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[WOTC] Iridar's Autopistol Overhaul
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15 Sep, 2018 @ 4:00pm
30 Jun, 2023 @ 6:36pm
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[WOTC] Iridar's Autopistol Overhaul

In the base game, Autopistols are absolutely identical to normal Pistols, and it always seemed to me like a missed opportunity to add more diversity in soldier loadouts and give more options to the commander. This mod does a lot of things at once:

1) Changes Autopistols' stats:
  • Minimum damage is increased by 1 point. E.g. what was 2-3 now becomes 3-3.
  • Critical chance is increased by 15.
  • Changes range aim bonus table slightly. Range aim bonuses are stronger up close, but penalties at long range are also stronger and happen earlier.
  • Autopistols now have negative armor piercing, meaning that against armored opponents they will deal 1 less damage than they normally would. As always, hits will still deal at least 1 damage.
2) Any class that can equip pistols as a primary or secondary weapon will be able to equip autopistols as well, and vice versa. Except for Akimbo.[/b].

3) Makes conventional Autopistols available from campaign start. Normally you would have to recruit a Templar first. Upgrading Pistols in Engineering will upgrade Autopistols as well, Autopistol upgrade schematic is removed.

4) Adds proper Autopistol animations for non-Templar classes, including a custom-made Fan Fire animation, and makes Fan Fire a possible AWC perk for Templars.

5) Adds weapon Upgrade Slots and makes weapon upgrades actually visible.


I have purposefully made this mod highly configurable, and you can disable, enable or tweak almost any aspect at will.

You can change autopistol stats, or keep them same as in the base game. You can also add additional abilities to autopistols, should you want to.

Note that configuration values for Autopistol magazine size do not actually work. Magazine Size for Primary Secondaries should be configured in Primary Secondaries itself.


Highlander is required.


Compatible with Primary Secondaries and RPG Overhaul out of the box.

The primary versions of Autopistols that are added by Primary Secondaries are actually separate weapons, so if you want, you can disable Autopistol Rebalance's effects on them.

Note that RPG Overhaul does a similar thing by itself; it changes Autopistol range table and adds crit chance. If you use Autopistol Rebalance, it will override and replace RPG Overhaul's changes. At least that's how it looked from my tests.

Compatible with Three Tier Cosmetic Weapons.

The base game's autopistol animations are made specifically for Templars, and they are different from animations used by normal pistols, since Templars don't have to hold their primary weapon in the left hand while firing their sidearm.

This mod replaces certain animations with a mix of pistol animations and my own animations. Soldiers that use templar animations do not require this, so soldiers that have a templar gauntlet or a sword in their primary weapon slot will be ignored.

All of this is configurable to maximize compatibility with other mods.


Thanks to Team CX for a warm place to call home.

Please support me on Patreon[www.patreon.com] if you require tech support, have a suggestion for a feature, or simply wish to help me create more awesome mods.
Popular Discussions View All (4)
16 Sep, 2018 @ 3:39pm
I thought autopistols are for templars.
11 May, 2020 @ 9:01pm
Kevin from HP Customer Service
19 Apr, 2024 @ 5:40am
INI Settings for Five-Tier Weapons
That1Gamer 23 Feb @ 1:47am 
how can I add the reaction shot ability to this? I know where the ini is but i just need the code
Iridar  [author] 26 Jan @ 4:35am 
No, that fix has been integrated into Highlander.
Ironmonk 26 Jan @ 4:33am 
Is "[WotC] Weapon Fixes" still needed for this mod?
J. Kraugel 24 Nov, 2024 @ 11:11am 
@Lyserus Use faction heroes sitrep instead of resistance heroes incursion as it is more compatible with most mods.
Lebowskichild 23 Nov, 2024 @ 11:59am 
Ironmonk 25 Aug, 2021 @ 8:03am
Same problem here... and if you both are using Covert Infiltration, then that is the problem.

Starting a new game with CI (and dependencies) deactivated, the modded autopistol stats worked.

So, I guess we need either native support or a compatibility patch for both mods to work.

Could anyone confirm that Covert Infiltration conflicts with this mod? I can't see where CI or any of it's dependencies alter the Autopistol's stats. Only the individual build.
Iridar  [author] 24 Sep, 2024 @ 2:18pm 
I don't think so
Lyserus 24 Sep, 2024 @ 2:16pm 
You wouldn't believe :steamfacepalm: for some reason this mod "Resistance Heroes Incursion Sitrep" caused the issue, I run it with vanilla (only PrimarySecondary and prereqs) and my full mod list, as long as this mod is active, the primary autopistol is gone.

Removing this mod has made the primary autopistol shown on new test saves, but still my old save that started before having this mod still won't have it, is there some technology/breakthrough that I can give myself via console?
Iridar  [author] 24 Sep, 2024 @ 11:06am 
> I wonder is that a problem with Primary secondaries mod itself?
Most likely.
Lyserus 24 Sep, 2024 @ 9:52am 
Hmm now looking at it I don't think I ever seen autopistol as a primary weapon in the primary slot, even the "unable to use" kind.
I wonder is that a problem with Primary secondaries mod itself?
Lyserus 24 Sep, 2024 @ 6:59am 
Hi Iridar, thanks for the mod and love the concept!

One little thing tho, I have a mod class that has primary pistol only (Hactivist, primary pistol and secondary gremlin)

This mod doesn't seem to add primary autopistol for this class automatically (other classes with secondary pistol have the secondary autopistol just fine)

I wanted to add the primary autopistol myself, but using "autopistol" or "sidearm" for the primary slot didn't seem to do anything, did I do something wrong?