Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

68 ratings
Guide to the game for the Third Reich
By ☦Vladislavskii☦
A guide for beginners and experienced players on the game for Nazi Germany. The guide is suitable for both single and multiplayer games, although in the latter case there may be many nuances.
This guide is my subjective opinion and is not an absolute guide to action. Each player has their own game features, their own chips, their preferences affecting the gameplay. However, my work can be used as a basis for creating your own strategy.

The guide is designed for playing on a normal difficulty level without mods, without gaining Germany, without an alternative history in both multiplayer and single player mode. Relevant for version 1.5.2 with all additions. The absence of some additions does not make the guide irrelevant, but some points may change. Start in 1936th year.

Upd: Hyde redone for version 1.5.4
What we have
On 01/01/1936 there is

Army: 30 divisions. Of these, 24 infantry, 3 tank, 1 motorized infantry, 1 mountain infantry and 1 cavalry. All divisions are fully equipped, but there are not enough 720 light tanks for re-equipment. In general, a good European army. In terms of the number of divisions, it surpasses most of the other European armies of medium and small hands, but is inferior to all the major powers (even the United States) and, surprisingly, to Poland.
Fleet: 36 ships and 200 convoys. Of them: 2 battleships, 2 heavy cruisers, 6 light cruisers, 12 destroyers, 14 submarines. Very sparsely. Kriegsmarine in the fleet is inferior to all major powers many times.
Aviation: 916 aircraft. Of them: 280 fighters, 80 attack aircraft, 72 naval bomber, 480 tactical bombers, 4 transport aircraft.
By the number of aircraft Luftwaffe second only to the Air Force of Britain and the United States. It is superior in quality to any other power in the world, since most of the 1st generation aircraft have already been investigated.

Industry: 28 military factories, 27 civilian factories and 10 shipyards.
The number of military plants is quite high at the start.
There are more civilian factories than any other Axis country, but less than the Allies and the USSR
There are more shipyards than the USSR and France. Almost as much as Italy. All the other major countries shipyards almost doubled.
Infrastructure is one of the most developed in the world. In addition, it will be further improved by the national focus of "Construction Autobahn"
We summarize: thanks to the superiority of the military industry, it is possible to quickly produce the necessary equipment and equipment for a rapidly growing army, without forgetting about aircraft manufacturing. Construction will go at a moderate pace, as the factories will be missed at first, but good infrastructure will play its part.
But on the sea domination in the oceans of Germany will have to forget. Maximum control of the Baltic, English Channel and the surrounding area.

3 petroleum, 137 aluminum, 5 tungsten, 5 chromium and 412 steel.
For the production of small arms is that. For the production of everything else, we need overseas oil and rubber. In the future, the construction of refineries should solve the problem. However, the lack of tungsten for artillery and additional equipment and chrome for advanced equipment and ships will still be affected.

At the head is useful Hitler, giving the extra 0.5 points of political power per day. Already introduced partial mobilization and limited appeal. There are many very good advisers available. For example, Hess and Borman, allowing to receive political power in more than double the size. There is also a national spirit, the General Staff, which gives us advantages in organization and speed of planning. But the most useful national spirit is Bills of MEPO, which at the cost of political power gives an increased number of factories available for construction, as well as accelerated construction of military facilities, which in the first stages will help us greatly. Every 180 days for some time bills need to be renewed. Because the slowdown in the growth of political power can be compensated by advisors, and we have a capital project. Extend bills worth all the time, until 1939 and the beginning of the Second World War, during which you do not need to pay for them.

4 cells. Researched:
- All aircraft of the first generation except the heavy fighter
- Destroyer, light cruiser and 2nd generation submarine
- Light tank 2nd generation, heavy tank of the first generation
- Carabiner 98K, truck, mountain riflemen, reconnaissance company and sapper company
- Doctrines of 1 each and air defense artillery
The obvious advantage in aircraft and tanks. There are half the modern fleet. Also some nice little things like mouth support.

In general, a very good and promising start. The only obstacle to rapid expansion is the lack of such resources as oil and rubber, which will greatly affect the number of available civilian factories closer to 1939 and will be fatal during World War II. The most appropriate strategy is blitzkrieg. The rapid withdrawal from the war of the main opponents, especially Britain. A very long war, most likely, means a lost game. All as in real life.
What do we need
If you do not dodge with the change of regimes in the leading world powers, World War 2 will be fought by 3 Reich, Japan and Italy with their puppets and allies on the one hand and Britain, France with allies and puppets on the other. In the process, the USSR and the USA will join the process. Unfortunately for us, the Axis significantly loses to the Allies at Sea. The German fleet is in its infancy, Japan is far away; the Italian fleet alone is not enough. Therefore, one should not be distracted by sea development. On the other hand, due to the absence of democratic restrictions on the economy, it is possible to build factories with high speed. By the beginning of the war, it will give a great advantage in equipment and technology. In particular, on aviation. Britain, with all the desire to 1939 will not be able to create more aircraft than the Reich, if he tries. But here, too, the Axis faces a limitation - the lack of a steady flow of oil and rubber.
The role of aviation in the Hearts of Iron IV is widely underestimated. And this is completely unfair. Yes, when playing against bots, air superiority is optional. But if the player has to face an experienced adversary, then air control will be vital. One of the most powerful (and dysbalanced) bonuses to superiority in the sky is the ability to drop troops into the enemy’s rear. And although in recent updates the number of this landing has been curtailed, it is still enough to capture key enemy territories.

So, we formulate a list of tasks, the implementation of which will lead the 3rd Reich to victory in World War 2:

1. To withdraw from the war, France and Britain before the US joining the Allies. For a complete victory, you also need to force the British Raj to capitulate. The factor of victory will serve as air superiority over the enemy.
2. Using all the military power of the enslaved Europe to crush the USSR. There should be no problems with this, since the colonies of the two strongest empires will be at our disposal and no one will disturb us at sea.
3. Having rivetted enough fleet, defeat the USA at sea, disembark to the American continent and complete the conquest of the world. As an option - to invade America through Canada or Mexico.

When playing against people, the key to the victory of the Axis will be the coordinated teamwork of Germany, Italy and Japan. In this alliance, everyone must complete their tasks in order for the entire alliance to succeed. Germany must be strong on the ground and in the air. Quickly endure or make all small things on the continent. Take out Britain as part of Operation Sea Lion. To be the main force in the fight against the USSR. The task of Italy is, first of all, to seize the Suez Canal and Gibraltar (With the latter, it would be hard to go without Spain in the Axis) to lock up the Allied fleet in the Mediterranean. After that, this very fleet must be suppressed with the help of naval aviation and the Italian fleet. Proceeding from this, Italy should have a good fleet (You can even rivet superlinkor), good naval aviation. A big army is not needed. We need troops to hold the border with France, the African campaign and the navy. The task of Japan is the most difficult in terms of opportunity / responsibility. Namely - to quickly conquer China, together with Germany and Italy in the 39th to attack the allies. Specifically, their colonies in the Pacific - Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, Australia, India. After that, 1 on 1 to defeat the United States at sea and to ensure the possibility of landing on mainland America. The recommendations for the multiplayer game for Axis, as a whole, end with this.

The hardest thing will be to overcome Britain because of its location and total control over the sea. After defeating her, in fact, nothing will interfere with our expansion.
Consider the strategy in more detail:
Common actions
The strategy is based on the principle of quickly creating a large number of aircraft to win the Battle of Britain and the subsequent operation "Sea Lion". In addition, the Panzer III method of rapid research and production of medium tanks will be used.

Since in the last update some mechanics have ponferred, now if Germany declares war to someone before eating Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, the allies no longer allow them to quietly gobble up and stand up for them. Therefore, the best solution would be to abandon this tactic and, in terms of rubber, dispense with what is.

Proceed as follows:

1. When the civil war in Spain begins, we send there 2 tank divisions as volunteers + aviation under the limit. It is advisable to send fighters and attack aircraft with tactical bombers in the ratio of 2/1/1. Depending on the situation, the ratio of the aircraft should be changed. With the increase in the army will be able to send another tank division to Spain.

2. The end of the citizen in Spain. I advise you to save the experience of the army to change the template of a tank division. Light tanks are replaced by medium ones as soon as Panzer 3 is investigated.

3. Anschluss of Austria. We get freebies and factories. As well as several divisions, which, for simplicity, it is better to immediately remake under our templates. At the same time, Japan will start buzzing.

4. Accession of the Sudetenland. Even more freebies and factories.

5. Accession of Czechoslovakia. We annex it completely, as the puppet Slovakia will bring much less benefit than the increased industrial power of the Reich. 50 political power - a small price for such bonuses.

6. Before the war, scatter the troops on the fronts, to prepare the wings. Now aviation will be much more. At the beginning of the war, we will have about 2000 fighter jets, if I'm not mistaken. Plus, they will be reinforced by individual representatives of the government and doctrine. The submarines are sent to sink convoys in the Indian and Atlantic oceans, the strike fleet in the Baltic all the time. It is advisable to send a small corps to Africa consisting of a small number of infantry and tank divisions. For example, 6 infantry and 4 tank.

7. Actually, the war. Poland crumbles and falls apart. Our aircraft destroys the Allied aircraft almost at the root, there is unpunished bombardment of South and Central England. The African Corps breaks through the British defenses and seizes the Suez Canal.

8. Airborne troops to France, almost instantaneous surrender. You can crank immediately after the declaration of war to Poland, if you use full-fledged VD divisions.
If it does not come out with a landing party, then we act according to the classics - a declaration of war to Belgium and a breakthrough through the French-Belgian border. Unlike the real France, the French bot is a complete sucker and it will not be difficult to dunk him with an adequate number of tank divisions and air superiority. If a player is sitting behind France, the situation is complicated. To break through the fortified areas of northern France (and it’s not worth going through the Maginot Line), you can use concentrated strategic bombardment of fortifications (set priority in the order for bombers) and a trick with heavy artillery for the general who can use it.

9. Airborne troops to the UK. After the seizure of the port, we carefully transport the rest of the ground forces. Perhaps the British fleet at this point will be repaired in the port due to the strikes of our naval bombardments and will not spread our entire army on the way. Another option - the output of the entire German fleet in the English Channel, with the support of all the available naval and ground attack aircraft. This will give temporary control over the English Channel, which will allow the divisions to cross. In extreme cases, the fleet must be ordered not to be repaired and the assignment should continue.

10. The capitulation of Britain. Capture of Iraq and Iran. We send all troops to the British Raj to end the war.

11. Raj capitulates, the war is over. You can make a bunch of puppets and beautifully divide the borders, and you can take everything for yourself (not everything, as the Italians also did something).There is a possibility of the United States entering the war (if it is a player). Then it will be necessary to rivet the occupation troops (cavalry divisions in the 3rd battalion and the support of the military police) to control the occupied territories. The United States itself, if they succeed in stopping, only in Britain, where they can also be suppressed by our aviation superiority.

12. On tricks during the war, and earlier you can gobble up more and Yugoslavia and add small things like Hungary to the alliance. In addition, after 1942 entry into the axis of Francoist Spain is possible, which is highly desirable for the capture of Gibraltar. If a player is sitting behind Spain, the matter is simplified. In addition, now it is worth eating all the little things around that still remained. Scandinavia, Switzerland and others. The fact is that this should not be done until the end of the war with the allies because then the peace treaty will be delayed. And each delay increases the chances of the USA entering the war and, accordingly, reducing our industrial potential for war with the USSR due to the fact that the territories will be under occupation. If you play against allied players and a US player, then it is better to fulfill this point early, even before the invasion of Britain, since the world will not be signed quickly anyway due to US intervention, and the extra small plants, even if they are occupied, are still needed .

13. The balance of power in the world is now on the side of the Axis. The supply of oil and rubber no longer interferes. Preparing for war with the USSR.

14. The war with the USSR, full control over the air, air landings to the rear, the capture of the Red Army in the ring, moving east, the surrender of the USSR. Against players, this method is too unethical and therefore should be fought in the usual way. Air superiority and tank strikes will be enough. Difficulties may arise on the Dnepr-Vitebsk-Zapadnaya Dvina line, since there one will have to either force wide rivers, or storm a narrow throat near Vitebsk, which can also be reinforced by a player. It is possible to break through such a line of defense through the north, from Norway and Sweden, from the south from Turkey and Iran. As well as amphibious assault troops in Leningrad, which will distract part of the forces of the Soviet army. If Japan has finished in China and it has the strength, let it attack the USSR from the east.

15. With the existing production facilities, it will not be a problem to create a more massive fleet than the United States, to catch up in the study of ships and maritime doctrine. Alternatively, use the former British territories in Canada as a springboard. Victory is guaranteed.
National tricks
Initially, you need to quickly develop the industry. Then make innovations in the army and devour Czechoslovakia.

1. Remilitarization of the Reiska Region - + 120 political authorities. Yes, and 5 army experience will not be superfluous.

2. The four-year plan - will give discounts on research in industry and Mine, which must be put after Hess and Bormann.

3. Autarky - bonuses for the speed of construction of key industrial facilities

4. Hermann Goering Werke - freebie factories

5. KdF-Wagen - likewise.

6. Add. cell for research - to accelerate the study of the necessary technologies.

7. Construction of Autobahn will provide infrastructure, which, in turn, will accelerate the construction of factories in these regions.

8. Anschluss - by this point we should already have enough troops. If not, it is worth prematurely deploy unfinished divzii.

9. German military economy - free switching economy and several military factories. The focus has requirements for tension, which will rise by now due to the Anschluss, Spain and the second Japan-China War.

10. Innovations in the Army - bonus to the doctrine and experience of the army

11. Treaty with the USSR - the first medium tanks first.

12. Require Sudetenland - extra plants and territories

13. The First Vienna Arbitration - we get nothing except for the small approval of Hungary.

14. The fate of Czechoslovakia - we annex the whole of Czechoslovakia. No puppets.

15. Innovations in Army II - more bonuses to the study of doctrine.

Further, according to the situation, it is possible to pump aviation, you can gobble up Yugoslavia, if given.

16. Innovations in Aviation II - free air bases + bonuses for the study of aviation doctrine.

17. Confirming claims to the eastern territories is a passing focus, basically, since there is almost nothing in Memele.

18. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - optional. Actually, mainly for multiplayer, as it gives Germany a respite from the war with the USSR in two years.

19. Danzig or War - it's time to start the second world. The war will begin more or less historically.

20. Bypassing the Maginot - by this time, because of our landing in all cities of France within reach, no Maginot line will possibly be bypassed and will not be necessary. But to eat Benelux does not hurt. Either we enter history and invade France through Belgium.

21. Operation Vezeryubung - war with Denmark and Norway. For the convenience of access to Norway, you can justify the war with Sweden and invade it through Copenhagen.

Further on the situation.
We are focusing on the study of aviation and airspace. Do not forget about the army. It is also important to develop the land doctrine of a war of maneuver along a branch of tanks as far as possible. Fleet postponed until better times.

1. Base Machines, Construction I, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. In the 4th slot we put a heavy fighter of the 1st generation Messerschmitt Bf-110. After studying mechanical computer electronics. After machine tools distributed industry. We choose this branch, since it is dispersed, although it will give a smaller volume of production, but it is more flexible in adapting to the replacement of the production of old models with new ones.

2. Investigate the land doctrine of a war of maneuver as soon as a free cell appears. It is advisable to study it as a background in order to have time to pump out almost everything by the beginning of the war. You should choose a branch of tanks, as they will be our main weapon of breakthrough, and a branch of the modern Blitzkrieg for even bigger bonuses to the troops, if human resources allow. Guderian and Innovations in Army I, II will help us in this. We also investigate support companies (preferably all), artillery and small arms. Along the way, it is necessary to examine the Airborne. If an extra cell appears, examine the air support aviadooctrine. The main thing here is to study everything about air superiority. In any case, we do not have time to go through the entire branch. Do not forget to glance at the industry and components. About it at all impossible to forget.

3. After focusing on the “Treaty with the USSR”, we’re exploring the Panzer III as soon as possible, since this can be done without a penalty for ahead of time. After him, we immediately take the average ACS.

4. By the end of 1938, it is necessary to deflate artillery and small arms so as to investigate the 39th samples quickly and without fines. Industry 39th can begin to explore even with a small fine (0.1-0.2).

5. By the beginning of the war I managed to deflate:

Machine tools, industry and construction in 1939.
Electronics, encryption and decryption in 1938, radio.
Air doctrine of air support (medium) to group combat inclusive.
The land doctrine of a maneuverable war to the Battle groups inclusive.
Artillery in 1939.
Medium tank and SAU 1939.
All companies support in 1936 except for the military police.
Airborne, MP38 and infantry support in 1938.
Government and decisions
3 The Reich is the only state in the game that can almost completely fill its cabinet of ministers by the middle of 1939. All thanks to the three sworn friends - Hitler, Hess and Borman.

In terms of decisions, it is important to follow the bills of Mefo. They need to be constantly updated, because only thanks to them will we be able to rebuild our gigantic military machine.

The first thing we put Hess, followed by Bormann. These two coupled with Hitler will give a big increase in political power per day, which compensates for the costs of the Mefo bill. After that, take the mine, which will open just after the focus "Four-Year Plan." This will accelerate the construction of factories.

Next, take Krupp (industrial research). Then we take Guderian (army experience and acceleration of land doctrine research, as well as increased division speed), then Keitel to accelerate the creation of divisions. When the construction of military factories begins, you need to change Hess to Funk.

After that, we take the research bonuses in the order that will help us quickly accomplish them: Mauser (small arms), Henschel (fast tanks), Messerschmitt (Fighters) and Blom and Foss (fleet invisibility). At some point, we may no longer have enough human resources to create new divisions. To solve the problem, we change the limited call to the extended call.

And finally, fill in the remaining bottom row. These will be Goering (aviation), Dönitz (fleet), Von Rundstedt (regrouping divisions), Rommel (bonus to tanks) and Schörner (bonus to infantry).

During the war, we change Bormann to Himmler to reduce the problem with the partisans in the occupied territories. In addition, you must replace Keitel with Von Brauchitsch, at least during the war with the Allies. Because the speed of divisions will be much more important than the speed of their creation.

In terms of decisions, it is not worth spending political power on increasing the popularity of the party or stability. Only after filling the whole cabinet of ministers can this be done.
After some tests, it was found that building factories still needed. Mainly, because with the increase in the number of military factories, the number of factories available for construction falls due to the restriction on consumer factories and the increasing demand for resources. Accordingly, the construction of new military plants is slowing down. Therefore, it is necessary to build a little bit of factories at the beginning of the game.

I recommend building factories right up to Anschluss. And after him, go to the military factories. I tried to build factories before the KdF-Wagen focus was completed, but by the beginning of World War II, I began to experience a shortage of factories, only about 20-25 were available for construction, which is too little. In addition, it is important to build factories in the provinces with the greatest infrastructure. After the construction of Autobahn, this is Brandenburg, Thuringia, Franconia and Hanover (although in the latter I do not build military factories, since the coastal check and it will be possible to build shipyards in the future)

After the Anschluss we build only military factories, prioritizing the provinces with a highly developed infrastructure. Plants should be built to fully meet the need for them. You will feel this moment, when all the divisions will be created, the planes will be enough in abundance and you will have the thought "Damn, where else would you cram new plants."

Just before the war, you should expand the airfields on the border with Franz so that they can accommodate your aviation delegations. In addition, oil refineries should be built to eliminate the shortage of oil during the war. To fully compensate for its shortage will not come out soon, but this is not the main thing. Enough to have oil for the production of tanks and self-propelled guns.

After the beginning of the war, the problem of broken buildings in the occupied territories will begin, which will be constantly broken by the partisans. In order for your factories not to be tied up in an endless cycle of repair, but to work on the development of Germany further, the following steps should be taken:
1. Put in the government of Himmler
2. To rivet the anti-partisan divisions (cavalry of the 3rd battalion + military police) and, gathering them into separate armies, give the order to engage the region with the priority to suppress unrest. It is advisable to set them low supply priority in the template.
3. To cut a continuous focus on repairing buildings, which allows you to quickly repair everything that was broken without the waste of factories.
4. Switch occupation to a softer one in the management of the occupied territories.
For a start, let's deal with the shipyards. Personally, I cancel the construction of the battleships, finish the heavy cruiser and the destroyer, and then send all the shipyards to create convoys and submarines, 5 shipyards per line. You can, of course, pervert and start building a fleet, but it will not be particularly needed.

Now about the military factories. It should prioritize the production of small arms and fighters, not forgetting about artillery and add. equipment. We do not spend money on light tanks, since we will completely replace them with medium ones before the start of the war. But one factory to provide the existing divisions that will fight in Spain is worth leaving.

Starting distribution of plants:

Infantry equipment 10
Add. equipment 3
Artillery 3
Motor transport 2
Light tank 1
Fighter 5
Stormtrooper 1
Marine Bomber Jacket 1
Tactical Bomber Jacket 1
Transport aircraft 1

After the invention of heavy fighters, we give one factory away from the machines for a novelty.

When distributing new plants, one should be guided by two principles - to increase the production of what is needed by new divisions and to reduce the production of what is not needed. For example, at the beginning of the party it makes sense to increase the production of infantry equipment to 15 factories in order to quickly create enough infantry divisions for the Anschluss. But then the need for such a quantity of weapons will disappear and then you need to redirect the extra factories to airplanes and artillery, for example.
It should also be remembered that with the change of patterns will increase the need for certain weapons. For example, after replacing one artillery support with two artillery guns in an infantry division, artillery consumption will increase 6 times. Thus, for the beginning of the war, only one infantry will need to rivet 5040 artillery.

When it becomes clear that the troops have enough military plants, it is necessary to increase the production of aircraft. First, we put 5 factories on heavy fighters, then 10 on ordinary ones, then on 5 for each type. Another important point with airplanes is the volunteer wing in Spain, which is stuffing aviation experience in huge quantities. It is necessary to improve the fighters on all available points and rivet already improved versions. Personally, I also had a little enough to attack aircraft. Improvements should compensate for the deterioration in reliability so that it does not fall.

After the invention of medium tanks and medium ACS, efforts should be redirected to their production. Time will be running out - about a year, and the amount of equipment required by the troops is enormous. I barely had time, exposing 40 factories to tanks and 20 factories to ACS.
Also, if possible, you need to increase the production of fighters to 15 plants.

The approximate distribution of plants to the beginning of the war:

Infantry equipment 5
Add. equipment 1 (since it was already sticking over what was needed while there were 5-10-15 plants)
Artillery 5
15 vehicles (of which the plants can already be cleaned, as it was enough to be hardened, and trucks are made quickly.)
Medium tank 40
Average ACS 20
Fighter 15
Assault 5
Sea Bomber Jacket 5
Heavy Fighter 5
Tactical Bomber Jacket 5
Transport aircraft 3
Creating divisions
Our goal is to create 5 full-fledged armies in 24 divisions, 14 infantry, 6 motorized rifle and 4 tank divisions in each army. Thus, we need 70 infantry, 30 motorized rifle and 20 tank divisions by the beginning of the war.
The ratio of divisions is not taken from the ceiling. Infantry divisions - the main force holding the front. Tank divisions are the main weapon for breaking through fronts. The riflemen rush after the tanks, taking a breakthrough before the approach of the infantry and penetrating into the empty cells before the approach of the enemies. Of course, the army can be organized as you please, but my way simplifies the management of troops, because such an army is universal. Maybe keep the defense and advance.

Patterns should not be changed at the beginning of the party, but closer to the war. Infantry pattern can be changed immediately after the Anschluss. Motorized rifle - how will the opportunity. Tank - after the invention of medium tanks and SAU.

From the start, we switch the priority of rearmament to low, replenishment to medium and in new divisions to high. Thus, all new equipment will go to new divisions and they will be created faster. We put 22 lines of infantry divisions of 2 pieces. 22 - the maximum number of simultaneously created divisions. After the Anschluss we put motorized riflemen 9 lines of 3 pieces each. We also transform our and Austrian konyashek into motorized infantry. After the invention of medium tanks and self-propelled guns, changing the template, we immediately put 17 tank divisions riveted at the same time. They have time for the beginning of the war. In extreme cases, they need to be deployed under-trained. Closer to the war, you also need to create more Airborne Divisions, but because of the restrictions, only about 10 units will be made, depending on the number of battalions used.

And now the most delicious: templates.
The key parameter of each template is the front width. This is an indicator that determines the number of divisions that are simultaneously in the same battle on the same sector of the front. The base width of the front of one cell is 60. If you attack it from several sides, the width will increase by 20 for each side. Accordingly, the difference in even 1 unit of front width is enormous. 3 divisions with a front width of 20, or 2 divisions with a front width of 21 will fit into one normal battle. At the current time, meta - divisions are 40 wide. 20kami because in one sector it is far from always having 4 20kc, which, because of the indicator of the initiative, cannot yet all enter the battle. But personally, I use templates with a width of 20, because I’m so used to it and it’s more convenient for me. 20s are more versatile.

1. Infantry Division:

This pattern is most often used by players and is called "7/2". This is a balanced infantry division, which is well defended and well coming. It does not hold tanks until the invention of the technology of infantry weapons PT, but it is not so important. With tanks will fight tanks. And together with air superiority, the situation is even better.
In support of any division, including infantry, there must always be a company of engineers and a company of intelligence. Engineers allow you to better strengthen and, accordingly, it is better to keep the defense. And they also allow you to quickly overcome the difficult landscape - swamps, rivers, and more. Intelligence increases the chance that your commander will choose tactics better than the enemy and, accordingly, will fight more effectively, increasing the chances of winning the battle. In addition, it slightly increases the "review" of enemy divisions and you can see who is fighting against you.
In the German template, I also use the hospital to save human resources, since Germany does not have much to do with them. You can add a company to ensure that troops spend less supplies, but this is optional.

2. Motorized Rifle Division:

We are hammering cars up to a width of 20. If we attach an ACS, the speed of the division drops, which is bad because speed is the most important for motorized infantry. The rich in mid and leith game can begin to rivet armored personnel carriers and replace all motorized infantry with mechanized ones, but then the speed will drop, although the combat performance will seriously increase.
In the support of hanging artillery for improved combat infantry. It is also worth adding a hospital as soon as experience appears and, optionally, a support company.

3. Panzer Division:

An important point - the speed of light and medium tanks is the same. Lungs are less effective, but also easier to manufacture. Heavy tanks do not recommend to use until Leith Game. Personally, I do not use them for Germany in general. Because they are needed for defense and breakthrough fortifications. They are too slow and, more importantly, too expensive to produce. About super heavy tanks keep silence. After the middle I turn to MBT.
4 tanks - the main force of breakthrough divisions. 2 SAUs provide a high rate of anti-personnel attack. And 3 motorized infantry needed to increase the rate of organization. Without it, such a division does not hold a defense at all and quickly collapses.
In addition to compulsory engineers and intelligence, a support company and a maintenance company must be in support. A communications company increases initiative — the likelihood of engagement first. Roughly speaking, the higher the initiative, the faster the division breaks into battle, while others "pass" it. Since the tanks should be on the point of attack, this is an important point. A repair company allows you to save precious tanks to burn less. And she also allows you to collect trophies from the battlefield, which also will not be superfluous.
I also left the support of artillery, it will not be superfluous. But, of course, it can be replaced by a supply company.
Distribution of forces
Before the war, advance the forces on the fronts and assign orders. I give an example of my organization of the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarine:

Divisions distributed to the army of 24 each. By the beginning of the war goes 5 full armies. The generals should put the most pumped comrades with a bonus on tanks. All 5 armies are assembled into the same army group, where I personally appoint Von Kluge. I am building 3 armies on the borders of Poland from Germany and one more in East Prussia. they were given orders to attack on the territory of Poland. The last army is built on the border of France and does nothing. 6th Army consists of airborne divisions. She stands at the airbase in Württemberg. These divisions were issued orders to land in all the reachable cities of France. I am sending more divisions to Paris. Thus, France capitulates in the first days of the war, if everything goes according to plan. Also from the Austrian divisions and the mountain rifle divisions, you can create an Africa corps, changing their division templates. This army will go, actually, to Africa.

The most convenient way to operate special air groups. Each air group has 5 wings of types of combat aircraft. By the beginning of the war, 500 fighters, 100 heavy fighters, 200 tactical bombers, 200 attack aircraft, 150 naval bombers in the air group were deployed. In total 4 such groups are formed. Two on the eastern front bombed Poland, two on the west bombed France. After the fall of Poland and France, the groups shifted around the English Channel and bombed the British archipelago. I send transport airplanes to one wing, which is located at the air base from which the paratroopers start.

Submarines are divided into groups of 2 pieces and distributed over the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, based in Europe and in Italian Africa (if Italy is allied, of course). They are issued an order for the destruction of convoys. If you push more boats, they will be easier to see and they will most likely be simply destroyed on the spot.
The rest of the fleet is going to one group, which, in which case, will try to take the English Channel for a while.
What NOT to do
In this section, I will list some errors that can be made by inexperienced or not familiar with some features of the game players.

1. Do not raise world tensions too much with your aggressive actions. Taking into account the Japanese-Chinese war, it will be at a high enough level anyway.
Why not? Because the USA, Great Britain and some other countries have tricks that untie their hands, which become available when they reach a certain level of tension. For the USA it is 40%, for the UK it is 50%. After 40% of the United States will be able to change its economy for a civilian, and then through political power for partial mobilization. And the entire huge mass of American factories will not make burgers, but build military factories. About 6-7 at a time. And the United Kingdom, after 50%, will pass the law on conscription, which will remove the restrictions on the size of the troops and will be able to create divisions like any other country.

2. Do not send unprepared fleet outside the Baltic. This will end with the whole of it resting on the bottom of the English Channel. One day look at the size of the bot bot fleet of Germany in the 40th. The same will happen to you if you act carelessly at sea.

3. No need to declare war on the USSR until the British threat is neutralized. Hitler has already made this mistake in our universe, do not repeat it. In general, the war against the USSR should be carefully prepared. Especially against an experienced player. Too delay, however, is also not worth it, because the pace of development of the USSR is higher than ours. Air superiority and a second front in Scandinavia can play a decisive role.

4. Do not send troops through the uncontrolled English Channel in a crowd. I think it's clear why. It is fraught with the loss of an entire army in the waters of the strait.

Perhaps there are some other points worth considering.
I will make a brief squeeze of all of the above.

1. We build a few factories, then we rivet massively military plants with the help of buffs from the government and Mefo bills;
3. Research, foci and production should be built in the best possible way in the best possible manner, taking into account even the smallest detail;
4. Airborne - universal exit from stalemate situations;
5. The victory over Britain as soon as possible - the key to world domination.

This guide will be further refined.
Write in the comments your thoughts about this guide.
Jimmy 9 Mar, 2020 @ 1:06am 

That happened in real life, except it was a portion of the Wehrmacht and the conspirators wanted Erwin Rommel to lead Germany.
GrilledTurnip 6 Mar, 2020 @ 11:42am 
░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
VeCo359 28 Feb, 2020 @ 9:53am 
Can someone made guide for alt history Germany where German army rid Hitler and try to back Kaiser Wilihem and then conquer world?
MrDrEggward 11 May, 2019 @ 11:52pm 
Wrong, the right ships for the fleet is 10 Battleships, 4 Carriers, 3 Battlecruisers, 20 Heavy Cruisers, 20 Light Cruisers, 100 Destroyers, and 300 Submarines (ITS A JOKE)
Bammers 16 Oct, 2018 @ 7:04am 
what does ACS and SAU mean?
☦Vladislavskii☦  [author] 15 Oct, 2018 @ 12:51pm 
@Bammers, self-propelled battalion is in the second division (as I recall)
Bammers 15 Oct, 2018 @ 10:20am 
fantastic guide. ONE question: how do you get the self-propelled batalion in the tank division template? How do I unlock this tech?
巧克力 14 Oct, 2018 @ 9:53pm 
It is a great guide.Thenk you big boss:steamhappy:
Jean Lannes 14 Oct, 2018 @ 1:00pm 
very ell explained tutorail, i'm trying it right now
Jimogwa 12 Oct, 2018 @ 2:56pm 
Just my personal opinions here (me being a multiplayer only guy) but there are a few things I would like to argue against:

1. You shouldn't send your light tank divisions to aid in the spanish civil war. While the way you advise sending planes is fine and all, german starting light tanks are 12 width garbage, infantry does more against spain.
2. Slamming world tension is fine in singeplayer, especially if you want to grab a country like poland or sweden at the start. In multiplayer it's just common sense
3. Paratroopers are hot garbage. They can be effective against the French AI due to it's incompetence, but against enemies such as the USSR and Britain based on the way paratroopers work you're essentially thowing away men and planes.