Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

38 ratings
Persistent World 'Explorer' Character: Cleric 26 Monk 9 Shadowdancer 5
By The Flying Rodent
A comprehensive guide to building and playing an 'Explorer' character; a character designed to survive in new environments with little resources and knowledge.
Hello to another corner of the internet where NWN people hang out!

No matter which magical land one chooses to adventure in, there is one factor that separates the new folk from the old; familiarity with the environment. This wisdom is a huge help in knowing what particular abilities and characters will thrive, and to acquire it more often than not involves playing experience.

A useful concept, then, is a versatile character to explore new worlds, capable of surviving on as little gear and prior knowledge as possible. This is the concept behind this build: A self sufficient explorer.

This build is competent in ranged, melee and spell casting combat, strong from level 1 to 40, and has plenty of defensive and escape capability in case it gets into trouble. It is my go to character in any new online NWN setting.

It is primarily a battle cleric, which requires a little knowledge into the workings of a cleric, but not much beyond self-buffing spells. Being cleric gives it the advantage of being able to compensate for advanced gear, with several AC, AB and ability boosting spells available.

Aside from Clerical buffing, the character focuses on speedy monk-style play, with Hide In Plain Sight from Shadowdancer available as early as level 8. Monk Speed, Plenty of AC and Epic Dodge make it defensively sound, and Improved Knockdown, Called Shot and cleric spells provide plenty of attack.

There's a Basic Play Guide after the build information to help get the character started. If you are new to a particular Persistent World and would like a solid character to help you explore, then this one's for you!

Cleric(26), Monk(9), Shadowdancer(5), Human

Alignment: Any Lawful, for Monk.


STR: 10
DEX: 16 (26)
CON: 10
WIS: 16 (20)
INT: 14
CHA: 8

Cleric Domains: Trickery and War. Trickery provides Improved Invisibility, and the Domain Power provides several rogue skill boosts. War Domain provides several abilities buffs, particularly Dexterity.

It is assumed that a haste item will be obtained at some point, which of course makes life significantly easier. If one can obtain prior knowledge of a lack of haste items on a particular server, it is suggested to switch War Domain with Travel Domain for Haste spells.

Feats and Level Progression:

Human: (Quick to Master)
01: Cleric(1): Extend Spell, Dodge, Domain Trickery, Domain War
02: Cleric(2)
03: Cleric(3): Weapon Finesse
04: Cleric(4): DEX+1, (DEX=17)
05: Cleric(5)
06: Cleric(6): Mobility
07: Monk(1): {Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist}
08: Shadowdancer(1): DEX+1, {Hide in Plain Sight}, (DEX=18)
09: Cleric(7): Weapon Focus: Kama
10: Cleric(8)
11: Cleric(9)
12: Shadowdancer(2): WIS+1, Empower Spell, {Darkvision, Uncanny Dodge I}, (WIS=17)
13: Cleric(10)
14: Cleric(11)
15: Cleric(12): Called Shot
16: Cleric(13): WIS+1, (WIS=18)
17: Monk(2): {Deflect Arrows}
18: Cleric(14): Blind Fight
19: Cleric(15)
20: Monk(3): DEX+1, (DEX=19)
21: Monk(4): Epic Weapon Focus: Kama
22: Monk(5)
23: Monk(6): {Knockdown, Improved Knockdown}
24: Cleric(16): DEX+1, Great Wisdom I, (DEX=20), (WIS=19)
25: Cleric(17)
26: Cleric(18)
27: Monk(7): Improved Critical: Kama
28: Cleric(19): DEX+1, (DEX=21)
29: Cleric(20)
30: Cleric(21): Great Dexterity I, (DEX=22)
31: Cleric(22)
32: Monk(8): DEX+1, (DEX=23)
33: Cleric(23): Great Dexterity II, Armor Skin, (DEX=24)
34: Cleric(24)
35: Cleric(25)
36: Shadowdancer(3): DEX+1, Epic Prowess, (DEX=25)
37: Shadowdancer(4)
38: Shadowdancer(5): {Defensive Roll}
39: Monk(9): Epic Dodge, {Improved Evasion}
40: Cleric(26): DEX+1, Great Wisdom II, (DEX=26), (WIS=20)

Basic Stats:

Hitpoints: 320
Skillpoints: 253
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 22/27/29
Saving Throw bonuses: Spells: +9, Mind Effects: +2, Traps: +1
BAB: 24
AB (max, naked): 36 (melee), 33 (ranged)
AC (naked/mundane armor/shield only): 34/34
Spell Casting: Cleric(9)


01: Concentration(4), Disable Trap(1), Open Lock(1), Spellcraft(4), Save(8),
02: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(11),
03: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(14),
04: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(17),
05: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(20),
06: Concentration(1), Save(24),
07: Concentration(1), Hide(10), Move Silently(10), Tumble(10),
08: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Save(7),
09: Concentration(2), Spellcraft(4), Save(6),
10: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(9),
11: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(12),
12: Hide(4), Move Silently(4), Tumble(5), Save(8),
13: Concentration(2), Spellcraft(2), Save(9),
14: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(12),
15: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(15),
16: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(18),
17: Concentration(1), Hide(5), Move Silently(5), Tumble(5), Save(9),
18: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(2), Save(11),
19: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(14),
20: Concentration(1), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Save(14),
21: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Save(18),
22: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Tumble(5), Save(17),
23: Concentration(1), Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Save(21),
24: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(5), Save(20),
25: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(23),
26: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(26),
27: Concentration(1), Hide(3), Move Silently(3), Tumble(5), Save(21),
28: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(2), Save(23),
29: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(26),
30: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(29),
31: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(32),
32: Concentration(1), Hide(5), Move Silently(5), Tumble(5), Save(23),
33: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(2), Save(25),
34: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(28),
35: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(1), Save(31),
36: Hide(4), Move Silently(4), Save(32),
37: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Tumble(5), Save(34),
38: Hide(1), Move Silently(1), Save(41),
39: Concentration(4), **Discipline(42)**, Hide(1), Save(1),
40: Concentration(1), Spellcraft(5).

Final Skills:
Concentration 43(43), Disable Trap 1(3), **Discipline 42(42)**, Hide 41(49), Move Silently 40(48), Open Lock 1(9), Spellcraft 43(45), Tumble 40(48).

**This skill dump is flexible, and may be switched out for other skills if they seem necessary. Listen may be another good choice for this skill.

Clerical Long Term Buffs:

To be cast upon waking up from resting.

- Bless, Protection from Alignment [Evil], Shield of Faith [Level 1],
- Aid, Bull's Strength, Endurance, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom [Level 2],
- Darkfire, [Level 3],
- Death Ward [Level 4],
- True Seeing, Improved Invisiblity [Level 5],
- Undeath's Eternal Foe [Level 9].
If required [more situational]: Endure Elements, Entropic Shield, Magic Weapon [Level1], Stone Bones for Undead Summons, Ultravision [Level 2], Magic Vestment, Negative Energy Protection, Clarity [Level 3], Greater Magic Weapon, Freedom [Level 4].

Once the character has 9 Cleric levels or so, I recommend keeping level 2 slots free to make room for Extended Divine Favour. This can be done by using Extended Buffs in level 3 slots, and Empowered Ability Buffs [such as Cat's Grace] in Level 4 slots. Empowered Ability Buffs can boost by up to +7!

Summoning Spells:

-Summon Creature 1, Summon Creature 2, Animate Dead [Level 3], Summons 5-9.

Heals: Mass Heal at level 8, Greater Restoration at level 7. Cure Wounds may be handy early on. Heal kits and Inflict Wounds heals undead summons.

Short Term Buffs:

To be cast just before running into a fight.

- Extended Divine Favour [Level 2],
- Extended Divine Power [Level 5].
If required:
- Extended Prayer [Level 4],
- Extended Battletide [Level 6],
- Extended Aura of Vitality [Level 8].

Useful Offensive Spells:

It is worth noting that without focus, any spells with saves will have Low DC's.

- Storm of Vengeance [Level 9],
- Word of Faith, No Save [Level 7],
- Harm, No Save [Level 6],
- Blade Barrier [Level 6], Reflex Save for 1/2 Damage, can be Extended [Level 7],
- Hammer of the Gods [Level 4], Will Save vs Daze,
- Darkness, No Save [Level 2]. Recommend using Darkness + Ultravision combo for tough fights, as this is a very powerful combo!
The first thing you'll need is some starting equipment. Often on PW's, there is a shop close to your character's starting point, and maybe even one that opens up upon character generation.

If you can, buy: A Chain Shirt [Medium, 4ac +4 Dex mod allowed] a Large Shield [2ac, not tower as this will encumber you], a Mace [which can be finessed], a Heavy Crossbow, food for resting [if applicable] and some bolts. Starting AB/AC then is 3/17 for Heavy Crossbow, and 0/19 for the Mace. If a Book of Summons is available, purchase this also.

General Strategy for Levels 1-6:

Use Summoned Creatures and Animate Dead allies to tank, remaining at range with the crossbow. Melee only if necessary. From Level 3 onwards, Mace will use Dexterity for AB similar to Crossbow thanks to Weapon Finesse.

Set mainly Summoned Creatures for levels 1-4. If normal Summoned Creatures are enabled, this will be Dire Badgers and Dire Boars. If 'monster summons' are enabled , then Summon Celestial Dog is one's best bet to begin with, both normal and Extended. Once Level 5, set buffs and 1-2 Animate Dead spells in your book. If you find any monk gear, hang onto it!

If you find any newbie buffing apparatus, abuse the hell out of them for free stats.

At level 7:

You should now be a relatively accomplished battle priest, proficient with Crossbow and Mace, with a badass Skeleton Warrior as a sidekick. The first monk level is taken, and its time for a gear shift. Sell your Mace, Shirt and Shield, and equip a Kama and Robes. Keep hold of the Heavy Crossbow; having a ranged weapon can be useful for luring enemies towards you and splitting up groups. With the armour and shield gone, you should have more free carrying capacity.

At this level, Flurry of Blows allows for 3 attacks a round with a Kama, which can be imbued with Darkfire, Magic Weapon, and later Greater Magic Weapon. If you can possibly wear a Haste item, this becomes 4 attacks per round with Flurry, which is a lot for a low level character!

At Level 8:

Shadowdancer level, and now the fun starts. You can now use Stealth Mode in FRONT of opponents and disappear, which is useful offensively and defensively.

STEALTHY HIT AND RUN TACTIC: Hide, sneak up to and hit opponent with first attack flurry [only takes a second], run away far enough to disengage combat, hide again. Repeat. Once your character has a Haste item, or attains an Extra Attack from Divine Power, then I'd combine this with Flurry of Blows. This will give you two attacks coming out of Stealth on your first flurry!

Level 12-18:

Continue using Summoned Creatures if desired, though focus now should primarily be on self-buffs. A 2nd Shadowdancer is taken at 12 for Uncanny Dodge. Every 5 levels thereafter [17, 22, 27 etc], Monk or Shadowdancer levels are taken for Hide, Move Silently and Tumble skill dumps.

I now recommend replacing the Crossbow for a Sling or Darts for ranged encounters, as attacks with a Crossbow are limited without the Rapid Reload feat. The character from now on should play like a battle cleric: Long term buffs upon waking up, short term buffs before running into battle [See Below for more details].

Called Shot is picked up at level 15, and is an interesting feat as it can be used at range as well as in melee. Called Shot effects lasts for 4 rounds, and it is a very powerful feat in that its abilities STACK WITH EACH OTHER, so multiple successful called shots can become nasty very quickly.

Successful Arm Shots lower AB by 2, and stack 12 times. Successful Leg Shots lower Dexterity by 2, and movement speed by 20%. The movement speed decrease stacks 3 times, and the dexterity decrease stacks 15 times!

The result is that Called Shot, if spammed and successful, can significantly lower the AB, AC or movement speed of a particular opponent, both in melee and at range. Another reason to keep hold of a ranged weapon!

Level 18+:

Cleric is steadily increased to level 15, which allows for a wide array of battle buffs, plus the maximum of +5 for Divine Favour and Greater Magic Weapon.

After getting 15 Cleric, Monk is increased to 6 to get Improved Knockdown at level 23. This is a very powerful melee feat [1 round of knocking someone to the ground, and can be used infinitely to continually knock someone to the ground], and sadly has to be delayed until 23 in order to fit in plenty of cleric levels beforehand.

Improved Critical is picked up at 27 for a bit of extra damage, then its a few more general feats in the 30's, and finally Epic Dodge at level 39.

This build is designed to a solid all-rounder offensively and defensively, and relatively easy to level from start to finish. It is, however, NOT completely optimised; it misses out on 1 BAB, and potentially misses some skill points by beginning as a cleric.

However! The build's intention is to explore an environment, and it is optimised to be the strongest it can be at any point in time. Hopefully by the time this character reaches level 40, plenty of knowledge about the environment has been obtained, and one can begin planning more environment specific character builds. :)

Have fun exploring everyone!
vroom hecking vroom 12 Jan, 2023 @ 4:57am 
When you put Save(8) in level 1, I can't find this skill so I assume that means don't spend them? Or did you mean Heal
Graves 14 May, 2022 @ 4:09pm 
Awesome guide, TFR! It's been a while, hope you're still scouring the PWs out there.
Herodotus 21 Jul, 2020 @ 6:12am 
man I love this game. Great guide, will be making my very own adventurer soon!:steamhappy::spacehamster:
Warren 15 Oct, 2019 @ 5:15am 
Hey, thanks a lot, buddy, that's very interesting and useful!
The Flying Rodent  [author] 14 Oct, 2019 @ 11:21pm 
It should be fine for the official campaign, but to be honest, just about build should be fine for the Original Campaign.

If you’re after a henchman, I always found Tomi to be the most useful, mainly because he just lockpicks and disarms the multitude of ‘stuff’ that you encounter in the OC.

In saying that: If you’re after a specific ‘Original Campaign’ powerbuild, may I recommend the one linked below. It’s basically designed to beat it on Very Difficult with no henchman.
Warren 13 Oct, 2019 @ 9:41am 
Does it work with the official campaign?

And if he does, which companion would you suggest for him?