Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

106 ratings
By Mase
Counter-Strike seems to be the most flooded game when it gets down to "wannabes", "pro players" and other guys who really think they know how to do it. You are not one of them? Great for you because then you are still able to learn something from the start. CS, in all versions, seem to be a pretty simple game but it is not! Really! It IS NOT! Once you understood the most important things about gameplay, how to react to and on various situations and playing with your team (even when you are on solo matchmaking) it gets down to the "real Counter-Strike".

Have fun with the guide...
1st - You suck! And I'm going to tell you why!
Alright... let's start with the following:

  • You suck!
  • I suck!

All those guys out there who think they rule... they suck!

Why is that so?

The answer is simple: We are all not professional players! Those guys are the only ones who would have the right to call themselves "great" or "excellent" in CS. If you are playing CS vs. professional players and win you are considered "good" but not "god" and if you are on rank "Legendary Eagle Master" you are still not a great player... you are just better than some others.

The biggest problem most players have is havin an attitude which is just not helping them to reach the next level of CS. For reaching the next level you have to accept that what others can do is minimum the same level of yours. That's why you should manner up and instead of calling your enemy a "lucker" or consider him or even her for cheating is accepting that he/she could be better than you are. Sure... it's really drivin crazy when you play against someone who is headshotting you all the time but there is a simple rule for that case: change your playstyle/position.

There are players out there who just outplay you by their playstyle... by handling situations different than you do or handling situations just in the way which is the perfect counterplay for your playstyle. You can compare it to football. The only way to beat great teams is to be well prepared and to adept to their tactic. You won't win against great teams if you keep believing that your style is just the best because it isn't. There is no "best" playstyle... just a playstyle fitting quite good against a certain kind of enemy and so the best way to defeat any kind of enemy is adepting to playstyles.

Once you accepted and understood that fact you will be able to reach other levels. But don't think there is a XP bar filling up with every guy you take out. Gettin better on CS depends on how many versions of playstyle-changes you have in your pocket to react and that means you have to research and practice a lot. Sometimes you just choose the wrong one because your enemy is adepting better and so you get outplayed while you thinking of outplaying the enemy. That's the way CS is since so many years and even with CS:GO that fact hasn't change a bit.

The only thing that has changed is the amount of variable playstyles out there. Weapons, grens, recoil have changed and so have the players. They had to adept... and the new ones? Well...

You meet many kinds of enemies nowadays but I think the really, special kind of new player is the "I just do the headshots!"

It's kinda sad that it works so well but CS has become a more casual game in the flood of various great shooter alternatives. Valve had to do something and they did quite good... not great... but they did quite good. Relying on aim isn't a bad thing. There are lots of situations in which you just HAVE TO rely on your aim and I'm not trying to tell you that it's always wrong to do it but it's wrong always trying to do - and exactly that's the point where good is seperated from great.

So let's end that part of theory with something else said:
If you are already on a level you developed your own multi-fitting playstyle... this guide is totally the wrong place for you. You won't learn anything new, you won't learn anything kicking yourself forward (maybe some hints but those won't be that important).

This guide won't rely on certain grenades, it won't show you some great recoil vids and it certainly won't show any great tactic interpretations.

I don't wanna teach anyone anything I like or what I think is best. I wan't to teach you how to find your own playstyle, your positions and your own way to play because you won't become a good player if you try to be like get_right or f0rest... because you are not get_right... or f0rest...

I will add content from time to time so feel free to fav. it if you want to. I really can't tell when it's gonna be because I have a ten months old kid who wants to get entertained sometimes. I'm looking forward reading your comments and suggestions. See you in MM

sincerly, Mase
2nd - What kind of player am I?
To answer that question you first have to ask yourself some questions:

  • Rifle or Sniper
  • Active or passive playstyle
  • lead singer or bass?
  • call or listen?

Those may be not all of the question you have to think about but I think they are the mist important ones to define some roles of yours.

Rifle or Sniper
It is one of the first questions you think about in the first buyround. "Should I buy an AWP or Rifle?" If you really wanna play the AWP you shoulder a lot of responsibility. That thing in your hand during that round is more than just a one-hit-kill-machine. It's scary, playstylechanging, roundbraking. A good AWP player CAN define how the round will be played and on which spot to put the focus on.
That might sound pretty phylosophical to some of you but you really have to put it on that level.

Think about yourself... you won't enter a 1vs1 battle against a good AWP just because you think you will do the frag. You have to think about repositioning, timing etc.

So if you play the AWP you are not automaticly the fragger because it just won't fit your role.

Beside that fact... are you even able to play the AWP-role? I am a terrible AWP player btw. But I know that. The only reason why I play the AWP is to train it in case I HAVE TO play the AWP.

Active or passive playstyle

This question is answered pretty fast by explaining what it means. Are you able to wait for what the enemy is going to do or do you want to make the first step?

The difference is huge and is quite comparable to "lead singer or bass". That's why...

Lead singer or bass?
I'm going to answer it right here.

An active player wants to set an impact to the round. It surely depends on what the caller is telling you to do but there are lots of differences how to handle those roles and how to react to those roles when you already have too many active or passive players in your team. I think it makes sense when I tell you that just one off-pushing mate on CT side is useful as HIV.

So... are you able to hold your position or as T being able to wait for the right moment to do X or Y? If you are the more brained player (not depending on your intelligence) then you def. are the more defensive player. That leads to the next question: Lead singer or bass?

Map: dust2
Side: T-Side

You already found out that CTs are playin 3 on A, 1 mid, 1 B and B is covered from the outside (in front of doors or hole). You are in upper dark, waiting for calls, orders etc. A mate is able to take the frag mid. CTs will surely react now. There are two pretty certain ways for the B player (who is the only one who really is important for you right now). He could push into B or even upper dark to get position advantage OR (and that's the more likely behaviour of players) he will step to mid for a few secs until his mate from A takes mid-position at CT base. Those secs... those 3 to 4 secs MAXIMUM are your momentum to decide if you leave upper dark for joining up with your mates at mid OR push the b spot to give your mates some time for building up a GO for A.

If you are the lead singer you would have chosen pushing B, the bass would support his mates directly by joining them. Being the lead singer def. is more fun and challenging but if you fail the situation is 4on4 again and a retake success gets a higher percentage of success. Being the bass is ingrate... you would do the most promising move for getting the round but the heroes will be the fraggers, although your move secured the round and made it more safe.

Examine yourself in the next games and try to discover what your head and feeling tells you in such momentums because they are round- and sometimes gamechanging.

Call or listen?

I know... MM doesn't really have to do anything with realy, compet. CS but there are games when you have that one guy calling out the strats you sit there thinking: "Should I really trust that guy?!"

I'd say in 80% of games in which you have such a guy... YES, you should! Having a strat caller on a mid-class skill level helps you focusing on doin frags. (In case your mates aren't dumb as ♥♥♥♥ and think they are gods... look at "1st...") If you wanna be such a guy... JUST...DO...IT! It really is the Nike-way that has to be chosen here because without train you won't get a good caller and there is no caller out there who was a great one from the start.

If you don't want to give orders it can be helpful to ask the team what they wanna do, just for the information given to all the others on your team. If you know what three guys of your team are planning to do, it's a lot easier for you to decide how to help that round going to your side.

And if you have a strat caller... give him information... if he is good he will be able to integrate it into his plans.
3rd - To Bot or not to Bot

Just to rethink the steps before... you now know what playstyle you prefer and which role it fits best.
Not it's time to talk about a lot what's happening directly ingame.

You always will encounter 4 different mates with 4 different speed playing as Terror.

That's why you always need to adjust your own speed to the ones of your mates. I personally prefer just having the balls or the "botty" playstyle in some situations. I just can't stand waiting till 30secs to execute whatever is planned. I like it to keep the speed up, fast paced frag encountering.

Even sometimes in premade... I die alone because of this. That's freaking bad actually and I'm not reflected enough in those situations to notice that in the first place. Eventhough I really think that the meta of CS:GO nowadays (on rank around LEM) is just too slow.

I won't change the whole meta just by saying that but I really think that players overall are just able to handle too few things and they don't use the possibilities of cs:go tactics to the fullest.

The thing is... the player on EM/LEM and even the guys lower than that, try to play the same CS as the pros do because they see it on streams and try to immitate the meta but that just doesn't work.

It's the same thing with driving. You can't drive like Vettel because you don't have the "power" to do it. Your lack of skill is in your way beside the fact you just don't have the right car for driving like him. Same is for trying to play like pro players.

You won't adept the meta perfectly and your (sometimes) random mates won't as well. So...

What to do...

I know... it sounds totally crazy... but if your mates are worth it... adept! Talk with them! Don't push them into being your perfect mates because you won't do anything without them... you won't carry the game by yourself, because that's what counter-strike is all about... btw.. ♥♥♥♥ you smurfers... -_-

I really will go into psycho detail ♥♥♥♥ in the next parts... so... puh... that will be interesting.. :D
Thank you
hELL 23 Feb, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
yepp, pretty much on point.
Filip 4 Jan, 2016 @ 10:01am 
JigSaw FPP Only !!! 11 Dec, 2015 @ 1:27pm 
richtig nice
M4ZE/\/ 2 Nov, 2015 @ 11:33am 
Mase muss es wissen ! <3
DON R. WETTER 21 Oct, 2015 @ 12:46pm 
Sehr schön geschrieben, Mase :)
Scoronay 28 Jul, 2015 @ 8:07am 
ty for the guide :)
B. Wiggs 22 Jul, 2015 @ 4:02pm 
When it comes to shooters, everyone wants that 1-Up over each other. Maintaining an ego or moment over another is what is considered skill when in actuality, it's just their mouths talking nonsense, to primarily themselves, in hopes of having someone talk back to them. Play the game, to play the game, not to tear someone down who is trying to play it but constantly has to hear you talk down every encounter. It's overbearing and insulting to those who enjoy playing the game, and who play it honestly.
Henry Gantt 27 Jan, 2014 @ 10:52pm 
This sucks i am pro because i did a 360 quickshot on Barrage map and got a headshot
★ MASHINKA STEELSERIES★ 27 Jan, 2014 @ 1:35pm 
johnny 27 Jan, 2014 @ 11:19am 