemies, or protected enemies, but it's not the only way: in some cases you may try to unleash flying minions (or a Prowler to see it jumping over the empty space) between two bridges. If your positioning is good and the enemy positioning is not perfect, you'll see your minions attacking enemies on the enemy side, or in other words, those enemies behind tanks who are blocking bridges.

I said something already about positioning; i said to place, for example, Xiao Long on the corner if you are under pressure (point 4: DEFENSE), and i confirm that's not a bad move, but positioning may be much more accurated and complex, with multiple combos (e. g.: you could place a Xiao Long on the corner, another ranged damager between two bridges, in front of your masters, and another unit where is needed - i suggest to watch my YouTube videos to see what to do with quick positioning of multiple units in critical circumstances).
In fact, if you can't cover that Xiao Long, is convenient placing it alone on corner, close to your masters, but, if you take a quick look at your mana, and you want to cover it with more cards on that lane (it depends on how much strong is the enemy wave on that lane), is better if you place it on corner, but not too close to your masters, as a single enemy spell could damage both, minions and masters.
In other words, try to defend and to attack by spreading your minions (except if they require synergy, for example, like a Priestess behind to a unit).

We have seen positioning and mentioned timing already, but here we see it more in depth.
Sometimes could be useful placing many units as fast as you can; it requires a bit of experience, as you don't need to waste time by thinking to what to do, but sometimes could be more difficult placing only one or two units with perfect timing and positioning. What do i mean? Here is an example:
As you see, my teammate unleashed the Succubus, and, at minute 4:14, i placed the Incubus in front of Succubus: no, i didn't use it casually, i placed the Incubus with perfect timing, and at the perfect distance from our and from the enemy Succubus; if i had use my Incubus too soon, it would have jumped before our Succubus' ranged attack; if i had use my Incubus too late, enemy units would have engaged our Succubus; at this point it's clear i did it on purpose, in order to make them hit at the same time, and kill the enemy Succubus. Optimized damage.
Here is another example (minute 1:39), where i cover two snipers:
Both examples require attention for veteran players (i play this game since 2016-2017) as well, as the "accuracy window" is very small, so, don't get discouraged if you fail. It happens. The important for now is that you understand game mechanics, and with more practice you'll be able to do it offhandedly.

Learn minion animations. It makes the difference. Placing a unit in front of an enemy minion that's attacking, is different from placing a unit in front of an enemy minion that's reloading its attack.

Well, we are at the end, but keep in mind there are many circumstances and decks that could change your playstyle. Basicly, i said everything you need to know to not be a newbie.
With new cards we'll have new mechanics. Use your logic and skill to make new tricks!
Here is an example (from minute 4:00 to 4:20):
Leilial's Vortex is a powerful new spell, and i found already a possible trick: pull (with function similar to Netherstep)+damage. Do the same, start inventing!

Many of the above said Tips&Tricks in my gameplay videos, right here, on my YouTube channel ( ).

I hope you found this guide useful. I'll keep improving it, but if i forgot something, if something is unclear, if you have any questions, let me know.
14 kommentarer
Ciunay+Dirty_Noob_TV  [skaper] 6. mars 2021 kl. 23.07 
Let me know if something is unclear or if you have any other questions!
\/1ЯtμλL \/!Яgin™ 20. mars 2020 kl. 10.29 
Nova Vee 11. mars 2020 kl. 15.39 
Thanks much. :)
Ciunay+Dirty_Noob_TV  [skaper] 31. des. 2019 kl. 23.07 
Guide updated with last point (8). Looks like it's really complete this time.
Ciunay+Dirty_Noob_TV  [skaper] 18. des. 2019 kl. 7.32 
Hi @Terroriza. Thank you for sharing your thoughs. I'm glad you liked it.
I agree, it's true that Contenders #1 are not all at the same level.
Your Screaming Scrat situation is valid. When i wrote this guide that was just added and mana cost was higher, but still, currently i rarely use it. I prefer Sever Scrat, which is really awesome to kill dragons, and i feel better to capture bridges as well. Unfortunately the little Scrat-duo has been nerfed, no longer costs 1 mana.
Terroriza 18. des. 2019 kl. 1.56 
I was considering typing up a guide close to this one and came by to see what already exist. After reading this, there simply is no need. Great guide, so much covered, maybe some current GM players will come read this.

I have played with and against many players who reach top 20 (even much higher) and they don't play like this or follow about 75% of what is in this. Rarely see them prowler stumble to save another unit or avoid master dmg and I very rarely see side kiting which is one of my favorite things. The play with the cheap drops to cover sniper from succubus was such a great example of another reason why you want cheap cards in the deck as well.
Terroriza 18. des. 2019 kl. 1.55 
Had to break it up
Just wanted to add another variant of the kiting which works great for me.

Take your clip and let's say it's not prowler, but instead maybe woodsman, wolves or various melee units. You still have the Milloween golem at the bottom and those wood / wolve / etc minions ran top and made it to the master tower. You can screaming scrat right in the right spot
and make them chase down and away so the bottom bridge units will engage them. You can do it so they never hit the master tower and kind of make like a U turn w/o stopping.

I like your clip because it catches them right as they cross the bridge. The timing typically works better for me using screaming and find it's a little easier letting them walk a little bit further to get slightly closer to center.
Ciunay+Dirty_Noob_TV  [skaper] 2. des. 2019 kl. 21.30 
Guide updated with more explaination :)
BountyCrash 6. nov. 2019 kl. 0.20 
thank you very much for this little guide,very useful.
Angelus 7. aug. 2019 kl. 5.55 
Some people seem to think that casting things in a certain order on a cycle means you'll win, that's all. I love it when a random person plays like that against me, but it's annoying when I get pared up with them.