Dungeons & Dragons Online®

Dungeons & Dragons Online®

46 ratings
Basic Character Building (Stats)
By GimpyElf
Guide to basic character building. Character stats explained.
Stats in DDO have a base of 8, which grant a -1 modifier.

Bonus/Penalties come in steps of 2. Having only 8 points in a stat will result in a -1 modifier and 12 will result in a +1 modifier.

Most stats start at 8 during character creation and can be increased with build points. A new account allows only a 28 point build. Increasing each stat costs more and more points the higher you raise it.

Each stat may be raised a total of 10 points.

Adding 1 to a stat costs 1 point
Adding 2 to a stat costs 2 points
Adding 3 to a stat costs 3 points
Adding 4 to a stat costs 4 points
Adding 5 to a stat costs 5 points
Adding 6 to a stat costs 6 points
Adding 7 to a stat costs 8 points
Adding 8 to a stat costs 10 points
Adding 9 to a stat costs 13 points
Adding 10 to a stat costs 16 points

A 32 point point build can be unlocked once a character has reached 1750 total favor.

A true reincarnation of a 28 or 32 point build character will allow him to be re-built as a 34 point build.

A true reincarnation of 34 build character will allow him to be re-built as a 36 point build.

Each race has different base stat mods:

Aasimar (+2 WIS)
Assimar Scourge (+2 WIS)
Bladeforged (-2 DEX / +2 CON / -2 WIS)
Deep Gnome (-2 STR / +2 INT / +2 WIS / -2 CHA)
Dragonborn (+2 STR / -2 DEX / +2 CHA)
Drow Elf (Automatically a 32 point build): +2 DEX / -2 CON / +2 INT / +2 CHA)
Dwarf (+2 CON / -2 CHA)
Elf (+2 DEX / -2 CON)
Gnome (-2 STR / +2 INT)
Halfling (-2 STR / +2 DEX)
Half-Elf (No mods)
Half-Orc (+2 STR / -2 INT / -2 CHA)
Human (No mods)
Morningload (-2 CON / +2 INT)
Purple Dragon Knight (No mods)
Razorclaw (+2 STR / -2 WIS)
Shadar-kai (+2 DEX / -2 CHA)
Shifter (+2 DEX / -2 WIS)
Tiefling (+2 CHA)
Tiefling Scoundrel (+2 CHA)
Warforged (+2 CON / -2 WIS / -2 CHA)
Wood Elf (+2 DEX / -2 INT)
Strength (STR)
Strength is the primary stat for almost any melee character.

Your strength bonus adds to your to-hit and damage with most melee weapons.
Each strength modifier point (every even stat point adds another modifier) increases your to-hit and damage by one point.

The jump and swim skills are based on the strength modifier.

Rangers get a feat called Bow Strength at level one. Other characters may select this feat later. The bow strength feat allows your strength modifier to be added to your bow damage, just like most melee weapons.

Characters wielding two-weapons receive half of their strength modifier on their off-hand weapon attacks.

Characters wielding a two-handed weapon receive one and a half their strength modifier to weapon damage.

Thrown weapons add your strength modifier to damage, but use your dexterity modifier for the to-hit bonus.

Required for the following feats:
Power Attack (13+)
Two Handed Fighting (15+)
Improved Two Handed Fighting (17+, BAB 6+)
Greater Two Handed Fighting (17+, BAB 11+)
Oversized Two Weapon Fighting (12+)
Dexterity (DEX)
Your dexterity modifer is added to most range to-hit.

Your dexterity modifer is added to your armor class, capped by your armor's max dex modifier.

Your dexterity modifier is added to your reflex saving throws.

The following skills are based on your dexterity modifier:

Balance, Hide, move silently, Open Lock and Tumble.

Required for the following feats:
Manyshot (17+)
Improved Precise Shot (19+)
Precision (13+)
Dodge (13+)
Mobility (13+)
Weapon Finesse (13+)
Two Weapon Fighting (15+)
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (17+, BAB 6+)
Greater Two Weapon Fighting (17+, BAB 11+)
Rapid Shot (13+)
Shot on the Run (13+)
Shuriken Expertise (13+)
Combat Archery (17+, Point Blank Shot, Level 21+)
Constitution (CON)
This is probably your most important stat.

Your constitution modifier determines your hit points on all characters.
Your constition modifier is added to your fortitude saving throws.
The concentration skill is based on your constitution modifier.

For most characters it is recommended that you start with at least 14 CON.
Advanced players will often use a lower CON, but when starting out, at least 14 is a good rule of thumb.

Required for the following feats:
Resilience (13+, BAB 1+)
Epic Toughness (21+, Toughness, Level 21+)
Intelligence (INT)
Your intelligence modifier gives you +1 skill point to spend when you level up.

The following skills are based on your intellect:
Disable Device, Repair and Search.

This is the primary stat for Wizards and Artificers.
As the primary stat, the intellect modifier increases your spell points and the DC of your spells.

Required for the following feats:
Combat Expertise (13+)
Insightful Reflexes (13+)
Wisdom (WIS)
Your wisdome modifier adds to the following:

Will saves

Monks gain their wisdom modifier add to their armor class and their stunning fist DC.
Some runes require a certain amountof Wisdom to activate.

The following skills are based on Wisdom:
Heal, Listen and Spot.

Spell points for Clerics, Paladins, Druids and Rangers are all based on this stat.

Rangers, Clerics and Palidins require a minimum of 10 + level of spells (At least 14 Wisdom will be required to cast level 4 ranger spells)

Favored Soul and Clerics add their Wisdom modifier to their DC checks of many of their spells.

Required for the following feats:
Zen Archery (13+, BAB 1+)
Charisma (CHA)
Charisma is the base of many useful skills:

Bluff, Diplomacy, Haggle, Intimidate, Perform and Use Magic Device.

Clerics and Paladins add their Charisma modifier to their Turn undead checks.

Paladin's Lay on Hands ability heals them for their Charisma modifier * character level.
The Paladin feat granted at level (Divine Grace) two allows your character to add your charisma modifier to all of your saves.

Sorcerers, Bards and Favored Souls all gain bonus spells points based on their Charisma modifier.

Sorcerer's and Bards add their Charisma bonus to many of their spell DC's.

Required for the following feats:
Force of Personality (13+)
KN0TMAGG0T 26 Aug, 2023 @ 11:51am 
I cant confirm my custom character- pls help
Feliaria 20 Jun, 2020 @ 2:29pm 
@Snootch, amen, friend. I used to have a Wizard/Rogue using the Pale Master and Thief-Acrobat trees, level 15 with somewhere south of 100hp, but never got killed because 1) aggro management, and 2) even if I got hit, I had the Vampire Shroud and Death Aura. I regained it pretty quickly, outside insta-kill situations.
Snootch 20 May, 2020 @ 4:51pm 
The Constitution (CON) stat is not every character's most important ability statistic. There are plenty of veterans who suck at DDO, and most of them think that Hit Points determine the success of characters, and they discriminate against people who play better than them with different stat setups. It is best to not play with bad veterans (a.k.a. noobs), then.

The truth of the matter is that CON is important for melee characters who expect to acquire the Aggro of enemies. For characters that manage Aggro (that is, they keep it off of them), then Hit Points are typically superfluous. If you don't know how to avoid enemy Aggro, then you might want to learn how. Don't take advice from newbs or noobs who think "Hit Points are life or death!" You can live just fine with lower HP if you know what you are doing. If you don't know what you're doing, then learn. Constitution will not save an ignorant DDO player, new or old.
< blank > 22 Mar, 2020 @ 5:46am 
is there any guide for race and class??
Hurrican999 13 Feb, 2020 @ 5:13pm 
@DarkShade91 there are wood elves, though they might be locked behind a paywall... 10$ or something for 1 month of VIP should do.
Peanutch 7 Jan, 2020 @ 8:36pm 
BAB is Base Attack Bonus. Fighters, rangers, barbs, and pallys have good progression. clerics, rogues, bards, arty, fvs, warlock and druids have average, wiz and sorc have poor. Good is your BAB goes up every level. average is a 0/1/2/3 progression. poor increases every other level. BAB is a bonus given by your class to hit an enemy.

My first character 13 years ago i built like a pnp character. Needless to say, i didn't play them long . Paladin is a MAD class to begin with, but i found out it's ok to not put stat points into a class stat. I have played quite a few dwarf bards, all swashbucklers. Even with paladin an 8 wisdom is perfectly acceptable to start as items are more readily available to get your wisdom to 14 to cast their highest level spells. CON is by far the most important stat. Your not going to survive reaper or even EE without a lot of hp.
myface 2 Jan, 2020 @ 2:58pm 
what is BAB
acedust 8 Feb, 2018 @ 8:10pm 
Is there wood elves in this game? If not there should be.
VitoPlaysGames 13 Aug, 2017 @ 2:27pm 
Rule of Thumb, NEVER EVER go under 12 CON.

I do recommend a minimum of 14 for any class.
Zephorah 24 Jan, 2014 @ 8:18pm 
Actually, for casters, your main stats are your casting stat and CON. Leftovers go to INT (for skills) or CHA (for UMD), or STR (to avoid encumbrance)...any of those choices is reasonable depending on what you want to do with that toon.

There is a reason the feat Heroic Durability is given out for free at the start (+20hp). This is an MMO. It will not work like Pen and Paper, or Baldur's Gate or Pick A DnD3.5 game.

CON matters.

I cannot state this enough. In fact, in PUGs (Pick Up Groups), low HP people are often summarily dismissed from party by those who do not want the liability. If your'e dead, you're not helping. Raids...even more so, and not without reason. I sincerely wish DDO came with a CON/HP tutorial on the character build screen, for new players, so they could avoid issues as they try to level.